After turning his head to confirm again that no one was paying attention to him, Liu Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, these guys are not human beings, and they don't seem to have the ability to think independently.

Otherwise, even if he is not caught, he will inevitably arouse alert in the vicinity.

"It's going to kill me. What's wrong with raising something so fragile..." Liu Ji muttered to himself, "I don't know what's the use of raising it. It doesn't look like it can be harvested after it has grown." , is it something that has matured once? Is this a farm?”

Don't understand.

In this world, Liu Ji is completely illiterate. He doesn’t know anything. He doesn’t have a wiki, and there is no hidden fox that can identify popular plants on the Internet. Although he is full of doubts, he can only keep it in his stomach until the opportunity comes. Then ask Snow and Yain to see if they know anything.

As for now...

Liu Ji looked at the top of the stairs.

Sure enough, let’s go ahead and take a look.

I don’t know what it will be like up there, it can’t be all farms...

At first, Liu Ji did think so.

But he soon discovered that every floor was really a cookie-cutter plant farm. They were all surrounded by circles of flower pots, with such plants growing neatly. Other than that, there was nothing else. None.

Until Liu Ji came to the top.

Here, he also encountered the same "plant".

But this plant is clearly larger, taller, and thicker than all the plants below.

Moreover, the density of the filaments that make up his body is more dense, and his appearance is more specific, even outlining the details of his body and his clear facial features.

Yes, facial features.

Liu Ji could clearly see that this "plant" was crossing its arms, holding its head high, and singing the strange poem that he had heard along the way but could never find the source of.

At this moment, Liu Ji suddenly realized that these things might not be plants.

Maybe, they are actually people.

Some kind of person with an extremely unique race that Liu Ji had never seen before.

And they may be the "people" living in this city.

182. Two-in-one The real vegetative state is nothing more than this

After sneaking into several other towers, Liu Ji became increasingly confused.

The structures in the other towers are almost exactly the same as the first tower, with layers of closed chambers, countless strange beings who don't know whether they are plants or humans, and teams of dog soldiers who are responsible for "watering" them.

Of course, what was poured was not water, and Liu Ji couldn't figure out the exact composition, but it was probably some kind of nutrient solution.

In short, this place is far from what Liu Ji thought a "city" should look like. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that this place has not been repaired yet, and these buildings are actually some kind of farms.

However, this is the location closest to the "city center" after all. If the high towers in this place were just farms, it would be a little difficult for Liu Ji to understand.

Something was wrong, or perhaps, the city's construction logic was completely different from Liu Ji's common sense.

But it's still very strange. If you just build a "farm", you can't build it anywhere. You have to go to other people's cities to build the farm.

There are too many things that I can't figure out, but rather than being unable to figure it out, in the final analysis, there is too little information. Reality is not a game. There are no mysterious information records or various documents and files recording clues on the ground. I wandered around for a while. Circle, Liu Ji didn't gain much.

But that's not the worst.

The most annoying thing was that Liu Ji found that he couldn't find the entrance to the tall tower in the middle.

The largest spiral tower in the entire city is actually a completely enclosed metal building. There is not a single joint in the building, and there are absolutely no gaps leading to the interior.

Liu Ji originally wanted to try to enter it from the underground. Unexpectedly, after inspecting the underground through the elemental vision, Liu Ji discovered that the underground part of the tower actually has a spiral structure that is almost the same as the upper part. The volume below is even larger, and overall, Look, this building is more like a spindle-shaped spiral with a wide middle and pointed top and bottom. About two-thirds of it is buried underground, and only one-third is exposed above the ground.

This structure is different from all the surrounding buildings. It doesn't look like it was built on the spot. It looks like it was brought directly from somewhere and inserted into the soil.

Liu Ji felt a little overwhelmed when he thought of this possibility.

According to the intelligence, the former brave man he was looking for was enshrined in the very center of the city, where the spiral tower was. However, looking at the structure of this thing, Liu Ji was really worried about the current condition of the enshrined brave man. .

But no matter what, he had to find a way to get in first.

Even if there is a pore, as long as there is a gap that can accommodate sand or even liquid, he can get in.

But it just didn’t happen.

There are no gaps in such a large building. This construction method is completely illogical and does not look like something that humans can build.

Monolithic pouring?

Whole forging?


Well that's probably magic.

Anyway, it's very unscientific, and Liu Ji doesn't know whether it's magic or not, but at least, even in Kaga Holy City, he has never seen such an outrageous building structure.

And it is indeed very unreasonable. If you say a building cannot be entered or exited, what is the difference between that and a decoration?


They had no intention of releasing the contents.

Just as Liu Ji thought of this, he suddenly heard a bell ringing from the sky.

Looking up, I saw a crack slowly opening at the top of the tower.

Then, a figure walked out of the crack.

The figure was wearing cloth armor and a pure white mask. His face was not to be underestimated. He was wearing a dark cloak with nine bloodstains on it.

"Wang Qi?! Damn it, how come Wang Qi just came..." Liu Ji's heart was pounding.

He thought to himself that he didn't trigger any alarms or anything like that. He just accidentally bumped into something before. Could he be discovered?

You know, this is the enemy's lair. Liu Ji doesn't dare to confront people head-on here. Don't say whether he can win or not. Even if he can win, I'm afraid it won't take long for the fight to turn from a single fight to a group fight.

No wonder Jon Snow and the others were so nervous when they heard that they were going to come to such a place. They could run into Wang Qi just by coming here. This ghost place is indeed a life forbidden zone for ordinary people.

Fortunately, Liu Ji did not seem to be discovered. After Wang Qi came, he did not seem to show any expression. He simply fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

Seeing this, the dog team soldiers around him stopped their work and bowed to her.

She did not say anything, but just waved her hand, indicating that they should continue working.

