Instantly, without any warning, Liu Ji punched the monster.

The punch arrived, and the air burst.

Just like a punch hitting a fragile jelly, the monster's body exploded instantly, and the eyes and tentacles exploded all over the sky.

However, at this moment, something strange happened.

An energy that contained blasphemy and filth as if from the deepest part of hell burst out from the monster's body.

Liu Ji had no time to dodge, and the whole person was instantly enveloped by the energy.

At this moment, his perception ability completely failed in an instant, and the whole world instantly became nothingness.

In that nothingness, a force of energy was constantly enveloping and squeezing him...

What a dirty energy it was. Liu Ji could clearly feel that the rich chaotic evil and boundless negative energy were frantically drilling into the depths of his soul, as if to corrode and decay him.

Liu Ji immediately wanted to turn into dust and escape.

However, before he made any move, the feeling of being eroded suddenly stopped.

The perception that was obscured by decay and chaos instantly regained clarity.

At the same time, he felt a more chaotic and deep energy condensing behind him.

The energy slowly condensed into some kind of ancient decoration.

The decoration was like the decoration that Liu Ji had seen on the bronze ware in the museum in his previous life, like a fictitious beast face, but this decoration was more vivid, more hideous, more chaotic, more brutal...

More vivid.

The next moment, the beast's decoration opened its mouth.

At that moment, time in the entire space seemed to stop flowing.

Liu Ji could feel everything around him, but he was also completely unable to move.

Then, the beast's decoration closed its mouth.

At this moment, Liu Ji only felt a long bell ringing in the depths of his soul.

Then, he suddenly came back to his senses.

Looking back now, the ancient ornaments behind him had long disappeared, and the chaotic energy that originally filled the entire underground space also disappeared without a trace. If it weren't for the pile of dry and dirty corpse residues on the ground, Liu Ji would have doubted whether everything just now was his own illusion.

No, that's not right, there is something different...

Liu Ji suddenly felt a certain impulse surge in his body.

It seemed to be a brand new ability, an ability he had never mastered in the past.

He tried to activate that ability.

But... for some reason, at first glance, it seemed that nothing happened.

And this ability only lasted for a second before it expired. Liu Ji wanted to evoke it again, but he felt a sense of powerlessness for a while.

Just when Liu Ji wanted to wait a while and try again, suddenly, he felt that the nearby area suddenly began to vibrate violently.

He looked up and saw that the hoses that were originally attached to the roof began to gradually fall off from the ceiling. In the middle of the hoses, fine sand began to fall. The rustling sound of the flowing sand mixed with the crisp sound of the cracking soil. Everything indicated that this underground base should collapse soon.



Time went back a little.

Outer battlefield, underground.

With the flash of Osa's claws, the woman's left hand holding the knife flew out again.

She gritted her teeth, jumped back to distance herself, and held the dagger with her right hand, and was about to stab into her heart.

"You have used the same trick too many times..." Osa said softly, and pulled back with his left hand, pulling the woman back from a distance.

The woman was startled and found that a circle of thin rope made of cat hair was wrapped around her arm at some point.

"This thing, when did you..." Before the woman finished her words, her entire right hand was cut off by Osa's claws.

Then, Osa turned around and stabbed the woman's thighs with his two claws. Then, five claws were used to pick her up, and the woman's legs suddenly softened and she fell to the ground.

Then, Osa knelt on the woman's back with his knees, pressed her head to the ground, and said coldly: "Huh, it seems that our game is over."

"Huh? Really?" Who knew that the woman actually sneered, "You don't think that you can really trap me by crippling my hands and feet?"

"Huh?" Osa frowned, his expression suddenly solemn.

He had already crippled this guy's hands and feet, and now he pressed her head face down on the ground. Even if she bit her tongue, she couldn't choke herself to death. He had done everything he could...

If this guy had other ways to commit suicide and revive, then this matter would be really troublesome.

Although Osa can still beat this guy now, as long as the opponent tries enough times, there is no guarantee that he will win.

Moreover, every time the opponent wins, it brings real harm and danger to himself, and all he can do is watch his opponent revive again and again without injury.

The woman looked at Osa with a wicked smile on her face.

