"You have just recovered, don't do anything rash," Osa said.

"It's mutual," Jilunini shrugged, "You haven't even taken off the bandage on your chest yet."

"Don't worry, you two don't have to do anything," said Snow, "I just happen to have a new summoned beast, and I need a real battle for it to try its hand."



The hero of light, Kaga, used his light to dispel the darkness, but was eventually cursed and trapped underground all day long.

The hero Qilisha, killed the bloody sea of ​​blood and corpses of the blood moon by himself, and finally melted the heart of the Red Moon Demon King, saving the world from the blood moon, but became a human seal that sealed the blood moon, and was trapped in the desert all day long.

The hero Mazu, fought against the invasion of plant life from another world, saved the whole world from the plants of another world, but eventually turned into a plant because of the curse of the plants, and lost his human body.

The fate of each of these three heroes is extremely ironic. They seem to have defeated their nemesis, but in the end they are all trapped by the curse left by their nemesis. The process and reasons are obviously different, but they end up with similar endings.

If it is a coincidence, it is fine.

However, it is hard not to think of the curse of the hero behind it.

Just when Liu Ji was thinking about these things, under the giant tree, the king was standing under the tree, raising his hands high, chanting some strange syllables.

The syllables that were not human-like formed a rhythmless lyrics. Liu Ji could really feel that she seemed to be singing, but he really didn't want to call this sound music.

Yin music is more or less.

As her lyrics became more and more high-pitched, the dark chains actually bloomed with black light.

Yes, black light.

Or rather, they were radiating darkness.

It was difficult for Liu Ji to describe what kind of scenery it was, representing that the dark black without light actually showed the same properties of the light source, radiating its own color to the surroundings.

As the radiation became stronger, Liu Ji could vaguely feel that some kind of energy was being continuously drawn from the tree, and gathered along the chains to the surrounding tower walls, and finally left from the tower walls, and flowed into the body of the king knight along the magic array engraved on the floor.

She was actually drawing the power of this brave man?

But was that really power?

Why couldn't Liu Ji feel any positive feedback from that energy, but instead felt that there was endless negativity gathering in it, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

He always felt that compared to power, this thing was more like a curse, or in other words, a cursed force?

However, it was this energy that made Liu Ji feel uncomfortable, but the king knight seemed to enjoy it very much.

Liu Ji was not surprised. He felt it when he fought with the previous king knight. These guys were not normal people.

Liu Ji was not in a hurry, so he just stayed in the corner and waited quietly.

Time passed by minute by minute. After enjoying the energy baptism for nearly ten minutes, the Life King finally stopped moving. From her body movements, it can be felt that she seemed very satisfied.

Then, she turned and left, walked straight to the place where she came in before, opened the door, and was about to go out.

Liu Ji was a little excited when he saw this.

However, less than a second after being excited, the King suddenly stopped, turned his head, and looked in the direction of Liu Ji.

This sudden change scared Liu Ji, and he almost condensed into a human form to prepare for battle.

But he still held back.

The other party did not show any further actions, and it was not possible to conclude that he was discovered.

And the facts seemed to be the same as Liu Ji expected. The King stared at the direction where he was for a long time, and finally turned his head and walked out of the tower.

Then, just like when she came in before, the shell of the tower began to heal slowly, and soon, it was intact, without a single gap or hole.

Liu Ji continued to observe on the ground in the form of sand and dust for a few minutes. After confirming that the person should have left, he turned into a human form again.

"Huh, really, these king riders are really more difficult to deal with than one another," Liu Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked around habitually and confirmed that there was no abnormality. Liu Ji floated towards the giant tree.

He circled the tree. Finally, behind the giant tree, Liu Ji found a gap that seemed to allow him to enter the trunk.

He turned into fine sand and flowed into the tree through the narrow crack.

Then, he found what he was looking for - the brave man named Mazu.

Or rather, it was the residual image of his previous body.

