About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling-Controlling Sister Chapter 280

I trailed off helplessly and said, "I'm really sorry, but that time... how can I put it, Lin Yiran you're not like us, you're much more mature than us, you do value our agreement at that time, but, I didn't care much at that time. That's why this is happening, right, uh, I'm not trying to pass the blame, it's just that all these things that happened between us, everyone, are not at fault."

Well this was a little different from the world I had known before, and if there was a problem, then someone had to be at fault. But in this case, the three of us, is anyone at fault? Lin Yiran is entitled to say that, Qin Lan is right to do so, and I myself don't understand these things. In that case, among us, who is wrong?

"Alright, since we said that Qin Lan's side has let out all the steam they can, should it not be my turn."

Lin Yiran threw his head back, looked at us, and said seriously.

"Is it all right? So why have we come to this point! It should have all gone very smoothly! What the hell happened all those years ago?!"

Lin Yiran stood up, looked at me with some anger, and said, "Originally Breeze liked me! It was supposed to be like this! Everything was supposed to be going well! Breeze and I are engaged, then we'll get married, then we'll buy a house and have a family and then we'll have kids! Why! Why on earth! What made Breeze reject me? Why, exactly? I'm obviously different from you guys, why instead I'm starting from zero!"

Lin Yiran's voice is getting louder and louder, I think I was wrong when I said "some anger" before, but now Lin Yiran is in a state of fury. I can see her eyes as blue as the ocean, and now they are glittering with cold light, like a tsunami of anger washing over us.

I didn't know what to reply, it wasn't my fault, I didn't know about the engagement or anything to begin with. And, like I said, I didn't care about all that stuff when I was little, I'd even forgotten about Lin Yiran, which was true, even though it hurt Lin Yiran's feelings.


I hadn't answered yet, there was a voice from the other side, and I looked over with Lin Yiran. It seems that in this farce, we've forgotten someone. That person has an exam tomorrow, but still, I've been listening here for half a day with great patience, and I'm also full of grievances compared to now.

The president stood up, not intending to pay us any attention, but turned around and headed to his room.


Lin Yiran looked over there and called out.

"What for? Should I continue to listen to you guys play house, or should I watch the soap opera you three are on? I think you guys are acting that way and don't really want to keep watching."

The president sighed, turned around, and said, "Be reasonable, I didn't understand what you two were talking about, I'm not talking about the previous crap, that incident was purely caused by you all paying too much attention to your brother, I can't say about Lan Lan's side, but I'm getting the feeling Yiran that you did it because you knew how Lan Lan would react. You know what, Yiran? What you just called venting is more of a threat, and whether or not my brother will be with you isn't about the two or three sentences before, it's also about the agreement between parents that if my brother wants to be with you, even if I don't allow it, my brother will push me away to you. If my younger brother doesn't want to be with you, then even if I tie you to him, he'll find a way to escape."

Lin Yiran's eyes trembled and wanted to say something, but the chairman didn't give her the chance, but raised his voice and said, "Ah Yiran, you really have an exceptionally good mind, and I can say that you're the smartest one among these girls around your brother. You relied on one word to make Qin Lan not touch your brother for a few years, this is what you planned, right? It's just that you didn't expect that Qin Lan and brother's relationship would ease up, right, you know that Qin Lan is dead serious and brother doesn't do anything meaningless, but you didn't expect that, I do want the two of you to ease up, right. Well, just because you're in a foreign country, you don't know what's happening over here."

The president looked at Lin Yiran with an emotionless gaze, rather, it was the kind of gaze an adult had when looking at a child being clever. It was a kind of mockery, and a kind of pity.

"Sister... no... no... I... I'm not..."

Lin Yiran's eyes took on a touch of fear. She looked at the chairman's face and didn't know what to say. I said that for these girls around me, the chairman will always be an existence that cannot be disobeyed. If it made the chairman angry, I definitely went to comfort him and wouldn't take care of anyone else.

"Ah, it's not that I hate you. Don't worry about that, I don't hate smart girls, and if you're not smart, I'll think you're useless instead. It's just that I want to say, don't use people to get your way, at least not to your friends and people you like."

The president spread his hands and said, "Well, there's no right or wrong in this matter, I'm not criticizing you, I'm just giving you a sense, in the future, don't do it to your friends and the people you like."


Lin Yiran lowered her head and bit her own lip, she wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say. I stood up, walked over to Lin Yiran, patted her shoulder and said, "I don't blame you... Okay, I know it's a little strange for me to say this, but I should have said I'm sorry for forgetting you, I should have asked for your forgiveness. But now, I don't want to see you sad too."

