"You can't practice here anyway, so you should wait, wait for us..." Yayin said, her voice getting smaller and smaller, "Wait until we find him..."

"Yeah," Mo Wente just agreed and didn't say much.

Although he was actually optimistic about whether Liu Ji was still alive, after all, these potatoes were acting so normal now, it was hard to imagine that if Liu Ji was gone, they would have no reaction like this.

But after all, now that he hadn't seen Liu Ji in person, he couldn't touch the bottom of his heart.

The soil hole continued to move forward.

Mowent looked up and looked forward, narrowing his eyes slightly, and reminded: "We have entered the territory. There are some construction sites above us, but they are still quite far away."

"The terrain of this route is bad enough, and their buildings should not be built so quickly, but..." Yayin looked into the distance with some concern, "I don't think the situation on the cliff that separates the desert will be too good."

"As long as you dive deep enough, you may not be discovered," Kalidora interrupted, "I can give us some cognitive cover."

"It's hard to say. Once their underground network is formed, their perception is too strong," Yayin shook her head, " Anyway, let's see when the time comes. If it doesn't work, I will just use the phase storm to throw us into the desert, but the landing point may be more of a matter of luck. "

"But it doesn't matter. Anyway, they are there to show the way, so we don't have to worry about getting lost," Kalidor rubbed the potato beside her, "Why don't we just do it this way?"

"No, after all, it's not difficult to go there," Yain sighed, "The difficult thing is what to do when we come back. If we are unlucky with the phase storm, we will fall into the center of their territory, so we will be in trouble, so I want to try to get through with conventional means."

"Okay, make preparations early," Mo Wente nodded.

However, just as the three of them were talking about these things, suddenly, Yuan suddenly stepped forward, waved his hand, and blocked the two of them.

Yain and Mo Wente were both stunned. Although they didn't understand what Yuan meant, Yain still stopped moving forward.

Mo Wente's eyes flashed with a ray of golden light, sweeping across the wall beside him.

In an instant, his eyes widened, and his right hand instantly touched the scabbard, and he was about to unsheathe the scabbard.

But at this moment, Kui suddenly leaped towards the wall, stabbed into the wall with his backhand, and then hooked out, pulling out a black monster with black roots from the soil.

As soon as the monster was pulled out, accompanied by a strange hissing, the countless roots on its body instantly stabbed towards Kui.

However, Kui was not moved at all. With a flash of his two knives, he directly split the monster into three pieces, which fell to the ground with a slap, turning into a pool of filth and seeping into the soil.

When he saw the monster, Mo Wente immediately raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise: "Damn, which way did you take?!"

"The conditions on the ground are bad, which way do you say?" Yayin shrugged, "Return the original way, well, as for these things, without the core, they seem to be hungry..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuan suddenly stabbed the wall with a sword.

Not long after, the black mud seeped out of the wall.

"Ah, it seems that we can't stay for long. Then, security will be left to you. I'm going to speed up," Yain said, pointing the magic wand forward and chanting the spell at high speed.

"Damn, this is too..." Mo Wente cursed, pulled out the Fiery Mastiff, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and slashed at the empty space with a backhand.

The next moment, a dark monster just appeared in his slashing path and was split in half by him.

"Then, passengers, sit tight," Yain said, and the surrounding soil began to accelerate forward at a very fast speed, rushing all the way towards the desert.



"Then, you have to smash the tower in front," Tulin said, pointing to the tower not far away.

It was a huge tower that was hundreds of meters high and hundreds of meters wide at the bottom.

"One from the internal map?" Liu Ji hooked his finger at Tulin.

"Sorry, no, but your target location is very clear, at the top of the tower," Tulin said.

"That's really helpful. At least I don't have to think about going underground," Liu Ji said, whether sincerely or sarcastically.

Turin shrugged and didn't comment.

"What about you? I guess you don't dare to go?" Liu Ji asked.

"That's right, I'll wait for you here," Turin said, sitting down by the wall of the construction site.

"Where's the Eighth King Knight?" Liu Ji asked, "You said he might be here."

"Ah, no, to be precise, he is here," Turin shrugged, "You're right, you are really unlucky in this regard, by the way, do you need intelligence?"

"Didn't you say it's a gift?" Liu Ji raised his eyebrows.

"Well, what if you suddenly want to open up the wasteland yourself, right?" Turin grinned, then took out a paper airplane from his arms, gently pushed it, and let the paper airplane fly to Liu Ji.

Liu Ji caught the paper airplane, looked at Turin with a subtle expression, and then unfolded the paper airplane.

After a quick glance, he frowned and asked in surprise: "So weak?"

"Weak? His glorious record is the best among all the king cavalry, and the third king cavalry is only slightly better than him," Tulin shrugged.

Liu Ji glanced at Tulin, then looked at the information in his hand, and read it carefully for a long time, but still puzzled: "Strange, it still feels so weak..."

"Maybe," Turin smiled, "I suggest you don't underestimate the enemy. Anyway, I wish you good luck in military affairs?"

"I will," Liu Ji said, collecting the information, stepping on the carpet woven from green grass, and walked towards the tower.

208. Two-in-one You can be fancy, anyway, I will just give you a slap in the face

Under the tower, Liu Ji looked up at the towering building in front of him and gently touched his chin.

So... what should I do?

To be honest, I'm not in a good mood. Ever since those memories came to my mind, he has been unable to calm down.

Or just be direct. Sometimes, people always need to find a gap to relax.

Green grass grew in every corner of the area within a few miles, and even on the unfinished wall, it began to take root.

