About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling Control Sister Chapter 217

I sat in my usual chairman's seat and said with a sigh as I watched Song Yixin concentrate on the documents in front of her.

After Song Yixin learned about these things yesterday, she pulled me over again today and asked me to accompany her here to read the documents. Although the student council doesn't have anything confidential and there's no harm in looking at these documents, according to Song Yixin herself, she still needs someone to accompany her to feel more at ease, especially someone from the student council.

It's a pity that I'm not a member of the student council, but I'm the brother of the current president, and that's something that's plausible even if someone were to check.

"It makes sense, if say I become the President, I'll learn how to write these things ahead of time, so I'll be able to get started faster. What's wrong, Qin Feng, are you feeling a little irritated?"

Song Yixin carefully looked at the dense text, some of which were handwritten and some of which were regular Song font number five characters. She's really memorizing the formatting of these things, it seems, and she's already got a good idea of what to do.

As much as I want to hit her, I don't think there's anything wrong with having all this preparation. Since you have to participate in the election, you have to prepare on the premise that you are running for office successfully, and when you think about it that way, there's nothing wrong with Song Yixin's actions.

"There's nothing wrong with letting me accompany you, I'm not really bothered by it, it's just that the school is in a state of closure right now, so isn't it not a good idea for us to sneak in."

"It doesn't matter, after all, it's not like the exam building is this one."

"What if say someone checks?"

"It's good to hide and wait for the person to leave."

Song Yixin said absent-mindedly as she looked at it and jotted something down in her notes, Hey hey hey is really serious. I don't object to you being serious but isn't this a little too serious? If the campaign didn't succeed, wouldn't this one note be a waste? There's no need to be so serious about an investment that's not necessarily going to pay off.

"If, say, you lost the election after that, this note would be useless, wouldn't it. So wouldn't it be good to read it now?"

I took a sip of the coffee inside the student council and said, "I don't know if this is provided by the school or bought by the student council, but when I was bored today I looked through the drawers and found three drawers of snacks.

However, a significant portion of the student council members are female, so there's nothing wrong with that. As long as it's not public money, I don't think the president's personality would be full of money.

I just smoked a bar of instant coffee, and my conscience is very clear.

"If I don't succeed in the election, I'll give it to the successful candidate. But only if it's for Qin Lan and the others, we're friends, there's nothing wrong with that. If it's not us, this book can also let me know about these things, maybe it'll be useful in the future, right?"

Song Yixin laughed and looked at me and said.

Song Yixin is really thoughtful, to say the least, of these people, the one I know so far is the most serious. I don't know what Wu Mo Xi is preparing, but Qin Lan seems to be mobilizing her friends, and her friend is mobilizing her friend's friends, I don't know as to how much. However, this is a spider web that might be able to cover the entire school and deliver food to Qin Lan, the spider queen's mouth.

But whether Qin Lan can manage it after that, this I don't have much confidence in my heart. After all, I've never seen Qin Lan manage anything before, the class doesn't count, a class where everyone knows everyone knows what they do, Qin Lan's status as class president doesn't matter much. What's more, there really wasn't much for a class president to do, and there hadn't been any recent activities to showcase Qin Lan's abilities.

I'm really worried about Qin Lan's management ability.

It's one thing to get the name of the student council president, it's another thing to be able to manage the school well, I thought there was nothing wrong with the student council, but yesterday I found out that the student council actually has so many things to deal with, Qin Lan, can you really handle it?

No, no, no, why am I so worried about Qin Lan at this time.

I sighed, it looks like I already see Qin Lan as someone who can become the student body president by default. Obviously, I'm surrounded by such a serious Song Yixin, but I still think that Qin Lan has a better chance of winning.

"Qin Feng, you're very good at sighing. You know, actually sighing isn't a good habit because it's a sign of a bad mood, even if you're not unhappy right now, but when you sigh, you'll naturally think of things that you're unhappy about. So, it's better not to sigh."

