About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling-Controlling Sister Chapter 281

"Arashi, are you still getting used to living here?"

Uncle nodded and dealt with Lin Yiran, then asked Qin Lan who was sitting on the other side.

Qin Lan nodded, smiled, and said, "Well, I'm quite used to it, after all, Qin Feng was the one who took care of me before. Now too, nothing has changed."

"That's good, I hesitated a bit before your father suddenly said that he wanted you to live in here, but it looks like you're not uncomfortable over here. That's great, then, you can continue to live here if you have no complaints."

Uncle looked at Qin Lan and gave a faint smile, hey uncle your reaction is a bit wrong, why is that, don't you never smile? Why would you suddenly smile, what's wrong with Qin Lan? Is it any wonder that the Qin Lan family is the biggest gold owner or something!

"No it won't, I'll continue to live here, it won't affect my sister and Qin Feng just fine."

"It's okay, Qin Feng."

My uncle looked at me and asked.

"Ah, no problem."

I nodded, did I have any other answers at this point? Rather than say I only had this one answer, my cousin looked at me and Qin Lan, pursed her lips and shouted, "No! If Sister Qin Lan can live in here, why can't I! Sister Qin Lan and Sister Yi Ran! Me too!"

"That, Anna, if you live in here too, there's really no room..."

I sighed heavily inwardly, it looked like these girls hadn't given me a second thought at all. There's no room for anyone here anymore, and if my cousin is coming over again, then I'm going to have to sleep on the couch. No, maybe I won't even be able to sleep on the couch.

"No, you don't have the same routine as them, so don't bother your cousin."

My uncle looked at his daughter and said something very fair to me, thank you uncle really, really. I was wrong to have an instinctive prejudice against my uncle, uncle doesn't hate me, well, he still cares about me a lot. Really, uncle really is a good person, really.


My cousin cut a cry, though she looked reluctant, but she looked like she understood that this thing was impossible so she gave up. It looked like she had never intended to succeed in the first place except that she must have come to such a try, or rather, she must have asked regardless of whether she succeeded or not.

I looked at my uncle, took a deep breath, and asked, "So, what was the reason for your special trip this time, uncle?"

The chairman was standing behind me, and his expression was quite serious, so I could tell that uncle hadn't spoken to the chairman alone yet, and the chairman didn't know about this matter either. To put it simply, every time Uncle showed up he didn't bring any good news, especially for our sister and brother's relationship, I still remember when he brought Lin Yiran, that time was really a bloodbath.

"One thing indeed."

Uncle nodded and reached out an invitation card, well, it was a very formal kind of invitation card, but it wasn't a wedding celebration invitation, rather it was the kind of invitation card used for business, was this some kind of business party? I don't think it's an occasion I can go to ah, I'd feel normal if I said Lin Yiran was going.

"This is for Qin Feng, Yun Yun's senior year classes are tight, so I won't have to come that night. Of course if you want to come, just say you're Qin Yun, no one should dare stop you two." Uncle left his mouth open and said a joke? Well, I wasn't sure if this was a joke or not, and my uncle continued, "Mainly this is a business party, and you weren't supposed to be the ones to attend, but I figured you're going to be attending more of these events in the future, and you should show up. Most of the people you see this time are going to have something to do with you in the future."

"What kind of capitalist-filled party is this,"

I sighed and said, "I'm really not good at this kind of occasion, I'm not good at communicating, you know that, uncle. What's more, I've never been involved in anything like this before, I have no idea what the etiquette is or anything like that. Besides, isn't it obvious that I'm just a kid if I go as a freshman?"

"No, that event wasn't as active as you think it was, and I certainly wouldn't let you guys go to that kind of event, giving you guys a pure death wish for an event that important. So, you guys will just be sitting in your chairs for this event, there won't be any problems, you just need to applaud when you should."

Uncle looked at Lin Yiran beside him, Lin Yiran was stunned, then nodded and said, "No problem, this event I've seen, it's probably just a charity speech or something. No, it's an environmental protection, an event to protect endangered animals. There are experts and hosts speaking up there, just don't fall asleep Little Wind, leave everything to me, I'll just go with you then."

I looked at Lin Yiran, well, Lin Yiran is good at this kind of thing, it shouldn't be said that Lin Yiran was already good at this kind of thing, I'm sure Lin Yiran has already participated in countless such events. And if this kind of activity only requires sitting down, it's no different from my class, so I'll just leave everything to Lin Yiran.

There shouldn't be any problems, right.

"There won't be any problems, just as long as you don't talk nonsense, so I recommend that you better not go early, you just enter three or four minutes before the start. There's no need to get any special clothes, you'll just have to dress appropriately, no sweatshirt. Also, everything up to the time you speak, you'll have Lin Yiran to replace you, and you don't need to be flamboyant about all the activities. In short, you are just a vase at that time, just let everyone know that you exist, and also, absolutely don't play with your phone or anything, don't act ostentatious or distracted, don't talk much, and don't accept any gifts from others, everything is at Lin Yiran's disposal."

