"I don't know how to start?" Yayin sat down next to him.

"Yeah," Liu Ji said with a wry smile, "I never thought I would be a teacher before."

"Try to think about how teachers used to teach?" Yayin suggested.

"In the past, I probably prepared lessons according to the textbooks, and then taught in class," Liu Ji shrugged, "but I don't have any textbooks."

"Classroom?" Yayin asked in confusion, "Is it the kind of school where one teacher teaches many students?"

"No, how should I put it, the school I went to before," Liu Ji said, "To be precise, many teachers taught different subjects, and then took turns to teach..."

"Take turns to teach?" Yayin was a little surprised, "That is, several teachers teach one class? It sounds a bit like an aristocratic school..."

"No, that's impossible. I have always been in public schools. Some of them have very rich families, but most of them are just ordinary families," Liu Ji shook his head.

"Public school? Well, I don't quite understand," Ya Yin propped up her chin, "Can you tell me in detail?"

"Yes, tell me in detail, I haven't heard of this kind of thing either," "Mass" came out from nowhere and put two cups of shaved ice in front of the two.

"Okay, then I'll tell you from the beginning, but the schools I attended are really ordinary," Liu Ji scooped a spoonful of shaved ice into his mouth, thought about it, and began to tell the two about the schools he had attended from the beginning.

He talked about elementary school to junior high school, and then from high school to college, and mixed in some past memories. However, when he was talking, Liu Ji found that he seemed to be unable to remember even the name of a classmate, and even his past friends could not remember a trace of their appearance.

He clearly remembered that in the illusion of the third king, he had called a whole address book of friends, but now no matter how hard he tried to recall, those names and voices were only a trance.

He even doubted whether he really talked to them in his dream at that time, or whether everything was just a false memory woven by subconscious concepts.

He narrated quietly, trying to recall every bit of the past world, but what he pieced together was just a fragmented puzzle, like a bubble that would burst at the touch of a finger, ethereal and trance.

Liu Ji was immersed in the dream of the past, while Ya Yin and "Miss" were surprised at how unimaginable the world he described was.

Almost every commoner could read books, with full-time teaching five days a week, covering various subjects. Even the tuition fees of higher education institutions were only one family's monthly income.

The teachers in those rural schools might be very cheap, but at best they could only teach literacy and simple arithmetic. The seven or eight subjects Liu Ji mentioned, in this world, could only be met by aristocratic schools.

And the tuition fees there, let alone a commoner, even the income of dozens of commoners combined, could not support a student.

And this refers to ordinary aristocratic subjects.

If it involves magic, the price offered by the wizards is even more sky-high for commoners.

And the most important point is...

In Liu Ji's description, it seems that his world has never experienced disasters.

There are natural disasters and man-made disasters, but there has never been a disaster like this world. Every once in a while, there will be a disaster that sweeps the entire world and is enough to destroy everything.

Mass extinction has occurred, but the most recent one was tens of millions of years ago.

"Then, in your opinion, is the appearance of disasters normal?" Ya Yin suddenly asked.

Liu Ji was stunned for a moment, and then said: "This...maybe it has something to do with the existence of magic, but I don't know, after all, the world I was in before had neither magic nor spell power..."

"You mean, maybe magic is the source of disasters?" "Miss" asked.

"It's just a guess, but," Liu Ji shook his head, "at least every disaster seems to be caused by different reasons, right? And, isn't the best example the red moon above our heads? Without magic, this kind of thing would not appear in the world..."

"Well...it's true, it can't be refuted," "Miss" smiled bitterly.

"But it's just a guess. After all, I don't know much about magic," Liu Ji shook his head.

He actually has some evidence for his guess, which is a guess about whether science will destroy the world.

The guess says that when technology develops to a certain extent, so that more and more individuals have the means to destroy the world, the world will one day be destroyed by an individual.

The technological explosion in the world he used to live in is still short, and no one knows what the future will be like. Will it be like this world, where the end of the world will come every now and then?

But in this world, magic has been around for too long. There are always some gifted magicians who can stand on the shoulders of their predecessors and make some shocking things, which are very likely to turn into a disaster in the end.

However, Liu Ji always feels that something is wrong.

Disaster, brave man, magic, world, blessing, curse...

This series of elements seems to be connected in a string, forming a kind of cycle.

"No, how did we get to this point?" Liu Ji shook his head. "Aren't we discussing language teaching?"

"Oh, that's right," Ya Yin also came back to her senses. "Actually, I just thought of a solution."

"Hmm? Tell me about it?" Liu Ji's eyes lit up.

"I still have to teach you the common language anyway, so why don't I teach you the common language and you teach me the corresponding Chinese in return?" Yayin said, "Let's talk about the details in detail, at least the idea is this way, right?"

"Oh!" Liu Ji suddenly realized, "It can be done this way, it sounds good, let's try it?"

Yayin nodded and took out the courseware she had prepared.

Looking at the full courseware, Liu Ji once again recalled the painful memories of learning English.

This time, what he learned was not a language that could be understood by reading.

After a whole morning of hard work, Liu Ji barely finished learning two pages. The efficiency was so low that he was not used to learning spells, and even felt frustrated that his brain was not working.

But in the afternoon, this frustration disappeared immediately.

As for the reason...

Yayin studied with him for an afternoon, let alone two pages, they went back to study pinyin and strokes after learning a sentence.

In the whole afternoon, she didn't finish learning pinyin and the strokes of the Chinese characters. Instead, she was a little unconfident because of Yayin. Even when Kalidora came to call them to eat, she still held a notebook and refused to let go. She ate while reading it.

Seeing her, Liu Ji felt very complicated.

213. How can I be so worthy...

After all, no one else in the world can use this language except him and these kids.

