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The following content belongs to, has been gathered and maintained by the special Black Tiger troops under the command of Captain Asher Murray and may undergo informational updates. 


Brief introduction: Not much is know for certain about these creatures that surged to attack humans a few years pass coming from the east side of the continent, surging under the Shinzaki nation territory, the so called ghouls, but as more time passes the more I'm convinced that using a single term to such variety of creatures may have been preposterous and precipitated of us, like labeling tigers with alligators together only because they are carnivores, however as instructed my research will use the base of information and nomenclature demanded from the Citadel to its citizens as me and my team compiled all the data gathered so far from our encounters and civils encounters with such creatures.

Confidence in such information goes from 75% towards 90%, further studies required from behavior to physical studies. Note- request more bodies.

'Responsible for compiling the data

Codename: Magnanimous Scientist

Codename: Spy'


General Ghoul Knowledge: 

All ghouls have an organ inside their abdomen filled with fluid that transforms humans into ghouls if ingested or enters the eyes, nose and other similar entrances in great quantity – note: extreme caution while in close combat –, the effects can be reversed in 1 to 2 days worth, not before that.

The newly changed human-ghoul is weak and slow, almost like a newborn, so its better to discard them as soon as possible. In this state, however, they hunt down in groups, compensating their weak state with numbers, having the same hunting instincts of their predecessor and pilling up where more humans used to gather, in cities and roadsides.

Unknown when and why they change, but something causes another mutation to occur on these creatures that creates a big variety of ghouls, many still unknown, but I believe that there is some sort of coalition with the revolution of the evolution of Darwin where they adapt to their environment and prey, only at a speed never seen before. Note- How fast they can adapt? What is the limits of their evolution? Is there a way for them to become indestructible? The longer we take the last changes we have on defeating them? Topic for bigger analysis later.

Other characters seem in common with all ghouls however is their saliva makes humans paralyzed while there is a parasite moss growing under their nails that enters the human brain and makes them eager to find ghouls or attack humans to further contaminate, taking away the sense of danger –note: will cure on its on in 1 to 2 days, advise that any wounded by ghouls are watched under this period to avoid trouble, even if only bitten since the ghouls lick the moss off their nails, prolonging the contagious effect into their teeth.

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Seems that ghouls may be related to elements, or some Shinzaki nation people believe in, however as septic as we scientists are I'm not up to discard any information until proved wrong, so here is an attempt in classifying these creatures and taking their possible elements into consideration: Note- study their culture further, maybe there is some truth hidden in all that rubbish.

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–Ghouls types: (more to less element) –

��Swamp Ghoul 

Danger Level: Very Low

Contagious Level: Medium 

Earth – water – wood – rock

Grey skin, long fingers and nails, long hair looking like seaweed, red eyes, dark circles around the eye sock, mouths that open like a snake, known from hiding inside the water and waiting for their prey. Great diggers, manage to adapt, need water to hunt.

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–WaspMoth Ghoul

Danger Level: Low

Contagious Level: Low

Wind – Dust (Fire/Earth)

Flying, fast, sleeping dust from huge pair of moth wings, grey and brown back, red and blue front, arms curve with long claws, big bird feet with huge black talons, black eyes, long back round abdomen like a wasp and a big sting, wide mouth, long tongue, color and size may vary. Note: rare creatures, however their danger level may grow higher for they can breach our wall defenses.

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–Fungus Ghoul

Danger Level: Medium

Contagious Level: Very High

Wood –Soil (EarthWater)

Warning! Generates Rotting Ghoul with acid.

Full of mushrooms and puss, blends with the wood of trees. Two types of fluid: Acid- range attack, creates low ghouls, Vomit and puss- creates higher ghouls, takes longer to infect, still curable. Thin crooked body hidden under layers of fungus, mushrooms, puss with small eyes (bad vision?) and long nails. Yellow and green puss dripping along its body- note: the puss is its saliva, yeah I know. 

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–Rotting Ghoul

Danger Level: Very Low

Contagious Level: Medium

Wood –Soil – Dust (EarthWater)

Created from the acid of fungus ghouls – weak body with the remains of the people melted by the acid, will die on its own in a few hours.

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–Deformed Ghoul

Danger Level: High

Contagious Level: Low

Rock – Water – Sand

All proportions wrong, rock fire resist body, his belly opens up to rows of sharp teeth put together in a round mouth, with a long tongue – note: can strike like a whip! - with appendices that shot out to capture the prey, deadly strong grip. Bulky type, never attempt close combat! Better exploded or cut (range cutting weapon? Maybe arrows?)

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–Explosive Ghoul

Danger Lever: Low

Contagious – Very High

Water – Fire

Long limbs, exposed brain in a thin layer of skin floating in some sort of liquid, small size, will explode if under impact, no bodies to study, in need of more samples for further inquire.

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______Special cases

Not much is known about these single individuals, and some do not have the characteristics listed above present in all ghouls, so I would not even classify them as such, however the lack of a better term I will simply write down what is known so far:

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Snake woman like creature –seen outside the city (commanding the ghouls?)

Level danger : Extremely high!

Szodiss – note: it has a name! - long snake body on lower part, octopus arms, humanoid torso, two arms and four protruding chests covered by scales- six dark blue eyes over the many tentacles on the back of the head, sounds like a rattlesnake.

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Fox-Snake creature (related to the snake creature?)


Fox with tentacles all over its body, size of a fox, backbone, tentacle limbs moving like snakes, face skin had been peeled off, mouth opening should has (Note 1: seriously this? Who invented this? Note 2: Just right it down. Note 3: is write. Note 4: autocorrect is a bitch, plus it was the captain who saw it, so write it down!) exposing muscle-bone of the skull and snout, rows of permanently exposed sharp teeth going up above the mouth and growing on the side of the head (Note 5: it has horns now?) made of fangs clucked together, eyes inside the mouth area.

Last update January 2021.

For the glory of our Citadel.

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