That's what I said, but I still feel uneasy.

But there's nothing I can do.

This world is like this, we can only take one step at a time, and deal with it as it comes.



After dinner, everyone cleaned up and went to bed early.

A night passed, and nothing happened.

The next morning, everyone packed up, ate some dry food, and prepared to set off.

Before leaving, Ya Yin asked the father and daughter again if they wanted to leave with them.

The man was silent for a long time, but still refused their invitation.

He seemed to have thought a lot that night.

And he finally came to the conclusion that he wanted to stay here to guard his daughter.

If, when his daughter recovered, they were still alive, then they might be able to start a new life.

But if they were found by those people before that...

The man said that at least, during this period of time, he could accompany his daughter well.

He didn't want her, who was already weak, to continue to suffer.

Yayin didn't say much, just left them some food, a pot, a tent, some dry firewood and drinking water, and left with Liu Ji and others.

That was all they could do.

The rest...

Yayin looked at Liu Ji who kept looking back, and after a moment of silence, she asked, "Liu Ji, do you still want to help them?"

"Well, after all, they met... But we can't help them much, right?" Liu Ji sighed.

"No, we can help them with one more thing," Yayin said, "There is a team of tyrant's lackeys chasing them, and if I'm not mistaken, they are already nearby. Should we go over there?"

"There is no way there will be a king's cavalry in this kind of lackey team, right?" Liu Ji said.

"Of course not," Ya Yin said, "Do you think Wang Qi is a cabbage?"

"Then what else is there to say, let's go and fight them," Liu Ji said, and bumped his fists, "It just so happens that I want to find some sand belts to practice with."

"Well, that's fine," Ya Yin said, "Then let's start fighting, they are already here."

"What..." Liu Ji hadn't reacted yet, and suddenly, several crossbow arrows shot out from the shadows on the side.

Ya Yin quickly recited several spells, waved his staff, and a whirlwind rolled to the side, blowing away all the crossbow arrows.

The next moment, from another direction, several figures suddenly rushed out and rushed towards them.

The leader was a black-armored general.

Not far away, the girl's father noticed the situation here, and immediately shouted in fear: "Be careful! Behind you!"

However, the next moment, he saw a scene that made him unbelievable.

The black-armored warrior who was extremely powerful in his impression instantly exploded into a sky full of blood flowers in the air.

The attack he received was just a mediocre straight punch from the green-haired young man.

146. Two-in-one Tunnel Warfare Hey Tunnel Warfare, Ambush Potato Millions

Liu Ji regretted a little.

The black sandbag suddenly jumped out, which scared him, and he subconsciously punched it.

According to the plan, that should be the big sandbag he wanted to save for the last punch.

He was expecting that there would be a second sandbag of the same type, but it seemed that there were only some small fish left, and they were all smashed in a few seconds.

Liu Ji picked up the black-armored general's sword and waved it casually. This thing is good as a toy. The last time he broke it, he could keep this one to play with.

It just so happened that he had some ideas about weapons.

Thinking of this, he inserted the sword into his back.

Yes, he inserted it directly into his back and stuck the sword on his back with his body.

This is the wonderful use of the body.

This way, there is no need to carry a sword case or something.

The potatoes seemed to be very interested in the red cape. Six potatoes gathered together to guess the answer, and finally gave the cape to the potato with the double swords.

Liu Ji suddenly noticed that the red cloth wrapped around Yuan seemed to be the same as the cape.

Ya Yin was cleaning up the battlefield.

She used earth magic to gather all the remains of corpses and armor fragments together, and then used fire magic to burn the metal and human remains into a metal ball full of impurities, and then buried it underground.

For ordinary tyrant soldiers, this treatment is enough.

"Now, I think you can rest assured," Ya Yin turned to the man who was stunned not far away and said, "But don't be careless. It's still not easy to take care of your daughter in such a wilderness. Come on."

After that, she said hello to Liu Ji and led the team away.

The man quickly reached out his hand towards the place where the few people left, but after a pause, he put his hand down again.

As expected, he still didn't dare to follow.

Although this team of people was really strong, stronger than all the warriors he had seen, following them might really ensure the safety of himself and his daughter...

But when he thought of the Holy City of Kaga, the horrible battlefield, and those emotionless killing machines, he could feel a chill from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't want to go back there, and he didn't dare to go back there.

He looked at his daughter, gently touched her hair, and sighed.

Then, he stood up and moved his shoulders.

Since he has decided to stay, he should start working.

Just like the female mystic said, it is not easy to survive in such a wilderness.

He still has a lot of work to do...



"According to them, it takes about two days to walk from here to the place where they were attacked," Ya Yin said casually as she walked, "Although they travel day and night, our speed should be much faster than theirs, and it will probably take about two days."

