"Eh? Woc, where is the chief minister?" The sturdy Landwalker showed a horrified expression, "He, the chief minister, is he still selling this?"

"Ah? What am I selling?" At this moment, a landwalker wearing a high-end soft cloth robe walked in.

"Eh? Ah! No! So what? We were discussing what the short foreign boss wanted to buy recently," the sturdy Landwalker reacted quickly and found an escape angle in an instant.

"Yes, yes! We are talking about that big foreign guy! We are definitely not talking about socks or anything like that!" The thin Landwalker shouted loudly, and the words almost scared the former.

"Socks? What socks?" The cloth-robed landwalker frowned, "What's the mess? Just do your job well, and don't ask about things you shouldn't ask about. Oh, and..."

As he said that, he pointed at the thin Landwalker: "Who is that? It's you. The warehouse is short of people. You can help me tomorrow and work for a month before coming back."

"Huh? No, I..." The thin Earthwalker was about to protest, but the strong Earthwalker on the side quickly covered his mouth.

"Okay, you can go if you are told to do it. There is so much nonsense," the sturdy Landwalker winked at him and quickly changed the subject, "Ah, well, Minister, do you have any orders for coming in person? "

"Isn't that nonsense? I'm just here to hang out?" The cloth-robed landwalker said, handing a list to his hand. "Follow the list and go to the warehouse to pick up the goods. Be quick."

"Ah, okay, let me take a look..." The sturdy Landwalker glanced at the list, and then the smile on his face immediately solidified.

He slowly raised his head and asked in a trembling voice: "Here, Minister, do we really have these things in our warehouse?"

"Nonsense, of course," the cloth-robed landwalker said calmly, "This is an army. Do you think it's strange that there is such a thing?"

"Well, I thought all these things would be disposed of..." The sturdy Landwalker swallowed.

"Well, they will be stored after processing," said the cloth-robed landwalker. "There are many things that need to be used. Don't make too much fuss. Go quickly."

"Ah, um..." The sturdy Landwalker nodded silently, looked at the list again, hesitated, turned around, and went to the warehouse.



Tens of minutes later, outside the military headquarters.

The sturdy Land Walker pushed a cart covered with black cloth and slowly pushed it to the back entrance of the military headquarters.

"Minister, we've already brought them here, and they're all here," the sturdy Landwalker said to the cloth-robed Landwalker standing at the door.

"Well," the latter nodded, turned to the short man in a cloak and said, "I brought you the things you asked for, you can take inventory."

"Yes," the short man agreed, and with a snap of his fingers, a small white bird flew out of his hand, flew around the cart twice, and then chirped softly before slowly dissipating in the air.

"No problem, it has everything it needs, and it's of high quality," the short man nodded.

After saying that, he flicked his fingers again, and a white clawed beast appeared behind the cart, grabbed the push rod, and pushed the cart onto the road.

"Well, see you next time," the short man said, leading the clawed beast and walking away.

"Well, see you next time," the cloth-robed landwalker waved his hand behind the short man, "Please pay attention to the city defense alarm tomorrow."

The short man didn't answer, but just waved his hand casually, which was considered as hearing.

Watching the figure of the short man gradually go away, the sturdy Landwalker came closer and asked in a low voice: "Well, Minister, what did he buy these things for?"

"Who knows, why don't you follow me and have a look?" the cloth-robed landwalker said with a smile.

"No, that still doesn't work," the sturdy Landwalker also quickly showed a silly smile.

"That's alright," the cloth-robed landwalker's face suddenly fell, "I still want to ask you, what's going on with the socks?"

"Ah..." The sturdy Landwalker was stunned, then slapped his thigh and said, "Ah! Oops! Sir, I suddenly remembered that I made a mistake in writing an account! I'll go back first! Otherwise, I should forget it later!"

After that, he ran away without even giving anyone time to react, and in the blink of an eye he was gone.



Kaga Holy Capital, a low-rise suburb.

