"Aboveground city? From what you said, there is also an underground city?" Yain asked in confusion.

"Yes, in fact, the underground city is the strictly defined Kaga Holy City," Ao Sa nodded, "After all, Kaga Holy City is a city built by earth walkers, and the main urban area is of course underground. As for the aboveground city, it is called an aboveground city, but in fact, it was once an oversized place for ground races to travel. Later, after much turmoil, it became an aboveground city dominated by several major chambers of commerce. In a sense, this aboveground city is more like another city that is independent of Kaga Holy City, but the coordinates are just above it."

"How can it be like this..." Yain touched his chin, "So the underground city has not been breached yet? Then why don't you hide in the underground city? This deserted place "From the suburbs, if we hadn't arrived just in time, Luni would have been in danger..."

"Ha, we want to, but not everyone can enter the dungeon," Osa said helplessly, "We are new here, and no one except Mr. Snow can get the qualification to enter the dungeon. We have been staying in the ground city before. When the city was broken, the dungeon line did not intend to let the people in the ground city in, so we could only run out."

"Is that so..." Yain nodded, "Then what about the strongest person in the dungeon? "

"Dungeon, well, how should I say, I have heard some rumors, but..." Osa seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"Anyway, tell me," Yain shrugged.

"Well, this, although I think it's a bit far-fetched," Ao Sa said, "They said that in the underground city, there are heroes who once saved the world guarding them..."

"Huh?!" Ya Yin raised her eyebrows, "Ah? Heroes?"

"Well, anyway, that's what their rumors say," Ao Sa shrugged, "After all, I haven't been to the underground city, so I just heard it from others, but heroes, right, don't they always feel like something in fairy tales?"

Ya Yin frowned and pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Liu Ji.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Liu Ji blinked.

"He said, rumors say that there are heroes in the underground city of Kaga Holy City," Ya Yin said.

"Eh?" Liu Ji was stunned. "There are heroes here? How come... Wait, no, it's really possible..."

"What do you mean?" Ya Yin asked in confusion. "Do you know something?"

"Well, after all, didn't the Mystic Sanctuary escape here?" Liu Ji said, "They should have information about that spell in their hands, right?"

"Well, that's what I said..." Ya Yin said, and then turned to Ao Sa and asked, "How many years ago was it when the hero you mentioned saved the world?"

"Ah? This, this seems to be a bit too much," Ao Sa scratched his head, "Some say it was thousands of years ago, and some say tens of thousands of years ago."

"No one said it was in the past two or three hundred years?" Ya Yin asked.

"Uh, no," Osa shook his head, "The shortest version I've heard is about five thousand years ago."

"Five thousand years, that doesn't make sense. Could it be a legend before the continent was separated..." Yain touched her chin, "But, can anyone really live that long? Or is this statement actually some kind of metaphor or symbolic concept?"

"How would we know, unless we can go and see," Osa sighed, "Speaking of which, Mr. Snow should still be in that city. Unfortunately, if we want to get in there, we can only go through the entrance of the ground city, but there is now the largest spiral doghouse in the vicinity, and there is still a war, so we can't get in at all."

"That's not necessarily true..." Yain said, "We can go underground."

"No, it's useless," Osa Sa smiled bitterly, "That's the city of earth walkers. Digging holes is their specialty. There are barriers around the entire underground city. It's impossible to get in with ordinary means. If you force your way through, they will treat you as an enemy. Now they are in a highly tense state of war. If you do this dangerous operation now, I'm afraid you won't be able to explain it clearly."

"No, no, no, that's not necessarily the case," Yain said, glancing at Liu Ji, "You may know that no matter what kind of barrier, elemental spirits with corresponding attributes can penetrate it without hindrance..."

"Ah!" Ao Sa raised his eyebrows. He suddenly remembered that Yain had mentioned before that Liu Ji could become an elemental spirit.

"Well, it's decided. When you two are healed, we'll go to the underground city to have a look," Yayin said, taking out a scalpel. "Then, there may be a little pain next, just bear with it."

"Ah this..." Osa was shocked, "No, can I not have surgery?"