Those soldiers were happy and did not stay for long. They continued to work honestly.

Fully demonstrated the work quality of the top social animal level.

And Wang Qi walked to the fully enclosed tower.

Then, Liu Ji heard her mouth seem to read some short syllables, and the pronunciation was completely beyond any language he knew, and it didn't even sound like the sound that a human mouth should be able to make.

And as this syllable fell, the completely sealed metal building slowly expanded a semicircular hole around like a liquid.

"Fuck, it turned out to be a sensor door," Liu Ji cursed inwardly.

Sure enough, it is not advisable to use scientific thinking to consider magic creations.

At the same time, Wang Qi also walked into the building.

As she walked in, the hole in the wall began to slowly close.

Liu Ji watched the hole slowly close, feeling anxious.

This might be his only chance to enter. If he missed it, he might have to return empty-handed.

With a gritted tooth and a stamp of his feet, Liu Ji turned into a tiny flying insect.

Don't ask him when he mastered this form. He didn't want to know. One day, he fell asleep while on guard. When he woke up, he had several more flying insect transformation abilities. He didn't dare to think about it.

Originally, he had never planned to use these forms because he didn't want to delve into them, but he didn't expect to be forced out at this time.

However, Liu Ji had just flown into the hole, and in an instant, he suddenly felt his hair stand on end.

And his elemental vision clearly saw that in the dark room, the king rider turned his head and stared at him with the blank mask.

Liu Ji felt his hair stand on end for a moment.

No way? He turned into the smallest flying insect. How could he be discovered in such a dark environment?

Before he could react, Wang Qi had already pulled out one of his short knives and slashed in his direction.

Then, she sheathed the knife and continued to move forward.

At the same time, on the other side of the ground, the "flying insect corpse" was slowly melting, silently turning into a pile of sand and dust in the shadow.

Oh my god, I was scared out of my wits.

I thought I was discovered, but fortunately, the other party seemed to really think he was a flying insect, and only stabbed him once and then turned back confidently.

But to be honest, Liu Ji almost thought he was going to die just now, but fortunately, even if he turned into an insect, his body was much tougher than he thought.

Other forms are not like the incarnation of sand, so they can't be casual. Although as long as there is breath, he can turn into the incarnation of sand to recover, but if he is turned into ashes in an instant, Liu Ji doesn't know what will happen.

Although the hero is immortal even without the Sand Avatar, Liu Ji has never died, so he doesn't dare to gamble. What if his version number is different from others? If he thinks about resurrection but dies, wouldn't it be a funny death?

It took a long time for Liu Ji to recover from the fear.

However, this shock was not in vain, at least he succeeded in getting in.

At this moment, Liu Ji finally had time to observe the interior space of this area.

Unlike the layered structure of other spiral towers, this spiral tower, at least the part on the ground, is hollow inside, leaving a huge independent space.

In this space, there is a towering tree. Black chains extend from the inner wall of the tower, insert into the tree from all directions, and then wrap around and tie it up.

Tie a tree with iron chains.

This sounds like an absurd act that is unnecessary, but Liu Ji knows that it is not absurd.

To explain the reason…

The chains that bound this tree were exactly the same as the chains that bound the crystal that sealed the hero Kaga in the underground of Kaga Holy City.

And the tree in front of him was the hero that Liu Ji was looking for—a hero who saved the world about 7,000 years ago, who was saved by a certain plant life form, but was cursed by the other party and turned into a giant tree.

His name was Mazu.



In the forest, Yain and others arrived in front of the village predicted by Nabelin.

After using the detection magic to detect from a distance, Yain opened his eyes.

"About a hundred people," Yain said, "Looking at their attire, in addition to some knights and magicians, there are also a few people who are obviously nobles. There are many magic traps in the village. They look very vigilant."

"Where are the villagers?" Jilunini frowned and asked, "Where are the villagers?"

"It's a pity that no villagers were detected," at the same time, Snow also opened his eyes, "Damn..."

"Did these people kill them all?" Osa raised his eyebrows.

"Either killed or driven away, but, tsk," Yain shook his head, "mostly killed."

"These bastards!" Jilunini cursed in a low voice, picked up the axe and was about to step forward.

"Wait, don't be impulsive," Snow hurriedly stopped her, "We still need to find out about Guoguo, at least we can't turn against them now."

Jilunini opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but when she thought of Guoguo, she swallowed her words back, stuck the battle axe into the ground, sat back in her seat angrily, and sighed heavily.

"By the way, have you confirmed that they are the people who escaped from the underground city?" Nabelin asked.

"It's 100% certain. I recognize the armor on those knights. They are the ones worn by the city lord's guards on the ground," Snow nodded, "Let's go. Let's go get some information about Guoguo first."

"Are we all going together?" Nabelin hesitated, "Will it be inconvenient if there are too many people? For example, they will be alerted..."

"It doesn't matter whether they are alert or not. Anyway, most of these people are scared by the tyrant's troops. To deal with such a frightened bird, you just need to show enough strength, and they will beg you to join," Snow said confidently, "We are short of time now, and more people will be more efficient."

"Is that so," Nabelin nodded, not quite understanding, "But, when you say you need to show strength, , what should we do specifically? "

"If it were normal times, I would probably cooperate with my summoned beasts to put on a show for them, but today," Snow looked at the village, "I'm really not in the mood, so let's just keep it simple and mess things up."

"Mess things up?" Osa was a little surprised, "No, didn't we say we had to gather intelligence first?"

"Yes, to gather intelligence, we just need to make them willing to talk to us," Snow said, "There has never been a rule that we must be recruited by them to trick them into opening their mouths, and let them actively beg to join us, and we can also make them speak voluntarily."

"I understand, just beat them into submission," Jilunini picked up his giant axe, "I'm good at this."

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