"That doesn't matter in a few days," "Missa" said with a smile, "Wouldn't it be nice to spend some free time with your girlfriend?"

"Little..." Liu Ji was stunned and quickly glanced at the others.

Fortunately, "Missa" was talking to him at the moment, and the others didn't seem to understand what he was saying.

"What are you talking about," Liu Ji suppressed his voice and turned back, "That's my teacher, okay?"

"Yes, I know, it's a teacher-student relationship, and your teacher is much younger than you. Hey, to be honest, I've never heard of anyone having a relationship as interesting as yours in my life," "Missa" said with a smile, "You are so old, there is no need to go around in circles. If I were to say, your relationship is just a layer of window paper that has not been broken, it's nothing more than waiting for an opportunity."

"You said it lightly..." Liu Ji scratched his forehead, but didn't know what to say.

Because, it is really undeniable...

He really slept at the door with Yayin in his arms all night yesterday. After he woke up, Yayin was still sleeping. He did not urge her, but stayed with her until she woke up.

Yayin was dazed when she just woke up, and she stayed in his arms for a long time. Even until she washed up and went to have breakfast, she was still dazed.

Later, she woke up, but the two of them got along as usual, without any change.

But Liu Ji actually knew that if he wanted, he actually had a chance to uncover that layer of window paper.

But he hesitated...

Did he not want to?

No, of course not. He was an old bachelor, and Yayin was so important to him. Taking that step could even be said to be a natural act.


He was a little scared.

Kaga's warning was still vivid in his mind, and the twelve faceless statues were still in his heart and could not be dispersed.

There were some things that he had not thought about. Before that, at least he himself, it was really difficult to make up his mind.


Liu Ji took out the mirror from his arms and handed it to "Missa".

"Hmm? What is this?" "Missa" looked at the thing Liu Ji handed over with some curiosity, "Well, this energy..."

"What do you remember about this thing?" Liu Ji asked, "I want to find the rest of it."

"Hmm..." "Missa" pondered for a long time, shook his head, and returned the mirror to Liu Ji, "Sorry, although I seem to have some familiarity, but I have been here for too long and can't remember it anymore."

"It's okay, I just asked casually," Liu Ji shrugged, "In fact, I suspect that the parts of this thing may be in the hands of the Tyrant and the Secret Sanctuary, and I don't expect to collect them all easily."

"It sounds like you know what this thing is?" "Missa" asked in confusion.

"Well," Liu Ji nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and said softly, "It...may be the only possibility to save the world."

"Missa" raised his eyebrows, looked at the mirror, and then looked at Liu Ji, frowning.

"Did that guy take you to get it?" "Missa" asked.

"Yes," Liu Ji nodded.

"You should know who he is, right?" "Missa" asked.

"Of course," Liu Ji nodded again, "The 12th King Cavalry..."

"Damn it," "Missa" rubbed his eyebrows, "If he also knows about this, then what is this..."

"Don't think about it, it's useless to rely on guessing," Liu Ji waved his hand to interrupt him, "Who is he on the side, what is he planning, if you guess these things, it will be endless, all I can do is to make the worst plan, and then do the most profitable thing."

"It's very risky, with this unstable factor," "Missa" sighed.

"It's just as risky without him," Liu Ji shook his head, "He's using me, and I can use him, at least he did make my last two battles a lot easier."

"But if it's really like you said, this thing is the only possibility to save the world," "Missa" frowned, "then if he knows this, he is determined to use you to collect the fragments of this thing, and finally reap the benefits..."

"Then he has to let me collect it first," Liu Ji said, "Like I said, make the worst plan and do the most profitable thing. It's not that easy for him to intercept me, and...if he really wants to collect this thing, then I can at least be sure that he and the tyrant are definitely not on the same side."

"What do you mean?" "Missa" asked puzzledly.