The short man took the cart and walked into a dilapidated old courtyard.

After the cart was dragged into the yard, the white clawed beast slowly disappeared.

The short man lifted his hood, revealing his face under the hood.

He has messy short gray hair, a pair of lifeless black eyes, heavy dark circles hanging on his eyelids, his face is quite pale and haggard, and he seems to be in a very poor mental state.

With such a face, it is really hard for people to believe that such a man is actually the high-spirited and happy Snow Snow.

With a long sigh, Snow walked to the cart and pulled away the white cloth covering it, revealing the contents of the cart...

It's full of corpses.

There are those from Earth Walkers and those from foreign races, both male and female. All of them have been specially treated and are very well preserved.

Some of the corpses came from past battlefields, some came from execution sites, and some were collected for various miscellaneous reasons.

As for why the army wants to collect these corpses, it is not surprising. After all, the development of medical care itself requires the support of corpses. This reason alone is enough for the army to hoard corpses openly.

Of course, as for whether anyone uses corpses for other things, that is not a problem that hoarders need to consider.

Just like Jon Snow, he bought these corpses, obviously not for medical research.

Picking a man's corpse at random, Jon Snow dragged it and walked into a closed house on the side.

As soon as he pushed the door and entered the house, a pungent smell of blood came to his face, and the ground was full of dirty filth and ghost-like magic array engravings.

Not far away, there was a table full of various magic tools and paper materials.

Not far from the table, there was a huge iron cage. In the cage, a deformed life that didn't know whether to be a human or a monster was twitching on the ground.

I saw that its eyes were rolled up, its body was bulging, and there was bubbling mucus in its mouth, and it looked like an idiot.

Looking at this wasteful thing, Jon Snow sighed, took out his staff, chanted a spell, tapped the ground, and with a burst of blazing white flames, the deformed life was burned to ashes.

Jon Snow tapped the prison door with his staff, and when the door opened, he threw a new body in.

Then, he sat down at the table, picked up a pen, and began to revise the previous manuscript.



Jon Snow was once a member of the Secret Sanctuary.

Although, like Yain's teacher, Jon Snow did not like the traditional style of the Secret Sanctuary, in fact, as long as there were some mystics in the world, it would be difficult to refuse the invitation of the Secret Sanctuary.

After all, there are the most complete and profound arcane materials in the world.

There is the most favorable research environment and communication atmosphere in the world.

Moreover, there are almost all the secrets in the world recorded there.

Even Yain's teacher actually joined the Secret Sanctuary.

But later, he chose to leave there.

And Jon Snow also left the Mysterious Sanctuary later.

But unlike Teacher Yain, Jon Snow did not leave voluntarily, but was driven away.

Once upon a time, he was the world's top summoner and mythical beast breeder...

In fact, even now, it is likely to be the same.

Once upon a time, Jon Snow's status in the Mysterious Sanctuary was not low. As a leading figure in the summoning faction, he would always have a place in any gathering.

Of course, whether to go or not was up to him.

But at that time, Jon Snow had already begun to hate the mainstream style of the Mysterious Sanctuary, so he often showed his face to others in his memories, and offended many people during this period.

People in the Mysterious Sanctuary said that he was an ignorant giant baby who did not understand the ways of the world.

But in Jon Snow's view, he understood everything, but he just couldn't stand it.

Worldly ways?

That also requires him to be willing to take care of it, then there are worldly ways.

If he is not willing, then sorry, it is good to be weird.

Those people always say that Jon Snow's character will suffer one day.

This is very true.

Because the people who are waiting for that day to make Jon Snow suffer are themselves.

Jon Snow has always understood the subtext of this sentence.

Then, the opportunity really came.

Jon Snow has many phantom beasts, phantom dragon Radiant, shadow dragon Nightmare, and various small and medium-sized phantom beasts, countless.

But, these phantom beasts are not Jon Snow's main beasts.

