No one wants to have his or her conscious soul removed from the body and tortured and dismembered again after death.

No one wants to have their souls ripped out and tortured in every possible way after death just because they have done such research while alive.

If death, which declares the end of life, is no longer safe, then how desperate the world would be...

Snow used to think the same way. Although he clearly knew that there was such a path to take, he did not try it. Instead, he kept looking for other breakthroughs.

However, in the end, all these experiments failed. All the alternative paths Snow found could only shackle the disintegration, but could not tie it with silk threads like a puppet.

In the end, he had to seal Wuxiangchen at the end of his book.

However, since "Ya Yin and Liu Ji died", Snow's mentality has undergone some changes...

Yayin's teacher is his only close friend in this era.

After he died, he wanted to at least protect his best friend, his only disciple.

This was almost one of the only two thoughts he had left in this lonely world.

As for the other, that is to defeat the tyrant...

This is the common wish of almost all survivors in the world. After all, who doesn’t want to have a warm home where they can live in peace of mind?

But as long as the tyrant lives, they will never have such a home.

But there was never any hope.

The tyrant is so powerful, and the kings under him are so unrivaled. With their immortal characteristics and powerful strength, they have not been defeated in thousands of years.

However, Liu Ji really killed one of the Wangqi in front of him.

This is a historic breakthrough.

At that moment, he even felt that he had seen a hopeful future.

However, he just watched "them die."

At that moment, he suddenly felt as if nothing mattered.

What soul, what death, what torture, it all doesn’t matter...

He just wants revenge...

Even if he couldn't kill the tyrant, at least he would avenge his old friend. In the same way, he would fulfill Yayin's "long-cherished wish". At least, he would not regret his final resistance to the tyrant.

After writing the last line of revised spell, Snow stood up and walked to the cage.

He raised his staff, closed his eyes slightly, and recited a long, obscure incantation full of curses.

In the cage in front of him, the nameless corpse slowly opened its eyes and looked at him blankly.

159. Two-in-one No! Keeping secrets is the rule! You have to pay extra!

Underground, the deepest uncultivated area of ​​Kaga Holy City.

Outside the deserted cave, a crack slowly appeared on the rugged rock wall.

A pair of eyes appeared in the crack, looking around at the outside world.

After confirming that no one was around, the crack instantly expanded and became the size of a garage door.

Liu Ji walked out of the cave, looked around, nodded and said, "Well, the location here is pretty good. The wall is not flat anyway, so you shouldn't be able to see the multiple holes."

"No, you'd better fill it in after a while," Yayin also walked out of the cave, holding up the solar spell, and looking at the surrounding environment.

Yuan and Potato Boy followed them out of the cave, eating snacks and looking around.

But looking at this hairless wasteland, they seemed a little disappointed.

After all, this is the lowest level of Kaga Holy City. For this city that is constantly developing in a downward spiral, this is the end of the city.

Osa is still in the cave, Jilunini is still sleeping in the solution, and Osa is still guarding her.

Yayin looked at him, then at the pile of supplies gathered in the cave behind her, and muttered: "It looks like we need to get a car..."

"Go up to a place where there are people and bring two of them over?" Liu Ji answered, "You can't just rub them with stones. That would look too suspicious."

"It's easy to get a car, but after all, we suddenly emerged from the ground, and all our supplies are military supplies moved from the warehouse of the Spiral Doghouse, which is eye-catching enough in itself," Ya Yin said, "There is still a war going on here. If we encounter some guards on the road, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain clearly."

"Tsk, that's true," Liu Ji scratched his chin.

In fact, if you came in through the front door, these supplies could be sold directly to the troops here, but after all, you came in through the back door, so you can't be confident and confident...

"It's rare to get it, so we can't waste it," Liu Ji rolled his eyes and suggested, "How about we change our thinking and find someone to collect it? For example, the black market or something?"

"It's not impossible, but the black market has always been in collusion with the military," Yayin hesitated, "and, to be honest, the best place for our goods seems to be the military."

"Then why don't we simply contact the local military directly? I happen to be quite interested in that legendary warrior," Liu Ji said. "Although we can probably make sense by contacting them from the front, but we can't tell. , If we take some shady ways, maybe we can really talk to them?"

"Do you have an idea?" Yayin asked.

"Of course," Liu Ji said, walked to the goods pile and pulled out a black epee.

It once belonged to a black-armored general.

It was the one who was punched to pieces by Liu Ji when they met a father and daughter on the road.

Originally, Liu Ji kept this thing as a toy, but he got tired of it after playing with it for two days, and then he threw it into the bag and let it gather dust.

But he didn't expect that now, this thing would suddenly come in handy.



Outside the wilderness, the ruins of the spiral doghouse.

A man wearing a pure white cloak and holding a staff with a bell on it stepped into the center of the ruins.

There was a pit hole left after a violent explosion.

He picked up a piece of charred metal fragments on the ground and looked at it, then walked slowly to the center of the pit and looked down along the hole in the middle of the pit.

Inside, a pile of broken hoses that had been burned into charcoal were piled up in pieces.

The man shook the bell on the staff, and with a pleasant sound, waves spread underground, and then brought back messages from the underground.

The man closed his eyes and felt it all quietly.

A few minutes later, the man opened his eyes and took out a round ball whose material could not be seen.

He tapped the sphere with his staff, and the next moment, the sphere suddenly unfolded into a small beetle.

"Location: A stronghold was destroyed on the outer battlefield of Kaga Holy City."

"The surface structure was damaged by the self-explosion of the siege puppet, and the cause is unknown."

"The underground root system was destroyed, the root core died, and the two vanguards with the core imprint were suspected to have died, but no bodies have been found yet."