"Because, if the tyrant knew the effect of this thing, he should carry it with him," Liu Ji said, "Without this main body, it's useless even if you find all the other things. When you can only get this thing by defeating the tyrant, the idea of ​​saving the world with this thing will naturally be broken."

"That means that if you can get this thing, it at least means that the tyrant doesn't know the information about it yet?" "Miss" asked.

"Well, this may be our only advantage at the moment," Liu Ji put away the mirror.

While talking here, Liu Ji suddenly heard the chair next to him move.

Turning around, Ya Yin sat closer for some reason and looked straight at him.

"Eh? What's wrong?" Liu Ji was stunned.

"Hehe, what else can it be? You ignored others for a long time, so you must be angry," "Miss" snickered and muttered.

The corners of Liu Ji's mouth twitched.

"That..." At this time, Ya Yin finally spoke, "Why don't you teach me your language too?"

"Eh?" Liu Ji was stunned, "Why do you suddenly talk about this..."

"After all, Yuan and Kui only use that language, right?" Yayin said, "If I don't learn some, I won't understand anything they say..."

"Ah, but, they," Liu Ji scratched his head, "Do you really want to hear what they usually say?"

to be honest……

If given a choice, Liu Ji wouldn't even want to hear their quarrel. If they meet a pig on the road, they can talk about everything from Dongpo elbow to fish-flavored shredded pork. When they meet a cow, they can talk about everything from braised beef to cow dung hot pot.

Meet someone...

Well, at least after this period of education, they don't talk much about charming people recently, but they are very keen to evaluate passers-by from a weird perspective. They especially like to comment on passing women and dislike their stunted development.

It makes sense when you think about it. In the eyes of Tudou, the thin strips that are bulging forward and backward can only be stunted sweet potatoes.

Yayin looked at Liu Ji's subtle expression, then looked at Potato Boy beside him, pondered for a moment, and said: "Well...actually I wasn't that curious before, but after you said that, I really want to hear about them." What are you talking about..."

"That's true," Liu Ji's mouth twitched, "but you can't just do it because of this, and besides, my language may be a little difficult to learn..."

"Of course it's not just because of this," Yayin said, "After all, you have been learning our language for us, haven't you? I think at least, I should learn your language from you..."

"No, that's not necessary..." Liu Ji scratched his head.

"Well..." Yayin tilted her head slightly and asked doubtfully, "Don't you want to teach me?"

"Ah, no, that's not the case," Liu Ji waved his hand quickly, "I just think it might not be necessary?"

"Oh..." Yayin bit her lower lip and said in a low voice, "Then forget it..."

"This," Liu Ji scratched his forehead and turned to look at "Mass", only to see the latter looking at him with a look of hatred on his face. He was silent for a moment, then turned around and said, "Ah, of course, if you If you really want to learn, of course I can teach you..."

"Really?" Yayin raised her head slightly, "Then it's settled?"

"Well," Liu Ji nodded, "but this language is really difficult to learn, and, what should I say, I don't have the information, so I may not be able to teach it very well..."

"That's great. Why don't you just stay here for a while and study it carefully?" Miss suddenly interrupted and put his arms around their shoulders, "I take care of food and housing here, and it's clean and stable. Don't you think it's great? ?"

"Although it's good, but we still haven't found anyone..." Liu Ji looked at Ya Yin.

"I think we can stay," Yayin said. "When we came, we rushed over from the other side's territory. It may not be safe to go back during this period. Snow is there to lead them, and I am not I'm very worried. I think it's actually quite good to stay here for a while..."

"Is this so?" Liu Ji was stunned for a moment, and then started to think about it.

He had never thought about staying here before, but thinking about it carefully, it seemed quite good if he really stayed.

There are still some things he cares about in the books left by Ma Zu. If he wants to find out, it is best to do it alone. If Ya Yin can stay here during this period, at least his safety can be guaranteed.

Moreover, he can also use this time to learn something.

