The wilderness and desolating side of these woods were very prominent in the lack of open spaces, with the many dark moving shadows of the trees leaves coating the forest floor, and the uneven floor rounded with stones, roots, broken branches and dead trees.

And yet, the wildest part was the one most could not sense; the smells, the new, the old, from animals, fruits, soil and rain, but all were somewhat stable and usual for me, so that's why, once something odd hits my nose I could quickly pinpoint, like a red flor among green grass, almost… jumping out of the picture, making me inhale a great amount of air, almost tasting it among the smell of the woods.

Seems like my neighbors are hunting some good prey tonight… and I may pay them a visit, just to spoil their little party held without inviting me in, how rude of them.

I raise my big rocky body, rasping the wood with my talons, sensing that the light is about to dissipate, my feet hitting the floor with strength, making distinct holes on the ground as I start to dash out into the darkening forest.

These woods have been my home for a long time, and even if I could not remember a time out of this place, I have a clear memory of every nook and cranny that these woods have, where the caves are, cliffs, rivers, but especially were humans or ghouls could hide in.

So I was far more than simply 'familiar' with this place, I was basically born and raised here, so much so that even mere scratches, slightly made on the trunks, or a twig broke in a certain angle would tell me a lot of what has passed by these woods.

And that all were indicating one thing to me.


With the long hairs over my tail standing as well as my scales I was completely alert, clikering and clacking my jaw and crudely 'looking' over those differences, crevices and markings, and I could tell which creature had passed here, even more when I got a good whiff of its smell, and the sweet odor of blood.

A hurt prey.

'Even better'.

Hitting the teeth on my lower jaw together I make my way into the woods, following its trail easily with my sense of smell, even though I could tell the creature tried to hide it by walking in the river from time to time, leaving almost no traces of its presence behind.

But even the most careful prey couldn't hide small drops of blood in the solid or air; and that small amount was more than enough for creatures like me to hunt them down.

It has been a while since I had such sweet flesh to sink my teeth in, a taste that his kin had that it was hard to describe.

The taste of human flesh.

The mere thought makes me purr.

I accelerate over the woods, making birds fly as I stomp my way downhill, my two pair of hands working as another leg so I could run in all six and far faster than any two-legged creature might, even more when sometimes an extra pair of hands grabs a rock or a tree to help me flung over, like a monkey would to swing them forward faster.

In other words, I moved with dexterity and velocity, using the woods to my advantage, a passing huge shadow, going from tree to tree and disappearing before one could even take a glimpse of my form.

I finally get close enough to hear his heartbeat, and as I approached the place I slow down only to let a click-clack sound out and "see" the place in more detail, a structure coming to view with a stone path leading to it, passing down a gate with double lines on top in a fine arrangement, right in front of the double wooden doors entrance, now completely destroyed, leaving only the pillars behind, like the skeleton of a dead beast.

I'm not the most stealthy type of creature, my clawed hands digging into the soil and my tough carapace rasping from time to time, like the plate of an armor, but I did not intend nor needed to hide from these type of creature for I was far faster than any human could.

With my long tail following behind like a heavy snake I approach the place, taking a good whiff here and there, clicking once more to see the entrance clearly and to approach the constant melodic heartbeat.

If a smirk could be formed in my full fang scaled face it would be showing about now.

The building was far bigger than I had anticipated, and enough of its wooden structure was left behind to partially cover the moonlight that now was starting to take over the sky, some pillars still doing their best to keep the curved up roof in place.

Rasping my long tail on the floor I can clearly smell the trail of blood, and the sound of his heartbeat was driving me crazy, making my beat to his rhythm.

But no worries, I'm an experienced hunter, I wouldn't leave space for him to escape, so I should enjoy our… little dance.

When I'm inside I finally open my eyes, the carapaces that covered them opening like double doors and letting the red light of my orbs shine in the dark, my three pupil scanning the empty rooms, passing over the paper double doors all crumbling to pieces.

There weren't many places he could be… and he probably knew that too, definitely aware of my presence… unless he was deaf that is.

I hear a very smooth sound of something rasping on the wood and quickly dash forward, turning the corridor and looking up to its halls; only to see him, the human, standing tall and straight there, weapon in hand and a wound on the leg, bandaged up, his face and body covered from head to toe by military gear.