"The troops were completely wiped out, and dust left after burning was found. There were no complete bodies, so further investigation is impossible."

"There are no obvious clues about the relevant suspects, and the investigation will continue."

"The local incident is strange, and there have been huge losses such as the death of two vanguards and the destruction of a root core. It is recommended to increase the level of attention of this battlefield."

"That's all."

After saying the last word, the man gently lifted the beetle in his hand and sent it to the sky. The beetle transformed from the sphere took off and flew towards the distant sky.

After watching the beetle fly away, the man pulled up his hood and continued to walk slowly in the ruins.

In the empty ruins, the crisp tinkling of the bells echoed again and again.



Liu Ji found that the real appearance of Kaga Holy City seemed to be quite different from what he imagined.

He had only been to one so-called underground city, Swamp City, and his impression of the underground city was dim lights and dilapidated streets.

Although he knew in his heart that the scene of Kaga Holy City would definitely be countless times better than the unfortunate place like Swamp City that had been destroyed for hundreds of years, when he really saw it with his own eyes, the scene of this city was still completely beyond Liu Ji's expectations.

This is a colorful and prosperous capital.

The earth walkers hate sunlight, but not all light sources. In this city, there are countless cold light sources that are different from sunlight.

The blue-green street lights are neatly arranged, the red sky lanterns hang high in the sky, the colorful light stones are adorned with shop signs, and the advertising light boards that attract customers flash new colors from time to time.

In this colorful picture, people of all shapes and sizes are walking on the street. Some are earth walkers, and many are not. Some walk together, talking and laughing, and some wander alone, looking leisurely. The shops on both sides of the road are busier and busier, with everything from food to drinks to clothes to play.

Just looking at this street scene, it is really hard to imagine that this is a city that is suffering from a frontal attack by the tyrant's troops.

Liu Ji and Ya Yin walked on the street with Yuan wearing a cloak. Even a big guy like Yuan wearing a hood did not feel conspicuous at all.

The reason is that there are too many people on the street, all kinds of people, all kinds of big cat people and big bear people. Compared with them, Yuan looks very normal.

Looking at such a lively street, Liu Ji once had the feeling of shopping in his previous life. If he hadn't come out for something important today, he really wanted to go shopping on this street with Ya Yin.

Now, they still have to find the "black market" first.

Generally speaking, this is not an easy task. The reason why the black market is called the black market is that, first of all, this kind of black market is basically confused with the ordinary market. Sometimes, the black market is just a vague nickname. The black market itself may just be a trading network that radiates from top to bottom.

It is difficult for ordinary people to get in touch with this type of market circle. If you expect to find the black market by stopping someone on the street to ask for directions, you may spend your whole life looking for it here.

But it doesn’t matter. For how to find the black market in a short time, Yayin has a set of standard coping methods.

Behind the glamorous city, there will always be shadows.

It can even be said that the more dazzling the neon lights are, the more countless scattered shadows there will be. As long as you observe them a little, you will definitely find their existence.

For example, a lively pub.

In the pub, the wine and dancing are so lively.

Behind the pub, punching and kicking are continuous.

There is no shortage of drunkards in a place like a tavern. There are many people who drink themselves into intoxication and have no money to pay the bill. It is not uncommon for brutal fights to frequently occur in the back of the tavern.

Liu Ji and others did not intend to care about it. After all, they were not here to help.

They came here to find a guide.

Generally, the people in the tavern would beat up the drunkards, say a few harsh words, and order them to pay the debt next time. Maybe there would not even be a drop of blood, and the matter would be resolved.

After all, no matter how much alcoholics owe, most of them can still pay it back. After a good meal, they will most likely pay it back next time.

However, there is a kind of people who are treated much worse than alcoholics.

When they can't pay back their debts, they can't pay it back at all.

That is, drug addicts...

There are all kinds of people in this world who are obsessed with the false happiness brought by potions and illusions. Although the "drugs" they play may be far different depending on the region, there is one thing in common: anyone who does this kind of business intends to squeeze others clean from the beginning.

In the depths of the alley, they found the person they wanted to find.

It was a thin earth walker.

When Liu Ji and others found him, he was curled up on the ground, skinny and bony, and his body was bruised and blue from being hammered.

Feeling someone coming, he subconsciously curled up tighter and shrank deeper into the alley again.

Ya Yin didn't seem to have much idea of ​​giving psychological guidance to such a person. She directly used a healing magic and a spirit boost to pull the man up from the ground.

The man who had temporarily regained consciousness looked at Liu Ji and others with a confused face.

"Then, that, may I ask who you are..." the man asked stutteringly.

"It doesn't matter," Ya Yin said calmly, "You don't need to know our identity, we just come to you to make a one-time deal."

"Transaction?" The man's eyes lit up, "What service do you need?! I will do my best!"

This kind of reaction, either this guy is a passionate naive, or he really has no money and is in a hurry.

Ya Yin looked at him again, and then said straight to the point: "Well, we won't beat around the bush, take us to the place where you buy medicine, we can buy you two bags to satisfy your craving."

The man was stunned at first, and seemed to have some concerns about Ya Yin's conditions.

But when he thought of Ya Yin's promise and the feeling after taking the potion, the man couldn't help it.

It had been too long since he had taken the corresponding substances, so his body was always making all kinds of strange noises and tingling. Now, when he thought of what Yayin promised, he even felt that his body was getting more and more uncomfortable.

After a short silence, the man spoke.

"Well... how to say it, that store is not open to outsiders. It's not impossible to take you in, but..." The man said, rubbing his hands unconsciously, "Can you give me a few more bags by then?"

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