The young man was beaten to death.

Firearms proficiency: Excellent

Physical endurance: Excellent

Conditional reflexes: Excellent

Strength: []

Li Shijie's face twitched as he entered information on the form on his phone.


Qin Yue retracted her fist and looked at the building materials that she had smashed to pieces.

Blowing up ordinary-grade testing equipment... meant that her strength had surpassed that of a junior operator.

Surrounded by exclamations of emotion and surprise.

Everyone looked at this young and thin girl, whose small body actually contained such a powerful force...

Although the ability user's body was weaker than that of the enhancer, it was also considered an existence beyond humans.

With Qin Yue as an insurmountable obstacle, the next few uncles all put all their efforts into smashing the building materials. Their red faces and bulging veins on their necks looked funny.

Tang Shiya pinched Qin Yue's arm in disbelief, pulled up her sleeves, and carefully stroked the girl's delicate and fragile arms.

"Are you a humanoid Tyrannosaurus?"


"Wow... God, I said something was wrong that day."

Tang Shiya recalled the twisted dagger that day, and said with some fear: "If that knife was hard enough, I guess you would have killed me!"

"Is there any water? Give me a sip."

Qin Yue loosened his bones, took the water bottle provided by the Measures Bureau in Tang Shiya's hand, stood in the least visible place, and watched Tang Shiya and others test one by one.

During this tedious testing time.

Qin Yue's performance was very eye-catching, especially the conditioned reflex that was like instinct.

Li Shijie saw it clearly. This beautiful girl almost instantly caught all the falling speedometers.

... She had a strength beyond that of the same-level enhancers, and she seemed to be in a state of ease, not exerting her full strength.

"Oh my God, Liu Wentao... Where did you know this monster?"


"Fuck! How come I only have this little score?"

The teasing voices of the crowd and the laughter of Tang Shiya came.

Li Shijie looked at the beautiful girl among the group of newcomers. Everyone was having an entertaining contest of strength, but Qin Yue was standing alone in the distance, watching quietly.

Li Shijie walked slowly and greeted Qin Yue.

"Your physical fitness is great. As a capable person, you are already one of the best."

Qin Yue did not speak. Although she did not reach the true strength of this body, she always remembered that this was the enhanced transformation given by "Mother", which was a strange power.

"You're so kind."

"I've seen your combat record. You've done really well..."

"If you don't want to start from the lowest level of an ordinary operator team, you can choose to join our big team directly. Of course, basic tests and training still need to be done. Everyone has some blind spots."

Qin Yue recalled this face. This seemingly careless man was also the operator who tested him that day.

Then the big team he was talking about was the team under the captain of the guard.

"If a person is too powerful, there will be fewer troubles... and accordingly, there will be fewer friends."

Li Shijie looked at the laughing crowd and said this ambiguous sentence.

"Qin Yue... water."

Tang Shiya ran over and took the water Qin Yue handed over.

Unscrew the bottle cap, put his mouth directly to it in front of Qin Yue, without any taboo, and drank the remaining water in one breath.

Li Shijie lit a cigarette, smiled and said: "Okay... It's really troublesome, the next is the most exciting part."

"I'm going to check the results of two weeks."

He looked at the last item in the column on his mobile phone.

[Basic ability test and preliminary understanding of the cost plan]

Qin Yue looked at the gray sky, and a wisp of cold wind passed through her body.

Her dark eyes seemed to penetrate the clouds and look at the unknown and dangerous distance.

Above the earth... the obscure and huge dark red wind field gradually spread, eating up the airspace of Jiu'an bit by bit.

Sheng Ping was surrounded by an increasingly dark color...

The wind fields that appeared all over the world seemed to have only one purpose.

Enveloping the entire earth.

"The specific reason for the cost is still unknown..."

Li Shijie raised his eyes and looked at a man with a capable ability who looked a little painful.

This man's ability tends to be "control science".

Just now, in this room with a venue comparable to a basketball court

The first batch of ability users in southern Jiuan were tested in the internal testing room.

In the simple house, you can even see some equipment that has not been processed in time... But Jiuan can't wait any longer, these are small problems that can be ignored.

This man just used his "superpower".

In front of him were various sharp tools.

There were knives made of ordinary materials, special knives with metal handles, and knives made of pure special materials.

As the man used his ability, these large and small tools placed on the table were suspended in the air, causing everyone to sigh.

This is not magic... This is the real "supernatural power".

The man waved his fingers, and these sharp blades rushed out at high speed like bullets, like a long dragon, cutting the cans placed on the table in the distance at will under the control of the man.

Li Shijie observed for a moment.

Wrote on the registration form.

["Control Department", this operator can control small tools, not limited to materials and supernatural materials... But the speed and controllability will be weakened due to factors such as the weight density of the material. ]

He raised his head, looked at the man who was holding his head in pain, and continued to record.

[The cost is the common loss of sanity, without any pollution tendency, limb alienation, or any other special adverse reactions. ]

[This operator's ability tends to be long-range attack, and can carry out some dangerous disposal work remotely————(Preliminary record at the end of the observation period) Recorder, Li Shijie. ]

Qin Yue stood in place, carefully observing the power of these new extraordinary people from Jiuan.

She suddenly had a very strange idea...

Liu Wentao said that extraordinary operators may become weird after being seriously polluted... Then when this weirdness is directly transformed from extraordinary people... its ability is connected to a certain extent.


Weird characteristics... extraordinary characteristics...

What is the difference between the two...

What is the source of the power of extraordinary people...

If we have to classify it, Gu Junjie is an artificial extraordinary person with weird characteristics.

If we collect the characteristics of weird or extraordinary people... then can we mass-produce artificial extraordinary creatures?


Qin Yue recalled Ma Qiang, the bandaged man, and Yang Lan.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a hint of danger.

"If my guess is right... that gentleman has the ability to mass-produce humans with strange powers in Jiu'an... what is he going to do?"

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