And yet, even while coming to face me, having a good view of my form, his heartbeat stayed beating in a steady calm pace, and if I hadn't had my eyes open I would think he had not seeing me yet.

But those clear cold blue orbs of his were shinning with sharpness and calculating stillness.

I click-clack with the scales on my body, like the tail of a rattle snake would, the shaking covering my whole body and standing my grey-silver scales and turning them red, making me look even bigger and meanicing.

I straight up my back on my strong hind legs, four arms stretching out for a deadly hug, even more when the black long claws shine against the moonlight like falcon talons.

But I have to give it to the human; he doesn't even blink, or rather, not even his breath speeds up, only making me want to break that calmness of his more.

He stands his ground even when I roar like a cougar with all my might and dash forward, easily shortening the distance between us.

He starts backing off, taking aim and shooting, and soon as he notices that his gun did me no harm he aims at my eyes, proving to have a very accurate aim as the annoying projectiles hurt my sensitive eyeballs, making me close the carapaces over them once more; which makes me a little less accurate.

But not less deadly.

He dodges sideways, jumping inside another room as the close in space proves to be a little annoying for my huge body to stir, but I wasn't worry for I knew it was only a matter of time until I had him under my claws.

It was a bad habit, I know, but I've always enjoyed playing with my food… especially with such unique cuisine.

His constant dodge was affecting his aim, allowing me to watch him with my three pupils with no blind spots in front of me, easily and clearly seeing his feet move at the same time that he kept his gaze on me, proving to be well trained as his moves gave almost nothing out before dashing to the right and pointing his gun at me, aiming for me eyes once more.

But we both knew it to be futile as I close my carapace over my eyes every time he attempted that, ricocheting the bullet back but giving me a second of blindness as I clicked with my lower claws over my jaw and sensed the environment, hearing his footsteps.

And smelling his sweet crazing driven blood.

I was so excited for the meal that my scales were shaking and beating like a rattle snakes tail, only ten times louder.

I hit the pillar made of wood beside with one of my strong arms, sending the debris in his direction and forcing him to protect his eyes.

And slightly shift his aim.

I may be big… but I wasn't slow. With one push of my hind strong legs I was already on top of him, two arms pressing him down while the left one held the gun and squished it like a toy, leaving me with the right arm free.

Unable to move he doesn't trash and scream like I wished for, instead he only looks at me as if annoyed by my presence, a slightly frown on his cold face.

Looking this close now I can see that my prey has a great complexion, thin straight lips, cold-blue eyes as clear as the sharpest curve of a blade, black short hair, strong jawline.

Ahhh, I want to eat him, I want to eat him so bad…

My big tail swings back and forth, excited as I watch a new wound on his shoulder gushing out bright red blood, shining against his body as my own red eyes brighten up, the three pupils focusing on his wound.

Such a treat… he must be enjoyed slowly and steady… a main delicious dish…

I bend down and take a lick of his wound, purring a strong low growl as I lick once more, a long black tongue brushing against his skin as I close my eyes, savoring his delicious taste, sniffing his warm body and reading myself to nimble the flesh and taste the softness from inside while hearing the core of his screams ring on my ears when, suddenly, he moves.

I immediately react, enjoying the pitiful resistance, pressing my heavy gigantic body down and making him unable to move, and yet he was barely able to reach for something out from the ground and try to hit me hit it, but somehow managing to get it inside my mouth.

Thinking of a grenade I try to spilt it, but as my tongue passes over my mouth and brushes against his finger I feel… nothing inside my mouth beyond his hand.

Was this only a trick? There was nothing on his hand… That's what I thought, and even his gaze did not give anything away, making me have the urge to bite his hand off.

Only that, suddenly, my stomach burst like if is on fire, making me bend and roar, only catching a glimpse of surprise in the human's eyes before I roll to the side in pain.

What is this, what is this?! It burns, it hurts!

Smelling like charcoal burning I look down over my belly only to see a circle of fire marking my skin as if these bullet-proof scales were made of nothing, tracing my veins and going up to my neck and the rest of my limbs, burning as it my blood had suddenly boil up, and a hissing sounds makes me look up and see the same thing happening with the human, only that the strange marking only appears at the back of his hand.

And for some reason that terrified me.

And I was not the type to ignore my instincts.

So I run without looking back, feeling that fire burn hotter and hotter inside me and spreading through my limbs and making me dizzy, barely managing to get back to my cave before crashing down.

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