About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling, Chapter 298.

"Qin Lan..."

"It's okay, it's okay, Qin Feng, I'm still by your side. Please...please...be by my side too...we made a deal...don't leave me. , don't leave me..."

She was sobbing in my chest, and she was crying tears of despair and pain, pleading. She was afraid, and she was desperate. Last night, it wasn't that I lost everything, but perhaps it was a loss for Qun Lan as well.

I had promised Qin Lan that I wouldn't leave her, I had held her in my arms and said I wouldn't leave her. But last night, I didn't choose her. I couldn't choose her, I knew who I really liked, I knew what kind of feelings I had for Qin Lan, I knew that I had the kind of feelings for Qin Lan as a childhood sweetheart, but with fondness as well. But, I know who I, most of all, want to be with.

I like Qin Lan, but I like my sister more.

"Don't leave me...don't choose Lin Yiran...don't get engaged to her...please... ...Please..."

She lifted her head and gently held my face, and I looked into her face, into her fearful eyes, into her dark, almost desperate eyes, and felt her cold, trembling hands. I embraced her gently, and I could feel her trembling violently, and, as much despair as I felt.

How should I answer? What am I supposed to say to her? I don't want to choose Lin Yiran, and I don't want to get engaged to her, I don't want Lin Yiran to be my fiancée or even my wife later. It's not that I hate Lin Yiran, it's just that I don't like Lin Yiran's methods, I know I have no choice, am I going to be like this, accept Lin Yiran?

"I can't help it...I can't help it..."

I really don't have a choice, I don't have any choice, how can I refuse Lin Yiran? Maybe it's really my fault that I didn't even look at that invitation. I'm sure Lin Yiran didn't try to blackmail me with it, but she did exactly what she did to achieve that goal, what could I do, what could I do? I'm forced to be with her right now because of one of Lin Yiran's personal feelings.

Qin Lan looked at me, her eyes had despair in them, but now, they took on hope, she hugged me tightly and said, "We can escape, you won't go then, we can leave here. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, didn't uncle also say that it's fine to choose me, I'll be by Qin Feng's side, I won't leave Qin Feng, no matter where he goes... I... I'll always love Qin Feng... ...I won't betray you, Qin Feng, you have to trust me, Qin Feng, I like you, I really like you. Whether it's past, present or future, it's all the same, you know Qin Feng! I...I like you!"

I know, I know, I know.

I understand everything you say, I know everything you say, I believe everything you say.

I looked at her, I looked at Qin Lan's eager eyes, I looked at her eyes that were as clear as a child's, I knew she wasn't lying, I knew her confession was true now, I knew she would do everything she said. I believe her, I believe this childhood sweetheart who has always been by my side.

Flee, flee, flee, flee, flee.

This is what I really want to do right now, run away with Qin Lan, maybe an elopement of sorts? I'm not going to get engaged to Lin Yiran, but escape with Qin Lan, it doesn't matter where I escape to, I don't have to worry about anything as long as I'm with Qin Lan. Even my uncle will scruple some of Qin Lan's father, Qin Lan's parents won't reject me, and I don't hate Qin Lan. As long as I escape, as long as I escape, I will be able to get out of the predicament that my uncle has given me.

This is the best way, the only way I can think of right now. It's the best way to be able to break through to my uncle, impeccably, and by nodding now, kissing down, and taking Qin Lan's hand, I can chase the sun and run into my own future. That would be a future of my own choosing.

Just like the main character, he ran away to a different place with the person who had been with him all this time, and ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away, ran away... ...make your own modest little family, live with the person you love, grow old together, and finally, look each other in the eye and smile and say you've had a great life.

What's wrong with this being the perfect life, too, after you have nowhere else to go?

Whether it's him, or me, there's someone who can't be separated.

"But what about my sister?"

We can escape, we can escape to our own little nest and live happily inside.

But what about my sister? How am I supposed to leave her when she's going to be out there alone taking on the storm, and she can't cook, and she can't do laundry, and she can't do anything yet? I couldn't and couldn't leave her behind, she was my sister, she was the only sister I had, she was the one who had always raised me, she was the one who had always been there for me, she.

It's the sister I love the most.

I can't escape because I have my sister here, and I know it's bait, and I know I'll only perish if I stay here, but humans always do something out of the ordinary, otherwise, how do humans become human? The reason for being able to remove the word class is that, man, knows that there is something that cannot be given up.

As she stared at me dully, I looked at her and gently repeated.

"What about my sister?"

I would not leave my sister behind, I would not run away, I could not run away, and I would never leave my sister behind, even if it required me to bleed to death.

And by no means.

"I'm sorry, Chin-Lan, but I can't run away with you. I love my sister, I want to be with her, and for her sake, I can't leave with you."

I let go of Qin Lan, Qin Lan looked at me fearfully, like a pet abandoned by its owner, I stood up, went to the window and opened it, the bitter cold wind outside slapped me violently in the face like a slap, draining all the water out of my brain.

There was no change, it was no change, my sister had been taken away by my uncle, and Lin Yiran might soon be engaged to me.