"Yes, that's it, despair, pain, and then pay the price for the suffering you made me suffer. You know, this thing is quite painful..." The woman said, and her whole body suddenly began to tremble.

Her eyes rolled up, foamed at the mouth, blood flowed from the corners of her eyes and ears, and even though her head was pressed by Osa, it kept shaking and contacting the ground at a high frequency, hitting her head and bleeding.

But even so, she couldn't stop laughing, as if she had seen the future where Aosa was tortured to death by her.

However, this smile suddenly stopped at a certain moment.

"No, don't! No! This can't happen!" The woman suddenly began to yell wildly, "Stop! Stop! No! I..."

However, before she finished her sentence, suddenly, with a snap, her brain exploded instantly.

Scalp, face, skull, brain and various head tissues splattered all over Aosa.

At this moment, Aosa felt a thump in his heart.

He subconsciously thought that the woman was going to be resurrected again.

And this time, he found that he could not limit her resurrection ability at all. If he kept fighting, he would be the only one to be exhausted to death.

However, Aosa waited for a long time, and the woman showed no signs of coming back to life again.

It seemed that every time she died before, she would recover within two seconds, but this time it was almost a minute, and the woman's body did not react at all.

Ao Sa stood up, kicked her body carefully, and crushed two of her joints, but still did not see any reaction from the body.

It seemed that the woman was really dead.

Died from detonating her own head.

Although he did not know why, the woman's last scream...

Ao Sa was thinking, maybe, when Ya Yin and Liu Ji came back, he should be able to ask something.

His intuition told him that Liu Ji might have achieved some kind of record that they had never seen before after killing Wang Qi.



On the ground, Yuan stood proudly on the spot with a knife.

Under him, the remains of the tyrant's soldiers piled up into a small hill.

The soldiers of an entire stronghold - a dozen black-armored generals, hundreds of guards and countless cannon fodder soldiers were declared annihilated.

"Well, the results are good, grandpa should be satisfied, I feel that I should be able to eat more good food recently..."

Yuan thought so and even hummed a cheerful little song.

At the same time, he suddenly heard a vibration and strange noise coming from a distance.

Yuan looked in that direction.

I saw a magic giant slowly standing up in the distance.

After turning his head slightly and taking a step sideways, the magic giant opened his "mouth" towards the spiral tower beside him.

The next moment, hot energy poured out of the magic giant's mouth, burning and melting the spiral tower directly. In just a few minutes, the tower that was dozens of meters high was burned into a pool of liquefied metal.

Then, the magic giant suddenly opened his arms, and his chest became visibly bright.


It exploded.

It exploded into a mini mushroom cloud, which slowly rose into the sky.

156. Two-in-one Grandpa! I want to eat a full banquet!

After a while, in the underground hiding place.

Looking at the supplies piled up into a small mountain in front of him, Osa opened his mouth wide and couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Fuck, my God," Osa's voice trembled, "Brother, I have never seen so much food in my life."

"Stop talking nonsense. When have you ever lacked food before? But you have worked hard in the past half month," Yayin turned her head a little further away, "But, can you stop wandering around there now? Do you think your injuries are minor? You should know that if you don't treat the sequelae of your wounds that are forcibly adhered by qi and racial talents, the sequelae will be more serious than normal wounds."

"I'm not in a hurry. You should treat Luni first," Osa grinned, although that smile always made people feel a little bit of pain.

"Lu Ni's condition has stabilized, okay?" Ya Yin patted the water tank beside her. At this moment, the water tank was filled with blue liquid, and Ji Lu Ni was soaking in it. "The advanced neutralizing solution is used for bathing. I estimate that when she wakes up tomorrow, her physical condition will be better than before, and the sequelae of her own practice will probably be reduced a lot."

"Oh, that's good, then I'm relieved," Ao Sa breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why don't you sit over here?" Ya Yin knocked on the bench beside him.

"Ah, I'll come right over, I'll come right over," Ao Sa said, turning around quickly, but as soon as he took a step, he grimaced in pain.

"Alas, so, why are you trying to be strong?" Ya Yin sighed, chanted the spell softly, and blew a bubble around Ao Sa.

The bubble dragged Ao Sa gently to the top of the stool and slowly put him on the stool.

