
At the same time, at the front line.

Mo Wente waved the Fiery Mastiff in his hand and was killing people in the crowd.

These days, he has been helping to move shells on the city wall, day after day, and he has been holding back a lot of resentment in his heart. At this moment, following the queue of the fortress, he vented all his resentment on these dog team soldiers.

With his own strength alone, the loss rate of the dog team today is much higher than in the past...

That's impossible.

Just think about it.

After all, he still has to form a military column with the soldiers of the White Blade Team. Even if he has changed his sword and has indeed shown a lethality far beyond the past, where the blade passes, heads and blood plasma fly together, but on this vast battlefield, he is just a soldier with relatively impressive results.

But one thing is true, the loss rate of the dog team today is indeed much higher than in the past,

Mo Wente is not very clear about the reason, he feels that the state of the dog team today is indeed not right, not only he is killing easily, but others are also fruitful.

Although he was not able to fight on weekdays, he saw a lot of them on the city wall. In a wave of military confrontation, both sides were often injured half, and afterwards, the soldiers on this side could always stand up inexplicably at the end. The tyrant's soldiers were often only injured, and they could return to the ranks after being pulled by the priest.

But today's military confrontation was all one-sided. In the confrontation, basically more than ten or twenty people on their side were injured, while half of the opponents lay down directly.

And they never stood up again after lying down. The priests of the other side seemed to be offline today and were useless. Even if you look closely, you can find that the people lying on the ground are generally their priests.

This battlefield situation is definitely wrong.

But at least for now, it seems to be a good thing for the end of Vent and the stronghold.

In the sky, the battle between the Seventh King Cavalry and Birkinsche is still inextricable. The movements and speeds of the two are as always far beyond the understanding of ordinary people. Only the food and the sword light can be seen in the flash.

At least it seems that the two are still as evenly matched as before.

Mo Wente didn't know if the Seventh King Rider had time to observe the battlefield situation, but if he didn't react, as the battle continued, when the difference in the number of people on both sides became larger and larger, the number of casualties of the Tyrant's troops would probably increase exponentially.

Of course, Mo Wente was happy to see this happen.

But he felt that the Tyrant's troops would never be so stupid as to let them be slaughtered.

And the facts seemed to be the same as Mo Wente thought.

About ten minutes later, when the number of Tyrant's troops was about to exceed half, suddenly, the confrontation between the two people in the air came to an abrupt end.

The Seventh King Rider frowned and looked at the battlefield, then waved his long sword, and another invisible wave spread out.

Mo Wente knew that this was the opponent's retreat signal.

"Is it really going to retreat..." Mo Wente gritted his teeth and rushed out of the queue.

The long sword flashed continuously, and the blazing red lines remained in the air. In an instant, several Tyrant soldiers were chopped into pieces.

At the same time, the commander of the team roared from behind Mo Wente: "New recruits! What are you doing! Return to the team immediately!"

What are you doing?

Isn't it obvious?

The other side is about to retreat, so hurry up and beat the fallen dog, and kill as many as you can!

Mo Wente's idea is so simple.

However, the next second, his fighting instinct sounded, and subconsciously, a golden light flashed from Mo Wente's eyes.

In an instant, Mo Wente had a clear view of the surrounding situation.

Since he rushed out of the queue, he had already penetrated into the center of the local army formation, and at this moment, at least dozens of tyrant soldiers came to him from all directions.

This group of people actually had no intention of retreating!

This was completely beyond Mo Wente's expectations. After all, he had observed for many days, and the order of the Seventh King Cavalry was clearly a signal to retreat. Why was it different today?


It doesn't seem to matter.

It's better to say that it came at the right time.

The Fiery Mastiff was humming, and it was excited about the upcoming killing.

"Hiss..." Mowente exhaled a breath of foul air.

Fiery sparks flickered in his breath.

There was no name of the move, no gorgeous sword enchantment, no burst of flames. At this moment, Mowente had only a shadow that was condensed and hidden to the extreme.

In an instant, his figure disappeared from everyone's eyes.

It was not a visual illusion caused by high-speed movement, but a real disappearance.

The next moment, the head of a tyrant soldier left his neck.

Then, a streak of bright red spurted out from the heart of a tyrant soldier.

Then, the abdomen of a tyrant soldier was completely cut open.

After that, a tyrant soldier was cut into two pieces along with the entire shield.

Invisible, even the knife light could not be detected, one tyrant soldier after another fell in a pool of blood.

The dull priest still did not make any reaction. The shield guard's giant shield was easily split into two like a fragile bean paste crisp under the sharp edge of the Fiery Mastiff.

Every second, a soldier fell.

However, the tyrant's soldiers seemed to be dumbfounded, unable to react at all, and continued to stand there stupidly, allowing Mowente to hack them to death one by one on the spot.

At first, everyone thought that this was some special ability used by the last venter, but soon they found that the reaction of these tyrant soldiers was indeed slower than before.

If they were just in a bad state before today, now they are more like a group of idiots who haven't slept for a few days, and their slow reaction is like a 70-year-old woman pulling pumpkins on the farm.

The soldiers of the stronghold side would not miss such an opportunity. For a while, they shouted loudly, accompanied by the horns and drums of the general attack, and rushed forward to kill the tyrant soldiers.