"No, you don't want to leave sequelae," Yayin said, pulling a long thin thread with his other hand. .

"I, okay..." Osa grabbed a large piece of gauze on the side, put it in his mouth, and shouted in a muffled voice, "Okay! Come on!"

"Well, huh... Let's start, although I haven't really done similar treatments yet..." Yayin said, pressing the scalpel to the beginning of the pit left by the huge wound on Osa's back, and then pinching the thin thread with two fingers and pressing it about five centimeters above the scalpel.

"Ah? Wait, what did you say! Ao!" Osa howled in pain and then bit the gauze tightly.

While chanting the spell, Yain slowly cut open the wound on Osa's back that seemed to have healed.

While cutting, dots of white light slowly gathered on the wound, and the thin thread between Yayin's fingers also moved by itself, suturing the wound that had just been cut again along the wound.

Ao Sa suffered the pain of the operation and the itching pain of the thin thread piercing his skin at the same time. He clenched his teeth and clenched his fists. His face was in agony, which made Liu Ji shudder.

My goodness, this is such a big knife without anesthesia. The second master has suffered no more than this...

Liu Ji couldn't bear to watch it for a while, so he turned around and continued to talk to Yuan.

"By the way, where were we talking about before?" Liu Ji scratched his cheek.

"Additional meals!" Yuan raised his thumbs, "Grandpa, look, I killed thousands of them this time, so I have to add hundreds of meals?"

"Oh, yes, but eating thirty meals a day is still too outrageous," Liu Ji's scalp tingled, "How about I set up a grill for you to grill by yourself when I have time?"

"No, no, no, how can I say that," Yuan rubbed his hands, "We can't cook, but Grandpa's cooking is still delicious...right brothers?"

After hearing this, the potatoes on the side also rubbed their hands and echoed in unison.

"Yes, yes!"

"Grandpa's cooking is still delicious!"

"Grandpa, I want to eat a full banquet!"

"No, I really can't do that," Liu Ji's mouth twitched, "You really don't care about your grandpa."

"Doesn't this show that you are good at cooking?" Yuan Xi said with a smile, "Well, look, these brothers are all hungry, aren't they..."

"Okay, okay, I'll go cook, really," Liu Ji smiled helplessly, got up and walked to the warehouse, grabbed a sack of ingredients and dragged it to the kitchen.

157. Two-in-one Masters fight, all pay attention to a point

Ji Lunini felt that he had a dream.

A very long, very long, very long dream...

The dream was full of pain and torture, and his body seemed to be immersed in a sticky mud full of fine spikes. The slightest movement was the pain that penetrated all holes.

But today, the spikes in the mud seemed to be gradually softened, and the sticky liquid seemed to be gradually clear.

Ji Lunini tried to raise her right hand.

Unlike usual, this time she easily pulled her right hand out of the quagmire...

"Hmm..." She rubbed her eyes and slowly opened them.

In a trance, she seemed to hear Osa's voice...

"Ahhh! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! Be gentle..."


It's a little noisy...

Wait, there seems to be someone else's voice.

"Sorry, I'm already very gentle. Compared to this, I think you might not be so painful if you don't keep screaming..."

This voice is familiar, as if it's someone who should never be seen again...

"Hmm..." Ji Lunini struggled to open her eyes.

Her vision was blurred, and the whole world was filled with foggy interlaced blocks of color.

Ji Lunini stretched out her hand to rub her eyes, and when she looked around, the scenery was still blurry, but it finally solidified slowly.

She turned her head slightly and looked towards the source of the sound.

Well, I can vaguely see a big, furry guy sitting next to me...

"Aosa, is that you..." Ji Lunini murmured softly.

Aosa, who was changing the dressing, shuddered all over, and then turned his head suddenly. Seeing Ji Lunini's half-open eyes, he didn't even care about the injuries on his body, stood up and walked over quickly.

"It's me, don't worry, it's okay..." Aosa squatted beside the tank, habitually reached out his hand, and slowly stroked Ji Lunini's head.

Ji Lunini raised her head blankly, and in her blurred consciousness, she felt that the touch seemed familiar...

