"Yes, yes," Yayin was not ambiguous and nodded directly in agreement.

After all, they really don't care about the ticket price now.

After receiving Yayin's promise, the man was overjoyed for a moment, quickly greeted the two of them, and walked towards the alley and depths.

The two of them took a long detour between tall buildings and low houses.

The further you go in, the more ancient and primitive the surrounding scenery becomes. Various low adobe houses are scattered everywhere, and clothes are hung crookedly on the clotheslines that have been pulled up randomly.

On both sides of the road, among the houses, you can vaguely see hungry and thin residents struggling to survive.

All of this is in sharp contrast to the prosperous area before.

The contrast was so great that Liu Ji immediately thought of a word.


Especially the cyberpunk Metropolis plot.

He suddenly realized that this city might not be as simple as he had imagined when he first arrived.

After following the thin man through the doors of dozens of dilapidated stone houses, the man finally stopped in front of the door of a stone house that looked like some kind of sealed warehouse.

The man signaled Liu Ji and the others to wait, and then knocked on the door rhythmically six times.

After a while, the door opened.

A bearded dwarf opened the door.

As soon as he saw the face of the man standing at the door, his expression visibly changed from calm to angry.

"Good boy! How dare you come here on your own!?" the dwarf yelled, "It seems that my brothers are not afraid of being beaten by you, are they?"

"Ah no no no! Brother Hao! That's not the case! I came here with money this time!" The man quickly waved his hand to deny.

"Bringing money? That's bullshit! You kid doesn't do anything all day long, where do you get the spare money!" The dwarf still didn't seem to believe every word the man said.

When he said this, the corner of his eye finally glanced at Liu Ji and others waiting behind.

"Wait? Why did you bring so many foreigners here!?" The dwarf frowned.

"Ah, him, they said they were coming to find you, so I brought them here," the man defended, "and they don't look like people from the military...

The dwarf looked at the man, sighed briefly, pushed him aside, and said, "I'll settle the score with you later."

After that, he walked straight to Yuan and asked: "Hello, foreign guests, I wonder if you came to my place to buy something?"

160. Three-in-one. It’s hard to persuade the devil with good words. People’s hearts are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants.

Liu Ji felt a little embarrassed. It was obvious that among the three people present, only Yayin could speak Common Language and could communicate with the people here. But looking at the dwarf's eyes, he always wondered whether Liu Ji and Yuan looked down on him, so they sent such a little man. The girl came out and spoke to him.

But after seeing what Ya Yin took out, his expression changed.

It was a bag of gold, not an alloy like gold coins, but pure pure gold.

The dwarf and the skinny man standing aside looked straight in the eye.

"How much does that guy owe you?" Ya Yin asked.

"Ah...ah! Not much, only three thousand kaga," the dwarf immediately put on a bright smile, "Well, if converted into gold, it's only about ten grams?"

"Nonsense, five grams at most. How can the price of gold be so low now..." the man on the side muttered.

The dwarf immediately glared and clenched his right fist fiercely, making the man shrink back in fear.

"Okay, it doesn't matter whether you have five or ten grams." Yayin casually grabbed a small amount of gold particles and put them on the table. "These are for you. I'll pay him back, and the rest will be used as a meeting gift."

"Hey! Okay! Okay!" The dwarf's eyes lit up, he quickly found a small wooden box, took out his knife, carefully put the handful of gold particles on the knife, and then poured it into the wooden box.

This handful of gold grains probably weighed more than ten or twenty grams, which was a lot of money.

This "meeting gift" alone was enough to keep him from opening for several days.

While he was enjoying himself, the man on the side came up and said flatteringly: "Well, Brother Hao, look at the fact that I have brought you such a large number of customers. Are you..."

The dwarf raised his eyebrows and was about to curse the man, but after taking a look at Liu Ji and the others, he held back.

Although these bosses didn't seem to care much about this boy, it was this boy who brought them here after all. If they showed off to this boy, it would be somewhat disrespectful to the distinguished guests.

"Wait," he poked the man in the chest, turned around and entered the house.

Not long after, he took out a pack of red crystals and walked out, throwing them to the man.

When the latter saw this, he was immediately happy. After thanking him repeatedly, he turned around, smiled at Liu Ji and others, said hello, and ran away.

Looking at his leaving figure, Liu Ji frowned slightly.

It seems to be a really poisonous insect.

But looking at the environment of this place, it’s not surprising.

The more this kind of place is extremely divided between rich and poor, the more prosperous this thing is.

And if, as Ya Yin said, the military is involved behind the black market, there is no guarantee that there will be high-level participation in this business.

After sending the man away, the dwarf looked at everyone again, rubbed his hands, put on a flattering face of the same style, and asked with a smile: "Well, bosses, I don't know why you found me through this guy. Woolen cloth?"

"We want to go to the black market," Yayin folded her arms and said calmly, "Since you have that kind of goods, you should know the way around it, right?"

"Ah, I see," the dwarf nodded, "But, how should I put it, you guests came from other places before?"

"Well," Ya Yin nodded slightly, "What? Is it against the rules?"

"No, no, no, it's like this," the dwarf explained, "Our black market here, although it's called a black market, actually doesn't have a clear location and circle. The black goods we get are all distributed by the big guys above. Everyone knows a few people in the circle, and some small gatherings of people in the circle can be regarded as markets, but if the bosses want to find the black market bases in other cities, we don't have them here."

"That type, that's fine," Ya Yin shrugged indifferently, "Anyway, we are here to do business, we don't care what your market is like."

"Ah, that's easy to say," the dwarf rubbed his hands, "Then, I don't know what business you guests want to do."

"You want to know what business we do, are you sure you can handle it?" Ya Yin asked calmly.