"Tsk, it's really miserable," Yayin looked at the wounds on Aosa's body, "You have wounds all over your front and back. Fortunately, your buttocks are not injured. Otherwise, you can't sit or lie down. That's painful."

"Ahaha, it's okay, I'm not afraid of pain," Aosa shook his head.

"It's better this way. Carly is not here. I haven't learned medical hypnosis," Yayin said, taking the medical supplies beside her and carefully began to treat Aosa's wounds, "But then again... the one you killed was a vanguard, right?"

"Ah, I'm lucky," Aosa said, "Her head suddenly exploded in the middle of the fight, and I don't know what happened."

"Head exploded?" Yayin blinked, turned to look at Liu Ji who was talking to Yuan, and asked, "Liu Ji, he said that the vanguard's head suddenly exploded in the middle of the fight, do you have any clues?"

"Ah?" Liu Ji was stunned for a moment, "The head exploded in the middle of the fight? Can't that thing be resurrected?"

"That's why I want to ask you," Yayin said, "What did you do in the spiral doghouse?"

"Me? I...ah! Could it be that," Liu Ji suddenly reacted, "There was a monster with white eyes in it, like the core of the whole area, I blew it up and then the place collapsed, is that because of this?"

"White eyes?" Yayin tilted her head, "White eyes with black eye whites? Just like those of the Shangxiang clan?"

"Yeah, yes, exactly the same," Liu Ji nodded, "I remember that kind of eyes seemed to be a manifestation of some kind of cursed power? So is that a cursed monster or something like that?"

"I have heard a little about the Shang eyes and cursed power," Yayin touched her chin, "The rebirth ability of these vanguards seems to be uncontrollable, and it is more like a curse than a blessing. It seems to make sense..."

"Huh? In other words, as long as the eyeball monster is smashed, they will not be resurrected again?" Liu Ji said, "Huh ? So, have we discovered something extraordinary? "

"It is indeed quite extraordinary, but it is a pity that it is not very useful to know. Except for you, I have never seen anyone who can kill into the depths of the spiral doghouse," Ya Yin said, "But this can also explain why the front riders almost only move around the spiral doghouse. I just don't know if each of them is bound to a certain monster you mentioned, or if they can activate their abilities as long as they are in the corresponding area..."

"Well, that is true, but," Liu Ji touched his chin, "the front rider and the king rider in Mir City did not build spiral doghouses around them, right?"

"Yes, because I think that the king rider himself may have similar abilities," Ya Yin said, "Although most of the front riders only appear near the spiral doghouse, it seems that there may not be spiral doghouses around when they appear next to the king rider, but no one has thought about this before, and I just noticed this detail. "

"Doesn't that mean that if we find a lone front rider in the future and there is no spiral doghouse in the nearby area, it means that there must be a king rider nearby?" Liu Ji said.

"Based on the current information, it is true," Ya Yin said, "but it is not very useful. The combination we encountered last time was quite special. It was a combat-type Wangqi with a stealth-type Fengqi, and we caught the stealth Fengqi first. According to their temperament, in most cases you will run into Wangqi before you run into Fengqi."

"That's true..." Liu Ji touched his chin.

However, this information is not completely useless. His intuition tells him that sooner or later, he will run into the old man he met in the village. At that time, these two pieces of information may be used as bargaining chips for certain things.

"But I blew up their doghouses, but no one else came," Liu Ji muttered, "I had to go around a long way to come back."

"Maybe the local King Cavalry was held back by someone," Ya Yin said, "There are actually many cases in the past where strategic magic was used to blow up spiral doghouses. Sometimes it would attract King Cavalry, but in other cases they would choose to retreat temporarily. Now that I think about it, it is probably to protect their Vanguard Cavalry."

"Can hold back the King Cavalry?" Liu Ji was a little surprised, "Who is so powerful?"

"I don't know about that," Ya Yin said, thinking about it, and asked Ao Sa, "Big Cat, when you were in the city before, who was the strongest person in the city?"

"The aboveground city?" Ao Sa said, "In the aboveground city, the strongest one is a Paladin. He led the team to repel several waves of attacks from the Tyrant Army. Unfortunately, the Ninth King Cavalry came later, and he was chopped into pieces in that battle..."

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