About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling Control Sister Chapter 219

I looked at Song Yixin's face that was almost crying and took out my phone and said.

"No... don't... I... I can still... "

Hey, hey, hey... It's not like you can go on like this. I feel like you really can't help it if you keep going like this, a girl in front of a boy...it's just too beautiful a scene for me to imagine. Song Yixin is a person who cares a lot about her face, and she's also a child who knows what she's doing, and I think she's so ashamed to let me see this scene right now that she wants to die, if it goes any further....

I wouldn't even be surprised if Song Yixin just opened the window and jumped off.

I looked at the coffee cup in front of me... no no absolutely can't propose this method, although it's a solution, but Song Yixin will never accept it, she would rather die than do this in front of me.

"Qin... Feng..."

Song Yixin's hand grasped my arm with a death grip, her expression was incomparably painful, her body shrinking into a small ball as she lay down on the chair.

As I looked at her, if anything giving her a knife at this point would be a relief for Song Yixin. What Song Yixin was enduring right now was definitely not just physical pain, but mental torture as well. I reckoned that this would be the biggest stain and black history in Song Yixin's life.

I looked at my watch, another five minutes had already passed.

"I... I... I..."

Song Yixin could barely speak anymore, only moaning in pain, tossing and turning in her chair. Song Yixin hadn't experienced childbirth yet, but I felt that it couldn't be much more than that.

If it continued, Song Yixin's life would be completely over. Once it's not under control, it's not my fault, nor is it Song Yixin's fault, and a disgraced Song Yixin could even lightly give birth.

I looked at the door, what would happen if, say, at this time I pushed the door open and the seal was destroyed? I didn't know how severe the punishment would be, this exam wasn't a GED, but it seemed like a very important adult exam. What would my actions bring? If you're lucky, it's anything but, and if you're unlucky, I guess....


I looked at Song Yixin who was clinging to my arm and wouldn't let go, with a pained face.

There are times when there is no choice, especially, when the person suffering is your friend. I don't have many friends, and I absolutely can't afford to lose one because of such a meaningless thing, the classroom I'm in isn't an exam room, and I don't store any test answers, so how can I be punished? Or wouldn't care at all?

Even if it's a punishment, it doesn't matter.

I stood up and gently assisted Song Yixin, who gave me a frightened glance and desperately wanted to break free. But she knew that if she said she was going to use force at this point, she would lose everything. I helped Song Yixin up and said, "I'll walk you to the bathroom."


Song Yixin squeezed out a blurred voice through her teeth.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong."

I picked up Song Yixin, whose legs went limp and almost overwhelmed me as well. Her legs slumped to her knees, and her entire body was like a broken puppet, pulled by the threads of me.

"Don't... don't... don't!"

Song Yixin almost cried out, she couldn't move her legs at this time right.

I bit my teeth, looked at Song Yixin who was almost lying on the ground, and reached out to pick her up with all my might.


Song Yixin screamed, so frightened that I thought she'd finally collapsed. But her next step was to hold my neck in a death grip, her body shaking violently. It's okay, it's not serious, it's still okay. I hugged Song Yixin, walked quickly to the door, stretched out my leg, and kicked it open violently.

"Ah!!! Qin Feng... I..."

At the same time, Song Yixin erupted with a desperate cry, her body trembling violently, her hands almost snapping my neck. A warm stream of water flowed along my arm....

Well, the scene that least deserved it still happened.


This desperate weeping almost tore my eardrums. I tied my jacket around Song Yixin's waist, so that I could more or less block it out, and I cleaned up the floor of the student union and disposed of myself as well. I was fine with it, I didn't blame Song Yixin for this, but Song Yixin was probably desperate inside.

As an elegant and intellectual girl, in front of a boy....

Well, I think we should still comfort Song Yixin properly. No, there's no point in consoling her at this time, keep an eye on her! I won't be surprised if I see on the news tomorrow that Song Yixin committed suicide by various means.

It's not Song Yixin's fault, nor is it my fault, to say the least, it's something that no one did anything wrong, but it had negative consequences. How should we account for this? Is this an accident, is this Song Yixin's fault? Is it because Song Yixin did this on purpose? No. Is it wrong to want to go to the bathroom? Is it my fault? Did I not open the door in time?...ah that seems to be the problem when you think about it....

Okay, I started out with the wrong philosophy, all accidents happen for a reason...hmmm...but why is it my fault! So I'm responsible for Song Yixin's case?

Okay, I'm willing to be responsible, but how am I supposed to be responsible?

"I'm sorry, Song Yixin, I'm too indecisive... I... um..."

I apologized to a weeping Song Yixin.

"Waaaahhhh! Ah... no... it's not... Qin Feng's fault... waaaaahhh!"

Song Yixin's tears were in a state of welling up, for Song Yixin at this time she would rather die than to relive the time. To be fair, another of my biggest mistakes was that I shouldn't have been here.

If I hadn't been here, Song Yixin probably wouldn't have suffered so much, and even if it had happened, no one would have seen it. But having me see it now is simply a devastating blow to Song Yixin's self-esteem and spirit, not to mention the always self-respecting Song Yixin, even if the chairman were to be seen by me, he would want to die of shame.

"That... that... this accident... well, I'm definitely not going to tell anyone, I'll never tell anyone in my life, I'll die without Saying it out loud...well...so don't worry."

If such a thing were to be told, no need for Song Yixin to surf the internet in the middle of the night, the Earth O girl would send my soul to hell. No, that's when my conscience would appear to kill me.

"Let... let Qin Feng see ah! Waaaahhh!"

Hey, hey, hey, there's no way out of this! I can only promise I'll never tell anyone, but there's absolutely nothing I can do about what's already happened, what else can I do, am I going to kill myself with a handful of ribbons? Yes, I did see that, but I have absolutely no bad impression of you, rather, I don't even pity you, it's just an accident to me, ah, Song Yixin didn't hold back, it's nothing of the sort!

I didn't put this into consideration Song Yixin at all.

"I still... I still... get it on Qin Feng... I... I die Forget it!!!"

It's nothing, it's really nothing, although it got all over me, but I don't care, really, really, it's nothing. The moment I picked up Song Yixin, I was ready for it....

Song Yixin stood up sharply and rushed to the window and pulled it open shouting. My heart almost stopped for a moment, and I subconsciously rushed over to her and held her in a death hug. Song Yixin cried out and tried hard to rush out, but this was the sixth floor! You're really going to die! Her fist hit me hard on the head and her legs fought to stomp. This was serious! This is serious! If I let go, she'll really jump!

"Don't do that! Stop it! Don't be afraid! It's nothing! I don't care! Really!!!"

"Let me just die! I'm going to die! What's the difference between now and when I'm dead!!!! Let go!"

Well, what followed was too confusing, so I'll briefly recap.

The exam was cancelled.

Well, because a girl on the sixth floor was about to jump, disrupting the exam and sealing the paper.

Someone called the police and the police and firemen came quickly, and soon there was a large crowd of scattered examiners below to watch. In order to protect Song Yixin, I pressed one hand on Song Yixin's face, only one hand holding Song Yixin was really unable to hold on, Song Yixin was really holding the idea of death, has been struggling as much as possible, the most dangerous time, half of my body poked out.

At the most dangerous moment, half of my body leaked out. Later, the police rushed up and held Song Yixin and me in their arms. Song Yixin, who tried to kill herself, failed, and I was praised for my courage.

We went to the police station to take a statement, and when asked why, none of us answered.

This matter, however, was a complete mess.

Chapter 152 on a completely inexplicable rumor

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