About my hopeless brother and sister

About My Incorrigible Sibling-Controlling Sister Chapter 299

I picked up one side of my luminous watch and looked at it, I thought it was late at night, but it was only eight in the evening. But it must have been almost ten hours since I slept, and although I'm still a little dizzy, I can already feel the hunger. It looks like my body has recovered somewhat, even if it is weak. This time made me as sick as a big one, it was just too much.

But I also knew that whether my body recovered or not had nothing to do with the resolution of this incident, and now my situation had not improved at all.

I got up, went to the door and opened it.

A warm scent came to my face, who says scent has no temperature, I now feel like breathing down the scent is with heavy warmth and emotion, like drinking a bowl of hot soup to make me feel happy. All my body warmed up with every breath I took, originally, there should be no talent in the house, at most there is Qin Lan, but Qin Lan can't cook at all, the house won't have this happy warmth at all. People say that a house is not a home, nor is a bed a home, but only a hot stove, which can be considered a home.

I was acutely aware of this, and to be able to breathe in the smell of it when I was hungry and exhausted was blissful enough to want to die.

The kitchen light was on and I walked over to it, through the glass. Inside, the young girl with her hair tied simply was gently tasting the flavor with a small spoon.

She opened her eyes and seemed to smile with satisfaction at her achievement. Then turning around, her pleasant dark eyes saw me and she froze, then smiled sharply, pointed to the pot in front of her, indicating that I should wait a little longer, then turned and walked over to the cutting board and placed the vegetables and strips of meat already cut up on the board into two small bowls each.

I pulled the door open and walked over to the door.

"Ah, Qin Feng, didn't I tell you to wait outside now? There's no need to come in, you're sick so don't force it, really, it's so scary for you to suddenly fall down in front of me. Why are you still running around when you're sick, just stay at home."

Song Yixin looked at me somewhat sharply and smiled, then walked over to the pot, looked at the soup inside and said, "I'm actually not very good at making soup... I heard that Mo Xi was better at it so I asked, and I don't know how well I made it... ...I don't know how to cook a patient's meal either... You should have some soup first, and have a bowl of ginger soup when you go to bed at night, you're so cold."

Song Yixin said with a smile as she walked around the kitchen, busying herself with her own business. No, it shouldn't be her business, but mine. I just looked at her dumbly, and didn't get on to help, but just, just looked at her.


I didn't know what I should say, and all that came out of my mouth was a powerless thank you. Those two words should be the most powerless words in the world, even if they are foreigners' words. No matter who it was used on, there was no point in thanking anyone with such a generic word.

"Thank you."

I looked at Song Yixin's back and said softly.

"It's okay, there's no need to thank me. After all, there's no one else in your house right now, and Qin Lan won't be able to cook. If I didn't come, you'd have to starve to death in bed?"

Song Yixin bowed her head and turned off the fire, then turned around, looked at me, smiled awkwardly and said, "I heard the reason from Qin Lan, Qin Feng you don't need to explain... I'm sorry that I made you feel bad even when you were weak, but I just wanted to know if it was true. "

"Is what you're saying true?"

Song Yixin paused, biting her own lips, her face was a bit embarrassed, she opened her mouth, but closed it again, her eyes were a bit sad, as if, she was looking for the right words.

I had actually guessed what she wanted to ask, and knew how I should answer, but I still wanted to wait for her to ask it. For Song Yixin, it should be difficult to ask this question. Because for her, this kind of thing is impossible and incredibly absurd, but she's now facing the person involved in this matter, and she doesn't know how to ask it, it's like facing an alien or even an alien person who wants to ask a question, but I don't know, how to ask it.

"That... that... Qin Feng... that... you... you... don't really... like... your sister, do you..."

Song Yixin deliberated for a long time, and finally, she asked the question. I knew she would already ask it, and it would definitely be this direct, because there was no euphemism for this kind of question. Song Yixin laughed to herself after asking the question, as if she had asked a very stupid question, I knew that in Song Yixin's eyes, this kind of thing was particularly stupid and absolutely impossible, for her, this question was not only not a question, it was even an insult.

"No no no... I'm not insulting you... um... no no no, it's just... ...It's just...that's what I heard Qin Lan say...that...that... ...I know it's stupid, right?...I know it's stupid...Oh...Oh...I'm sorry sorry, I shouldn't be so stupid, this kind of thing is definitely impossible, right? "

Song Yixin saw that I hadn't answered and turned around with an awkward smile, trying to find something to do to get herself out of the current embarrassment, but found that she had already dealt with everything, and all that was left to do was to serve the stuff over. She froze in place, unsure of what she should do.

We maintained a very awkward silence.

Song Yixin felt that she had brought up a question that was insulting to others, especially again someone who had just separated from her sister. In that case, the other person would definitely be angry, and Song Yixin should be regretting that she shouldn't have asked such a stupid question, that she had asked such a question so easily, and she was worried that I was angry.

However, she didn't ask the wrong question.

