"I don't know about that," Tulin shrugged. "As I said, don't try to use your ideas and common sense to understand a race that is completely different from yours."

"It sounds like you are not of the same species as them? No, these vegetative people and tyrants should not be of the same species as them," Liu Ji held his forehead.

Can't figure it out.

The internal logic is completely unclear.

Something crucial is missing from the whole chain...

"God," Liu Ji suddenly raised his head and asked, "God, what exactly is it?"

Tulin looked at Liu Ji and remained silent.

Liu Ji frowned and asked tentatively: "Make a price?"

But Tulin still just looked at him, indifferent.

"You can't speak..." Liu Ji frowned slightly.

"Yeah...I didn't expect that the outside world has become like this." At this time, the voice of "Mass" suddenly came from the side, "It seems that since I occupy such a large piece of land, he should be pretty good." Be angry."

"Yes, he is thinking about how to kill you every day now," Tulin said with a smile, "Oh, no, it's not quite accurate. It should be said that he is thinking about how to kill you, the moon."

"How can I say, that's really an honor," "Mass" smiled, "but it would be nice if he can really solve it, then I can go find her with peace of mind."

While saying this, his eyes drifted towards Liu Ji.

Liu Ji looked at him and took a deep breath.

He also understood what “Mass” meant.

This time he was successfully resurrected, and he did not show the ability of the incarnation of sand. However, if he wants to continue relying on this skill, sooner or later his connection with "Mass" will be discovered by the tyrant.

And if his destructive power exceeds the threat of Red Moon, the tyrant may be able to destroy the entire desert with such force.


But thinking of those vegetative people who can break at the touch of a touch, if the moon really starts running around, it's hard to imagine what kind of impact it will have.

For example, a vegetative person fell down, and then a tower was scrapped or something like that?

Not impossible.

If the Secret Sanctuary blows up a few more bombs at his house, it will probably be enough to keep him busy.

But having said that, Liu Ji can't always rely on this resurrection card to save his life.

What he needs is to improve his strength. Not only can he confront the tyrant head-on, but he must at least have a way to save his life after encountering him.

However, when he thought of the oppressive feeling when facing the tyrant, he felt a wave of powerlessness from within.

It's really, really monster.

At this moment, Tulin suddenly looked at Liu Ji and said, "Speaking of which, you should also pay me the reward for my information, right? What do you mean, let's set off now?"

"What's the reward? Sorry, I don't remember," Liu Ji asked with a frown.

"You are so forgetful. Did you forget about accompanying me to destroy a city?" Tulin asked with a smile, "Do you still remember? There is a certain artifact hidden there."

"This..." Liu Ji frowned.

It seems that there is indeed such a thing...

However, he could clearly feel that the potato boys seemed to be approaching him from the far side.


But it would not be good if Turin met them directly.

"Okay, let me go with you now," Liu Ji said after thinking about it, "But again, don't expect me to fight tooth and nail."

"Of course, then, Brother Mass, see you next time," Tulin said, putting away the square crystal floating in the air, and waved his hand towards "Mass".

"Well, see you next time," "Mass" smiled slightly, then he looked at Liu Ji again, smiled and nodded.

It seemed like they were just saying goodbye in an ordinary way, but only Liu Ji and him knew that in his hand, a thumb-sized trumpet Liu Ji had been quietly generated.

207. Two-in-one. You are also a Riddler, and I am also a Riddler. Let’s all be Riddler together.

In the desert, Liu Ji and Tulin were walking side by side at extremely fast speeds.

"Speaking of which, it seems that I traded the information about the people to you before, right?" Tulin said as he walked, "Now is it time for you to tell me the part that interests me?"

"My memories?" Liu Ji asked.

"Yes," Turin nodded.

"It's nothing special, I'm just going crazy," Liu Ji said casually.

"How can you suppress someone like you?" Tulin asked doubtfully, "I once suppressed it for hundreds of years in Dianbianzhai, but nothing happened."

"Are you able to hold it in in a dark room?" Liu Ji asked.

"That's not true," Tulin shrugged. "It's just that there's no one around, and it's just a wasteland as far as the eye can see."

"That's okay," Liu Ji shrugged. "You can try sealing off all five of your senses and burying yourself in the ground for a year. Then you'll probably know what true 'suppression' means."

"Ah...it feels crazy," Turin muttered.

"That makes sense," Liu Ji curled his lips.

"So how long did you hold it in?" Turin asked.

"It doesn't take long, just a thousand years," Liu Ji said.

"Ah, that's quite a bit," Tulin nodded, "Ah, if I were you, maybe I would want to destroy the world every day..."

"How do you see that I don't want to destroy the world now?" Liu Ji raised his eyebrows.

"Ah...how do you put this?" Turin scratched his chin, "If you want to destroy the world, then why not do nothing?"

Liu Ji shrugged and said nothing.

Turin looked at Liu Ji suspiciously and muttered, "I always feel that you are hiding something..."

"Ah? What?" Liu Ji glanced at him, "Not satisfied with the answer? Then do you want to hear the story of me coming out halfway to save the world, or the story of me trying to destroy the world but failed and being sealed into the ground again?"

"Hey, this statement is really irritating," Turin's mouth twitched.

"I learned it from you," Liu Ji spread his hands.

"I know, tsk," Turin rubbed his eyebrows.