But I had just, refused to find a way out of this predicament, hurt, tried to help me.

But I had no way out.

I turned back, looked at Qin Lan behind me, and said softly, "Yes, I know I can't change this, I know what will happen to me in the end, but I don't even want my sister to see, my cowardly, fleeing back."

Chapter 215 about my tumultuous afterlife.

I haven't been skipping classes, I've probably just skipped a class. I hadn't slept all night and had been mentally shaken up, but now I was not tired, but very much alive. It occurred to me that even if my uncle didn't allow me to have contact with my sister, there was one place where there would be contact, and that was school.

I must go to the school, I must go there, I must meet my sister, I must see her, I must discuss with her, whatever it is, I must, see my sister.

My uncle will definitely not let my sister transfer to another school fifty days before the entrance exams, and as long as she is in school, she will have contact with me. In other words, if I want to see my sister, then I must go to the school, even if we're not the same age, but we're both in that school, and uncle's influence will definitely not reach there.

After sending Qun Lan, who had fallen asleep again, to the bedroom, I set off. Qin Lan might be even more tired than me now, no, not maybe, but definitely. Qin Lan received no more stimulation than I did last night, and has to keep hugging me to comfort me. For her, it was already too exhausting.

I've never found the road to school so long and difficult. I feel like my stomach is twitching with every step I take, I can't walk very far, I almost have to hold onto the wall and try to vomit, but there is already nothing in my stomach that can't vomit, I'm like a refugee walking in the snow. Hunger, cold, fear, confusion... I walked on by survival instinct, completely by hope and end, with no warmth, no torches, no one around me, just myself and, the faith in my heart.

After making it to the school, entering the school wasn't being made difficult, it really is the kind of place where no one cares about you when you go in, but not if you leave early. No, now is not the time to think about the efficiency and work attitude of the boss at the entrance, I now, want to see her.

At this point in time, it's probably in the middle of the fuck. I stopped, listening to the noise of the students in the back playground and the school's choice of songs that almost no one listened to. It would be unwise to go looking for someone now, I had no idea where Senior was, one place for each of the three grades in this self-sporting recess, and I didn't know where Senior was, or even that Senior didn't have this activity yet. I had to find my sister during recess.

This is a good time to blend in with the class first, I don't want to get caught and asked by the class teacher yet. But I think this time the class teacher must have called to ask uncle why I did not go to class, this is not the university even if you do not go to class a day no one will miss you only takeaway brother will worry that you do not go down to get takeaway.

I now feel a bit out of place, a burst of blackness in front of my eyes, no strength in my legs, every step I take seems to fall over. My consciousness was all a bit fuzzy, I was looking at the tree in front of me that I had to react to avoid, my heart was beating hard, trying in vain to send energy to every corner of my body, but I was worried that this heart would all lose its beating energy.

Humans are really fragile creatures, they have more mental energy than other animals, but this mental energy is not used as fuel. Even if you want to hold on, even if you are unwilling, even if you have reached the place you want to come to, when the last bit of energy your body can burn is used up, you will still fall to the ground. I want to see my sister, I want to see her, I want to see her face, and I have arrived at the place where I will meet her.

But, I feel that there is no way that I will be able to, to get to her.

I'm not happy, I'm not happy, I don't want to be sent back like this, I want to see my sister, I want to stay here, I want to see my sister here again. I don't want to leave, I don't want to, I don't want to be separated like this.

I want to move, I want to move, I'll be there in a minute, just hold on a little longer, just hold on, and I'll see, my sister's smile.

I head to the back playground, but as I approach the side of the building, I hear a familiar voice again.

I turned around and looked over there, the sunlight jutting up in front of me nearly knocked me over, and in the sunlight I saw the familiar black silhouette. I leaned against the wall, gasping for air, and looked over there, running and jumping, and a black, bouncing ball.

As if....

It's like a sister figure....

"Ah la, Qin Feng, what's wrong with you, I heard from Mo Xi that you didn't come today, Qin Lan and Lin Yiran are... Hey hey hey, Qin Feng! Qin Feng!!!"

My knees went weak, and I didn't have the last of my strength. It's just stupid to pass out right here, it's right in front of me, it's right in the middle of nowhere, it's right in the middle of nowhere....

With one last glimpse of sight, I saw the figure, running anxiously towards me.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a place that I was once incredibly familiar with but was now no longer mine. It was the place that was originally my room, because now this room was no longer mine, and the person who lived here was Qin Lan. However, the fact that I woke up here meant that someone had sent me here.

I sat up and looked around me, there wasn't anyone around me. Not a single person, and a strong disappointment spread throughout my body that it wasn't my sister who had sent me here. She wasn't even next to me now, and I was next to no one. There was only dense ground darkness and the ticking of a clock.

She hadn't remodeled my bedroom, it was basically the same as it was, nothing else had changed except for the sheets and the pillows and such that had been replaced, and the increased number of things placed on the bed. I rubbed my eyes, how long had I been asleep? What should this time be?

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