The scene in front of them couldn't be called a battle at all, it was pure massacre, a one-sided massacre.

"Why, aren't you going to run away?" The tyrant fell in front of Liu Ji.

"No matter where he escapes, you will chase him," Liu Ji looked at the tyrant, sizing up this invincible man.


Nothing can be seen.

No strength, no weakness, no posture, no emotion...

"You are quite calm," the tyrant looked Liu Ji up and down, "It is quite rare for a brave man to run around outside."

"You'll always get tired of staying in one place for thousands of years, right," Liu Ji said. "It's good to go out and relax occasionally, don't you think?"

"It makes sense, but it seems you came out at the wrong time," the tyrant walked up to Liu Ji and looked down at him, "It seems you are not afraid of me?"

"Do you enjoy the feeling of others being afraid of you?" Liu Ji asked, "I thought you were tired of it a long time ago."

"Probably, I don't feel anything," the tyrant said indifferently, "It's just that someone is not afraid of me, which makes me a little surprised."

"There's no point in being afraid of you," Liu Ji sighed, "Will you let me live if I beg for mercy?"

"Of course not," said the Tyrant, smiling.

"Yes," Liu Ji smiled, "I really can't figure it out. Why did you destroy and kill everything? What else can you rule?"

"To rule what? Does that need to be said?" The tyrant opened his hands, "Of course it is to rule the entire world..."

"Except for tool men, there are only high towers and strange plants in the world?" Liu Ji looked at the man in front of him with a puzzled face. "Aren't these things the same wherever they are built? Or are you really just cultivating them in the whole land?" Playing your coloring game on the floor?”

"Huh?" The tyrant looked at Liu Sniper and blinked, "It sounds like you have visited my land?"

"I went shopping in one," Liu Ji spread his hands. "To be honest, it was boring enough. There wasn't even anything that could be called a human being."

"No, those who can't be called human beings are you trash," the tyrant shook his head and said, "Ignorant people, the 'plants' you call are real people who have truly realized their own value and become the greatest People who dedicate themselves to their career.”

"Huh?" Liu Jiyi frowned, "Those things that are planted in pots, fed with nutrient solution regularly, and fall into pieces with a light touch. If you don't look carefully, you can't even see the shape of a person. The person you’re talking about is a fucking hammer! There’s a difference between that and a potato planted in the ground!”

As soon as these words came out, Liu Ji suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill rush up his back.

At that moment, he clearly saw that although the tyrant's expression did not change at all, his impression became extremely gloomy.

"You killed my people?" His voice was bone-chilling.

"It sounds like these guys who shed their lives and blood for you are not your people?" Liu Ji looked at the man in front of him with a subtle expression, "Besides, haven't you killed enough people?"

After the words fell, Liu Ji thought that his words would make the tyrant even more angry. However, what he didn't expect was that the tyrant suddenly returned to normal.

"Oh, that's right. After all, stupid lower races like you don't understand anything," the tyrant sighed. "Well, enough of the nonsense. Are you ready to die?"

"No," Liu Ji said.

"Leave a last message? Anyway, this is a wasteland full of energy flow. I can allow you to leave a tombstone here," the tyrant said. "This will at least allow your stupidity to be passed down in the world for a longer time."

"That's not necessary," Liu Ji said, "How about you let me punch you?"

The tyrant looked at Liu Ji and did not reply. He just looked at him silently and smiled without saying a word.

It seemed that Liu Ji's proposal was just some kind of funny show to him.

"Ah, it's really irritating," Liu Ji moved his right hand, "Don't hide if you can."

"Don't worry, it's not necessary," the tyrant said with a smile.

Liu Ji raised his eyebrows and instantly contacted the desert incarnation and the dark monster. He tried his best and punched the tyrant in the chest.

He put all his strength into this punch.

At that moment, Liu Ji could feel that power far beyond his understanding was concentrated in his hands.

Just like last time, his body was already showing signs of falling apart before the fist wind even approached the opponent.

However, in the end, Liu Ji stopped the punch.

"What's wrong?" The tyrant looked at the fist that was only a few centimeters away from his chest and asked doubtfully, "This punch is obviously not bad, why don't you hit it?"

"Because it's meaningless," Liu Ji said, "You didn't even plan to hide, did you?"

The tyrant smiled and said: "At least I made defenses, didn't I? There are not many people in this world who can make me prepare for defenses."

Liu Ji looked at the tyrant. Although his face did not change, a deep feeling of powerlessness arose in his heart.

With that punch, he once thought that he had touched the threshold of something different from his current state.

He originally thought that it was the edge of the opponent's realm, but when he actually faced the tyrant, he realized that perhaps, the realm he had touched clearly did not even reach the opponent's feet.



Defensive indeed.

But it is just like the anti-attack method that other warriors would naturally use when fighting.

In a sense, it is just "preparing to be hit".

