If it is true that brave men never die, then in the world on the other side of the desert, how can there be no brave men of the past?

Liu Ji didn't even know where they were staying, whether they were found by the tyrant, what happened after they were found, whether they had done anything, and what happened to them now...

He didn't dare to know.

No one can tell him the answer to this kind of thing. If there is, it must be the day he is caught by the tyrant.

But on the other hand, as long as he does not confront the tyrant, the brave man is still immortal.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Liu Ji didn't know how many years he would live.

But at least, he never wanted to stay somewhere and slowly rot away like the senior said.

However, just such a simple appeal was enough to force Liu Ji to turn against the tyrant.

Others may be able to spend the rest of their lives fleeing, but Liu Ji, who has endless rest of his life, will one day face a wasteland as far as the eye can see.

On that day, he didn't know what would happen to him.

It would be nice if he could die happily. After all, Liu Ji would probably have lived enough by then.

The only thing I'm afraid of is that I can't live or die...

No matter whether the tyrant has the means to deal with them or not, it is never a good idea to put your fate in the hands of others, or in the hands of a tyrant who conquers the world.

Pushing the logic to the end, it is still the same sentence. As long as you live in this world, you will either live in a miserable life, or you will be destined to be hostile to the tyrant.

But the life of a brave man is too long, so Liu Ji actually has no choice.

Maybe it's time for him to make some plans of his own.

"Yuan," Liu Ji said softly.

"What's wrong, grandpa?" Yuan popped his head out of the ground.

"Guard here," Liu Ji said, standing up, "I'm going out."



On the outskirts of the city, in a dilapidated and abandoned workshop.

Anwada leaned against the wall and looked at the wonderful scene in front of her.

In a workshop that is only a few dozen square meters, almost every inch of space from the floor to the walls and even the ceiling is carved with complex magic patterns. Layers after layers of three-dimensional magic circles are like sophisticated magical machinery. They are working slowly inside, intertwining and interacting with each other, but each has its own miraculous effect.

Anvada was dazzled just by the magic circles flowing in this room. Although he thought that his level of arcane magic was pretty good, he still couldn't compare with Snow, a top-level arcane master. It is said that the three-dimensional magic circle is not something that ordinary people can learn.

No, let alone learned it, Anwada couldn't understand it at all.

But looking at the pure white creature standing quietly in the center of the magic circle, Anvada felt that it must be related to this kind of thing, and it must be a magic circle of this level.

The creature looked like a pure white person, but it had no face, no ears, and no hair. Of course, the lower body had no special structure, and there were even no nails on the fingers and toes.

It stood quietly like a plaster statue.

But Anvada could feel the terrifying energy contained in this monster.

Accompanied by bursts of complex mantra chanting, the jar containing the red crystal slowly opened in front of Snow. Then, the crystal floated out and slowly stopped in the center of the magic circle.

At this moment, the pure white monster moved.

It raised its head slightly, stared at the crystal in mid-air, and tilted its head in confusion.

Seeing this, Anwada touched the short gun.

He knew that the most critical node was coming.

At the same time, this is also the most dangerous node.

Snow recited the incantation, and his gloved hands kept getting closer, as if the void was holding the crystal, and he gently raised it up.

In the next moment, the entire solid crystal turned into a string of crystal red light points and exploded, then rushed towards the white monster in an instant, and merged into its body in an instant.

A strange wave spread, like a roar that reached straight to the soul. The whole body of the white monster began to fluctuate unsteadily. Its skin began to crack, and square gaps appeared on the surface of his body, especially From his shoulders and neck to the top of his head, the part became obviously unstable, and the square pieces of his body slowly cracked, trembling with waves of roaring waves.

For a moment, Anwada felt his hair stand on end. He could feel waves of extremely dangerous aura pouring out of this monster. The aura was violent and absurd, seeming to exude destruction to all the food around him. Killing intent.

He subconsciously raised his guns, wanting to step forward to protect Snow.

Unexpectedly, the latter waved his hand and shouted: "Don't worry! Wait!"

Anwada was stunned and hesitated, but looking at Snow's focused eyes, he still gritted his teeth and temporarily suppressed his impulse.

The aura on that monster's body is still spreading, with each wave getting stronger and more chaotic. The magic circle in the entire room is constantly bearing the impact, shaking one after another.

