"For what...ah, let me think about it, don't you think we have a lot of things to talk about?" Mojis said, "For example, how did you get in, and what happened today."

"Really? I don't think there are many topics we can talk about," Liu Ji said. "Don't worry about how we got in. After all, you know who made the biggest profit today. Or are you planning to cause trouble for us? ?”

"Well...how should I put it," Mogis said with a smile, "This is our city after all. I still hope you can abide by our rules..."

"Sorry, I only act according to my rules," Liu Ji interrupted Mojis directly, "I'm in a bad mood right now, and I don't rule out the possibility of finding someone to vent my anger on."

"Ah...is that so?" Although Mogis was still smiling, his brows were slightly knitted, "Do you think you have this kind of behavior?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Liu Ji said with a stinking face, "Or did you get some useless information from somewhere? Do you think you know who I am?"

"Ha, is that so? I was being abrupt," Mojis said, "Then, what do you think we can talk about?"

"I have a batch of goods here that I can sell to you, but nothing else," Liu Ji said. "I think you will be very interested in your enemy's equipment."

"For example, the kind of bomb you used to blow up the Jingding Building today?" Mojis asked.

"Yes," Liu Ji said, "give a good price and they are yours."

"That's easy to say. Of course our offer will not disappoint you, but I don't know what kind of transaction you want?" Mojis asked, "Money? Gold? Or precious gems? Or something else?" ?”

Liu Ji glanced at Ya Yin.

The latter pondered for a moment and said: "Gemstones are the best."

Liu Ji turned to look at Mojis and nodded slightly.

"Really? I understand. I will ask someone to inventory the goods," Mojis said. "Since you have stated your demands, how about you also listen to my demands?"

"If it's still the same nonsense as before, then I won't forgive you," Liu Ji said indifferently.

Liu Ji's attitude of not giving any face made Mojis a little annoyed, but he knew very well that he couldn't offend the person in front of him, so he could only twist his wrist behind his back, try to tighten his smile, and continued: "What do you mean? Having said that, of course I won’t talk in circles with you anymore. Since you also know what we are facing now, I wonder if you are willing to help..."

"No," Liu Ji replied instantly.

Mojis didn't even let him finish his sentence.

The corner of Mojis's mouth twitched and he said quickly: "No, we can provide this..."

"Sorry, I can't offer you anything," Liu Ji interrupted Mojis again, "You don't understand what you are facing, and I have no interest in accompanying you to death."

"You," Mojis frowned, "maybe you, an outsider, don't know that our brave man here is not a legend..."

"I know very well," Liu Ji said coldly, "I have already seen him. He may be able to protect himself, but you..."

When Liu Ji said this, he paused.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to be a little over the top, and his irritability made him even want to attribute the doomed hopeless future here to their rot.

But he actually understood very well that no matter what this place was like, whether it was heaven on earth or purgatory on earth, when facing the tyrant's troops, they would only end up with the same fate.

"No, I'm sorry, at least I should talk to you seriously about this matter," Liu Ji forced to suppress the irritability in his heart and said indifferently, "Do you really think that with the legendary brave here, they can Are you ready to sit back and relax?”

Mojis looked at Liu Ji, was silent for a few seconds, and said, "The brave man is invincible."

"No one is invincible," Liu Ji frowned.

"He can only be invincible," Mogis said solemnly, "otherwise we will be killed in less than a month."

Liu Ji was stunned for a moment, and then asked with a little surprise: "So you know?"

"Of course I know," Moji said calmly, "but what's the use? All parts of the Holy Kingdom collapsed as early as January. They are overwhelming and we have no way to retreat. To this day, we can only stay in the Holy Capital. We have no other choice, the brave man is our only hope and the only confidence for my soldiers."

"You just told me such a thing to an outsider? I'm afraid it's not good, right?" Liu Ji frowned.

"We are at the end of our rope, who cares about such trivial matters," Mojis said. "I know you are upset that we used you to take over Jingding, but don't think that Jingding and I are nothing more than money and A stupid ass who knows nothing about his status is a stranger."

"Maybe," Liu Ji shrugged, "To be honest, it's okay for me. Of course, if you are willing, you can find a way to make the ordinary people here live a better life."

"If there is a future, I will try, but now we have to find a way to survive first," Mojis said. "We need help, and you have a very unique power..."

Liu Ji looked at the upright old elf in front of him and rubbed his brow.

He discovered that the other party might not be as unbearable as he thought.

Just maybe.

A one-sided statement, who knows whether it is true or false.


To be honest, he was not very willing to stay and help.

Since the other side has a Wangqi stationed here to watch, when the general attack is launched, there will most likely be more than one Wangqi coming, and it is very likely that a human-shaped atomic bomb will come in person.

In that case, he can only run away.

However, if there is only one more Wangqi...

No, if he really wins, his luck this time will probably not be as good as last time. The probability that the tyrant will not come once is already very small. Who dares to bet that he will not come this time?

The conclusion is still not good.

Due to the existence of the tyrant, the tyrant's troops can only win, not lose. If they lose, he can cover the bottom himself.

And with Liu Ji's current strength, it is obviously not enough to confront the tyrant head-on.

However, he does not plan to give an answer now.

The conversation was interrupted by the shock before, and there are some things he has not finished talking to the brave senior.

He needs to find him again.

So, Liu Ji thought about it and said, "I'll consider it, but don't hold out hope."

"It's enough that you can consider it," Mo Jisi said with a smile, as if relieved, "The person in charge of the material transaction will come later, so I won't bother you, see you later."