It was some kind of wooden sculpture that seemed to be formed naturally, but Liu Ji knew that it was not a statue. It was Mazu's former body. It was only because of the curse that it became what it is now.

A closer look revealed that the facial features of the statue were already quite blurred, and the body proportions were seriously unbalanced. It was unknown whether it was distorted by time, or like other heroes, this hero had forgotten his specific appearance, which led to this appearance.

Liu Ji walked to the statue and called softly: "Senior? Senior? Can you hear me?"

However, the statue did not respond at all.

Liu Ji stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his face again.

Still no response.

Poked it.

Still no response.

Liu Ji was a little confused.

He really didn't know whether it was because the senior had turned into a plant and didn't react, or because he was bound by chains and didn't react.

Both were possible, and they were all problems he couldn't solve.

In this case...

"Then, I can only offend, sorry, this brave senior..." Liu Ji said, reaching out to grab a small piece of bark from the tree in front of him.

Looking at the bark, Liu Ji swallowed his saliva.

Then he made up his mind, opened his mouth, and threw the bark directly into his mouth.

183. Three-in-one This wave, this wave is back to basics, not forgetting the original intention

Kaga forgot a lot of things, about himself, about his loved ones, and about the world.

But he still remembered some things.

It's not that these things are so deeply remembered, but he recorded them all in the magic book.

However, there is still a gap between this kind of record and memory. Even if he looks at his own record of the past, the memory will still be erased little by little over time. The final result is that when he looks at the magic book that records his past, he will feel like he is reading someone else's story.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Especially when this feeling appears, your clear sense of reality that the memory is far away from you will pierce your heart like a needle.

Over time, Kaga dared not to look at the magic book that records his past, but he always cherished the book. Although he told Liu Ji that such a book existed, he did not show it to Liu Ji.

But he showed Liu Ji another book.

That was a record of the disasters that occurred in the world and the brave men who saved the disasters when he still retained the sense of responsibility, or sense of justice, of the brave.

However, due to his limited mobility and his worsening condition, the records in this magic book were not very detailed. There were no records in the past few thousand years, and many records in the early years were very vague. Some records even clearly stated that "something seemed to have happened, but no specific events could be found."

But even so, the information in this book still made Liu Ji feel like he had found a treasure.

Liu Ji spent half a night writing down all the contents in the book that interested him.

The one who impressed him the most was the brave man named Mazu.

Unlike other brave men, this brave man named Mazu was more like a monk.

Of course, it was not to say that he was a monk who believed in Buddhism on Earth. It was just that in the description of him, this brave man named Mazu lived a simple life, was not close to women, and mostly meditated and practiced alone in his spare time. Since becoming a brave man, he has been unswervingly committed to saving the people.

Except for not having a diet, not being bald, and not holding a rosary to chant, it seems to be very consistent with the image of a monk in Liu Ji's impression.

The disaster he had to fight was also quite special.

In the entire magic book, the disaster was not that powerful. The combat power of the disaster itself was not that good.

At least compared with the blood moon that was sealed by Misa himself and reduced the world's population by half, the destructive power of this disaster was much smaller.

However, in terms of danger, that disaster was enough to rank among the top in the whole book.

Because it was too hidden.

The book did not record the root cause of the disaster, but only said that only Mazu knew it, but Mazu had to retreat for treatment immediately because of the curse, so Kaga had no chance to learn the detailed information.

But it recorded the appearance of the area affected by the disaster.

The humans there will turn into plants with beautiful flowers on their heads, the animals there will turn into vine beasts covered with fungi, and the plants there will start to grow wildly, with their roots deep into the ground, branches and leaves covering the sky, and vines covering every inch of the wall.

Everything there will become unrecognizable.

But no one will notice all this.

When an area begins to be affected by a disaster, at first, the entire area will inexplicably lose all contact with the surrounding area, and people will always unconsciously ignore this area during this period.

And when this area appears in people's vision again, it has completely changed.

