How things have turned out this way? With darkness covering my senses and only the still stale smell of the basement to keep me company, my own mind has enough silence and space to scream at me.

The first thing I felt when I woke up is anger, immense anger, so much so that I would force the chains up and wrestle then until I was red, veins bulging and lacking oxygen, hitting the floor with my feet until the stone gave way, but none took that anger away, anger against that human, that feeble insolent human who dares imprisoned me like this! If it wasn't for this annoying link I would have crushed him under my hands long ago! Smashed against the wall! Squashed under my feet! I can barely make coherent thoughts out as I only want to grunt and scream for the urge for violence that I could vent out at the moment! Urgh!

But as minutes passed and the stale stillness continues, that anger calms down into a deep… frustration, and somewhat melancholy, as I think of how my own actions brought me to the state I'm in.

And somewhat on how my own hesitation caused this, for how I should just simply forced my way around, enjoyed the feast while available so then I could go back to my life before all this.

My life before this… Empty days spend on an empty cave, is that what I wished for myself? To go back to that life? It did not bothered me before, but now… I was curious, had been, for what I could become, the things I could experience, the doors this new form opened up for me, and I had only scraped the surface of a life full of possibilities.

On how there is nothing waiting for me outside that I had not gone through over and over again, in the lowliness of the forest.

Well, I at least wanted my freedom back, that's for sure. That's when I tried the chains for the second time, pulling harder and harder and harder and standing up to put more force into it, anger resurging once more to overcome such weak thoughts and mindset, but this time I was angry at myself, from leading me into this situation.

Yet even my screams are muffled down by a metal cover over my mouth..

As I start breathing heavily through my nostrils after this outburst, as nothing changes once more, once more stillness makes my heartbeat sound louder against my ears, thumb, thumb, thumb, and I cannot help but feel restless, even a little…scared.

I have never been subjected to such state of vulnerability, never felt so chain up against the ties, I've always been the strongest one in the room, so it was easy to puff my chest out and face danger head-on, brush the consequences off like they didn't matter.

And yet here I'm, chain up, unable to react, unable to move, facing an unknown destiny where I'm not in control of the situation.

Restrained from reacting.

What is even more scary, however, than the situation I'm in is to be overtaken by this strange feeling of pure terror, of letting fear overcome my senses like they have never before.

So I go back to drowning it out with anger, an overpowering sensation that makes me test the chains again.

However this time I stop midway, something odd caught my attention, more of a sensation than something truly solid, a buzzing feeling inside.

I know when he is back even before he entered the room, the house, his sweet smell almost spoiled by the overbearing insecurity the situation is making me feel, and the fact that I cannot control it is only making things worse, especially since I do not know how to deal with something I've never felt before that only grows with his proximity and the possibilities that may befall upon me right now.

Once he enters his smell overtakes the small close in place he left me in, almost driving me crazy between a hungry desire and a growing terror.

I growl back, knowing he could hear me even if I did not myself, and yet I'm painfully aware that I could nothing to stop him from whatever he is planning to do with me.

For a moment that seems to drag for eternity nothing happens, my own breathing sounding rash accompanied with the rasping of my teeth, the inner sounds being amplified by the blockage of the noises from outside.

At that he takes the blindfold off, and as I adjust to the little light the place has he takes the headset off too, but says and does nothing beyond that, stepping back and sitting on a chair.

I growl at him with strength now that I have a target to aim at, but he doesn't seem impressed at all, no reaction coming from him, not even smell-wise, and as seconds pass with me staring at him with fury and no reaction I start feeling a little like a fool.

And his cold eyes… Almost seem made of glass, more inhumane than my own.

I stop growling to stare back at him, but if he blinked I did not notice, a cold demon staring restlessly down at me, analyzing, judging. 

It is impossible to tell what is passing behind those eyes, what his mind is thinking, and being stared for so long in the crushing silence under such intense cold gaze is making me feel uneasy once more.

Out of nowhere this strange battle of wits ends when he stands and, as sudden, grabs me by the shin, forcing us to meet eyes.

"Seiji." He says, and like last time those words, that… name brings a reaction out of me, or rather, out of the markings that shine to light along my skin, not burning as they have before but with a faint warm, like rays of sunshine against the skin, waiting to be set ablaze by his command.

I hate that, no, hate may be a too light word to use to how I feel about this.

He traces the markings of my arm with the tip of his finger, making me have the urge to shiver from head to toe from such awkward light touch, but I somehow manage to suppress it as he stares those down.

He opens his mouth again, close up to my face, and says: "Seiji, 'behave'." With that the markings shine up once, changing form to some strange scribbles, and disappear just like that, as if they were never there, no pain… for now.

Because I had tasted what that is capable of first hand not long ago, and even though I did not understand the nature of this… thing we have going on nor what he asks of me with his human language, part of me understood quickly why my instincts were screaming for me to get away from him, from the danger he had always represented, when my logical part knew I could not risk leaving him alone for that would endanger my life as well.

There is no fairness in it, if I stay I became like this, if I'm gone and he meets danger… well, let just say that being in endanger is a must for a military guy like himself.

Observing me along the way he takes the chains off, my arms falling down like heavy bricks, and as my boiling anger wants me to slash out and pounce at him, be damned the consequences, the back of my mind still remembers the pain of yesterday and tries to reason with me.

But I guess that part needed a reminder, for I try to grab him and pin him against the wall, even if that meant hurting me along the way I believe to have a better resistance to pain than him, so I could at least have him passing out before myself.

Only that things do not work that way, and the fucker does not even react when he hits the wall, because the next moment my anger, my uneasiness, all are silenced down by the brute force of the markings, who shine once more, illuminating the ceiling with a reddish light.

But this time none of that warmth can be felt, only an excruciating pain of having every fiber of my being set ablaze.

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