About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling Control Sister Chapter 218

That's the sound of tape ripping!

It's, like, a seal!

The seal is just two pieces of paper, but sometimes the power doesn't lie here, a piece of paper is nothing, I can open it by pushing the door, but the seal can't be broken. If it's broken, there may be some consequences, the lightest is a warning.

A piece of paper had been fastened on the glass, so I couldn't see what was going on outside. However, from the sound, you could hear that the seal had been placed on it.

The sound of footsteps resumed, so it should be to another classroom. Song Yixin pulled on my cuff and asked in a low voice, "Qin Feng, outside, what's going on?"

"It's sealed."

I answered succinctly, went to the door, carefully unscrewed the lock, pushed it, and between the cracks I did see a narrow, but at the moment I absolutely dared not break the piece of paper, this seal was stuck on the door, this classroom was temporarily closed, only after the end of the bar could it be opened.

It is said that this exam is still quite important, what will happen if one of the seals is found to be broken at the end? While it is possible that nothing will happen, it is also possible, that something will go terribly wrong.

"Seals? So...what if we want to get out?"

Song Yixin also understands the seriousness of this matter. Our biggest problem is that we're not sure what will happen if we break the seal. Once if we were to act rashly and break this seal, there would be absolutely no escape if the blame came down afterwards.

"There's no choice but to wait."

I said, sighing as I relocked the door.

"So when will it open?"

Song Yixin hugged the folder in her arms hard, looked at me fearfully, and asked.

"I'm not sure, but maybe someone will tear it up after this exam? It shouldn't be a problem, after all, it's just this section this morning. If there's still no one to open it then, I'll contact the President, who will be able to explain when he arrives and will be able to get out."

I walked back over to the chair and sat down, saying.

I can't believe I'm having this problem with secret rooms, and with men and women together. Aren't these scenes often scenarios where relationships are further developed?

But my current chamber counts for nothing, it's not like I can't get out, I'm trapped by a little note. I don't have any tension at all, and if I end up really not being able to, I'll just push out the door.

Song Yixin swallowed, nodded, and said, "Yes... yes, um, it'll be fine."

"Didn't I tell you that this might happen when you came in despite sealing the building in the first place?"

Did I say that? I don't remember, but it doesn't matter, you can be whatever you want to be afterwards, it doesn't matter.


Song Yixin walked over to the side, pulled out a chair, and said, "I'm worried... we'll be punished for this..."

"Well, not if we can sneak away, and not if we end up alerting the President."

I spread my hands and said, "But it won't be a big deal, it's just as well, you can keep writing your stuff here. That's what we're doing here anyway, and whether we have a seal or not has no bearing on what we're doing."

"That's also true."

Song Yixin closed her eyes and took a deep breath once, it looked like for Song Yixin the matter of being punished still bothered her a bit. Song Yixin was a girl who followed the rules, and it was normal to be a little worried.

"But... but... that... that... Qin Feng... I..."

I looked at Song Yixin's face and tilted my head. She seemed to be sitting very hard in the chair, her hands between her thighs, her legs twisting hard, her whole body trembling.

What had happened?

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with the body?"

"Um...I...I need to go to the bathroom..."

Song Yixin muttered the words from her teeth, with the greatest shame she could muster....

Hey hey hey!!!

Chapter 151 About My Totally Devastated Tennis Girl

Not everything actually happens for a reason.

Although, theoretically speaking, there is no such thing as a thing that happens for no reason, things like that have to have a source, or a trigger, or a variety of reasons that can cause it. Things don't just happen by themselves without a reason, just like a river must have a source.

Things have a cause.

It's an iron rule.

I used to believe that too, but, now, that's not necessarily true. Because some things don't have a cause. No, no, no, I'm not trying to say things, that's too big a scope. I could say accidents, yes, things that are bad, things that cause damage to people, that's called an accident.

Accidents don't always have a cause, some times they are caused by something or other that is wrong. Usually there is always one person who did something wrong, no matter how, no matter what they did wrong, no matter what the nature of that mistake was, there is always one person who did something wrong.

But, in fact, there are some accidents where someone didn't do it wrong. For example, we have this thing, Song Yixin, trying to go to the toilet.

Everyone has experienced the three urgent needs of people. The most painful thing is when you want to go to the toilet but you can't. I believe it's an excruciating feeling, because I've experienced it too.

I believe this feeling is torturous, because I have also experienced the pain of not being able to go to the toilet. But I was fine, after all, I quickly solved the problem, and what I was facing was not a desperate situation.

Perhaps this was how Song Yixin felt at this time. Even if it wasn't that urgent at first, the feeling would be even more pronounced when I'm locked in. However, I definitely can't interview Song Yixin at this moment, as she has already thrown away all her pens and is writhing in pain in her chair.

What she was facing now was a desperate situation.

"When did you want to go to the bathroom?"

"When I first stood up..."

Song Yixin said very forcefully, a face suffocated, as if this sentence was going to consume her entire body's strength. Her legs were deadly tangled together, like two snakes that were planning to swallow each other. Her hands were caught between them, and her body kept changing positions.

Ah, I remember, when that person first appeared in the corridor, Song Yixin stood up at that time and wanted to go out, I guess it was at that time that she wanted to go to the toilet. But it didn't work out, and Song Yixin's embarrassment afterwards wasn't because she was worried about being blocked, but because it was going to happen.

I didn't expect this to happen at all, and even if I had, what could I have done? And I can carry a diaper with me?

Now, it's an hour after we were locked up.

There's absolutely nothing I can do about this, and it's completely obvious that there's nothing I can do. The only thing I can do is probably go to the door and push it open very manly, I don't know what the consequences of an unauthorized seal are, this is a pretty important exam and if something goes wrong, the consequences could be pretty serious.

I'm trapped by two seals, it's really frustrating, the seals are easy to tear, but the power behind them is too great.

Song Yixin was trembling constantly in her chair, if I pressed her abdomen at this time was it the same as cutting her? Ah I don't have such a fetish, and I'm worried about Song Yixin in this state, but I still don't have the courage to break the seal.

How can I help Song Yixin is the question I ponder, but no matter how much I think about it, it's impossible. I can't go to the bathroom instead of Song Yixin, nor can I share Song Yixin's pain, nor do I dare to just push out the door. But

"There's still an hour left."

I looked at Song Yixin and said the time. It wasn't to comfort her or cheer her up, but rather to break her down even more, an hour might not be a big deal to me, but to Song Yixin, it was an hour that could kill her.

She clenched her teeth in death, her forehead was crawling with fine beads of sweat, she didn't dare to cover her stomach, or touch any part of it.

"I'd better call the chairman over."

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