In a feverish state I drag my body forward, my legs feeling heavy and my arms sluggish, all movement seemly costly to the point that even moving my eyes took some effort.

But nothing compares to when those markings manage to overtake my entire body, blazing and hissing, burning deep into my skin and crawling in my insides, all burning, all set ablaze but I, stubborn, do not let any sound leave my mouth as I burn from inside out.

Still I could not stop the phenomenon from paralyzing my limbs and making me fall like a heavy rock, only able to endure the pain in silence as I stared into the deepest parts of the cave, until even that was denied from me as my vision blurred from the pain and darkness overtook my vision.

What freaking grenade, what the hell did that guy gave me? Is this a new weapon that the humans developed?! No, that's not possible, who would make such a thing that you to get up close to the enemy and make them swallow for the weapon to take effect?!

But then what the hell was this?!

And even though my body was unable to move my mind was pierced awake by the pain, only for useless questions like those to coat my mind into an endless spiral that lasted until birds chirped and the annoying sun shone again inside my cave and over my body.

Covering my eyes I blink, licking my dry lips only to feel soft skin under the touch of my tongue.

Wait… my carapace, my scales… where… how?

When I'm finally able to open my heavy eyelids, I am, for a moment, meet with the familiar sensation of being blinded by the sun, but this time something weird happens… because my eyesight gets used to it and I can see in daylight!

But the view I have surprises me… and not necessarily in a good way…

My body, my strong, 3 meters tall body… where did it go? What are these soft limbs from? This squishy legs? And my arms, where are my other pair?!

With widen eyes I look behind me and see… no tail, no scales, nothing.

What is going on here?!

I craw over to the little pool of water at the entrance of the cave and kneel down beside it, focusing my eyesight to see the reflex on the small river.

And what I saw… shocked me.

Long dishevel black hair, round pointy black eyes and a very soft face yet with a piercing presence staring back at me.

A very human face staring back at me.

I widen my eyes in surprise to the creature in front of me, turning the face around to have a better look, pinching the soft skin and more than confused about what the fucking was happening, and as emotions build up I keep staring at my reflex only for that pair of void-less eyes to suddenly brighten up into two orbits ignited into a bright red fire, ferocious and hidden underneath a veil of black, as well as turning the long black hair into a grey-silver one.

A crocked smile turns the lips of the figure in front of me up, showing the tip of the hidden sharp fangs.

Hello my deadly friends, missed you in the minutes I stayed without you, glad to see that you were still there… somehow.

When I calm myself down, however, just like when I lower my scales to avoid the light, the eyes and hair turn back into that deep black that seemed to suck all light, reflecting nothing back beyond a obsidian dark color, and the fangs disappear into dull human teeth.

How did things turn out this way? What the hell is this strange body moving according to my commands? Where did my beautiful strong one has gone to?!

And yet the world did not seem fit to respect my moment of breaking down nor gave me time to laugh like a maniac when I hear a twig snap from the outside, followed by voices right outside my place sounding far too close for comfort as the humans approach with heavy steps towards my doorway!

What should I do, should I hide? But even though I was confused and weaken, still part of me could taste their smells and hunger for their flesh, a part of me that said:

'Wait, hold it, be patient, the prey is coming to our doorstep, we should go and welcome them…' And that predatory part of me makes me quickly realize that, despite being able to look out in the light with these black eyes, none of my other senses changed, as if I was able to turn on the human eyesight to my red eyesight at will.

"Over here! There is something there!" I hear someone screaming at the front of the group, closer to me.

"Shh, shut up!" One scolds but the other doesn't pay attention, finally reaching out and getting the leaves out of the way, his eyes falling on me immediately since I was at the entrance of the cave and illuminated by an arc of bright orange light, very visible.

Far too quickly I had to face an unusual situation with this appearance, but as a beast, a predator, I was used to the instability of a hunt, of surprises coming and going, and as such I was quick to respond and adapt.

Even now.

So instead of lashing out, of jumping on them as I would normally do, I instead appear frightened, widening my eyes and making myself smaller, all dirty, naked and muddy, my long hair falling over my body, making me cut a very pitiful figure.

And as expected, the clothed military figure drops his guard completely and dashes to my side, screaming:

"Help! There is a person here! Come over here!"

He reaches out for me and I flinch, but not from fear as he seems to think, but from ecstasy, eagerness; he was so close, so warm and tasty, and so… easy to take, his smell embracing me like a lover and driving me nuts.


I have to control myself not to lick my lips and reach out for the tender meat and warm blood under his skin, hmm, so tasty.

He kneels down to look me in the eyes but I hide my face so he couldn't see the smile on my lips over the mud, and that only adds to my pitiful and shy look as he slows down and softens his voice after giving me a quick once over with his eyes.

"Hey there, is ok, you are safe with us. What is your name? My name is Bennet, Connor Bennet, I'm with the Citadel. Don't worry, you are safe now…"

He keeps talking and repeating that I'm safe, unaware of the danger he was in at the moment, but I was somewhat curious and even intrigue to where this new appearance could bring me.

And something told me that that place would have a feast of juicy meat waiting for me…

So I played his game and hide my body with my legs and arms, slightly trembling but not running away when he reaches out and hooks his arm on my legs and back, standing with me in his arms when the other soldiers arrive.

"Sir! I found a survivor sir! What should we do now?"

I could not see the appearance of any of them because of their gear but I was pretty confident in recognizing them by their smells since my senses stayed the same that my beast form had.

Under their commander's gaze I pretend to shrink in fear as he reaches out for the radio on his shoulder and say:

"Rescue Team 5 reporting. We found a survivor on our search, requesting back up." They speak a little and exchange information as he says to his men: "Bennet, Harper, take him back to the base ASAP."

"Yes sir!" Both say, going back the way the group came for as the others went deeper into the woods.

And as I was carried by the Bennet guy I have to hide my face further, for my eyes were shockingly red, and a silly full fangs smile did not want to leave my face.

Seems like I found another way to hunt down my favorite prey…

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