"Well, they had already walked out of the vicinity of Kaga Holy City when they were attacked," Liu Ji said, "According to this calculation, it feels like it will take another ten days or half a month to walk to Kaga Holy City..."

"There is no need to rush about this," Ya Yin shook her head, "I mean, maybe starting from tomorrow, no, it's better to start from now, we all have to be careful, and we can just kill and deal with this kind of pursuit troops. When we reach the war zone, even if we kill one of them, it may cause subsequent reactions."

"Then why not just kill them as we go?" Liu Ji didn't care. "Anyway, as long as there are no king cavalry coming, we can just kill as many of these miscellaneous soldiers as possible."

"No, the problem is that this can also attract the king cavalry," Yain shook her head. "If nothing unexpected happens, Kaga Saint should belong to one of their main battle zones at this stage.

Their main battle zone has a reaction force directly under the vanguard cavalry. As long as you kill one or two waves of their support, the reaction force will come to you. Then, if you kill them all, it will directly attract the vanguard cavalry.

If the vanguard cavalry confirms that they can't deal with you, as long as there is a king cavalry in the local area, he will come to you immediately.

In the past, on the mainland, I don't know how many elite troops who went to the main battle zone to support were killed by the king cavalry because of this."

"Ah," Liu Ji scratched his head.

In other words, as long as you kill three or four waves of soldiers, you can directly spawn the boss?

And these tyrant troops are notoriously sticky, and once they are discovered, it is difficult to get rid of them.

This is really a bit annoying.

"Then how about we go underground?" Liu Ji suddenly thought.

"Huh?" Ya Yin was stunned, "Ah! Right, how could I forget about this."



Outside the holy city of Kaga, in the dense forest.

Ao Sa was carrying a basket, crouching, digging something under a big tree with a short knife.

"Well, this mushroom can be eaten, but this one seems not..." He threw a bunch of colorful mushrooms aside, picked a few bigger white mushrooms and threw them into the backpack.

He reached out and shook the backpack, but it was still light. This little bit of food was probably not enough for him to eat half full.

"Alas, no, it hasn't rained recently, and the food nearby has been collected almost..." Ao Sa rubbed his eyebrows.

Sure enough, it's faster to hunt some wild animals.


Ao Sa's ears moved, and his five senses that were far superior to ordinary people could feel that there were two dog teams active within a radius of one kilometer.

Not to mention whether he could find suitable prey nearby, even if he did, the noise of hunting might attract these bastards whose noses were sharper than dogs.

"Tsk, let's go somewhere else. It seems that the forest in the east hasn't been searched much..." Osa thought, pushed aside the grass leaves, turned around and sneaked back into the depths of the dense forest.

But this time his luck was really bad. After walking a hundred or two hundred meters, he picked up some shrunken tree fruits.

This kind of thing is sour to eat without food, not much better than sea buckthorn.

Seeing that he might encounter a wandering dog team if he went further, Osa was also in a headache. After thinking about it, he turned back.

If it really doesn't work, he should go back first. When there are fewer people around at night, he can go to a place a little further away to find some food...

Just when Osa was thinking this, suddenly, his ears moved and he heard a cooing sound from a little further away.

In an instant, he distinguished that it was the call of the long-tailed chicken.

This fat bird is one of the few farmed meat birds that can fly. It might have flown from a farm somewhere.

Now, Osa couldn't sit still.

This is a real source of excellent meat, and it's not a prey, but a runaway broiler.

He immediately searched the direction of the call with his senses.

Soon, he found that the beautiful white chicken was standing in the middle of the bushes on the crown of a broad-leaved tree not far away, looking around.

Osa swallowed his saliva and looked at the fat body of the white chicken, his heart pounding.

He hadn't caught any meat for a week, so how could he not be excited about this broiler that was delivered to his door.


The nearest dog team was two hundred meters away, and there was only one chance. If he could catch it directly, it would be fine. Once he missed, not only would he not be able to catch the chicken, but he would also be in danger of his life...

Risking his life just to catch a broiler?

It doesn't seem like a good deal...


When he thought of the people waiting for him in the cave, Ao Sa couldn't move his legs.

He could starve, but...

Gritting his teeth, Ao Sa still looked at the fat chicken.

He carefully put the bamboo basket on his back on the ground and took a deep breath.

"Calm down, it's just catching a chicken, how can I fail in such a simple thing..."

Aosa said this to himself in his heart, and took two deep breaths slowly.

Then, he looked at the fat chicken again.

He lowered his center of gravity and sank his qi into his dantian...

He held his breath and concentrated...

The fat chicken turned its head, and suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and jumped along the branch under its feet twice, and then pecked at the branch under its feet...


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