

Liu Ji's head emerged from the sand.

Blinking his eyes, Liu Ji looked around confusedly.

Ah, a desolation...

Um? Wait a minute? What are these mountains of rotten meat and giant trees made of bones?

Is this something that should be on the ground?

Isn't he falling into hell?

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, a familiar voice came from above his head.

"Hey, man, what did I say?" "Mass"'s face appeared upside down above his field of vision, "You can do whatever you want, I'll call you daddy if you die."

206. Two-in-one Human plants and vegetative people cannot understand each other.

"Go back to the desert?" Snow was stunned, "Are you sure he is there?"

"I'm not sure," Yayin said, "I don't understand their language, but... you know, I have to go."

"Of course, of course, I can understand, but you also know that going in that direction means passing through the tyrant's occupied area," Snow was still a little hesitant, "And, we have all seen it, he clearly... hiss, Although I hate to say this, he saved us, at least we shouldn’t die in vain.”

"No, I'm not going to die," Yain said, "I'm going to pick him up. If he's still alive, he must be waiting for me. I have to pick him up..."

"But you should understand that as long as these potatoes are still with us, if he is really alive, it may be more reasonable for us to wait for him to come to us," Snow said.

"No, even if we don't go, these potatoes will go," Yayin shook her head, "I have to go with them, and even if he is still alive, what if he is in a bad situation now? I can't guard against it. Leave him alone."

"Then at least let us stay with you," Snow frowned.

"No, you also know that if you have to cross the tyrant's national border, the more people there are, the more trouble you will have," Ayin shook her head.

"Then at least I will go with you," Snow said, "This is my final bottom line..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Mowente patted him on the shoulder.

"No, uncle, you can't leave. Wei Luo's whereabouts are unknown now, and it's up to you to find her," Mowente said, "On this trip, Carly and I will accompany Ya Yin."

"You..." Snow looked at Mowente, slightly hesitant.

"Actually, we just discussed it with Yayin," Mo Wente shrugged, "The three of us are going to find Liu Ji, and you are just going to find out where the captain is."

"Well, neither Osa nor Luni are good at dealing with arcane-related things. Looking for traces of Weiluo requires Nabelin to perform divination throughout the process. I won't worry if you don't follow them," Yayin continued, "And when it comes to stealth, Went and Carly are the best at investigation and emergency response.”

"Hmm... that's okay," Snow rubbed his brows, "Tsk, okay, in short, you must be careful."

"Well, don't worry..."



At the same time, in the ancient desert city, there is a living room.

"So, why are you missing?" "Mass" pushed a cup of shaved ice in front of Liu Ji.

"What else can I do? It's just a ghost." Liu Ji let out a long breath, "Oh, I don't know which link went wrong. It was all over the place last time. How come it was discovered this time."

"Because the people in the Secret Sanctuary sold you," Tulin shook the spoon in his hand, "After all, they didn't want the tyrant to follow their traces and they just happened to show up and throw the blame on you. That’s it.”

"So did they actually expose the secret?" Liu Ji's brows twitched.

"Well, I don't know if it's revealed, or if it's going to be revealed anyway, just reveal it first," Tulin said with a smile.

Liu Ji touched his chin. He didn't intend to believe Tulin's statement. Considering the special ability of the third king's knight, it was not impossible that she had taken the initiative to seek help from the tyrant.

But in short, whether it is intentional or unintentional, it is a fact that the blame for the Secret Sanctuary is placed on his head...

Damn a bunch of old bald donkeys, we'll have to settle the accounts with them sooner or later.

"But..." Liu Ji looked at Tulin with a subtle expression, "Why are you here too?"

"Why can't I be here anymore?" Turin took a mouthful of shaved ice. "I would rather say, I like it here the most. The old man at Mass is so nice to talk to and even treats me to shaved ice. In this world, people are indifferent and people's hearts are not ancient. In this era, this is the only place that can provide me with a bit of warmth.”

"Haha, it's nothing. I'm bored too. It would be nice to have someone to chat with me," "Mass" laughed, "What's more, he is such an interesting person..."