Yayin learned this language, after all, just for him.

How can he be so worthy...

Touched? Of course.

This feeling of being valued by actual actions almost made his emotions overflow from his heart.

However, the more this emotion surged in his heart, the more afraid he was. When time took away everything and he was left alone, the loneliness would drown him like a tidal wave.

That night, Liu Ji didn't sleep all night.

He spent an entire night following the two pages, extending and broadening them, and finally finished writing a courseware from calligraphy to word formation to sentence formation.

Then the next day, he put the courseware and a piece of paper on the table and left alone.

Of course he had to learn the common language, but before that, he had to find someone first.

A brave man.

A brave man who was called the weakest in history in Kaga's account.



In the early morning, Kalidora rubbed her sleepy eyes and walked out of the door.

Not far away, Mo Wente and Kui Zheng each held an iron rod and fought back and forth in the open space.

Beside them, "Miss" and a group of potato boys were cheering and cheering, while Yuan was preparing today's ingredients and wood.

"Practicing swords again, um..." Kalidora muttered, subconsciously looking around, looking for Yain's figure.

Soon, she found Yain's figure in the pavilion next to her.

"Huh? Why isn't Liu Ji here? Hasn't he gotten up yet?" Kalidora muttered, and walked over gently.

When she walked to Yayin, she noticed that Yayin was holding a piece of paper and was in a daze.

"Yayin? What are you looking at?" Kalidora walked to her and asked softly.

"Liu Ji left this morning," Yayin said, "said he had something to do..."

"Huh? He just ran away?" Kalidora was stunned, "I thought he would want to stay with you for a while..."

"Who knows, but I'm not surprised, after all, he has a lot of secrets," Yayin smiled and shook her head, putting away the paper, "Think about it, how long has it been since we met him who knows nothing?"

"Uh..." Kalidora thought for a while, and asked uncertainly, "Just a few months?"

"Yes, just a few months," Yayin nodded, "At the beginning, he could vomit for a long time after beating a dog team soldier to death, but now..."

"Ah, this, seems to have changed a little..." Kalidora was surprised.

"You know, actually, when I saw him this time, the color of his soul had changed a little," Yain said, "Although he is still him, the depths of his soul..."

"What, what happened?" Kalidora swallowed.

Yain looked at Kalidora, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "There... I seemed to see the destruction of the whole world."

"Ah?" Kalidora stared at Yain blankly, not knowing what to say for a long time.

A whole world?

What is this?

Some kind of metaphor?

"Don't look at me like that, I don't know what's going on," Yain said with a wry smile, "I've never seen that kind of soul color, even the tyrant's soul doesn't have such deep darkness..."

"You mean, what he did before is even worse than what the tyrant is doing now..." Kalidora said halfway, but felt that such speculation was too outrageous, so she couldn't continue.

"Not necessarily, because the color of the soul is greatly affected by one's own ideas," Yain shook her head, "In fact, although the tyrant's soul is full of blood, it is extremely high. That guy probably really thinks he is doing a great cause."

"Then, what about Liu Ji?" Kalidora asked.

"He... I can't describe it," Yain bit her lower lip, "If I have to describe it, it's probably like he knows what he is doing and doesn't want to do it, but he still destroys the whole world with regret..."

"Wait, wait, my mind is a little confused," Kalidora covered her head, "Now these are just guesses, right? We don't understand what happened to him in the past, right? So now... uh..."

"No, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say that we should look at him differently from now on," Yayin shook her head slightly, "He is still him, but when he met us, he may have forgotten a lot of things, but now he is slowly remembering them, and..."

Yayin said, putting a stack of crumpled waste paper in front of Kalidora.

"Hmm? What is this?" Kalidora looked at the stack of waste paper, gently unfolded it, and looked at the twisted words on it that she had never seen before, and was a little confused.

"These are the waste cases he threw away last night, and I picked them up," Yayin said, taking out another notebook, "These are his finished products."

Kalidora looked at the thin pieces of paper, then looked at the thick stack of waste paper in her hand, then took the papers and looked back and forth between the two sides.

If we talk about the content, most of the waste paper has the same content as a certain page of those thin papers.

The only difference seems to be the beauty of the font and whether there are any typos.

"I'm not saying that this will definitely prove anything, but at least, I know that he is not fooling me," Ya Yin lay on the table and murmured, "and I can only choose to believe him. If even he is lying to me, then..."

Kalidora looked at Ya Yin and bit her lip.

Ya Yin said that she believed in Liu Ji, but...

She didn't believe him at all, she clearly didn't dare not to believe him.

When they escaped from the world over there, Ya Yin once said that there was only one thing in her life that kept her alive, and that was to watch the traitor die.

Now, the traitor has been defeated by them. Although Yayin didn't say so, Kalidora could clearly see that Liu Ji's importance to her had replaced that obsession. It might be a bit too much to say that he was the reason for her to live, but it was probably not much different.

"Yayin, have you asked him what happened in his past?" Kalidora suddenly asked.

"No..." Yayin said softly.

"Ask him?" Kalidora said.

Yayin didn't reply, but remained silent.

Kalidolla waited for a while, and seeing that Yain still had no intention of replying, she picked up the pile of waste paper on the table and put it in front of Yain, saying: "You said it too, didn't you? He is still him, you believe him, then ask him, whether he answers or not, anyway, ask him, okay?"

Yain looked at the pile of waste paper, then looked at Kalidolla, and finally took a deep breath, nodded slowly and said: "Well... I will ask him when he comes back."



214. Liu Ji tried to swim in the magma

Walking through the corridor full of poisonous grass, crossing the valley full of miasma...

This is a canyon in the tyrant's territory.

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