"I may not be able to eat this, but we are not afraid of trouble," the dwarf said with a smile, "Just tell me if you can't eat it, and we will naturally take you to find someone who can eat it."

"You are quite courageous. I hope you can really eat it as you said," Yayin said, hooking her finger at Liu Ji.

Liu Ji understood, took the long wooden box on his back and put it on the table.

"What is this?" asked the dwarf.

"If you are brave enough to get involved, just open it and take a look," Yayin said.

"For those who are timid in our business, it is better not to do it," the dwarf grinned and opened the box without hesitation.

Then he was stunned when he saw the contents inside.

"Sword?" He blinked. "This is just a heavy sword? It seems to be quite advanced, but what's special about it?"

"Well, I don't know it, that's good," Yain nodded, "In that case, it also proves that you are not suitable to get involved in this matter. If you don't know it, you can just pretend that you haven't seen it. Take me to see the person above you."

The dwarf looked at the sword, then looked at Yain, hesitated for a long time, gritted his teeth, and asked, "Well, can you give me some tips?"

"I said, I don't recommend you to continue to get involved," Yain frowned, "Don't ask too much about things you shouldn't know. Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

The dwarf opened his mouth and looked at the heavy sword again.

He saw Yain's lavish spending, and his intuition told him that this was a very big deal.

He didn't want to let it go.

No one wanted to.

Everyone in their circle valued money as their life.

He was not stupid. He could see that this heavy sword meant something very important. Even if he saw it, he should know what this business represented.

But he had no clue at all.

He didn't know whether this meant that he really had no ability to get involved in this matter. After all, in the eyes of the other party, he should be a low-end businessman, but in fact it was not the case. He was responsible for the business in this area, and his direct subordinates had already had contact with the big brother of this level.

And people at his level dared not take a few businesses, and most of the big businesses of that level would be full of rumors before they appeared.

And he had not received any information about the business in front of him before. Instead, it didn't seem like a super big business, but it was more likely that he just didn't receive the relevant information.

Seeing the dwarf staring at the heavy sword for a long time without saying anything, Ya Yin sighed.

Although most people with certain experience know that the military and the black market have always been related, it does not mean that they will admit it openly.

After all, in order to maintain the ruling order, they must be in a confrontational relationship with these underground industries on the surface.

Their business is destined to be transferred to the military. If the person in charge is not of high status, there is a high possibility that he will be killed by the military if he gets involved.

But it is difficult to persuade the damned ghost with good words. Some people are like this. If you don't hit him on the head with the south wall, he will not know what it means to retreat when he encounters difficulties.

"Okay, then I'll give you a hint," Yain said, "You should know that there is a war going on up there now, right?"

Upon hearing this, the dwarf was immediately startled and asked in astonishment: "This... did you get it from the military? This is wartime? Are you going to die?"

"No, on the contrary," Yain raised his eyes and said, "This is from the other party."

The dwarf's breath was choked immediately. He looked at Yain in doubt and didn't say a word for a long time.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the sword comes from the military or the opposite side.

As long as it involves military weapons, he already knows how big this business is.


"Shouldn't you sell this kind of thing to the military?" asked the dwarf.

"Yes, that's right," Ya Yin said calmly, "We are here to find the military."

The dwarf was stunned, and after a brief moment of confusion, he seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly widened, and he closed the wooden box with a snap.

The scene suddenly became silent, and the empty room was filled with only the dwarf's rapid heartbeat.

After a long silence, he pushed the box back, sighed, and said, "Okay, I didn't see anything. I will introduce your business to my superiors, but I need some time to contact them. Can you leave me a contact number?"

"It would have been better this way," Yayin said, putting a piece of crystal on the table. "Crush it the night before when you are ready. We will come here to find you the next morning."

"Well, okay, I understand," the dwarf agreed and took the crystal.

Yayin nodded, turned around and greeted Liu Ji, then turned and left.



"Hey, how was the conversation?" Liu Ji asked curiously as they walked on the road.

He didn't understand Common Language, and he didn't understand a word of what Ya Yin and the boss were talking about just now.

"It's not bad. He promised to help us find someone," Yayin said. "If we dig along this line, we will be able to contact people from the military sooner or later."

"Yes," Liu Ji touched his chin, "But what did his last reaction mean? There's nothing scary about this, right? He seemed very panicked..."

"Business involving the military is too hot for people in the lower circles of the black market," Yayin said casually.

"That's right," Liu Ji nodded, "Then he won't let us go because he's afraid, right?"

“If he wants to ensure his absolute safety, the best way would be for us to find other people of the same level as him to lead the way,” Yayin said. “If he doesn’t do this, it means he hasn’t completely given up. "

"Sounds like this guy is quite brave?" Liu Ji muttered, "He's really not afraid of getting into trouble."

"You can't get along on the road if you're not brave enough," Yayin sighed, "Everything in the world is unpredictable, and his own choices have nothing to do with us."

"Yes," Liu Ji shrugged slightly, "Then what are we going to do next? Go back first?"

"No, there is one more thing," Yain said, "Ossa said that Snow is most likely in the dungeon, so it's time to find where he is. I think, with his previous personality, it shouldn't be too difficult. Just look for it.”




Aosa broke off two wooden branches and threw them into the fire in front of him.

There was a large pot on the fire, and some meat and vegetables were simmering in it.

The six potato boys sat neatly beside the pot, looking longingly at the tumbling pieces of meat in the pot.

Ao Sa looked at these cubs and felt a little emotional.

Looking at them at this time, they look just like they did when they were little.

It's just that he was beaten up by Yuan for no reason before, and Ao Sa gave him a beating. Now he is a little frightened when he sees Yuan.

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