"It's quite interesting," Liu Ji held up his cheek and looked at the man in front of him, "So why do you want to resist the tyrant? You are obviously still a king..."

"Hmm...this is a question," Tulin scratched his chin, "Let me think about it, what kind of story are you more likely to believe? Is it the hatred between the country and the family? Or the entanglement of love and hate? Or is it about the righteousness of the world?"

"Okay, I knew it," Liu Ji's mouth twitched.

Tulin's words made it clear that he didn't want to tell the truth to him. After he said these words, Liu Ji couldn't judge whether what he said was true or false.


"As far as the third Wangqi gives me the feeling, it seems that it is not that easy for Wangqi to resist the tyrant," Liu Ji looked at Tulin, "So how did you escape the restrictions?"

"Who said I escaped the restrictions?" Tulin spread his hands.

"That means there are indeed restrictions?" Liu Ji asked.

"Isn't this natural?" Tulin said casually, "I thought you had a basic understanding of our army."

"I can't understand it. In my opinion, it's just a bunch of lunatics following one big lunatic," Liu Ji waved his hand, took a big bite of the shaved ice, and chewed it crunchily.

"Mass" looked left and right, and then said: "So is this considered a cooperative relationship? It sounds really tiring."

"No way, this kid is too suspicious," Tulin smiled and shrugged.

"That's not necessarily true, it depends on who it is for," Liu Ji said casually.

"Hey, I don't think I've lied to you before, right?" Turin spread his hands, "Do you think there was any mistake in the information I gave you?"

"This can only show that you really want to use my hand to kill a few Wangqi. Other than that, it can't prove anything," Liu Ji said. "Maybe you just want to kill all the colleagues you don't like. Then you sold me back?"

"If it's like what you said, wouldn't you have lost now?" Tulin asked with a smile.

"No, or I can kill you here," Liu Ji said indifferently.

"Yeah, that's not the case," Tulin crossed his arms with a look of helplessness on his face, "Can't you let go of your prejudices and give me a little trust?"

Liu Ji shrugged, noncommittal.

Looking at the two people who were at war with each other, "Mass" suddenly laughed.

"Huh? Why are you still laughing?" Tulin looked at him, "Say something, my head is getting big."

"What can I say about the two of you?" "Mass" shook his head, "I just remembered that she was like this when we first got along. We were at war with each other all day long, fighting wits and courage."

"You mean your brave wife?" Tulin raised his eyebrows.

"Yes," "Mass" nodded, "After all, she couldn't believe me at the beginning."

When Liu Ji heard the words "Mass", he didn't know what expression to make.

If you didn't know anything, it would be okay to hear him say this, but now that you know the truth, it feels uncomfortable to look at him.

Moreover, "Mass" can be said to be extremely kind to him. If there are two people who are most important to him in this world, one is Yayin and the other is "Mass".

From common sense considerations, he should naturally do something for the "Mass".

But what can he do and what should he do?

Tell "Mass" the truth?

Maybe that might make him remember himself, but maybe he can't remember anything anymore, and his behavior will only add to his pain.

But if he didn't say anything, Liu Ji wouldn't even know whether the person standing in front of him was a human being or a projection of a memory.

Is it appropriate to maintain the status quo?

have no idea.

But maybe...

At least, this is "Mass"'s own choice.

"Huh? What's wrong? Look at me like this." At this moment, "Mass" also noticed Liu Ji's abnormality and asked doubtfully, "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Well, no, no," Liu Ji shook his head.

After all, one cannot judge without others suffering, so it is better to put it aside for the time being.

"Well, but speaking of it, your temperament has changed a lot," "Mass" looked at Liu Ji with his chin propped up, "Have you experienced a lot? Or... did you remember something?"

Liu Ji was stunned for a moment, glanced at Tulin, sighed slightly, and said, "I think it's all... It sounds like you already knew that I forgot something?"

"Thousands of years of time are recorded as decades. Even for races with the habit of long sleep, this will not happen." "Mass" shook his head and said, "If the concept of time is really blurred to this extent due to long sleep, then Wouldn’t it be true that the sleeping race that lives alone often falls asleep and dies?”