"Huh... Forget it, if I really want to hurt you, it is better to change another method," Liu Ji said.

"Hmm?" The tyrant raised his eyebrows, "What do you want to say?"

"I don't want to say anything, but, weren't you very angry because I killed you, a vegetative person?" Liu Ji said with a smile, "Well, let me think about it, in fact, in the city I went to, I not only smashed the vegetative person, but also smashed the whole city to pieces."

In an instant, the bone-chilling chill ran up Liu Ji's spine again.

"Ha... As expected, none of you pests can be left alive," the tyrant whispered, his face extremely gloomy, "I was just saying how... Tsk, tell me, which city is it, how did you escape my perception?"

"Hey, so happy," Liu Ji smiled at the tyrant and opened his hands, "Now I think I can die in peace. As for other things, can't you study them yourself? My dear stupid thing?"

"As you wish, you will die miserably," the tyrant said coldly, and the dark golden sword slowly condensed in his hand.

"I couldn't ask for it, fuck you," Liu Ji said with a smile.

The next moment, the golden flames burned every corner of Liu Ji's vision...




Ya Yin knelt on the ground, staring blankly at the magic lens slowly dissipating in front of her eyes.

In the deep cave, there was silence.

Ao Sa held his head, lowered his head, and clenched his teeth.

Ji Lunini leaned against the wall, looking at the ceiling, his eyes dull.

Callidora bit her lower lip tightly and bowed her head in silence.

Movente leaned his forehead against the wall beside him, his face gloomy.

Nabelin held his crystal ball, his shoulders shaking constantly.

Snow stood alone, his eyes closed, and I don’t know what he was thinking.


Tears fell to the ground.

Yain raised her right hand and gently wiped her cheek.

But the place where she had just wiped away the tears was covered by new tears, and she wiped it again, and new tears flowed again.

She wiped her tears one by one, but the tears could not be wiped away no matter what.

He just helped her get revenge.

No, that’s not right, they just got their revenge together.

And then? And then! ?

And then he just left! ? Right in front of her eyes! She watched him turn into a wisp of flying ash under the tyrant’s sword.

No, where is there a wisp of flying ash?

Those who were cut by the golden flame will not leave even a trace of ash.

Died again.

Died again!

There was nothing left in her life.

But later, he appeared and said that it was their hatred.

Although he didn't say it out loud, she clearly saw how important she was to him in his eyes and soul.

At that moment, Ya Yin suddenly realized that in her heart, the other person had the same weight.


Finally, she found a new meaning in her life after losing everything.

What happened?

What happened? !

What happened...

Didn't she see it...

The tyrant took everything from her again, just like the day when the third king killed her master.

But she couldn't do anything, nothing...

He clearly said that he would come to find her.

She shouldn't believe it, because that was the tyrant. Facing that man, no one could survive.

At least, at least that way, she could be with him...


A burst of laughter suddenly came.

The laughter was so clear and innocent, but it was so harsh to everyone's ears at this moment.

Almost instantly, everyone's eyes turned to the source of the laughter, and they saw that it was actually a potato kid laughing foolishly while playing.

Everyone stared at the potato kid in a daze, as if they couldn't understand how this group of kids could still laugh now.

The potato kid seemed to be startled by the thorny eyes of the crowd, and quickly shrank back, and then whispered with his friends, and their laughter could be heard from time to time.

Suddenly, Yain stood up.

"Hey, Yain, you..." Seeing this, Xue Nuo hurried to stop him, but was pushed away by Yain.

Then, Yain took two steps at a time and walked to the front of the potatoes, and slapped the ground fiercely.

The potatoes were all frightened, and Yuan and Kui beside them also looked over in confusion.

Yayin's eyes swept over them, and she swallowed her saliva, rubbed her eyes again, wiped the tears from her face, and then asked with extremely unfamiliar syllables, word by word, stuttering: " Where is it?"

She had never learned Chinese from Liu Ji, and she only learned a few uncertain syllables from listening to his long communication with Potato Boys.

For example, the name that the Potato Boys called Liu Ji.


Hearing the strange stuttering sentence from Yayin's mouth, the Potato Boys looked at each other for a while, seeming to be a little confused.

Yayin swallowed her saliva, tried to suppress her trembling vocal cords, and just repeated the syllables of "grandfather" as much as possible, while repeating, trying to gesture with the Potato Boys.

The Potato Boys looked at each other, and finally all looked at Yuan.

Yuan touched his chin and asked uncertainly: "You want to ask, where is Grandpa now?"

Yayin didn't understand what Yuan was saying, but she clearly heard the two syllables of "Grandpa".

As if she had grabbed a life-saving straw, she kept nodding her head.

Yuan scratched his head uncertainly, but finally pointed in a direction and said: "Grandpa just ran over there, but it's a little far..."

"Well, let me think... He seems to have run back to the desert?"


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