No, it should be said that Jon Snow has never had his own main beast.

It takes a lot of effort and energy to cultivate each phantom beast of the summoner, and raising two phantom beasts at the same time is definitely not as good as raising a strong ace phantom beast.

Therefore, most summoners will choose a phantom beast as their main beast and devote all resources to cultivate it.

But Jon Snow has never chosen his main beast.

The young him is undoubtedly a genius in the field of summoning. Every time he summons a new phantom beast, he can clearly feel that he can summon a phantom beast with more potential and more room for growth.

However, as the tyrant's troops invaded more and more places in the world, Jon Snow couldn't sit still. He felt that in order to prevent the tyrant from confronting him head-on one day, it was time for him to cultivate a main beast to match him.

And the method of summoning and configuring this main beast, Jon Snow studied for three years.

During the three years, he modified his plan countless times, conducted segmented experiments countless times, continuously optimized and evolved, and strengthened the potential of the various abilities of the fantasy beast to the extreme.

Then, he completed his training.

It was a fantasy beast that was enough to make him leap to the top of the battle power ranking of the Secret Sanctuary, a human-shaped fantasy beast.

The fantasy beast had no facial features, and its whole body was flat and even had no pores or skin patterns. It looked like a person wearing a pure white hooded jumpsuit.

At that stage, Jon Snow named it Wuxiang.

In fact, Wuxiang was not very powerful at the beginning. Like most fantasy beasts, it needed various training to promote its growth.

Wuxiang has no facial features and cannot eat with his mouth, but he can absorb the magic contained in other creatures.

For this reason, during that period of time, in order to make him grow, Jon Snow spent a lot of money to issue various bounties for his capture, and captured various powerful monsters to serve as Wuxiang's nutrients.

In fact, thanks to Jon Snow, Wu Xiang grew very fast.

Although it was not visible from the outside, Jon Snow could see that its flesh and the magic power accumulated in its body had reached a quite amazing amount.

That day, Jon Snow thought that maybe it was time to show his achievements to others in the sanctuary.

But on that day, something strange happened.

Under the gaze of hundreds of mystics and great mystics, Wu Xiang showed another form of himself.

Its empty face cracked, and pieces of white blocks that should have made up its body floated on the surface of its body, and those cracked parts looked into the endless void that could not be collapsed.

This form, Jon Snow called it, disintegration.

And in the disintegration form, Jon Snow was shocked to find that he had lost control of this phantom beast.

Unexpectedly, the collapse caused a big disturbance in the Secret Sanctuary. Although hundreds of onlookers on the scene responded immediately, three mystics died on the spot and a great mystic was seriously injured.

In the end, it was Jon Snow who used the backdoor of summoning to forcibly pull the collapse back and seal it in the book, and the incident was stopped at that time.

However, the chaos on the scene stopped, but the follow-up of the incident continued to ferment. The mystics who had a grudge against Jon Snow took advantage of the anger of the friends of the murdered mystics, and a wave of crazy impeachment and voting bombardment successfully threw Jon Snow out of the Secret Sanctuary.

Of course, Jon Snow didn't care about them at that time.

He had basically figured out everything he wanted to know in the Secret Sanctuary. In the following time, the only one who could make himself stronger was himself.

Then for a long time, Jon Snow was fighting with the collapse, trying to control this disobedient monster.

After a long period of research, Jon Snow finally found a feasible idea.

But, at that time, he found it difficult to accept that line of thought...

Wu Xiang, if we simply explain its composition, can be said to be a kind of fantasy beast after the embodiment of an artificial soul.

If you want to control it, you must find a way to control the soul.

But studying the soul itself is a taboo, and controlling the soul is a taboo among taboos. The reason is not because of what kind of damage this kind of thing can cause after research, after all, there are many ways to destroy it in this world.

The biggest problem with soul research is that its research process requires the soul of others as material.

This is a recognized taboo, and even necromancers rarely dare to touch it.

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