The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

"There are only ten people with special abilities, and one of them is a treasure that Xiao Liu dug for us. That brat Liu Wentao has only been in Jiu'an for less than a month, and he has already met two beautiful women?"

An operator who took off his helmet lit a cigarette, took a puff with enjoyment, and looked at the group of people who were gathered separately.

Another female operator seemed to be a little unstable. If Qin Yue looked here, she would immediately find that this woman was Tian Jing from Liu Wentao's team.

"Don't be so talkative, take good care of every companion, especially the people with special abilities."

"That girl named Qin Yue..."

Tian Jing stood up straight, looking at the calm girl who seemed a little short and young in the crowd with some surprise.

"Have you seen Liu Wentao's combat record?"

"She is very strong... her potential seems to be extraordinary."

The operator next to him exhaled a puff of smoke and squinted his eyes and said: "She is very strong, and she seems to be able to handle the incident with ease... If I didn't know that she was the newcomer we guided that day, I would even think she was a veteran operator."

"Fighting weirdness is no joke, let alone a young girl. From the day she filled out the employment form, I felt that this girl was not simple."

The operator lowered his head, looked through the data on the background of the mobile phone, and called up Qin Yue's information.

First, a half-length photo.

It was a photo taken by Qin Yue in front of the gray wall at home.

The girl in the photo showed a very reluctant smile, her dark eyes and soft and well-groomed hair looked meticulous, and her fair skin looked clean.

["Liufeng" Qin Yue. ]

Although the information shows that she is still in the process of joining.

But the combat merit column has already shown the combat merit of the ultra-small team dealing with "threat-level obsession-type weirdness".

It is really surprising.

Next is the only description of the newcomer that has been analyzed separately.

This operator has strong combat ability and extremely strong rationality. His ability is a highly destructive wind field gas, which is secretive and obscure and difficult to detect.

Physical strength: extremely strong (compared to people of the same level)

Evaluation: A calm and powerful warrior with strong collaborative combat ability and no obvious weaknesses.

Note: This operator still has enough rationality under the test of the burner.

[The rationality and potential of the extraordinary are partially linked. The superior attaches great importance to this operator with great potential. Please protect her. ]

This operator crossed Qin Yue's file until the last newly added file.

["Strong Luck" Tang Shiya]


[No information]

[Key protection, the motherland needs this kind of power. ]

He spread his hands.

"Oh, this is a big trouble."

"Are the people of Jiu'an so scary? Although there are only ten people, there are two great people."

"One is so powerful that he can probably get a permanent job directly, and the other looks very awesome."

Tian Jing lowered her eyes, "Don't complain, they are our team members from now on, and they are our shoulders."

"Take good care of everyone, Li Shijie."

"The ability users are rare and powerful strategic forces, and the enhancers are just superhumans who are stronger than ordinary people."

"But there is no noble or humble among the extraordinary people... and no noble or humble is allowed."

"The extraordinary people are a group and complementary warriors."

"When all the enhancers sacrifice themselves, the ability users will burn their last firewood."


Qin Yue is close to Tang Shiya, surrounded by eight men with different complexions. The oldest is about sixty years old. Although he is old, you can still see the sharp light in his eyes.

The youngest... is Qin Yue's young appearance.

"Ability user..."

Qin Yue looked at a man beside him obscurely. If it weren't for the blessing of extraordinary perception, he would easily overlook him... Just like Ma Jun's ability. But it is likely to be a negative cost.


A calm young man who looked over 25 years old came over, and the black decoration on his body indicated his identity.

"I am Li Shijie, your guide."

"In the next period of time, I will train you to become a qualified extraordinary operator."

"Let me tell you two things first, one is good and the other is bad."

"The good thing is that 50,000 new dollars have been deposited into the account you submitted. This is your internship salary."

"The bad thing is that if someone wants to run, it will violate the treaty, be blacklisted by your government, and even lose citizenship.

. "

"Let me make it clear first. After signing the treaty, although you are free... you cannot have any small tricks or small ideas."


"That's it."

"Your other guide is Ms. Tian Jing. She is unwell and cannot meet for the time being. "

Li Shijie narrowed his dim eyes, lit a cigarette, and smoked it with enjoyment.

He looked at the people standing there, opened the cigarette box, and gave a cigarette to everyone except Qin Yue.


"Bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

The bullets were fired quickly, hitting the bull's eye at different distances accurately and perfectly.

Qin Yue raised her pistol, shooting quickly and accurately. As the pistol ran out of bullets, she slowly put down the pistol.

There were fewer bad looks of contempt and aggression around, and everyone looked at the target position accurately hit on the bull's eye in the distance with an unbelievable look.

Li Shijie looked at the girl with a gun in surprise, lowered his head, and quickly scored an excellent in the firearms proficiency of the initial test of the operator's ability in the background.

"It's my turn. "

Tang Shiya picked up the pistol with a smile, loaded it skillfully, and fired it casually with one hand without even aiming.

The bullets flew out randomly and randomly, but magically hit every target. The accurate and effortless shooting made everyone a little scared.

Especially the person who failed the shooting test, who was deeply suspicious at this moment.

"Tang Shiya, you can't use your ability to cheat..."

Li Shijie continued.

Qin Yue looked at Tang Shiya's body. She knew very well that this woman had no ability... She was actually a real wild gun master.

"Comrades, we will formulate the best plan based on your strengths and blanks. Perform well and show your best side. "

Li Shijie registered the firearms proficiency scores of all operators in the background, and looked at the two ladies in the team with some admiration, especially the expressionless Qin Yue.

"If everyone performs well today..."

"I can let everyone meet some guys they want to meet. Let me keep you in suspense for now. The next step is the physical fitness test. We have occupied the venue for long enough. If we wait any longer, the bastards over there will beat me up."

Li Shijie pointed to a Shengping operator who was surrounded by a large group of people.

When the operator saw Li Shijie, he gave a middle finger... Obviously, the waiting time was too long, and only ten people wasted too much time...

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