I do, indeed, like my own sister.

Song Yixin is a bit changed, not as serious as before, but her tutor is still put there. Song Yixin was still a very traditional girl, she wouldn't show affection to other boys except to me, and she had never acted frivolously. She was a very traditional girl, and in her world, this kind of thing was a minefield, and not only would it never happen, but if it did, then it was a serious mistake.

So serious that it must be erased as a mistake.

In fact, even for a girl who wasn't as serious as Song Yixin, in a normal worldview, this was not accepted. The world could accept homosexuality, and some people could even accept love with a different species. However, love between blood relatives is definitely not acceptable.

Should I remain silent at this time? If I remained silent, then Song Yixin would never ask questions again and I would be able to continue to have a good relationship with Song Yixin. Although I'm not sure, I have a feeling that once I speak up, Song Yixin, and I will definitely have a violent collision between us.

Song Yixin's eyes looked at me with some fear, she pinched her apron, turned around, and said loudly.


"Yes, I like it."

We both, in unison, said what we wanted to say.

Chapter 216 about my tennis girl who left me.

Humans aren't really a very receptive creature to new things, but that's not really a comparison to make, because animals don't feel that way, and it seems that the only animal in the world that would be resistant to or even annoyed by the social and cultural changes around them is the human.

If humans are the only ones, then I think I should be wrong when I start to say that humans are not actually a very receptive creature to new things. Because this statement is valid if there is something more receptive to new things than humans, but it doesn't exist on Earth, and by the way, I don't believe in the existence of aliens.

But that's not actually wrong, to me it is. Humans are able to accept changes that can be accommodated in their own three perspectives without offending their own interests. For example, if a new couplet is posted next door, a new cell phone is bought next door, and a coworker wears a new dress, this is fine for humans, but if the new couplet next door is the same as their own, the new cell phone next door is seen by their own family to be liked, and the coworker's new dress is the one they've already bought on the way, humans will be upset. And, just like in Doctor Mystery, the shock of Dickens seeing a ghost he absolutely doesn't believe in is painful for Dickens as well.

Even though it was happening right in front of his eyes, he knew it was not a hallucination of his own. The embarrassment and aggravation of thinking he understood everything but finding out he was only a frog at the bottom of a well also makes it difficult for humans to accept new things, and at this time, the person will be afraid of the unknown and will instinctively reject it, even though he knows it's real and will oppose it.

That's why, I say, humans are not really a very receptive creature to new things. There's no comparison, but to go into denial just because it's different from what you know shows the fragility of humans.

I know that I know that humans are incapable of accepting things that their own worldview cannot accept. I also know that when humans hear things that can shock their worldview, the first thing they do is deny it, and I also know that Song Yixin will feel disgusted when she finds out about this matter.

Song Yixin's eyes became incredibly frightened, rather than saying that I had said something, it was as if I had slammed her. She looked at me dumbfoundedly, her hands gripping her clothes so tightly that I could see the white knuckles of her hands exposed from the extra effort... She looked at me, the corners of her mouth twitching unnaturally, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

I don't blame her.

When she asked the question again, I already thought that she would react like this. Song Yixin was not Qin Lan, the reason why Qin Lan didn't feel shocked should be because she had more important things to do, and for Song Yixin, the answer she wanted to know was too shocking to her.

When I answered, it impacted, Song Yixin's worldview.

"Is... is it... so ah... that... that... that..."

Rather than Song Yixin being the one to speak, she just made a few sounds to keep the situation from getting too awkward, and she looked at me as if she was afraid and took two steps back.

"I know, this might not be acceptable."

I looked at Song Yixin and said softly, "I also know how stupid what I did was, and I know that the world isn't going to accept us. But, Song Yixin, if a person is always by your side, how can you not like him? She becomes a part of your life, you can't live without her, time has integrated her into your life, how could you not like him? I can't help it, I can't help it, I'm just, like, in love with someone I can't be in love with!"

I don't have anyone else to lean on, I don't have anyone else to lean on, all I have are these friends of mine. I'm not alone yet, and I don't want them to leave too. My world is only so big, I'm not this sphere, my world is just around them, even if it doesn't matter what other people think of me, as long as they're around me, I'm fearless.

Song Yixin lowered her head, her body trembled slightly, I don't know why. I don't understand what Song Yixin is feeling right now, I don't know what Song Yixin is trying to say. I knew that this might be too much for Song Yixin to accept, but I still felt that maybe, Song Yixin would support me.

Just maybe, I didn't think too much about it.

As long as Song Yixin wouldn't leave me, I would be satisfied.

Song Yixin was silent for a long time, so long that the heat was almost gone. She sniffled and raised her head, there was no expression on her face, no crying, no laughing, no sadness, I didn't know what she would say, I couldn't tell anything from her face.

"Song Yixin... I..."

Song Yixin ignored me and walked over to the pot to reignite the fire.


"There's no need to say anything, Qin Feng."

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