Liu Ji glanced at him and turned his eyes to the front.

There are some things that he really doesn't want to recall for the rest of his life if possible.

But if he remembers it, he will remember it.

It just so happens that there are some things that he needs now...

"What kind of thing is the artifact you mentioned?" Liu Ji suddenly asked, "From what you said, you should have seen it."

"I have only seen its appearance, which looks like a non-reflective mirror," Tulin looked at Liu Ji, "but for this kind of thing, it is meaningless to only know its appearance, right?"

"It's okay, I just asked casually," Liu Ji said.

But a mirror.

That's really interesting...

"Well, I remember you said that the thing can belong to me, right?" Liu Ji said.

"Really?" Tulin looked at Liu Ji suspiciously, "Why are you suddenly interested?"

"I just thought that since it is a divine artifact, it should be able to sell for a lot of money," Liu Ji said casually.

"With your current ability, isn't it just a matter of waving your hand to get as much money as you want?" Tulin raised his eyebrows, "There is no shortage of people in this world who can make you feel at ease to confiscate their property."

"Having said that, who would complain about having too much money?" Liu Ji shrugged.

Tulin looked at Liu Ji suspiciously.

Obviously, he didn't believe Liu Ji's statement, but he didn't say much.

Liu Ji clearly didn't want to tell him some things, and he also clearly didn't intend to tell Liu Ji everything. In this case, just stop at the point.

Besides, their time for chatting was almost over.

Looking up, the cliff at the end of the desert was already in front of the field of vision, and looking up, the tip of the golden tower was already shining in the sun.

In an instant, huge wings appeared behind Liu Ji, and with a heavy wave, he took off into the air, and then turned into a wisp of sand in the air and jumped onto the cliff.

Tulin followed closely behind, took a step forward, and his figure flashed a series of blue square light effects in the air, and also landed on the cliff.

As soon as he landed, he saw Liu Ji looking forward with an expression as if he had bitten a peppercorn.

"Haven't you seen this scene? Why is it still the same expression?" Tulin folded his arms and looked at Liu Ji with a subtle expression.

Liu Ji did not reply, but continued to stare ahead.

There, there was a large area of ​​unfinished towers.

If Mazu Forest City was a bunch of construction sites surrounding several completed towers, this was a large area of ​​completed towers and construction sites all over the mountains.

All the trees were burned to the roots, all the mounds were polished flat, and all the boulders were smashed into pieces.

All that could be seen was the foundation or skeleton of the building under construction, as well as the busy soldiers and the scaffolding rising from the ground.

Although he had seen the image that Turin showed him, the feeling was still completely different when he saw the real scene in front of him.

Especially when Liu Ji had another expectation in his heart...

The place where he woke up was behind this cliff. Although it was not the same place, before climbing up the cliff, the picture he imagined was still green mountains and trees.

But the result was a group of twisted towers that were enough to make people feel panic.

"I suddenly regret it," Liu Ji said suddenly.

"Ah? What do you regret?" Tulin looked at Liu Ji in confusion.

"I regret that I didn't find a way to get the ability of mass destruction," Liu Ji said, and walked forward.

However, Tulin said behind him: "No, don't you have it?"

"What do you mean?" Liu Ji looked at him in confusion.

"What else can it be," Tulin smiled and looked at him immediately, "You look like this, judging from the energy properties, you should be able to spread some kind of plague, right?"

Liu Ji's eyebrows jumped slightly. He was now in contact with the two abilities of desert incarnation and disaster plants. If it was a plague, the things spread by the disaster plants might not make much difference.

But he promised Mazu that he would not spread this disaster to the world.

At least now, he has no reason to do so.

So, he didn't say anything, just turned around silently and continued to move forward.

"Hey, didn't you also say you wanted to destroy the world?" Turin's voice came again, "Wouldn't it be better to be a little more ruthless?"

"I was just talking about that kind of thing," Liu Ji waved his hand without turning his head, "I didn't say it... No, forget it, just pretend I didn't say it."

Turin looked at Liu Ji's back and rubbed his chin gently.

"I thought it was just a very useful chess piece, but now it seems... well," he frowned slightly, but the next moment, he relaxed again.

"Forget it, who cares, this is also quite interesting," he thought to himself, humming a little tune, and followed briskly.



At the same time, on the other side, deep underground, Yain was controlling the underground cave to move forward.

Movente stood beside her, holding the knife in one hand, ready for battle.

Behind the two, Kalidora was dealing with the potatoes. She had been cooking on the road for a long time before. These kids seemed to have targeted this point and surrounded Kalidora all day long, wanting to eat, but they didn't speak the same language. Kalidora thought they just wanted to play with her. As a result, even if the potatoes tried their best, Kalidora just smiled and touched their heads.

"Speaking of which, what's the matter with those two large potatoes?" Movente asked Yain in a low voice, "There weren't any when we separated before, right?"

"Indeed, there weren't any. I don't know the details. Anyway, the one with the big sword on his back is called Yuan, who grew up in Mir City," Yain said, "and the other one is called Kui, who just grew up two days ago."

"Yes..." Movente touched his chin and looked at the two of them, a little eager to move.

"Why, do you want to spar with them?" Ya Yin glanced at him.

"Well, they look pretty strong, and seem to be suitable for sparring," Mo Wen Te nodded, "but I'm afraid they won't understand what I mean..."

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