However, Snow did not waver at all. He still stood there, looking directly at the monster in front of him, chanting incantations, and continued to complete his magic.

As the surrounding magic circle continued to rotate and operate, the chaotic aura on the monster became more and more sluggish after rising sharply for a period of time, and then gradually stopped growing and began to slowly shrink.

At the same time, its pure white skin gradually began to reveal a bright red color. If you only look at its appearance, the blood-like red color makes it look more ominous than before, but Anwada can clearly feel that, contrary to its appearance, the monster is becoming more and more stable.

And as his body completely turned into a bright red color, the monster returned to its initial calmness.

The floating magic circle began to dim slowly, and Jon Snow let out a long breath, and his body swayed, almost falling to the ground. Anwada hurried up to support him.

"Is this... successful?" Anwada glanced at the red monster standing quietly on the side and asked hesitantly.

Jon Snow did not answer, but just let out a long breath and looked up at the monster in front of him.

Swallowing his saliva, he whispered: "Wu Xiang, liberation..."

In an instant, the terrifying fluctuations spread, and the sharp roar spread to a radius of 100 meters.

The air wave lifted Jon Snow's messy hair, and he looked at the monster in front of him and smiled.

"Well, it seems that it is indeed successful..."



Kajia Holy City, upper altar.

In the dark underground palace, a dark figure sat on his recliner.

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked in a certain direction.

After carefully feeling it for a while, he tilted his head and muttered: "Strange, what is this thing..."

At this moment, a voice sounded in the open space in front of him.

"What what?" A cloud of sand and dust drilled out from the ground and slowly condensed into a human shape.

Obviously, the person who came was Liu Ji.

"You are here again? Really fast," the black shadow did not answer Liu Ji's question, but asked, "Have you thought of any plan to change this city?"

"No, sorry, I haven't thought of it yet," Liu Ji shook his head, "I came here because I have something to ask you."

"What is it?" The black shadow asked.

"How much do you know about the tyrant," Liu Ji asked.

"Tyrant..." The black shadow tilted his head again, "No, this is the first time I've heard this word."

Liu Ji was slightly stunned, then smiled bitterly: "Then... This situation is really worse than I thought. Don't you know where the army besieging this city comes from?"

"I don't know, and I don't know how to know. I haven't cared about the things on this land for too long," the black shadow shook his head, "It's just that they came, I beat them back, that's all..."

"Really," Liu Ji touched his chin, "Then, let me ask it another way. What do you think of the strongest person on the other side? How strong is he?"

"The strongest one? Ah, she's pretty strong," the black shadow said, "but she never dared to fight me to death, and I don't know the details."

"Then what do you think will happen if someone who is ten times stronger than that guy attacks this city?" Liu Ji asked.

The shadow raised his head, was silent for a long time, and asked: "Is that the tyrant you mentioned?"

"Yes," Liu Ji nodded, "You may not know that his army has occupied half of the world."

"Oh, so," the shadow nodded calmly.

"If possible, I want you to leave here with us," Liu Ji said, "At present, I have never seen anyone in the world who can compete with that person head-on. If he comes in person..."

"Then let him come," the shadow shook his head and interrupted Liu Ji, "I will not leave here. If I can stop him, I will stop him. If I can't stop him, if he can really kill me, that's fine..."

"No, I have a doubt about this," Liu Ji frowned and said in a deep voice, "Those senior generals under him also have the ability of immortality. I wonder if they were also heroes..."

"The ability of immortality is not just the curse of the hero, and at least the guy who fought with me is definitely not a hero," the shadow shook his head, "At least, he is not now..."

"You mean, she might have been?" Liu Ji frowned.

The shadow looked up at Liu Ji, and for some reason, Liu Ji seemed to hear him laugh a few times.

"Don't worry about me, I've lived long enough, and I can only feel alive in this place, looking at their statues," the shadow said, "but if you need any help, you can still tell me."

Liu Ji looked at him and was silent for a long time.

Finally, he sighed and said, "Well, I do need some help...

Come on, do you know where the other heroes are left in the world?"

179. Two-in-one Sweet Potato Shao, Watermelon Knife, Chenghua Avenue all the way to Erxian Bridge

The next morning, Ya Yin just woke up and walked out of the tent, and saw Liu Ji, Snow and Anwada sitting together with their eyes wide open.