For example, Common Language, and some arcane questions he had accumulated in the past.

"Well, then it's decided? Stay here for a while first?" Liu Ji suggested.

"Eh? Are we going to stay here temporarily?" Callidora on the side interjected.

Because Liu Ji used a curse word and said it loudly, it caught her attention.

"Well, let's stay here for now. I'm afraid I'll get into trouble if I try to attack the tyrant's territory again," Yain said.

"But, if we wait too long, won't their territory become bigger?" Callidora said with some worry.

"Don't worry about this. I actually have an idea on how to pass through their territory," Liu Ji said.

"Hmm...that's fine," Callidora nodded.

In fact, if I really want to say it, the person who wants to stay here the most is her.

As a doctor, she actually cares more about the lives of those who are still alive than revenge.

And in this world, nothing is more important than Mowente's life.

If possible, she would even be willing to stay here and stay with Mowente for the rest of her life.


She also knew that Mowente would not think like her.

In the past, Mo Wente was not a combative person. In fact, if his talent had not been valued by his master, he might not have become a swordsman.

But all this is because of his love for Longcheng.

Mo Wente was once an abandoned orphan.

His mother is a female noble of a certain country. No one knows who his father is. Maybe he is a wandering half-dragon, maybe he is a half-dragon noble hidden in that country, or...

It's a dragon.

The dragon hidden in the world.

Due to the history of the half-dragon people, Mowente was abandoned when he was three years old because he showed dragon characteristics. It was the Dragon City's commercial embassy in the area who heard the rumors and found him, and finally took him back to Dragon City and brought him to the Dragon City. raise.

Dragon City is the home of every half-dragon.

Mowente is a child raised in Dragon City and the child who loves Dragon City the most.

In his eyes, every child in Dragon City is his brother or sister, and every adult in Dragon City is his uncle or aunt.

That is his home.

It is both a national hatred and a family hatred.

Kalidora also hates the tyrant, but she knows very well that her hatred is not half of that of Mowente.

After leaving Dragon City, Mowente changed. He began to practice swordsmanship crazily and constantly challenged others. His desire to win became stronger day by day.

Kalidora knew that Mowente actually wanted to kill the tyrant more than anyone else, but because his opponent was too powerful, so powerful that people could not even imagine the scene of defeating him, so he buried this idea in his heart.

Therefore, Kalidora knew very well that Mowente would not be willing to stay here forever.

But at least, she would be happy to stay here for even one more day.

Just as he was thinking, Mowente happened to come over and whispered, "What did you just say?"

"Ah, we said that we would stay here for a while to avoid the limelight," Kalidora replied.

"Huh?" Mowente looked at Yain in surprise.

The latter nodded at him.

"You really have to stay here, ah, by the way," he said, and suddenly slapped his forehead, "Can you help me tell Liu Ji, I want to practice with those two potato brothers..."

"Oh, I'll ask for you," Kalidora nodded, and then used a spell to convey Mowente's request.

Liu Ji agreed immediately. In fact, Ao Sa had practiced with Yuan before, and Yuan's first wave of practical experience was from him.

It was said that Mowente was looking for a sparring partner, but in fact Yuan and Kui just happened to lack a sparring partner, so this wave was mutually beneficial.

As for Liu Ji himself...

In addition to teaching Yain Chinese and learning some common languages, he also wanted to learn other things.

Although he had explored the potential of the desert incarnation recently, the more he explored, the more he could feel how deep the potential of this body was.

Last time, he only had time to learn two tricks from Misa, but this time, he had some time to learn some from him slowly.

212. Recall the fear of being dominated by English words

To be honest, Liu Ji never thought in his life that one day it would be his turn to teach Chinese to others, a person whose high school Chinese language fluctuated around the passing line all year round.

He also didn't expect that one day he would hope to memorize his elementary school textbooks.

Looking at the empty white paper, Liu Ji scratched his head, not knowing what to write for a long time.

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