Yuan Dang immediately struck Ya again with his knife, splitting it into strips.

Then they dragged him out and buried him.

Come in, good guy, it’s two this time...

One knife, four copies, all buried.

After going back and forth three or four times, the potato boys didn't run in at all, and there were five or six more graves at the door.

Just as they were dragging the last body out of the passage and planning to add a new tomb here, they saw a mini version of Liu Ji standing at the door, looking at them with a subtle expression.

"You...what are you doing?" Liu Ji looked at the man wearing the Fengqi they were holding, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

The potato boys looked at each other and said in unison: "Destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces."

"Well, very good?" Liu Ji scratched his head, "No, this thing is not resurrected?"

"It's not resurrected," the Potato Boys replied in unison, "We've buried many of them, but they haven't been resurrected."

Liu Ji frowned slightly.

Judging from this meaning, is his guess correct?

If the spiral kennel is not repaired, then the nearby knights will lose their ability to resurrect?

Then in the future, when dealing with the tyrant's front cavalry, wouldn't it be enough to blow up the nearby dog ​​kennels and they would have to rest?


Seems like very interesting information.


"No one else comes to see you?" Liu Ji asked, "It's very dangerous."

The Potato Boys looked at each other and shook their heads.

"That means Wang Qi didn't respond to this?" Liu Ji frowned.

While directing Potato Boy to quickly bury what should be buried, he thought secretly.

The king's cavalry was advancing with the army and could not have gone too far. According to the intelligence, the king's cavalry was advancing very fast. If he had sensed something unusual here, he would have been killed long ago.

So that means...

Without the blessing of the Spiral Kennel, these front riders wouldn't even be connected to the Tyrant's troops?

This is a bit interesting.

The black-armored generals and even the guards were "networked" with the tyrant's troops almost all the time. Without the spiral kennel, the front cavalry would have no signal?

This information is a bit interesting. If you have a chance later, you can ask Uncle Snow if he can analyze anything.

As for now...

"Is there anyone else inside?" Liu Ji asked.

"I don't know, it's probably gone," Yuan replied, "The blood stains over there don't seem to attract anyone anymore."

"Oh! That's great," Liu Ji's eyes lit up, "Let's go, grandpa will take you to ransack your home!"

197. Two-in-one A large wave of soldiers.zip

In the dark mobile fortress, Liu Ji and the Potato Boys were stopping at a fork in the road and looking around.

"There's flavor on both sides," said one potato boy.

"This side is more fragrant, but that side feels too ordinary," another Potato Boy said.

"Indeed," said Potato Boy with the stick.

"Well, I think so too, grandpa, shall we go this way?" A potato boy turned to Liu Ji and asked.

"What does ordinary mean?" Liu Ji asked doubtfully, "What does it mean to be extraordinary?"

"The ordinary feeling is, um, just like the things in the warehouse in the camp," one of the potato boys replied. "The other side, um, how should I put it, tastes like the food made by grandpa."

"Huh..." Liu Ji scratched his chin.

The elemental vision in this place couldn't be extended, so he could only rely on the potato boys' sense of smell to move forward.

Of course he knew that these brats were here for food, but he was planning to ransack his house. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he ransacked his house and then ransacked it in the cafeteria?

From what they mean, one side is the warehouse and the other side is the canteen?

Then go directly to the warehouse...


I feel like the warehouse should have a security system anyway. I feel like it’s not convenient to bring the kids with me.

There may be logistics for the canteen...

But seeing the eagerness of the cubs to try, Liu Ji thought about it and decided to split up.

He is now a clone as big as a palm, and it is not impossible to say that he has no fighting power, but he has to say that he has...

It's pretty unreliable anyway.

With Yuan here, there is no need to worry too much about the safety of the boys. The worst thing is that the wind is blowing. As long as the Wang Qi himself does not come back, it will be difficult for them to escape. As for now, they will raid the most houses in the shortest time. That's the most efficient way.

The cubs didn't have any objections. They cheered and ran away. After all, they had been waiting in the wild all night, and they were probably hungry now.

After watching them leave, Liu Ji turned towards his target direction.

After running along the long and narrow curved corridor for a short period of time, Liu Ji's attention was attracted by a huge door on the side of the road.

Generally speaking, in a place like a warehouse, the door must not be too small. After all, it is inconvenient to have a small door when large goods are coming in and out.

Of course, that kind of ghost place that relies entirely on teleportation arrays to enter and exit is different.

But at least this mobile fortress does not seem to use a similar mechanism.

Anyway, the door is big enough, so it's worth going in and taking a look.

Even if it's not a warehouse, it would be a tower apron.

Thinking like this, Liu Ji slipped in along the gap in the door frame.

When he walked in and took a look, he was right, it was really a warehouse.

However, it seemed different from the imagined warehouse filled with supplies. At a glance, the huge room of several hundred square meters was neatly filled with the same kind of white boxes that reflected the shimmering light.

"Hmm? What is this, some kind of high-end storage box?" Liu Ji was puzzled. After asking around to confirm that no one was there, he went to one of the boxes and took a look.