The seventh king knight in the air wanted to rush down to support the battlefield, but was chopped back by Birkinsche.

However, this time, the seventh king knight instantly burst out with a speed beyond common sense than before, turned around, and slashed at Birkinsche's head with a sword.

A dark crack appeared out of thin air.

This slash seemed to have no intermediate process at all. Even in Birkinsche's eyes, the blade of the seventh king knight seemed to have teleported directly from the starting point to the end of the slash path.

At that moment, the whole world was quiet.

The soldiers in the fortress stared blankly at the scene in the sky.

Birkinsche's head was cut off by the sword, and flew into the sky in full view of everyone, slowly spinning in the air.

However, the next second, an even more incredible scene appeared.

The head was caught by Birkinsche's own right hand.

He slowly raised his head and put it back on his neck.

Then, he moved his neck like nothing happened, and turned to look at the Seventh King Rider.

"Nice strike, you finally showed your real skills," a deep voice came from his mouth.

Although he had just been beheaded, his words were still full of pride and fighting spirit.

The black veil on the Seventh King Rider's hat fluttered in the wind. He ignored the man in front of him, said nothing, and just put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist again.

Birkinsche smiled slightly and raised his sword.

The confrontation between the two seemed to be about to break out.


The next moment.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and instantly hit the body of the Seventh King Rider.

The latter's body was directly blasted to the ground.

Just as he was about to fall into the military formation, countless transparent chains suddenly appeared out of thin air and pierced the body of the Seventh King Rider from all directions, locking him tightly in mid-air.

The next moment, 107 arrows instantly fell from the sky and accurately pierced the ground under him.

Mo Wente, who had just put away his knife, was in mid-air and happened to have a full view of the position of the 107 arrows.

He had seen the way the arrows were placed before, yes, he had seen it, although only once.

That was the arrow formation that Guo Guo used to help Liu Ji seal the 11th King Rider.

At the same time, Mo Wente heard a long song coming from the sky.

He raised his head and clearly saw that a handsome elf with long hair was floating in the air, with a long bow reaching the ground. Along with the spell song in his mouth, huge energy continued to gather at the tip of his arrow.

Mo Wente recognized the man.

That was Guoguo's teacher, the only great mystic master among all the rangers in history, the legendary ranger Daedel.

198. Two-in-one Thick, dead, it's all your fault!

In the deepest part of the mobile fortress, a heavy giant door stood there.

Yuan took a deep breath and swung the heavy sword in his hand.

The black lines crossed and slashed, leaving scratches on the door.

The momentum was huge, but the effect was minimal.

Yuan frowned, raised the long sword again, shouted angrily, and used all his strength to chop it up.

With a clang, the black blade chopped into the door, leaving a pit several dozen centimeters long and several centimeters deep.

But that was all, and the long sword stopped again.

But it was enough.

At least Yuan proved that he could chop this thing.

If he could chop it, then it was not a problem.

If one cut doesn't work, then another cut, then another cut, and another cut.

The dark heavy sword swung again and again, tearing and expanding the pit, gradually extending from the initial dozens of centimeters to more than one meter, and the depth of the pit became deeper and deeper.

Finally, there was a sharp metal tearing sound, and the door was successfully cut through by Yuan, revealing a huge crack about several centimeters wide and nearly two meters long.

Although it was not big, it was enough for the potatoes who could change their shapes at will to pass through.

Unfortunately, they could pass, but the weapons in their hands could not. The only thing that could pass was the pair of light double swords.

I don't know whether it was because he had taken advantage of his brothers in the past, or because he considered the safety of the retreat, Yuan did not choose to enter the door, but chose to help his brothers watch their weapons at the door and help them guard the wind.

The other potatoes did not dawdle, and got into the enclosed space at the fastest speed.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw several huge crystals several meters high. The crystals seemed to be hollow, and I could see light blue liquid slowly rippling in them.

And in the liquid of each crystal, there was a dark monster soaked.

The monster had hose-like tentacles extending all over its body, slowly floating in the liquid, and in the center of the tentacles, there was a dark mass, and in that darkness, there were hundreds of blood-red eyes densely open.

The eyes seemed to be unfocused, staring blankly ahead, and they did not react even when the potatoes walked past them.

Obviously, this was not a canteen.

Although several kids said that the smell here smelled like cooked rice, their eating habits could not be guessed by common sense.

For example, what really attracted them here, the thing that they said was "very fragrant", was actually the huge blue liquid ball floating and flowing in the complex three-dimensional magic array behind these jars.

Almost without hesitation, the potatoes jumped into the huge liquid ball, stretched their bodies with all their strength, and began to absorb the blue liquid crazily.

"Huh... so cool," a potato gurgled, "the legendary happy water is just like this, right?"

"Indeed," a potato echoed.

"It still feels different, this one has no bubbles," a potato boy continued.

"The bubbles are not the key, the key is that it tastes good," another potato boy said.

The potatoes were chatting with each other, but the one with the two swords was the only one who remained silent.

The two hands of the potato boy naturally hung down at his side, and dense roots continued to spread out from his body, completely wrapping the two swords and extending in all directions.

Not long after, the other potatoes also noticed the abnormality here.

"Huh? This situation? It seems the same as before, Brother Yuan?" A potato boy asked in surprise.

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