Aosa suddenly exerted force on his feet, stretched his whole body, and silently jumped high, like a phantom in the forest, grabbing the white chicken.

At that moment, the white chicken's survival instinct still made it react at the last moment.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Aosa's hands had already grabbed its neck.

At the moment when it was about to make a chicken cry, Aosa's hands twisted violently, ending its life on the spot.

Although it would taste better if the chicken was bled before being killed, Aosa obviously couldn't care so much now.

Landing lightly, looking at the fat chicken in his hand that had already died, Aosa felt ecstatic.

It's done!

They can finally have a meat meal today!

Thinking of this, he let go of his hand and wanted to go back to pick up his backpack.

However, at the moment he let go of his hand, Aosa smelled a smell of blood...

His heart was pounding, and he quickly lowered his head to look at the fat chicken.

Blood was oozing out of the neck that he had twisted...

It seemed that he had used too much force just now.

"Oh no..." Ao Sa felt his hair stand on end.

His ears moved...

Sure enough, he could feel that the dog team closest to here seemed to have come here...



"Crackle, crackle..."

Liu Ji maintained the earth element state and controlled a ball of mud to move quickly underground.

Above Liu Ji's head, a solar magic ball was hanging high, emitting warm sunlight.

And around the ball, Yuan and six potato boys were sitting in seven directions, with green leaves swaying above their heads.

Ya Yin was holding a map and some kind of magic compass to determine their coordinates in real time.

She originally thought that being able to purify the air was Liu Ji's special skill, but now it seems that these kids can do it too.

The soil here is not as loose as the desert. It would take a lot of effort for her to maintain high-speed movement by herself. As a result, with the help of the potatoes to purify the air and Liu Ji to transform into the earth element to maintain movement, their current speed is unexpectedly fast.

Even faster than when they were riding the dragon car before.

After two or three hours, if nothing unexpected happens, they should have reached the place where the father and daughter were attacked.

At this speed, they might not enter the war zone in two days, but rush directly into the Holy City of Kaga in two days.


But it's better not to rush in directly.

If they get out directly and find a king cavalry and two vanguard cavalry looking at them, wouldn't that be embarrassing?

But then again, if they don't go in, where will they get out...

While Ya Yin was thinking about this, suddenly, she felt a vague sense coming from a certain direction.

That was the sense of the group beacon she had left on everyone before.

Could it be that there are companions nearby?

"Wait! Stop for a moment!" Ya Yin shouted immediately.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Liu Ji asked as he pulled the earth ball to stop.

"Wait a minute, I'll confirm the direction..." Ya Yin said, waving her staff, magnifying the compass in front of her, then closing her eyes and starting to feel it carefully.

Not long after, she opened her eyes.

"Go this way," Ya Yin said, tapping a light spot on the wall of the sphere, "Go in this direction, fast!"



Rustle, rustle...

A team of twelve people was moving forward in the woods.

Just now, they smelled a discordant smell coming from the forest.

Although the smell was quite slight, and it might just be the odor of wild animals when they hunted, it did not prevent them from exploring here.

Moreover, they soon found some clues in the forest.

It looked like the footprints left by some large cats.

There was certainly a possibility that there were large cats nearby, but it was also possible that there were people...

They searched along the trail...

Soon, they really found a clue.

There were some bloodstains and scattered chicken feathers, which looked like the remnants left by wild beasts biting their prey.

The trace extended to the tree trunk a little further away, and some scratches that seemed to be left on the way up the tree could be vaguely seen on the tree trunk.

At the same time, in the shadows not far away, Osa was watching all this.

Seeing them follow the trace, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and arranged the scene according to the hunting scene of the wild mountain leopard in the first time, and the bloody smell on his body was also covered up by the pungent grass juice.

"Okay, let's go, go in that direction..." Looking at the figures of these tyrants, Osa prayed in his heart.

However, seeing that these guys were about to follow the traces arranged on the tree to the distance, suddenly, one of them turned his head again.

He squatted on the spot and began to turn over the nearby weeds.

"Oh..." Osa's heart was pounding.

Although he had thought about leaving footprints as much as possible when escaping, the time was too short and no matter how careful he was, he would still leave traces...

Watching the man stand up, look directly in his direction, and slowly walk towards him, Osa's heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

What to do?

What to do now?


But, even if he could fight them, what should he do next?

Want to run? Can you get away?

However, it seems that you can only run, at least you can't let them find you...

However, before Ao Sa finished thinking about this, he suddenly saw an extremely strange scene.

I saw a giant man with a height of two meters suddenly drilled out from the ground and appeared directly behind the soldier who was walking towards him.

Then, the other party covered the man's mouth and nose in an instant with lightning speed and dragged him into the ground.