The box was pure white, and it was square. Each side was about 30 cm long. The material could not be seen. There was no seam on the edge. Instead, there was a square depression with a side length of about 20 cm on each side. The depth of the depression was only about 1 mm.

The plate inside the depression did not seem to be connected to the shell.

"All-inclusive frame? What is the white block inside?" Liu Ji scratched his head and looked around the box, but he couldn't figure out how to open it.

"Strange, what kind of magic is this?" Liu Ji was upset.

Since he came to this world, he felt like an illiterate every now and then, and he didn't recognize things everywhere he went.

Or it would be simpler and just pick it up.

Anyway, they were going to confiscate the house, so there was no reason not to dare to touch other people's goods.

However, just as Liu Ji was thinking this and reaching out to the box, the box actually opened by itself.

No, to be precise, the depression in front of the box suddenly split into four pieces, and gathered in on all sides, revealing the middle part.

That was a pair of eyes.

A pair of eyes that looked like a dead person.

Liu Ji was startled, and his figure instantly dissipated, turning into a pile of sand and dust.

However, the eyes did not seem to be looking at him, but just ignored the front.

At this time, Liu Ji finally had a chance to see more clearly. It turned out that the box contained not "a pair of eyes", but "a person".

A person who seemed to be compressed into a zip.

His facial features were twisted and squeezed together, as if he had no bones, and the front was pressed very flat. From the front, you can see his two palms under his head, just like the boneless chicken feet pressed into a can, twisted and sticking to present a flat surface.

But obviously, this thing is not as tempting as chicken feet, and some are only creepy.

"What the hell is this?" Liu Ji felt a little sick.

Apparently he went to the wrong warehouse.

But he didn't do anything, how come this thing suddenly opened?

Just when he was hesitating whether to get out of here quickly, the box changed again.

The "person" in the box began to wriggle, and the limp head and hands slowly crawled out of the box and flowed to the ground like a puddle of mud.

It was a piece of human skin.

It seemed to have no bones, but the whole was extremely complete.

Liu Ji looked at the human skin lying limp on the ground, and for some reason, he felt that this thing was constantly expanding.

At first, it just stretched out the wrinkled structure, then it was completely flattened, and then it began to expand like a balloon that was blown into air. Not long after, this dry human skin was blown into a complete human shape.

The bulging muscle structure and the protruding bone nodes were all the same as those of ordinary people. If Liu Ji hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he simply couldn't believe that such a person was actually expanded from the human skin that just flowed out of the box.

Just when Liu Ji was stunned by the strange scene in front of him, he suddenly heard a series of strange noises coming from the side.

Turning his head, he saw that other boxes nearby were opened one after another, and not only nearby, but also some boxes deeper inside were opened one after another. Pools of human skin flowed out of the boxes, and then gradually expanded, turning into naked men one after another.

It may sound a bit funny, but the limp human skin was too creepy. For a while, there were human skins everywhere, and the scene gave Liu Ji only a weird and creepy feeling.

As the first group of people who were "inflated" walked to the door of the warehouse, the tightly closed door slowly opened, and those people walked out very naturally.

At least after watching all the way, Liu Ji didn't feel that they had discovered him.

"Could it be that the kids have attracted their attention? But, what exactly are these things?" Liu Ji was nervous and hurriedly followed them out of the warehouse door. He found that they did not go back to the way they came, but staggered to a deeper place.

Moreover, Liu Ji also found that it seemed that there were not only such strange boxes in the warehouse where he was. There seemed to be other warehouse doors open in front of the road, and there were also wooden naked men walking out of the door one after another.

Liu Ji kept moving forward along the passage. After walking through nearly ten similar warehouse doors, he finally found the destination of these people.

It was a warehouse with a door larger than the doors of all the previous warehouses combined.

It might not even be called a door. The huge warehouse clearly opened one of its walls to facilitate the entry and exit of these naked men.

And this warehouse seemed to be the material storage warehouse that Liu Ji wanted to find.

And the destination of these naked men seemed to be in this warehouse.

They lined up in an orderly manner, taking down armor and weapons of different professions from different shelves one by one, walked to the open space on the side, put on their equipment swiftly, and then left the warehouse and went deeper into the road.

"What the hell, these are actually dog ​​soldiers?" Liu Ji was a little confused.

Although he also guessed that these dog soldiers were more or less not human, but this...

Emotions are inflatable?

Usually they are all a bunch of zips?

He said why these bastards are so unhuman, judging from the situation, they are more like strategic consumables than humans?

No, that's not right. It's not just the dog team soldiers, even the guards and black armors seem to be mixed in.

It seems that these guys are from the same series, just different models?

But why did they suddenly run out in such large numbers?

Where are they going next?

Go out? Support the battlefield?

It's really possible. After all, Liu Ji and his team came in through the back door underground. The direction of this passage is likely to be connected to the main entrance of the mobile fortress.

But... this number is a bit too much, right?

Looking at the naked men pouring out of the warehouse, Liu Ji frowned.

Could it be that...

something happened on their front battlefield?


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