All wood, even stone, and even in the gaps of metal piled with mud, green grass emerged.

Then, Liu Ji changed his form.

After realizing the realm of the tyrant, Liu Ji understood one thing.

He had been holding back his abilities, and thought that the powerful blow that should be used as a killer was just a decent fist for the tyrant.


Of course, and it was very strong.

But more importantly than the frustration, Liu Ji figured out one thing.

Since this blow could allow him to touch the threshold of that realm, what he should do is not to stay away from it, but to use it as much as possible to experience that completely unfamiliar realm.

Far away from the realm of ordinary people.

Even if it cannot be used in actual combat, at least it can point out the direction for his strength to continue to improve.

And this is what he needs now.

After all, although his own ability is very good at horizontally broadening the diversity of abilities, it seems that there is no good direction for upward breakthroughs.

Trying to call more abilities at the same time may be an idea, but Liu Ji does not know how to do this, so he can only try to swallow more disasters.

But the pain of the last time he swallowed the disaster was still vivid in his mind. If it weren't for Mazu's help, it would be hard to say whether he could succeed.

Walking under the tower, Liu Ji clenched his fist.

The road ahead was in this fist.

Accumulating power, bursting out, punching out, at the cost of disintegrating his entire body, Liu Ji once again punched out his full strength.

This time, he carefully experienced the slow process of this punch from charging to hitting. He slowed down his perception of time to the slowest, and carefully experienced the whole process of the energy of that punch from gathering to releasing, trying to find out whether there is some unique node and power logic in it.

Indistinctly, he seemed to feel something.

Something that was hard to explain.

He tried to grasp those things, but the energy of this punch had reached the stage of complete release, and the trace of enlightenment disappeared without a trace with the complete explosion of energy.

Then, Liu Ji's figure slowly condensed, fell in front of the tower, and slowly opened his eyes.

A huge hole appeared in front of him. A huge hollow hole was blasted out under the entire giant tower. Behind the tower, countless spires were overturned by the aftermath, and the entire fan-shaped area was in ruins.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Ji couldn't help but wonder how much explosion would be needed if he wanted to use thermal weapons to cause such a large area of ​​casualties.

But it was just a bomb.

And the tyrant, that was a real human-shaped nuclear explosion.

At this moment, Liu Ji suddenly heard an old man coming from behind him.

"Outside friend, you don't look very happy..."

Liu Ji turned his head and saw an old man in a cloak with no face standing behind him, carrying a bamboo basket and holding a golden pumpkin biscuit in his hand, handing it to him.

"Or, have a biscuit, maybe it can make you feel better."

Liu Ji glanced at him, sneered, and was about to take action.

"Hey, don't be so angry," the old man laughed, "You have a memory you want to forget, right? Eat it, and the memory will fade away."

"Ah, I understand, when you die, of course it will fade away," Liu Ji said coldly, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Don't say that, besides, if you want to die, you have to be able to die, right?" The old man still didn't take back the biscuit in his hand, "and... you have a lot of doubts about this world and the tyrants, eat it, and you will understand everything you want to know."

"No, I don't trust you," Liu Ji was still indifferent, "I don't need your answer either."

"Really? That's a pity," the old man sighed softly, and put the biscuit back into the bamboo basket angrily, "In that case, I can only tell the king what you are doing... eh?"

The old man looked at his chest in astonishment.

It was a hand that came out of his chest, and in that hand, he clearly held his beating heart.

"Do you think I will give you this opportunity?" Liu Ji's cold words sounded. He looked forward and clearly saw Liu Ji revealing the arm hidden behind his back.

The front part of the arm disappeared.

The next moment, flames rose and screams continued...

Suddenly, the old man opened his eyes.

Accompanied by a violent explosion, the magnificent tower shook violently.

The old man knew that the bottom of the tower had been blown up.

But he closed his eyes again.

The next moment, Liu Ji suddenly felt a strange impact coming from behind him. In just a moment, his body, which had just condensed, was broken into pieces again.

In just the next second, his figure condensed again on the other side.

"I didn't expect that your way of action was quite vigorous and swift?"

Whispering, Liu Ji's right hand instantly stabbed towards the empty front.

Blood splattered, and the old man's figure emerged from the void. His body was pierced by Liu Ji's right hand, and the living heart was beating in Liu Ji's palm.

"It's a pity, do you think this poor concealment can hide from my eyes?" Liu Ji looked at him with an indifferent tone.

The next moment, the old man clearly felt that something flowed into his body again.

The golden flame burned again, and the severe pain that reached his soul spread to every corner of his body again.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and gasped.

He heard that Liu Ji's footsteps stepped into the tower.

The old man closed his eyes again.

This time, he did not hesitate and tried to establish communication with his king.

However, he just read a word, suddenly felt a chill in his mouth, and then vomited blood.

With a snap, something fell to the ground. He looked down and found that his severed tongue was falling into the pool of blood on the ground.

"What? It's so boring. Has my reputation actually spread to the ears of you people? Are you going to call daddy now?" Liu Ji pulled up the old man's head and turned it to his face, sneering, "Ah, it's so ugly, no wonder you dare not see people."

"Then, I will help you get rid of it..."


Liu Ji's right hand pierced into the old man's chest again, and he clearly felt that his heart was held in the other party's hand.

"You, do you have some kind of obsession with the heart?" The old man asked with difficulty.

"No, I'm just curious," Liu Ji said coldly, "like you guys, are all your hearts black?"

The golden flame reappeared.

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