It seemed that when she was having that long nightmare, she could feel this feeling from time to time.

An extremely reassuring feeling...

Gradually, Ji Lunini's eyes slowly closed again, and soon, she leaned on Aosa's hand and fell asleep.

"It seems that her condition is much better," Yayin also came over and whispered, "She should be able to recover after sleeping for a while."

"Well, huh... I feel relieved, finally," Aosa said.

"Yes, but you haven't changed the medicine yet," Yayin said helplessly.

"Change it here, I don't want to wake her up," Aosa said softly.

"Are you sure?" Yayin asked with a subtle expression.

"I'm sure," Aosa answered firmly.

"What if you scream later?" Yayin asked.

"No," Aosa answered immediately, "I can hold it in."

Yayin looked at him, pondered for a moment, sighed, and said: "Well, since you insist so much, then, in fact, you don't have to hold it in..."

As she said, Yayin brought Aosa's stool over and helped him put it under his buttocks.

"Eh? No need to endure?" Aosa asked in confusion, "Have you thought of any spells that can relieve pain?"

"Sorry, no, not professionally related," Yain shook her head, "but I thought of a spell that can stop you from screaming."

"Ah?" Aosa was stunned.

Then, Yain whispered a spell, and an invisible force gathered on Aosa's face.

At that moment, Aosa understood.

Emotions are silent!

While Aosa was still shocked by Yain's fantastic ideas, Yain's cotton ball soaked with medicine had already touched his wound.

Caught off guard.

Aosa was about to howl, but fortunately the silence spell was in effect, so he only looked like he opened his mouth but didn't make any sound.

Yain was helping Aosa change the medicine, while Liu Ji was also busy.

These kids had just eaten a few tables of food yesterday, but they were hungry again early this morning. Liu Ji had just cooked a big pot of mushrooms and braised meat for them, but they finished it in a blink of an eye and shouted for him to cook another meal.

Liu Ji was a little numb.

He had the illusion of turning into a cooking uncle in the cafeteria after two days of high-intensity cooking.

But after all, he had promised to give these kids better food these days, so Liu Ji didn't intend to break his promise.

After all, he was still a grandfather, and he had to set an example for some things, otherwise it was inevitable that the upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked.

Although these kids seemed to be born crooked.

Just when Liu Ji was thinking about these things, suddenly, he sensed a faint elemental fluctuation.

The fluctuation was so slight that Liu Ji might not have taken it seriously at all if it were normal. After all, in this world full of magic, such fluctuations of magic are as common as breeze when walking in the wild.

But this is deep underground.

The fluctuations on the ground can never reach such a deep underground.

Liu Ji instantly turned his head to look at Ya Yin, who also turned his head to look over.

After the two looked at each other, Liu Ji pointed upwards.

Ya Yin nodded, pulled out the staff from the magic space, and tapped the ground lightly. In an instant, the magic array of the shelter was activated, making the entire underground space ripple in pure earth elements.

At the same time, Liu Ji's figure also merged into the soil and drilled towards the ground.

Just like when investigating the spiral doghouse, Liu Ji did not drill out as a whole, but let a stone "eye" emerge from the ground.

Looking around, Liu Ji found the source of the fluctuation.

Just a few hundred meters away, a group of soldiers he had never seen were walking slowly.

They were covered in robes and wearing airtight pointed helmets. In their hands, they held up long poles that were either spears or staffs. There was a long spike at the tip of the weapon, and below the spike was a hollow spherical part with a shining silver bell hanging inside.

Every time they took a step, the bell would make a pleasant sound, and then there would be an invisible wave of magic power spreading around.

At this moment, a word emerged in Liu Ji's mind.

"Reaction force"...

Yain had said before that if a large amount of damage was caused locally, a reaction force would be attracted, and then the nearby front cavalry would be attracted.

However, the nearby front cavalry was directly defeated by him for some reason. He had never seen what the rumored front cavalry reaction force looked like.

And now, the one who arrived at the scene was probably not the front cavalry's reaction force, but the king's cavalry...

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