The newcomer was born in a new age.

"Metal", "Manipulator", "Strong Luck", "Flowing Wind", "Intuition", "Secret", "Ironization", "High Voltage Current", "Biomagnetic Field", "Transcendent Thinking"

Every extraordinary person will get their number... but it is not exclusive.

These newly promoted Jiu'an extraordinary people are the ultimate backing of the locals, and Shengping people will help them through the most dangerous and helpless moments.

Among these ten people with abilities.

The destructive type headed by Qin Yue opened everyone's eyes.

The strong and terrifying wind pressure instantly condensed from the girl's side, and the oppressive feeling that seemed to face the storm made everyone retreat and dodge.

This secluded and sharp style is full of aggression, like an invisible giant beast, crushing all enemies who dare to harm this black-haired girl.

Everyone can't forget the iron equipment that was completely disassembled into parts and twisted into a ball...

How strong the wind pressure is to be able to penetrate the steel plate.

"The ultimate destructive power... The comprehensive strength of this operator is not weaker than that of an intermediate operator. It only needs to popularize basic knowledge... It can be directly deployed to the front line."

"Give time..."

Li Shijie uploaded the record about Qin Yue with emotion.

The girl in the record exudes a slight glow, her hair flies, and she stands up like a god in the invisible wind field. The large iron equipment that was used as the target was twisted quickly, making a sound that makes people feel sick.

Li Shijie lit a cigarette, suddenly coughed, looked at the bloody sputum on his hand, shook his head, and put out the cigarette.

"I don't have much time left."

The more mysterious and magical the power is... the more tricky the price will be. A relatively ordinary ability user like him naturally does not have the solid mental power of a monster boy like Liu Wentao.

"Doctor" Li Shijie.

His ability is the extremely mysterious "unknown science".

He can transfer the upcoming mental and physical damage, as well as any loss of biological matter, out of thin air.

In simple terms, it is to transfer all the side effects that are not conducive to the organism out of thin air.

Li Shijie, a mid-level operator of Shengping, is a respectable warrior... The price is a rare and serious loss of life.

During the Shengping disaster, both his parents died, his family members were scattered, and he suffered serious psychological trauma.

After being developed by the extraordinary, he was stationed on the front line... He did not kill strange war exploits, but he saved not limited to special operators for a total of 136 times.

When the Jiuan Great Assistance Plan was launched, he took the initiative to propose to go to the Jiuan Support Team, on the grounds that he wanted to go somewhere else in the last period of his life. (@&Operator&&Record)

"Okay, thank you for your support. Although I am not old, I still hope to lead you out of the rookie period as a senior."

"Today's special session will start soon."

Li Shijie coughed and continued, "I will take you to see the weirdness with your own eyes... Let you face this kind of creature directly. This is the rookie gift I provide for everyone."

When it comes to weirdness, everyone is obviously interested.

The first time I saw that kind of guy was on Shengping's various recorders and burners. Those gloomy and terrifying creatures that tore tanks apart with their hands were hundreds of times more terrifying than the aliens entrenched outside Jiu'an City.

But it is precisely because people are afraid that curiosity and exploration will occupy the psychology of the first batch of volunteers.

There will be no lack of the first batch of warriors who go out in any era, just like people will admire the first person who eats mushrooms, maybe they are poisonous.

"Although the conditions are a bit rudimentary, the next batch of building materials will arrive soon. The branch you see at that time will be more technological."

Li Shijie nodded to the extraordinary people guarding the upper area of ​​the hospital and pushed open the door of this slightly different research floor.

What came into view was the long-lost incandescent light of the hospital. The coldness and the smell of purification instantly made Qin Yue feel a little uncomfortable.

Other extraordinary people also seemed to have this adverse reaction, which also proved that the purification element was indistinguishable from friend or foe.

"As time goes by, some valuable things will also come with the help of anchor points. If used well, it is no less than a sharp blade that cuts off strange claws."

Li Shijie pushed open the sparsely populated room and stated his purpose in the puzzled eyes.

Qin Yue looked at these ordinary people wearing black protective clothing. They seemed to be scientific researchers from Shengping.

In Li Shijie's communication, he finally got a glimpse of information.

A research report titled "On the activity and regional differences of strange creatures" is being conducted here.

The experimenters were sent to Jiuan by Shengping as soon as possible.

"It's OK to see... but they are all inactive, but they are still contaminating. Mr. Li, you need to wear protective equipment."

"How is the progress?"

"Don't mention it, our route is unreliable... these guys are indeed real life forms, born out of thin air."

"But there is one thing, Shengping's strange creatures generally have lower activity after arriving in Jiuan, and some are out of control... they are regional."

After Li Shijie's polite remarks, he turned around and smiled at everyone.

"Before entering, you still need to wear some small technologies."

He took the sealed black protective suit prepared by the scientific researchers beside him.

The large and thick appearance and the black gas mask give people a sense of... the investigators in the radiation disaster area.

"Ladies first..."

Li Shijie made a little joke.


"Qin Yue, help me."

Qin Yue came back to her senses and looked at Tang Shiya who couldn't reach the zipper behind her. With a twitching face, she stretched out her arm and helped her pull up the heavy protective suit.

Tang Shiya was wearing a serious black protective suit. Through a pair of black holes, she could hear her heavy breathing.

She moved her body. Although the armor-like protective suit was heavy, it was still very ordinary for a superhuman.

Then this playful woman manipulated this look and posed for photos that now looked very hot.

"Can you hear me?"

A thick and dull voice came out, followed by her cheerful laughter as if she was covered by a quilt.

"It's so interesting. It's a novel experience."

Qin Yue sighed, looked at this clean and private female locker room, and picked up the large clothes in her hand with a strange look.

After taking off her coat, leaving only a gray sweater, Qin Yue clumsily fixed her hair, then put on the black outfit and zipped it up with the help of Tang Shiya.

The obvious difference between the two people came out...

As an adult northern woman with a healthy body and perfect skeleton, Tang Shiya perfectly supported the small-sized special clothing.

And because Qin Yue was a little thin...

Tang Shiya sneered at the sluggish and collapsed girl in front of her.

Under the blessing of this wide female protective suit, Qin Yue's body collapsed in many places, looking like it had shrunk, making this solemn outfit more strangely cute.

"Don't laugh."

Qin Yue said with a little annoyance.

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