In the end Sean has been allocated to my former room in the house, meaning he is chained up in the basement right now, oh joy.

After that encounter with the 'kind' soldiers I'm left in an awkward position similar to a kid who just disobeyed their parents, especially when Asher makes me sit on the couch with Takamori while he deals with the problems raised by my outburst.

I just think this is all bushtit, what was I supposed to do when the guy simply shots me in the head?! Play dead? Well, maybe that would have worked, but never mind! He shot me to kill the fucker! He deserved something in return, Asher could not expect me to play nice after that right?! Even more because he just tested out the resistance of this humanoid body of mine! What if my scales did not protect me then? So what, that would be it? He would walk in, kill me, and go back to his house as if nothing ever happened?

Hell no, not on my watch.

With all this frustration building up and without a place to vent it since I'm stuck with my butt on this sit I end up just crossing my arms and laying back down with my foot hitting the floor in annoyance at an increasing speed, but even showing clear signs of annoyance I'm ignored by Asher who, with a strange metal thing on his hand starts talking alone until a voice comes out of the device when it reaches his ear. 

"Hello, I would like to talk with the disposal team… Yes… Yes, ask Atsutane, say is Captain Murray's request… Ok, we will be waiting."

"Atsutane?" Asks Takamori after coming back from one of the rooms, and of course bringing clothes with him, looking over Asher while approaching me. "What business do you have with The Nameless?" 

Asher turns around before pocking the metal thing up, pointing the pile of bodies at the door with his gaze.

"I see… The way you are so prepared for this gives me the scary thought that you have done this before." Taka says, but met with only silence he gulps down his worries, separating the clothes on the couch. "Are they trustworthy? And why would they care?"

"… We are business partners. Plus they have family out there, and I'm the only one who puts effort into keeping them safe too."

"I see, never took you to have relationship with gangs, especially with the former mafia. I guess I should have expected I supposed… You are never one to take things lightly, just don't forget to eat at the end of the day alright?"

Asher doesn't answer but Takamori doesn't seem to mind it as he starts trying to dress me up, first over the head, but since I cannot stand things turn difficult beyond that.

"Seiji, 'behave'." Noticing the hard time his 'sit' command is giving to Takamori Asher changes his word back to that freaking behave again, but I'm starting to understand it a little better, on how this command seems to be a generic one, and by the looks of it, since I managed to attack the soldiers with no problem, it depends on something to work, perhaps his judgment on the subject, allowing me to destroy our common enemy but not allowing me to break his chair.

I mean, it seems reasonable, but I've never being one to think too much about stuff, enough to know that I can attack even if under this command, depending on who.

Maybe I should test that out later, good thing that merely thinking already works uhm…

After getting dress by Takamori he looks over to Asher and when the door belt rings he asks:

"What have you brought me here for? What can I help?"

"Delivery for mister Murray!" Says the person smelling of dry blood outside, but before opening the door up Asher turns and says:

"Teach him our language. I cannot discipline him if he doesn't understand what he is being punished for."

At that Takamori stands, a little shocked, and says:

"You don't meant to…"


"Just because he is not human? All deserve a chance Asher, I don't think-"

"No, is because I'll need him obedient for what is up to come."


"…Alright." At that Takamori pulls me up by the arm towards the stairs, but before we climb up Asher says:

"I'll be going out, will be back by evening, have him ready by then."

"…" Without answering Takamori turns back around and, as we climb the first steps out of view the main door is open up so the guys outside can clean the place up from any traces of our little afternoon encounter.

"Destroy the bodies, I want no evidence of how they died." I hear Asher say last before we enter a room to the side, muffling their voices with the wood barrier; Not that I could not hear them, but after that is all just people working and chitchat, uninteresting stuff, so I turn my attention towards Takamori and the place he has brought me to.

I take a good sniff, and come to the conclusion that is where Asher spends most of his time at, a big bed on the side and a private living room on the other, with a couch, two chairs and a black metal thing on the other side, as well as a table for two in between, right up close to the wall.

The windows are closed by curtains which gives a night vibe to the place, but soon Takamori ruins it by opening up a few blinders, enough to bring light to the place.

Ugh, humans and their blind eyes.

Takamori sighs, looking at me than at the room, trying to ignore what just passed and showing a strange calm image, but I can tell his heart has not calmed down yet, not his hands stopped shaking from such close encounter with death.

Or perhaps he is scared of me? I may be so too… However mind reading is not one of my many abilities unfortunately.

He sits down on the couch, putting his legs over the small central table, and grabbing something made of metal he points it out before clicking.

Then I hear voices, strange voices from people I did not perceive before, and growling I start sniffing frenetically trying to pinpoint the location of such sneak attackers that only came to life when they talked.

However, as I look madly to our sides, teeth bared and claws stretched out, my eyes pass over the very calm Takamori as he watches my moves with surprise and awe, eyes widen and a little smile appearing as times goes until it turns into a chuckle that he tries to hide behind his hand.

"Oh my, what was really cute of you Seiji."

I raise my eyebrow and turn my head to the side, asking if he is not silly for laughing in a situation like this while we are under attack, but he simply points up front and says:

"That's a TV, a television, sorry for scaring you but the sound comes from there. We are not in danger, see?"

I look from him to that thing, the black box suddenly filled with sounds and lights, people appearing, talking, and images of the attacks and the buildings falling from yesterday playing over it.

I frown, approaching it while on alert, sniffing the air but not receiving any odors beyond the ones present before, and looking behind the thing, on the sides, and below I'm left to stare in confusion at the thing.

"Haha, what a thing, I guess I still have a lot to teach you about." Takamori says, amused by my reaction, smiling like a kind mother chick who just found a stray to take care of.

That day he starts with a full out teaching session that lasts until the sun goes down once more and he has to leave, letting me there to wait for Asher to come back.

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