The city that belongs to the tyrant.

There are not many parts of the city that are fully built, only the giant spiral tower in the central part that is hundreds of meters high, and a small part of the towers around it.

But in the periphery, there are a lot of building frames, and countless soldiers of the tyrant army are holding various building materials and tools, going back and forth on the buildings on each floor, busy.

Liu Ji just found out that these soldiers have to play the role of construction workers.

The area of ​​these construction sites is very large. In addition to the buildings that have been framed, there are also a lot of foundations, roads under construction, and even large areas of open space that have been leveled and have not yet been built.

It can be seen that even if these open spaces are counted, this is by no means the maximum size of the city. Liu Ji does not know how big the maximum size of this city will be.

Looking at the busy appearance of these dog team soldiers, at this moment, Liu Ji seemed to suddenly understand why the tyrant, with such a powerful force, took thousands of years to capture the other half of the world.

I'm afraid they won't just rush forward, but will capture one place and then move to the next, taking steady steps and planning slowly.

How to say...

This is quite reasonable. Marching and fighting do require food and grass before the troops move. Solid logistics is the basis of victory.


Liu Ji originally thought that the tyrant forces with extremely top combat power did not need to abide by such laws.

Although the front cavalry needs to rely on the outpost of the spiral doghouse to move around, it is a bit outrageous to build such a large city just for this.

But on the other hand, perhaps it is precisely for the construction of these cities that the tyrant is constantly expanding his territory?


If so, why does he need to build so many cities, even occupying half of the world is not enough?

He couldn't figure it out.

But now he didn't have time to think about these things. The first goal now was to find the trace of the brave man here.

According to the information Liu Ji knew, he should be in the altar in the center of this city, but now the forest city is gone, how could he know where the altar is.

The only thing that can be used as a reference is the dense jungle around the city. At least with their existence, Liu Ji can be sure that the open space where this city was built should be the old site of Mazu Forest City, not the extra cleared open space.

So that means that the ruins of the altar can only be in this city.

In other words, Liu Ji seems to have no choice but to sneak into this city?

Damn it...

When he thought that just saying that he was going to come to the vicinity of this city would make Jon Snow and Anwada think he was looking for death, Liu Ji was quite unsure about going in now, even if he had the ability of desert incarnation.

After all, it is a magical world, and no one knows if there are any outrageous means of investigation.

And Liu Ji's current magic level...

How to say it, according to Ya Yin, he hasn't even graduated from elementary school.

But since he is here, it is impossible not to go in. All he can say is to be as cautious as possible and be ready to escape at any time.

Moreover, Liu Ji is indeed very curious about what the inside of this city will look like.

It can't be that they are all dog team soldiers, right?

Liu Ji couldn't imagine that the tyrant would expand the territory and build a city for them, as they were not even treated as consumables.

His intuition told him that the residents of the tyrant's city should be someone else...

"Okay, anyway, let's go in and take a look," Liu Ji took off his backpack and threw it under a tree by the roadside, turning into an earth element to lift up a piece of soil and bury the backpack completely in it.

Then, he turned into a gust of dust and floated towards the city under construction.



In the wilderness, outside a remote village, Ya Yin and others were sitting together, grilling skewers.

The potatoes looked at the skewers eagerly, their faces full of expectation.

Osa turned the skewers, turned his head and smiled at them, regardless of whether they could understand or not, and said to himself: "Wait a little longer, it will be cooked soon."

However, these kids seemed to have really understood what he wanted to convey, nodded one after another, and then continued to wait honestly.

Nabelin was holding her crystal ball, muttering something, and dots of starlight were looming around the crystal ball.

Anwada had left long ago. As he said before, he still had things to do, and he also had to look for the traces of Xiluo and others.

Jilunini was waving her battle axe in the open space, doing basic training. Since her body recovered, she would find opportunities to do various training whenever she had time. On the one hand, it helped her body recover, and on the other hand, she also wanted to become stronger.

After all, she couldn't always rely on the power that would make people lose their minds. After all, in most battles in this world, a calm mind and strong strength are equally important.

Therefore, she could only keep training to control more powerful power as much as possible.

Although she actually knew in her heart that if she wanted to completely change something by relying on this daily training, she was afraid that she would not have enough time.

But she had no choice. As a mortal, all she could do was to try her best to fight for the chance of winning that could only increase a little bit.

Ya Yin was staring at the fire in a daze, which was rare. She always felt that she had endless things to do, but she didn't know what happened these days. Except when she was talking about finding Guo Guo, she was absent-minded most of the time.

However, everyone was not in a good mood these days. After all, they were worried about Guo Guo and had just witnessed the destruction of a city. In fact, their mental state was not much better than Ya Yin.

At this time, Snow's figure floated down from the air.

Seeing this, everyone looked over.

"Uncle, how is the situation?" Nabelin asked immediately.

"Still the same, no news," Snow sighed.

"Ah, as expected," Nabelin was a little disappointed.

"This village is not easy to find. Let's go forward and see," Yain came back to her senses and asked, "Have you located the next village?"

"The direction is determined, not too far away," Nabelin replied, "But the divination result is a little bit bad..."

"The divination result is not good?" Osa looked over in confusion, "What does it mean?"

"Either the location is vague, or the divination is blocked, or something bad happened there," Snow said, "So, which one is it?"

"All three," Nabelin shrugged, "I suspect that the place may have been attacked by the tyrant's troops..."

