*PS. This is not a kid's book, and happens in a dystopian universe. Some things may not be for the faint of heart. (If the gore hasn't given it out by now)*

I climb around the dark spots and parts of the city, looking like a spider crawling along the walls as I jump from roof to roof, canes working like climbing ropes, light poles like stepping stones and terraces like watchtowers as the howls of pain from the wind came full of the smell of the city mixed with the humid odor of last's day's rain.

I finally stop in one of the streets to watch from afar the road that leads from the main streets to the sidewalks, the fancy establishment shining in the distance and the noise of the full ones all around but this place, however the street I'm in in particular is quiet and mostly empty except for a few small shadows bellow.

As a lone figure on top of the building embraced by darkness I watch, I wait, and as one of the unnourished boy rubs his exposed arms to chase away the cold a man comes from the corner of the street and walks straight towards him.

He doesn't say anything, but I can see two other men following behind the other but not together, and as he approaches the boy these two stay farther away, closing the street from others as the first man goes and, without saying anything, grabs the hair of the boy and jolts his head back and eyes up, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and exhaling the grey stinky mist on the other's face only to say:

"You will do." And abruptly let go and turn around as he starts walking towards the narrow hidden stairs on the side. As he does so the boy follows suit, leaving the two men down at the entrance, menacing looking at anyone passing by and making them rush on their feet..

Interesting… So they are like guard dogs of the pups den… bodyguards it seems?

I hear their steps as they quietly ascend and with some quick moving I manage to watch as they enter a room with the windows open, and like most creatures humans do not bother to look up, giving me a free pass to watch what these two strangers were up to.

And well… they were up to something odd to say the least.

Is not like I've never seen other animals copulate, loud as hell as they were it was hard to miss, what intrigues me the most is this… exchange.

With no ceremony the older man pulls his pants down and with some short commands makes the boy do the same while staying on four on the bed, and while grunting something the man hits him on the cheeks with strength, making the other force his arms and legs apart so he could somewhat raise his ass more.

It was totally a humiliating passive pose, and the other one makes sure the boy knows it by ordering him around and forcing him into further submission.

The man masturbates a little to get himself hard, and his quick moves work fast and in no time he is climbing the bed too.

They were at it as the boy did not make a sound, merely grunting in pain as the other putts his member in with no hesitation and holds the boy's arms back, having him curve backwards while his lower part is hammered nonstop, the old bed creaking as the hollow eyes of the boy stare at the ceiling.

So like the female animals in heat this boy is being used by the other, but beyond being from the same gender and not being on heat, most differences ended there with the merciless treatment of the male companions.

As the one on top pushed him down on the blanket while mercilessly pulling his arms back and hammering his hole he comes with a grunt, a ghastly dirty smell hitting my nose as he takes his member out, the boy flopping down the bed and, after exchanging some words, the other one leaves, but not before throwing something over the boy, as if framing him in it.

The boy stays put while the older one is already dressed and out of the door, and only when he is already far down with his two bodyguards following him until the end of the street that the boy moves, his skinny arm reaching out and collecting those strange leaves; which I would learn later to be called paper money; together and start fidgeting with it, counting the amount.

"Tsk, prick, there is less than the agreed. And I said to cumming inside, fucker, they never listen."

"Wha? Want me to call him back to complain?" Says another boy from the other room, going towards the window and looking inside the others, a very small veranda with rusted railing helping him in this endeavor.

"Fuck off Louise, if you do that not only we lose a regular but we are lucky to keep our lives."

"Yeah, sure, pussy. Don't forget to shower so you don't lose a client with that stinky asshole."

"Go fuck a beehive will ya?"

"Ha, you wish."

At that I see the other person leave the veranda and back in the room the boy goes to the side and opens a door to another room where I hear the splashing of water and a floral scent come up from, but it doesn't take long for him to come out of there, somewhat clean and with a new cloth over his body.

This sequence repeats a few more times, different kind of people came in, fucked him in all ways possible, and afterwards he would have some small time to recover in the other room before going down the streets again, making me learn that that action is called 'bath', and that the 'clients' liked them clean.

Also, two words intrigued me the most, 'money' and 'regulars'. One for that is what the call that leaf thing, somehow exchanging that for the matting session, and the other one because it categorized some of the costumers, and usually with those they were more familiar with and even chatted sometimes, some rare ones even brought gifts.

I could quickly assume that those came here often… and they had special attention on my part.

Because they made the perfect prey for me.

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