Song Yixin lowered her head to write and said to me.

"Ah, oh, is that so? I don't think I'm sighing out of habit, though I enjoy it, but every sigh is for a reason."

I said bracing my face, looking at the slightly vibrating coffee in front of me.

"Oh, so why do you sigh when you're with me? Is it because you're bored with me? Or are there any negative feelings?"

Song Yixin closed her notebook, smiled at me and asked. It was like a reporter asking someone on the street, "Are you happy?", but I felt that if I answered randomly, the 0.5mm black marker in Song Yixin's hand would stab me in the throat.

"No, it's not because of you."

I shook my head, it really wasn't because of Wu Mo Xi. I was good at being dazed so there wasn't any need to worry about me, I wasn't bored when Song Yixin was doing her own thing because even at that time, my brain was thinking like crazy, but the things I was thinking about just didn't have anything to do with the present.

"So that means that when he's with me, Qin Feng will think of other girls and then sigh?"

Song Yixin held her face up, seemingly smiling.

"Ah, not really."

Were you found out?

I waved my hand, almost touching the coffee cup that I was about to pour over, and I noticed that Song Yixin was looking at me with a very scary look.

"Really, don't think about other girls when you're with one girl, ah. Who are you thinking about? Moxie? Or is it Arashi? Or is it Chairman Qin Yun?"

Song Yixin noticed that I was checking her out and smiled helplessly, complaining in a disgruntled voice. I actually know not to mention another girl in front of a girl. There's nothing wrong with thinking about it in your mind, just don't show it. I'm just now a negative example never to follow my example.

"I noticed that you counted the chairman among the other girls."

I decided I'd rather not answer that question and opted for another line of questioning.

"Don't you? No matter what, the President is still a girl. No, no, no, Qin Feng, I think you've misunderstood something..."

Song Yixin was in the middle of saying that, as if she suddenly understood something, she revealed a bad smile, looked at me and said, "Qin Feng, I'm not talking about those who like you or the girls you like oh, if you understand it so well, why do you suddenly care about the Chairman? Reasonably speaking, this condition of the other girls fits the President perfectly, why, would you want to exclude the President?"

"You're looking for revenge after being asked by the chairman once, right."

Why do I feel that this Song Yixin's words have a hint of resentment in them, I understand that the chairman had sanctioned Song Yixin in this way before, Song Yixin was asked by the chairman about her body, it looks like she wants to find someone to take revenge on the world.

But why me, I'm really sorry I'm not in charge of getting someone to take revenge on society, please go find a Shake M thank you.

I touched my head and said helplessly, "It's not like I think anyone likes me or I like anyone, it's just that I never really thought of the chairman as a girl."

"That's really too bad. The chairman is a girl no matter what, will the chairman be sad if you say that."

"Yes, she's sad."

Song Yixin's smile suddenly froze on her face, and I looked at her and answered her with ease.

Indeed, if the chairman knew that I never treated her as a girl, she would really be very sad. How many childhood sweethearts didn't get together because of some bullshit reason like, "I treat you like a brother, but you want to fuck me? If I tell the Chairman that, I'm worried that he'll cry in front of me.

"Yes... that's right."

This time it was Song Yixin's turn to be embarrassed. I wasn't going to admit that I liked the chairman, but I was no longer going to avoid the matter now.

"Then I..."


I immediately asked Song Yixin to keep her voice down, then quickly walked to the door and closed it gently. I took the coffee off the table and stood by the door. Even if I took a glance from the window, I couldn't see anything.


Song Yixin asked me with a mouth shape. She hid behind me, holding her notebook and folder.

I nodded my head.

The inspecting teacher walked to the door of the student union classroom and pulled the door, luckily I had just closed it. It shouldn't come in for inspection.

Just as I was trying to breathe a sigh of relief, I suddenly heard the last thing I wanted to hear....

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