"Well, what a rare combination," Ya Yin rubbed her sleepy eyes, "Did you not sleep all night?"

"I slept for a while, but they really didn't sleep," Anwada shrugged.

"It's just one night, nothing to worry about," Snow shook his head, "Rather than this, we should prepare to leave."

"Leave?" Ya Yin blinked, "Well... That's right, it seems that there is nothing else to stay here, have you chosen the next destination?"

"We have been chatting about this issue all night. Last night, I also asked Aosa specifically. According to what he said, when the city was broken before, Weiluo was in the southeastern area of ​​​​the underground city. He probably retreated with the fleeing troops there. "Yes," Snow said, "I don't know much about Vente and Carly, but they are related to Weiluo and may be together."

"What about Guoguo?" Yayin frowned.

"That's what I'm worried about now," Snow sighed. "At that time, we all thought that you would definitely not survive. You also know that Guoguo has always valued you very much. After that, her mental state was really not very good... "

"Worse than you?" Anvada asked.

"How do you want me to evaluate this kind of thing?" Snow looked at Anvada helplessly.

"Well," Anvada shrugged, "pretend I didn't say that."

"It doesn't matter, I also know how bad my state was before," Snow shook his head, "But I think I am at least sober, but Guoguo... you know, her teacher has never allowed her to drink. of."

"She went to drink?" Yayin was surprised, "None of you went to keep an eye on her?"

"I..." Snow was speechless for a moment and took a long breath and said, "I'm sorry, everyone was scattered at the time and no one knew about it. I found out by chance, but I was busy getting into the dungeon at the time. The qualification thing...well, no, I'm sorry, I should really take care of her."

Yayin looked at Snow and opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

Snow's mental state at that time was only about the same as Guoguo's. Could she still accuse Snow and demand something because of this?

Liu Ji looked at the two of them and asked doubtfully: "Just drinking is nothing, right? Is she the kind of person who will do something after drinking?"

"That's not the case, it's just that the wine quality is very poor," Yayin said. "She usually looks timid to you, but she also lived alone in the deepest jungle of the wilderness for three full years. Ranger, even if she doesn't use a bow, it's not something that ordinary people can stop if she really uses her hands."

"Hmm...sounds okay?" Liu Ji scratched his head, "At least you won't be bullied, right?"

"Yes, generally speaking it will be fine, but you also know that a little girl like her goes to a pub to drink alone. When she is unlucky, she will always attract some flies." Snow sighed, "Little bastard It's not bad, just tidy up.

But some gang members are more troublesome. If you hit one, a group will easily come together. If she is drunk and doesn't know how to stop, things will only get bigger and bigger.

According to Ao Sa, for some reason, one day she caused a scene where a man with a machete chopped down a street of gang members, and was finally taken to the detention center by the underground city guards.

Wei Luo seemed to have communicated with the guards, but they just asked the guards to return her things to her, and then moved her to a comfortable single room, saying that they could not let her out for the time being because of the bad influence.

The result was that she stayed at the detention center in the city when the city was broken, and missed the first opportunity to retreat. She probably escaped with the breakout troops later, but that team's target was too big, and there were many tyrant troops there at that time. Chasing them, now that so much time has passed, I don’t know what happened..."

"Breakout troops, tsk..." Yayin rubbed her brows, "Do you know the general direction?"

"Due to the east, there is only one large city in that direction. As long as it has not been breached, they are likely to go there," Snow said, "But you also know what happened to the troops who fled to the tyrant's army and were surrounded and suppressed in the past... "

"Not necessarily. As long as she leaves the city, she doesn't need to stay in the team. The mountains and fields are her home field," Yayin said. "She is probably staying somewhere in the wilds now."

"That's the problem," Snow said. "The distance from here to the suspected target city is at least hundreds of kilometers. The mountains and wilderness along the way may be her hiding place. We have been searching all the way to find her. It’s harder than climbing to the sky, and…”

Snow hesitated for a moment, then said: "It's not ruled out that we won't find anything..."

Hearing Snow's words, Yayin fell into silence.

After a long while, she asked: "Is it possible that she will also go to a nearby city in the future?"

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