POV: Captain Asher

'As of now, that is little to be known about the situation at hand, we are already investigating the subject deeper, however is undeniable the advantage such creature in our forces will make, not only he seems immune to the ghouls fluids but is extremely versatile in killing them.' With clicks and clacks I type away on my computer in my office, thirty pages of the report already in as I summarize the remaining details in the last paragraph, the last words getting stuck underneath my fingertips as I lay my hand down.

'Versatile on killing them, and disposable as a non-human creature, it could save hundreds of soldiers lives from being put in danger.' It almost sounds like I'm selling him as bait; and I am in the end, aren't I?

With a full day ahead followed by the already overflowing events of yesterday, not only there are many wounded to cure and quarantine, but as many ghouls to kill inside the walls and, beyond that, if we did not have enough work already, there is the paperwork, the researchers, the run against the clock to secure bodies for our team to look into before the higher-ups get a hold of them.

And there is 'him' too, of course.

I take a deep breath, looking over the window at the sun shining upon the city, its securing bright light reassuring, but not everlasting.

I look again at the screen in front of me, the last words typed in, the only remaining thing is to sigh it up and send it to the headquarters.

And they would know everything..

The question is, is it worth it to let them know about him now? Do I want to send him patched up with a ribbon like this? Their reaction will be predictably fearful against him, they will want to discard of him, and yet all I see is how he easily managed to get rid of the flying ghouls, on how he rips them apart in two with hisbar hands, on how many soldiers will not die in the front lines if he is there.

And I know how the Citadel thinks, how the distant frontiers barely reach their schedule at this point.

They may even want him for themselves, for researcher purposes, and something tells me I'll have to stick around to answer some very complicated questions too, which will only make things worse since I cannot leave this place for the upscale officers, they don't even go out of the rich parts of the city, how are they fitting to command the troops when in need? Human lives have become a disposable source a long time ago in their eyes, so what is losing a few of them to the ghouls when the door is crawling with people trying to get in every day? One or two died? Great, there are ten others wanting their places.

I secure the screen with my password and stand up, a last glance at the messy city that I stubbornly keep trying to put together, and walk away from my office.

I cross my arms behind my back, my face an expressionless mask as I pass by soldiers who salute me as I walk, but even with this many troublesome thoughts in mind I always carried a distance façade, not only to keep them on their toes but to stay in control of my emotions, always.

Letting our emotions control you can be the downfall of a soldier, and I'm not even referring to when we are at the battlefield, for there is a must to control yourself, no…I'm referring to here as well, for there are always bigger officers breathing down your neck, and soldiers waiting for you to fall so they can take your place.

As I said… human lives are a commodity at this point, or should I say non Wilraine citizen's lives are?

It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, if I agree or not, is just how things are, or turned out to be at this point.

So shouldn't I simply send my report? He will become their problem, not mine, I already have my hands full after all.

Still… For the lack of support that the Citadel has given us throughout the years, part of me wishes to get a hold of their resources too, if not by merely… omitting for the time being.

These are very dangerous thoughts, and knowing that the Citadel doesn't care about the farther cities like ours doesn't help at all.

There were people executed for far less than this…

I finally reach my own home as I walk my thoughts away, not big as many of my 'fellow' captains have, but close enough from the quarters that in case of an emergency I can dash back there in no time.

Though I've never been more thankful for having a private place than know that I've received such a special guest, especially with a basement to boot.

I take my jacket off at the entrance, a simple home with no furniture nor ornaments beyond the minimum necessary to avoid a place in high need of maintenance, and with a quick look around I'm satisfied to see that everything is left in place for I doubt the creature below would be very silent and careful on his way out if he managed to escape.

I stop at the top of the stairs that lead down only enough so to switch the light on, not carrying that it announced my presence for, with his sharp senses, I believe that he is already aware of me.

But it did not matter anyway, for the state he is in...it won't matter much that he is aware of me or not.

As I look down on his figure, locked nice and tight, arms stretched to the sides as his eyes and ears are covered up with the best equipment to rob him of his senses and make it harder for him to escape, I'm satisfied to see that, in the end, I did not overdo with the equipment.

And yet with all my work to take away his senses, even with only one useful sense left it proves to be enough for him as he sniffs the air and growls, his head turning towards my direction and following my moves, not surprising me for how sharp his senses keep proving to be.

Odd how such creature can hold the power of that formidable being, and I'm not only reminiscing the four-armed monster but the human self too.

Seiji Koshiro… Of all the men on earth that this could have happened to, I'm not surprised that you were the one chosen.

And yet one more reason not to tell the Citadel… they would have you killed on the spot if they recognize you...

What to do what to do…I think as I walk closer.

Perhaps there is only one way for things to work as I wish, and for you to work under my command, and nobody else's, it even may be simple, actually.

I'll just have to tame you, tame so well that you will only answer to me.

The challenge sends a rare thrilling ablaze inside my cold beating heart, for I can already see the possibilities the future hold.

But for now… I think, looking at his direction, I'll give you all my undeniable attention.

I hope you are prepared for it… for, in the end, it won't matter if you aren't either.

For I will have it my way.

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