This series of actions may not even take half a second, and the figure of the tyrant soldier disappeared directly on the spot.

And where he stood before.

The green grass is still there, and the bushes are swaying, as if nothing has happened.

147. Two-in-one wtm directly digs out a three-bedroom and one-living room apartment underground

Looking at a team of dogs sleeping neatly in the woods, and Ya Yin and Liu Ji standing next to the dog team, Ao Sa was a little stunned.

"You, you guys..." He swallowed his saliva and stretched out his meat ball to touch Ya Yin gently.

I can touch it, and it doesn't seem to be cold...

"What are you thinking about," Yayin reluctantly pulled Aosa's claws away and pinched his meat ball, "You thought we turned into ghosts to find you?"

Aosa opened his mouth, looked at Yayin, then looked at Liu Ji beside him, and then suddenly opened his arms and hugged the two of them in his arms.

"That's great, you are all right, that's great..." His voice trembled, and the whole person was shaking, and there were even tears in his eyes.

Liu Ji was a little confused when he was suddenly hugged without understanding anything, and he could only subconsciously hug the furry big cat back.

Yayin didn't know what to say for a while when seeing Aosa like this.

Indeed, when sending them away, it is estimated that all of them have already determined that Yayin and Liu Ji are destined to die in Mir City.

Now seeing them reappear is tantamount to seeing the dead resurrected for Aosa.

The reunion hug lasted for several minutes before Aosa calmed down his excitement.

"Huh, really, I thought I would never see you again, really..." Osa sniffed and grinned at the two of them, "Ha, I don't know how to talk anymore."

"Let's talk about it later," Yain shrugged, "We still have a lot of things to deal with."

"Ah! That's right!" Osa looked at the row of Tyrant's lackeys on the ground not far away.

These people are not dead now, but they were just smothered by Yuan.

It's not that they suddenly feel sorry for these zombies, but as they said before, killing them will cause troubles one after another. If you don't want to fight all the way until the King's Riders come, the best way is to throw them alive somewhere else.

This is not too troublesome, a short-distance phase teleportation, just throw them one or two kilometers away.

Just to prevent the aftermath of the spell from attracting the attention of other dog teams around, this magic Yain went underground to complete the reading.

A few minutes later, after dealing with this bunch of annoying Tyrant's lackeys, everyone returned to the ground again.

"Huh, it's done, now we can have a good talk," Yain looked at Aosa, "You look a little embarrassed..."

The big cat now looked dusty, with shaggy fur, and there seemed to be many wounds on his body, and his overall condition looked quite bad.

"Aha, yes, I've been a little sad recently," Aosa was also a little helpless.

"Were you separated when you were teleported?" Yain asked, "Why are you the only one here?"

"No, we were not separated, but..." Osa sighed, "How should I put it, we all thought you were dead, and, you know, we clearly defeated the King Knight for the first time, but... Anyway, everyone was not very comfortable, and the atmosphere in the team was also, rather subtle...

In addition, the Holy City of Kaga happened to encounter a frontal attack by a main force of the Tyrant. Luni and I wanted to help them, so we wanted to join their army, but everyone seemed to have different ideas.

Although everyone was still active in the Holy City of Kaga at that time, the ground battlefield of the Holy City was defeated later, and we were completely separated..."

"Is that so..." Yain bit her lip.

This situation can only be said to be difficult to describe.

She also thought that sending them away like this might make them depressed for a while, but with Xi Luo and Xue Nuo, she thought they would be able to gather together sooner or later.

But it was just the right time to run into the defeat of Kaga Holy City...

"Ha, it's troublesome," Yain sighed, "You are here alone now? Didn't you say that Luni was with you?"

"Yes, she is with me, but..." Osa touched his nose, his expression a little depressed, "You should just follow me, I will take you to our hiding place."



A huge rock, a pit, a bed made of pine and cypress leaves, and some vines used to cover the entrance of the cave, this is what Osa said about the hiding place.

This environment is probably not even comparable to the caves where primitive people live.

Ji Lunini was lying on the pine and cypress leaves, looking very asleep.

Visible blood was slowly floating around her body, and the dense blood threads on her exposed skin were hidden from time to time.

Osa looked inside and saw that Ji Lunini had not woken up yet, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he put the vine down, turned to Ya Yin and whispered, "Speak softly, don't wake her up..."

"I know," Ya Yin said, and poked Liu Ji again, asking him and the Potato Boys to keep quiet.

Then, she turned to Misa and asked, "What happened to her?"

"She was hit by the aftermath of the dirty bomb," Ao Sa sighed, "The city was breached, and we were planning to evacuate. While escaping, she heard a child's cry for help on the side street, and thought she might have enough time, so she took a detour..."

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