"Not necessarily, where is the specific direction," Jilunini asked, wiping his sweat while walking back and sticking the axe next to the fire.

"Over there," Nabelin pointed in a direction, "it should be deeper in the forest..."

"That's right, the villages here have not been attacked, and the probability of villages deeper in the forest being attacked is even lower," said Jilunini, "and now this area has obviously not entered the 'mopping up' period. During this period, except for the major cities, it should be generally safe."

"So it means that someone else occupied that village?" Osa asked.

"Well, it should be, and," said Snow, rubbing his chin, "I always have a feeling that it might be related to those guys who escaped..."

"Well, I think so too," Jilunini nodded, "As we all know, most deserters and bandits are no different from bandits and mountain bandits."

Nabelin looked at the crystal ball in his hand, scratched his head, and his expression was a little subtle.

At this time, Osa suddenly spoke.

"Okay, don't think about those things now," he said, bringing a large plate of skewers to the table, "Let's eat first. When we are full, we will go and see together and we will know."



In the new city of the old site of Mazu Deep Forest City.

A gust of sand and dust blew with the breeze and slowly condensed into a human figure in the shadow of the building.

Leaning against the wall, Liu Ji let out a long breath.

As for the result, he was lucky. After entering the city, it seemed that he did not trigger any mysterious alarms or be discovered inexplicably as in the worst case scenario imagined.

Of course, this may also be because the city has not been completed, but in any case, his infiltration was relatively smooth.

But after infiltrating, he looked at the scene in the city along the way, but he became more and more confused.

I don't know if it's because it hasn't been completed yet. Along the way, he really didn't see anyone except the dog team soldiers.

And these dog team soldiers are also strange. They are still wearing thick armor while doing construction work, which is clumsy and hot.

Anyway, Liu Ji felt that any normal person could not bear this, which made him more certain that he could not treat these things as human beings.

So, where are the "people"?

It is impossible to build such a big city without a single person, right?

Just thinking about this, Liu Ji turned his head and found that he seemed to have arrived at the first completed spiral tower.

Liu Ji's ears moved, and vaguely, he seemed to hear some neat sounds coming from the tower, as if the crowd was humming in unison...

Just as he was wondering, suddenly, Liu Ji felt someone coming this way.

He was startled and quickly turned into dust and scattered on the ground.

Not long after, a small team of dog team soldiers holding cups of crystal liquid walked by and walked into the tower from the main entrance of the spiral tower.

Liu Ji was curious, and he also maintained the state of dust and followed gently.

When he first entered the tower, there was nothing on both sides, only a spiral staircase passage.

After walking up the stairs for several meters, a small staircase platform appeared, and a gorgeous door made of unknown materials appeared next to it.

Liu Ji noticed that several of the dog team soldiers stopped in front of the door, while the rest of the dog team soldiers continued to move up.

Liu Ji hesitated for a moment, but still stopped near the door.

He really wanted to see what was behind this door first.

In front of the door, one of the dog team soldiers raised his head and looked directly above the door.

In the center of the top of the door frame, a stone-carved single eye slowly opened.

Light golden optical fiber shot out from the single eye, reflecting on the face of the dog team soldier who raised his head.

After a halo, the single eye closed again.

Accompanied by a slight vibration, the door slowly opened.

The dog team soldiers walked in in an orderly manner with the trays in their hands.

After they went in, Liu Ji hurriedly followed.

As soon as he entered the door, Liu Ji was stunned.

It wasn't that he saw something very shocking, but the scene behind the door was a little too different from his imagination.

It looked like a greenhouse for growing plants.

From the middle to the periphery, there were circles of gorgeous flower pots with uniform shapes, and in them were planted strange plants that looked exactly the same.

After the dog team soldiers entered the room, they kept watering the plants one by one. I don't know why, but they revealed a sense of piety in their gestures.

The plant was translucent white and slightly golden. The stem below was about the thickness of an arm, but the outside was wrapped with thin threads, which looked much thicker than it actually was.

The upper end of the plant was an expanded body composed of dense filaments.

What about the main body...

It's very strange. Rather than a plant, it's more like an abstract version of the upper body of a human. You can even see a heart-like sphere beating slowly from the filaments, and every time the sphere beats, some fine light spots flash along the fibers.

For some reason, looking at the light spots, Liu Ji inexplicably remembered the neuronal electrical signals in the dynamic display diagram he had seen in his previous life.

What's even more strange is that although he didn't hear the specific sound source, Liu Ji always felt that there was a rhythmic chanting of some kind of poem in the room, as if praying to the gods, but the prayer made Liu Ji feel no sense of holiness, only a creepy shudder.

To be honest, this place really made him uncomfortable.

Liu Ji subconsciously wanted to leave.

But I don't know if it was because of this annoying feeling that distracted him, or because the area of ​​the body that turned into dust was too large. When Liu Ji went outside, a handful of dust rubbed against one of the plants.

However, with just this slight rub, the edge of the plant suddenly broke apart, and a large number of crystal filaments broke off, scattered on the ground, and turned into dust.

Then, the whole plant seemed to have a chain reaction, breaking from the wound, falling to the ground in pieces, and turned into crystal dust all over the ground.

Liu Ji was stunned immediately.

He accidentally rubbed it, how could this thing break completely?

Even glass, no, the most tender tofu is not so fragile!

The dog team soldiers did not react to this, and continued to mechanically complete their watering work, as if they did not care whether a plant suddenly died.

This was good news. Liu Ji seized this opportunity and quickly slipped out of the gate.

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