My uncle handed me the invitation and instructed me.

I sighed and said, "Since I don't want to go since there are so many requests I don't want to go, so it looks like this matter is far from as simple as you say."

"It's fine, I'm very relieved that you have Lin Yiran."

My uncle solemnly patted my shoulder and said, "Not enough you should also observe Lin Yiran's behavior, you will definitely take on the battle yourself later, ten, fifteen, twenty years from now. At that time, Lin Yiran won't be able to help you block everything. This incident is also to let you know the responsibility you are carrying behind your back."

Lin Yiran looked at me, smiled and said, "No problem dear, you have to trust me, I have participated in many such events, there won't be any problem. The easiest thing to do is to just pretend that you don't exist, but everyone else does. When the time comes, everything will be at my disposal."

Uncle nodded and handed another invitation to Lin Yiran, then looked at Qin Lan, nodded apologetically and said, "Sorry, Lan Lan Lan, on Friday night, you and Yun Yun can find a place to eat, if you don't feel up to it, come to my house."

"Ah, it's fine, it's fine for me to be with my sister."

Qin Lan waved her hand, then smiled and said, "Qin Feng is going about his business, I can't stop him."

Lin Yiran looked at me, smiled, and said, "Then since Little Feng has agreed to come, I'll pick out some clothes for him. Although it doesn't have to be formal, it can't be particularly casual either..."

"Anyway leave it all to Yiran, no problem Yiran, I've heard a lot of things about you lately." Uncle looked at Lin Yiran and asked.

Lin Yiran smiled and shook his head and said, "No problem, it's all trivial, didn't you also say that it's not an important party, I just need to prepare for it. It won't delay the main work, and it's fine that my father is in charge over there."

"That's good, I'll leave everything to you."


Lin Yiran nodded, looking as excited as if he was charged up and picked up the invitation to study it carefully. I didn't know what Lin Yiran could be excited about, I didn't see what was so important about this party, I simply looked at the invitation in my hand to get an idea of the place and time. Without opening it, I was quite interested to see what my name looked like printed on such an official document....

"Well, honey give me your invitation and I'll hand it out uniformly."

Lin Yiran said, holding out his hand to me. I was stunned, I hadn't really looked at it...but I didn't see much point in looking at it, so I extended my hand and handed it to Lin Yiran. Lin Yiran took it, stood up, and then said, "Then I won't waste any more time, since I said I'd start on Friday night, I need to start preparing now, there are still two days left. I still have to think about costumes and vehicles and transportation!"

Lin Yiran immediately passed through us, looking happy and excited. I for one don't understand why Lin Yiran is so excited, obviously having extra work shouldn't be a happy thing. Forget it, I'm confused, but if I leave it to Lin Yiran, I'm quite relieved.

Although Lin Yiran has never done anything for me, but if uncle can be so relieved, I shouldn't doubt this authority figure as someone who doesn't know anything. If you don't know anything, then no matter what the authority figure says, don't doubt it, that's the way to be able to solve the problem.

If all could think the same way as I do, there would be no doctor-patient disputes.

"Well, that's all then, you have classes this afternoon, so I won't bother you."

My uncle stood up and my cousin, though reluctantly, stood up beside me, releasing her hold on me and followed my father to the door.

"Don't be late, and don't be early, oh."

My uncle turned back, reminding me again.


Chapter 200 on my off-the-cuff heart

"The party, that was fun. Just listen to the words."

Song Yixin lay back and leaned back against the back of the chair, the chair trembling slightly in the air, Song Yixin's legs up, shaking with the movement of the chair.

"It's not really that happy, and it's not that capitalistic, I guess. I heard it's just an environmental related one, probably just hoping to donate to save some endangered animal." I sorted through the documents I received today, well, not exactly the ones I received, I should say the ones I wrote and then organized myself.

"Well, there are quite a few of these events...but I just don't have much interest...no, it's not that I don't love rare animals or anything, it's just that I don't think there's much point in me looking at any science knowledge to participate in an exhibit . However, I think that if it's Qin Feng, he should be able to play a bigger role."

Song Yixin smiled at me and said, "Qin Feng is going to keep those endangered animals alive for a while longer ah, now Qin Feng, he has a lot of power."

"No, I'm just going to see what's going on to show up, but the main thing is Lin Yiran's job to do all the socializing and stuff. I'll just be a vase there."

"But the world is fair, but we still don't actually have the same power, do we?" Song Yixin looked at me, smiled and said, "You see, those rich people, those politicians, they can just change the world. And we, on the other hand, can only change tonight's dinner, can't we? And doesn't that power come from influence? And where does that influence come from? Doesn't it come from wealth and power? If you put it that way, the current Qin Feng is much more powerful than me."

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