The president gave me a blank look, sighed, and said, "My brother is really big ah, handling things smoothly, let me step out as a black face myself as a red face ah. Geez, I'm not going to play house with you guys anymore, it's time to wash up and go to bed, I have an exam tomorrow, if I ever get up out of bed again because of crying or shouting, you all get your asses out there and go to sleep anywhere and everywhere."

"You get the hell out of here and go to bed."

"Brother you heartless! I helped you out and you're still mad at me!"

The president was wrapped around me like an octopus, and I felt like my whole body was almost crushed by the president who held me up. I unceremoniously pressed her head down as hard as I could, saying: "You're not going to sleep it yet, not to get out! If you stay on me for one more second you're going to get out of here and go to sleep anywhere!"

"Brother you're mean to me! You like those women out there now! You don't love me anymore! Brother, brother, brother, brother! Can't you do that to me, can't you give me a third of the tenderness you have for them both?"

"I've already given you that third of my tenderness or you'd be out of here by now now now I'm going to count to three you get out of here...three! you don't have a chance!"

After desperately trying to shake the chairman off, he smacked his lips and turned to his room, closing the door again. I sighed and turned to Lin Yiran, whose head hit my shoulder heavily, but she didn't report it.

I didn't hug her either, the two of us, we just stood there.

"So tired..."

After a long time, Lin Yiran, whispered.

"If you're tired, go rest."

I touched Lin Yiran's head and said.

Lin Yiran lifted his head, his blue eyes looked at me seriously, smiled weakly, and said, "Okay, you should rest early too. Darling."


I nodded, and Lin Yiran pushed me away and stood on her tiptoes, touching my face gently. I watched her walk to the washroom, and soon there was the sound of water coming from inside.

They say the only place you can cry is in your father's arms and the bathroom.

I wondered if there was a sob behind that sound of water....

Chapter 199 on my re-booked weekend.

I once said I was a little afraid of my own uncle.

No, I need to revise that sentence. It should be, and I'm going to say I'm afraid of my own uncle now, too. Especially an uncle who suddenly appears in our house, which is literally the scariest thing in the world. I'd rather face two Qin Lan in a sickly state than an uncle in a normal state.

Especially this uncle who appeared unexpectedly at noon.

"Ah! Cousin!!!"

As soon as I opened the door, something strange hit my abdomen and nearly squeezed all the air out of the inside of my lungs. I staggered back a couple of steps, touched the head of this strange thing, took a deep breath to replenish the air back in my lungs, and said, "Ah, Anna."

My cousin's smile lifted from my arms, a smile as bright as a sunflower. She rubbed against my chest and said, "Cousin you haven't even looked at me for a long time, I really miss you so much...but...why are there other women in the house?"

"If you're going to say that you Sister Qin Lan and Sister Yiran, then I think you should know, right?" I touched her head and said, "Then, the fact that you're here, Anna, means that..."

"Qin Feng, you're back, it's just that I have something I want to say to you."

Well, it was time for what was literally torture for me again. I took a deep breath and looked over there, my uncle wasn't wearing a suit at this time, but a very ordinary jacket. But it wasn't worn specifically to make me relax, rather it was more frightening for me to see something different about my uncle.


Behind my uncle, the chairman was standing there, and by the expression on the chairman's face, it wasn't an easy thing to do, or rather, it was a bad thing for us. I took a look at my uncle's expression and didn't notice anything different, well, actually, my uncle's expression never really changed.

"Is there something wrong with you, uncle?"

I looked at my uncle and asked.

"Come in first."

My uncle looked at me, then said calmly. I nodded and closed the door, feeling like such a failure, this was my own home, yet I was still being told "come in" by an outsider, so I had already lost half of the battle in terms of momentum. Well, it doesn't really matter even if I lose, after all, uncle didn't come here to talk to me at all, but rather, he just came to announce something. No, I should say, it's an order.

Last night, Qin Lan and Lin Yiran had just been frank, and today uncle came, which made it impossible for me not to associate these two things together, but even if I did, I don't know the purpose of this. Who is it? Q'uan? Or is it Lin Yiran? It wouldn't be good to alarm my uncle, rather it would make things worse, I suppose.

I walked silently into the living room, although my cousin was still clinging to me, but I wasn't in the mood to tease her, all my attention now had to be on what my uncle was saying.

"Have you eaten yet, Uncle?"

Lin Yiran gathered up her skirt and sat down on one side of the couch, asking with a big smile on her face. The way she was making out even made me wonder if Lin Yiran had moved uncle out as a rescue. But I have a feeling it shouldn't be, because uncle shouldn't know about Lin Yiran's moving over here.

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