Takamori rushes to support my head, looking at the deadly wound right on my forehead, and with a ferocious stare turns his head towards the responsible for this as Sean simply grabs another leaf from somewhere and starts chewing at it, almost in a compulsive behavior.

"Such an anticlimactic way to end this hunt, sigh, well, at least you entertained me for long enough I supposed." Those words only stir Takamori more, but at the first sign of lightning the guns turn to point at his head this time as Sean says: "Tsk tsk tsk, don't try anything stupid whore or I'll blast your head too. Actually, no reason not to, so you can try if you want, the result will be the same. Your kind has been around for far too long already, time to cripple you even more." 

The men around breath in and steady their hands, ready to attack, as Takamori, even if knowing he could not deal with so many bullets at the same time, prepares to attack.

But he doesn't have to.

Because, with a small twitch I slowly bring my head up to stare at these soldier's eyes as blood traces my eyebrows, eyes and nose until it reaches my chin to start dripping off at the tip.

Even if I'm moving such red vivid liquid makes it very clear that I was undoubtedly hit right at a deadly spot, and the fact that I'm not dead makes the soldiers glare at me blankly for a few moments, an awkward odd silence befalling at they stare at me with widening eyes, but not more than Sean as a smile starts creeping its way on his face with the surprise.

And all that in the second it took for the smashed bullet to roll out of the wound and hit the floor with a loud clanging sound.

And that is my turn to smile.

"Seiji sto-" That is the first time Asher reacts, as if aware of my intentions, but one of the biggest flaws that I have come to notice so far is that this connection only works when he gets the words out.

And, well, if I act before he can say anything, then it doesn't work anymore, does it?

Feeling no pull from the 'behave' command I react, my long tail acting fast and piercing the soldier's in line one by one, lifting them in the air like a meat stick as I pull the tail back in a swift motion, leaving then to hit the floor and die from blood loss.

But of course it wouldn't that simple with Sean.

He jumps up and over the kitchen balcony, away from my eyesight and with enough cover for him to try a few shots at my direction, only for my arm to cover my face up as the silver scales glint and ricochet the bullets back at him, denting the walls around.

Quickly noticing it was a bad idea he stops shooting, and I do not give him enough time to escape as I enter the kitchen with one clean leap to the side, cutting his exit from this side and knowing I could reach him with my tail if he tried the front door and balcony again.

However I should know better, for he does not try to escape and actually stands with a sword in hand, a red stone setting the edge ablaze.

Takamori is left in shock on the side, not only for my impossible recovery and behavior but for the too fast sequences of actions that unfold.

But of course Asher is different and is not affected by the sudden violence unfolding, is used to it even, and in a matter of moments he must have thought of all the outcomes and consequences of my actions, and so came to the conclusion that is better for him to interfere right away.

So when I bend forward, arms stretched out, tail curved on top of my head with its sharp end still dripping blood, he says:

"Seiji, 'capture him alive'." I do not need to look to know that the scribbles are brought to life, the biggest one carving my skin as deep as his command is able to get, a quick look and a growl at him are the only things I'm able to do to show my annoyance when Sean attacks.

As far as my scaled natural armor is good I do not intend to try it out with an ablaze metal, so I sidestep his attack as the metal swings by, leaving an orange afterimage as his moves speed up more and more, keeping us in this deadly dance.

I try to step on his feet to stop his maneuvers but he steps back, sword turned up ready to curve down at me.

But that is the first time he is far enough from me for Asher to take action on the side, and of course he does not go down and dirty on it to knock the guy out, not when he can simply take the hidden gun out and rest its nuzzle right at the back of Sean's head.

"Drop your weapon." Asher says.

"Or what Ashy? Will you kill me? What will the Colonel think of that?"

"I will deal with him later. Drop the weapon or join the pile at the door." 

I can see that Sean still wants to mad dash at me, but as he cracks his neck to the side he proves to be a little less crazy than I thought of him at first, bringing his hands up and saying:

"What a bummer Ashy, just when I was having some fun… Alright, alright Ashy, I wield. Freaking hell could I had at least enjoyed this win first?" He says, mumbling as he goes down to drop the weapon on the floor, but at the last second his eyes go to the side, and instinctively I react when he tries to bring his weapon up towards Asher, the tip scratching him on the belly barely enough to draw blood because I hook my tail on Sean's waist and bring him back towards my side, locking his arms with my hands and his body with my tail while I force him to drop the weapon by putting strength in my grip.

"Argh, so violent, can you be a little more gentle? My skin gets marks easily after all, how will I explain this to the Colonel hey? Argh! Alright alright, stop!" He keeps talking even in this situation so I give him a little more incentive to shut the hell up.

With him finally down for good I grim with my sharp teeth, but my happiness is cut short when the thought of killing him makes the markings light up in warning, making my eyes go up from Sean to Asher, who, smart as he is, must have caught up on the situation quite fast in regards to my line of thought and the sudden shinning of these markings.

Being him I rather assume he knows already than the other way around for sure, especially when he reaches down to his wound only to find it already healed up, a small red line covering his stomach, the same place where I have a closing in wound too.

Yeah, better assume that, which only makes things more difficult on my end.

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