"Really? I thought they all woke up from hunger," Liu Ji shrugged.

"Maybe, but there are also races that can consume no energy at all during sleep," "Mass" shrugged, "So I still guess that you may have forgotten something..."

"You're right, I did forget a lot of things," Liu Ji sighed, "But if possible, I hope I never remember them."

"So what kind of memories are they? Tell me about them?" Tulin asked, looking very interested.

Liu Ji glanced at him and said, "Want something to change?"

"What do you want?" Tulin was unexpectedly decisive.

"The essence of Wang Qi," Liu Ji said.

"The price is not good enough, please exchange it for another one," Tulin said with a smile.

"Your true purpose," Liu Ji said again.

"It's not enough, can't you talk about something possible?" Tulin spread his hands.

"Possible?" Liu Ji thought for a while, "Then... what exactly are the tyrant's people?"

"This..." Tulin looked at Liu Ji and touched his chin, "Well, you have seen them anyway. Tsk, it still feels a bit awkward. Forget it, it doesn't hurt to tell you. Anyway, they are just people who do nothing but pray. He’s just a vegetative person who doesn’t know how to do it.”

"You only know how to pray?" Liu Jiyi frowned, "What do you pray for?"

"Who knows, just pray to the gods anyway," Tulin chewed shaved ice. "Those guys only know how to pray when they grow up. They don't know how to speak. They only read eulogies. The meaning of life is not only prayer, but also prayer. It all depends on the soldiers. We give him nutrient solution to keep him alive, and he lives like this every day for a thousand years.”

"Is that a human?" "Miss" looked at Turin subtly, "Isn't that a plant that can repeat a certain language?"

"Who knows? After all, what is a human and what is not a human?" Turin spread his hands, "You only see people in this world, and you only understand people in this world. Have you seen people in other worlds?"

"Then I have seen one," Liu Ji said.

"That's only two," Turin shook his head, "There are so many worlds, and the difference is so great. Let's not talk about the world, just talk about living beings. How many of the natural things live according to human thinking? Why are different people in different worlds the same?"

Liu Ji frowned and thought for a moment, and said: "In this case, he just wants to find some places to grow his little blue hair, why does he need to invade the whole world?"

"Ah...you, probably have never seen the scenery on the other side of the world?" Turin looked at Liu Ji with a subtle expression.

"What do you mean?" Liu Ji frowned.

"Well... you haven't seen it, so I'll show you," Tulin said, and he took out his square crystal from somewhere.

He lifted it gently, and the crystal floated in the air. He pushed it forward gently, and saw the crystal slowly rotating in the air, and then it shone brightly.

Then, a scene was formed around everyone. If it weren't for the shadow behind him, Liu Ji almost thought he was teleported to the sky somewhere.

Looking up, there are blue sky and white clouds.

Looking out, looking straight at the horizon.

Looking down, there are thousands of spiral towers, densely packed and airtight.

"This is..." Liu Ji looked at the towers stretching for thousands of miles under his feet, and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Those towers are so magnificent, and those towers are so crowded.

In his previous life, he walked through the city center with tall buildings, and when he looked up, Liu Ji could still feel an invisible pressure, and the pressure presented by this underground scene was more than a thousand times more humble than the scene in his previous life.

"How many towers are there..." Liu Ji looked at the vast land covered with densely packed towers in confusion, his pupils shaking unconsciously.

"Thousands? Tens of thousands? Billions? Who knows," Turin smiled, "In fact, there are still many places in the world over there that have not been completed, especially the towers on the sea and in the sky city have not been completed. When they are all completed, the king's general offensive will really begin."

"Damn..." Liu Ji swallowed his saliva.

He thought that at least there should be some forest corners for people to escape and hide, but now it seems that this way of expansion is really going to drain the land of the whole world.

In other words, the reason for the tyrant's expansion may be nothing else, just that there is not enough land?

"Why did he do all this?" Liu Ji still couldn't understand, "So much trouble, just to raise so many plants without self."

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