After that, his figure flickered slightly, and with a flash of white light, he disappeared directly on the spot.

Looking at the place where he left, Liu Ji frowned slightly, feeling a little subtle.

When he said he would consider it, he clearly saw the joy on Mo Jisi's face.

Perhaps in his opinion, if he could recruit himself, it would really add a lot of chances to the battle to defend the city.

But Liu Ji knew very well that there was no so-called chance of winning.

At least now, there is no city in the world that can be defended against the tyrant himself.

The so-called time to defend is nothing more than looking at his mood and how long he plans to come.

The only choice Liu Ji and his companions could make to survive was to hide from the tyrant. Wherever he went, they would leave...

At this moment, Liu Ji really felt what it felt like to be on the run as Yayin and his companions had said before.

That was really quite frustrating, but there was nothing he could do...

Liu Ji sighed. It was useless to think more. He could only forcefully gather his complicated thoughts and walk back to the stove.

However, as soon as he returned to the stove, he saw Yayin holding the soup spoon stiffly, looking at him with a strange expression.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Liu Ji was a little confused.

"I don't know much about this, just," Yayin said, handing the soup spoon to Liu Ji, "I'll give it back to you, I'll go wash the vegetables."

After that, he turned and left.

Liu Ji was a little confused. He turned his head to look at the pot, reached out to lift the lid and looked inside.

Then he was dumbfounded.

Originally, what was stewing in the pot was supposed to be an ordinary stew, but now, the pot has turned into a white mass of ice.

There was a fire burning underneath, but the stew and the iron pot were still frozen into a mass of ice.

It was impossible to pick it up.

178. Two-in-one Not trying to save the world, just don't want it to rot

"So, what is this?" Ao Sa scooped up a spoonful of sticky liquid with a spoon, "Some kind of porridge?"

Ya Yin's eyes drifted to the side.

"Vegetable soup, I added corn and milk cream," Liu Ji said, "Try it?"

"It sounds good," Ao Sa smiled, took a sip, smacked, nodded, and said, "Well, it tastes sticky, but it's quite fragrant."

Ya Yin heard Ao Sa say this, her eyes drifted back, looked at the soup, and then looked at Ao Sa, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Ji noticed her little action and smiled.

To be honest, he really didn't understand what kind of thinking was involved in using magic to freeze the entire pot of soup into an ice block when making soup dishes...

No wonder he had never seen Yayin cook before. Judging from the situation, she probably couldn't cook at all.

But fortunately, Liu Ji used some brains to barely save the stew that had been boiled into a paste.

It can only be said that it was fortunate that leafy vegetables and seasonings were not added to it. Some tubers and mushrooms would not be unpalatable even if they melted.

The other dishes didn't have any problems. Just like Liu Ji said before, he wanted to make it richer today.

This is how he is when he is in a bad mood. He devotes himself to cooking a rich dinner, and his mood will gradually improve in the process.

At least before the meal, it won't be too bad.

It was the first time that Nabelin tasted the dishes made by Liu Ji, and she was quite happy. Most of the vegan dishes on the table were eaten by her.

Although most of the food they brought was good for long-distance storage, the amount of frozen meat in the raw materials far exceeded the vegetables that were not easy to store, so there were actually not many vegetarian dishes on the table.

Ji Lunini seemed to recover quickly, with a good appetite and ate a lot of meat.

It even made people wonder how she could have such a big appetite with such a small body.

After a lively dinner and after cleaning up the kitchen utensils, the skylight of the underground city also darkened.

Calculating the time, it was time to go to bed.

After everyone packed up, they went back to their tents.

Liu Ji took the initiative to ask to guard the first wave of the night. After adding some firewood to the campfire, he leaned against the wooden box, leaning against his legs, and staring at the crackling fire in a daze.

Now that I think about it, when Yain planned to come to Kaga Holy City at the beginning, she should have come to find Anwada and Nabelin.

But after those things happened later, their purpose of coming here became to find other companions.

Now that all the companions in the city have been found, it is time to leave here and look for other companions.

As for this city, it seems to have nothing to do with them.

However, the starting point of all this has nothing to do with Liu Ji himself.

It is not that Liu Ji has any opinions about his fellows, but he suddenly realized that he has always been just following others.

This is quite normal. After all, he didn't know any roads at that time. He was a newcomer and looked at the wilderness. It was impossible for him to have any ideas.

But now it is different.

Along the way, he passed through several cities, saw the simple folk city of Mir, saw the Shangxiang tribe village full of evil people, and passed the decayed and dilapidated Swamp City...

Maybe he doesn't know this world well enough, but he has also seen the good and evil of this world.

At first, he only thought that the tyrant's army was the source of the tragedy of this world.

Later, he realized that the Secret Sanctuary might not be a good thing.

Now he also reacted that even if there was no tyrant, there would be no perfect world.

He should have thought of this truth long ago.

There are many historical and current events in the past life that can prove this point.

As wonderful as the guild in Mir City is, the slums in Kaga Holy City are as desperate as they are.

A prosperous city can still degenerate, and there are naturally many unruly people and villains in the wilderness.

So, what role should he play in this world?

The brave are immortal.

But Liu Ji does not think that the tyrant has no means to deal with the former braves.

No one even knows whether the law of the immortality of the brave still applies to him.

He even doubts whether those equally immortal king riders have a certain connection with the curse of the brave...

Or even, maybe they were once braves?

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