That cycle of clients coming and going keeps up happening for a while and is only broken in the middle of the night when the boy goes down and starts discussing with the 'manager', at some point talking about the money thing and other stuff I struggled to understand.

"How the fuck we are out booze now useless boy! Why didn't you buy more?!"

"It is not my turn to go, is Louise! Blame him for it!"

"Oh, really, so why is your fucking name on the list this week? Not only useless but a liar! I should take your payment of the month you ungrateful bastard!"

"You wouldn't dare! I swear it was him!"

"Stop lying you little fucker and go buy it already before I kick you out myself!"

"Alright, alright, no need to be so agitated! I'm going, just give me the money!" At that the other keeps fuming, but beyond the red face of the blond chubby manager it ends up handing him something that puts the discussion to an end, and as the boy heads on his way he looks up, not towards me but at the veranda where the other boy stood, looking down, giving him a foxy smile while waving at the other.

"Cock sucker" The boy says, angry, as the other answers:

"Aren't we all?"

The boys looks back and, seeing that the manager is occupied, flipped at the Louise who fakes being shocked, putting his hand over his chest and widening his mouth and eyes.

That only made the other boy downstairs flip him with his other hand too, only stopping when the manager screams at him from behind while madly advancing which made the boy hurry up and fade at the corner of the street..

I look back at this street from my watch point and decide to follow in persuade of the boy so I could understand what that money is for, clawing my way over and following close behind since there is nothing left for me to learn at that place anymore.

He walks normally for the most part, but the further we get away from the Red Circle, the more he hides in his clothes, putting his hands in his pockets and covering his face, and as he gets to a dark green outlined door he needs to pass through the reader, and I cannot tell in details but I'm sure he is putting some sort of information on the screen, touching here and there until it finally opens.

I sneak my way in, few guards awake by now.

Soon after we reach a different part of town where there is no open area above, instead there are buildings on top and some sort of path, long enough to make me unable to see the end of the tunnel-like space below.

With quick steps and a hood over his head he tries to pass unnoticed and blend in with the crowd, which seems to work well for him, even more when he manages to hide his wrist band most of the way.

I have to jump down in the end as he enters deeper into the tunnel, unable to see from above even though I try, searching for gaps among the path, which gives me a scare when I hear something rattling fast my way and, looking up, find two strong lights aiming at me and getting closer by the second.

As I jump to the side I manage to dodge the thing and have a clear view of the long snake-like vehicle full of people inside, rattling its way along that railing at high speed.

What the heck is that thing? A transport of some kind, but it was the last thing I thought I would encounter up here.

A little behind I catch up to him, following his smell beyond the lots of people around us, and with a watchful eye I gaze at my surroundings, at the open lighten spaces on the side, the road filled with people in the middle walking pass and these holes at the front of the buildings on the side, full of things and goods from the most different types, clothes, food, and such a cramped crowded place gets even smaller with the low ceiling covering all the external natural light and cold wind.

As I walk up, searching for him, some men start talking on the side, and it takes me a few seconds to realize that they were talking with me, but I simply ignore them, and when one tries to grab my arm it is easy for me to dodge and keep walking even when they are apparently harsher with their words.

I find the boy further in at one of these establishments, talking with the man inside, and as I find cover at the dark corners of the many small side streets of the place, dark spots all around for the electric light is not enough to brighten all the place up, they talk it out.

I manage to see some of it, but mostly because of my hearing I could understand what is happening, and that those paper leaf things were being exchanged for the bottles the other takes from the man, all pushed out inside a bag that looked too heavy for him to carry on his own.

After that the boy starts going back, but his expression told me how he is pissed at the situation so, in the end, he turns to the side and enters one of the dark streets, not noticing that, because he had to carry the bag with both hands his bracelet was out in view, the red line shinning against his skin and, as he enters the sidewalk, his figure catches the attention of a group of young people who, elbowing each other, seem very eager to follow the unaware boy.

I do so too, but unable to get too close without giving myself away I need to rely on my earing and secondary sound vision, the good part being that this place is loud enough for me to see clearly even in complete darkness and around the corner.

So that's just what I did as the boy buffed in anger, kicking an empty can while complaining in a low voice until he sits on the sidewalk of an empty street and takes one bottle out.

"Fuck him, if I'm to keep going back and forth to buy his fucking booze like a freaking mule I might as well have a taste." He has a difficult time opening the bottle, but with a pop he frees the acrid smell out, and with a small celebration he drinks the thing in with a long gulp, and at the next second he is choking while covering his mouth with his arm, eyes misted from the endeavor.

"Augh, this, this sucks! It tastes like piss, how the hell do they drink this shit?" His lonely argument, however, is interrupted when the group who has been following him decides to make an appearance and, laughing at an untold joke say:

"That is only for grownups kid, you shouldn't try it, is out of your league." There were four of them, tall and burly, humans from that different kind, with light-colored skin, hair, and eyes; for the most part; and by the way they dressed and carried themselves it is easy to tell they were full of themselves, the light green and golden bracelets being redundant at that point.

I can smell the boy's fear as he starts sweating, adrenaline pumping quick in his veins at the sign of such group approaching him in a desert place, many bad scenarios rushing pass his mind I'm sure, but even though he could not hide his fear from me he tries with them, saying:

"What do you want?" They laugh as if what he said is some kind of joke, and the boy can only harden his grip of the bottle as he waits for them to stop.

"Oh, is easy what we want 'whore', the kind of thing your kin is specialized at." One of the youngsters says, making an obscene gesture that I cannot tell precisely what it is, only that it angers the boy who stands.

Well well seems like this is going to be a long night, I can tell it already.

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