But people who enter it during this period will not notice any abnormalities, but will slowly be transformed and assimilated by the entire area and become the same vegetable.

According to the information recorded in the magic book, the principles of these things were later cracked.

It seems that the source of the disaster and its clones have some kind of temporary isolation of the entire area, and use some principle that is the same as the divination spell to greatly reduce its presence, and then they will "transform" and "sow" the interior. The specific principle is unknown, but the final effect is as mentioned before, the entire area will become unrecognizable.

Not only that, the humans and animals inside will unconsciously emit some kind of hallucinogenic pollen or spores. As long as you inhale this dust, then people will fall into some kind of hallucination and begin to transform into plants. Unknowingly, they will become one of the many vegetative people.

And this dust is extremely hidden and toxic. As long as there is no special protection beforehand, even the top warriors and or mystics will be affected.

Therefore, in the early days of the disaster, people did not even realize that the disaster had begun.

As the disaster continued to spread, by the time the human leaders finally noticed the disaster because of the abnormal values ​​on the tax returns, the seeds of the disaster had already sprouted and blossomed in various parts of the continent and began to spread around.

This horrific news shocked the world for a while. Many countries immediately activated the highest-level response measures to try to curb the spread of the disaster, blocked roads, and set up special forces to regularly patrol all villages, towns and cities in their territories.

However, there are countries that react quickly, and there are also countries that pretend to be stupid.

It may be because the rulers are stupid and corrupt, or because the ruling class is busy with internal struggles, or because there are things they think are more important that attract their attention. In short, there are many countries that do nothing or deal with it casually.

And the disaster is also very face-saving, and it spreads rapidly in these countries very happily.

As the scale continues to expand, a large number of mutant plant people or plant beasts have begun to appear in the areas where the disaster is. Compared with the harmless guys before, these mutants have strong combat capabilities and stronger sowing capabilities. With the emergence of these mutants, the situation in various parts of the world has begun to deteriorate rapidly.

Of course, before this, Mazu had already begun to travel around the world to try to fight this disaster.

But he was only one person after all, how could it be easy to save this disaster that radiated the whole world.

All he could do was to keep looking for the source of the disaster and then cut it off.

But this was a race against time.

Obviously, these nobles and gentry with pig intestines were happily helping him to reduce points and seconds.

In this case, even the Secret Sanctuary, which always liked to decide everything in the dark, could not sit still. Almost all of them went out collectively. Hundreds of great secret masters suddenly appeared all over the world and forcibly intervened in the rule of various places to personally fight against the disaster.

Oh, of course, they also successfully became the target of the nobles and royal families.

But at least with their efforts, the disaster was effectively controlled.

In this record of the magic book, the former Kaga once made an evaluation of the Secret Sanctuary.

He didn't like them.

There is no doubt that they are not just, and even their methods and arrogance are enough to be described as despicable.

But he can only admit that without them, the world would have been finished in the face of that disaster.

But he is not grateful to the Mysterious Sanctuary for this, but he feels that the fact that this world needs to rely on the Mysterious Sanctuary to continue is itself a kind of sadness.

If we think from the perspective of natural selection, perhaps, without the existence of the Mysterious Sanctuary, the humans in this world should have been extinct long ago.

After all, in front of the world, no species can be sure to continue forever. If they cannot survive natural disasters and cannot defeat natural enemies, only destruction awaits them.

But the Mysterious Sanctuary should also belong to the humans of this world.

But they have always been high above, as if they are the owners of humans, another species that is above the entire world.

And humans, and even the heroes, are just lambs they raise.

This makes people very unhappy, but, apart from being unhappy, what else can they do?

I feel helpless, and helpless. After all, you can't even change the mind of a passerby who is arguing with you, let alone change the philosophy of an organization that has been around for tens of thousands of years?

Perhaps because of this, this record came to an abrupt end. Perhaps Kaga didn't know what to write anymore, or maybe he was no longer in the mood to continue writing.

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