But even the tyrant's army has never set foot here.

Because the environment here is so harsh, it is tantamount to a place of death for ordinary creatures.


Liu Ji stepped on a section of dry coke and stopped where he was.

There was poisonous miasma in the air, slowly flowing lava beneath your feet, and in front of you was a bottomless dark cave.

Without hesitation, Liu Ji stepped directly into the cave.

However, as soon as he entered the cave, a dark shadow emerged from the shadows.

However, when the black shadow jumped to a position one meter away from Liu Ji, its movement suddenly became extremely slow, as if it was a high-speed photography slowed down hundreds of times, slowly floating in the air.

Liu Ji raised his eyes and looked at the black figure, and his appearance in the darkness was illuminated by his elemental vision.

It was a bat half the size of a man...

No, that's not quite accurate. It should be said to be a monster with membrane wings. After all, except for the membrane wings, there is no place on its body that has anything to do with bats.

It has huge sharp claws, a stooped upper body, short legs, a huge head, soft tentacles extending from the back of the head, four eyes, one on the front and two sides of the head, and a fat, wide-open throat. The mouth is big enough to swallow a watermelon. There are no fangs in the mouth, but where the teeth should have been, there is a ring of bones with small holes. The bones are serrated and soaked in deep purple venom.

"Is this thing a World of Warcraft? Or is it some kind of alien?" Liu Ji casually grabbed its neck, removed its jaw, broke its wings, twisted its limbs, and carried it , looked at it carefully.

Although the best way to learn more about this thing is to take a bite, but as expected, this disgusting looking thing is really hard to swallow. It is quite weak anyway, so just study it and throw it into the lava.

Liu Ji was thoughtful as he watched it struggle and sink in the magma, eventually turning into a wisp of smoke.

Although it’s quite reasonable for such a ghost place to have such ghost things...

But it seems like this guy eats meat?

If a place like this eats meat to survive, will it really not starve to death?

Or is it an omnivore? Do you mainly rely on eating grass?

Hmm... It seems that some poisonous species do rely on eating poisonous weeds to sustain their poison, so it's not surprising.

But this thing is really big. It's either magic or...

Maybe this place also has some kind of ecosystem.

"If it's true, it's really beyond imagination. Should I say magic is awesome or nature is awesome," Liu Ji muttered and continued walking deeper.

The dark cave is intricately winding, sometimes upward, sometimes downward, sometimes twisting left and right, sometimes circling and intertwining, but overall it can be felt that the general trend of the cave is to extend underground.

Surprisingly, although there is lava flowing slowly everywhere in the cave, there are a lot of plants. Mushrooms that emit light can be seen everywhere, and poisonous weeds with bright colors are dense.

I really don’t know how these things grow in this damn place with no water or sunlight.

In addition to these plants, as Liu Ji guessed, there may be some kind of ecosystem here. In addition to the previous monsters, he also encountered some small animals, most of which feed on plants on the ground. Not surprisingly, these should This is the daily staple food of the monsters in the cave.

The deeper you go into the cave, the wider the cave passage becomes, and the corresponding forks become more complicated.

Of course, these don't make any difference to Liu Ji. If it doesn't work, he can just walk in a straight line.

As we walked along the cave, we gradually saw more and more magma nearby. The slowly flowing lava in some wide passages even formed rivers of lava.

Looking at the magma, Liu Ji suddenly realized something was wrong.

It is said that magma should be formed deep underground under high temperature and pressure, but there is no high temperature and pressure in the underground of this world, so where does this magma come from?

However, this world also seems to have volcanoes...

Is it because of the fire element?

Did the volcanoes appear because of the accumulation of fire elements, or did the fire elements appear because of the volcanoes...

It's a chicken-and-egg problem again. Let's go back and ask Yain about this.

But the lava here...

Liu Ji followed the flowing lava all the way down. As the passage became wider and wider, many underground cavities began to connect with each other, eventually forming a huge space lined with stone pillars.

In this space, there are a large number of strange plants that Liu Ji has never heard of before, including mushrooms stained with flames, shrubs that look like clusters of steel needles, trees covered with dark purple filaments, and the color of the place. Weird grass.

Above the cave, alien monsters are entrenched on the high stone platform. From time to time, monsters can be seen spreading their membrane wings and passing over their heads.

On the ground, small holes hidden behind vegetation can be seen everywhere. If you look carefully, you can also see some small things poking their heads at the entrance of the holes.

Just as Liu Ji guessed, in this almost dead environment, there is really full of vitality.

He suddenly thought, if a unique ecological chain can be formed in such an environment, then whether this world can actually breed countless creatures no matter what kind of ecological environment it is...

On the other hand, might some of these disasters be just creatures from other worlds that have introduced their way of life to this world?

So, maybe the vegetative people of the tyrant are not so difficult to understand?



Understand, but disagree.

It doesn’t matter what kind of person Liu Ji is. Maybe he is a potato, but he is not the kind of vegetable who can be planted in the ground all day long. In this case, how can he look at the world from their perspective? reason?

That kind of guy should go back to where he came from.

In their own hometown, it was none of Liu Ji's business to let them be just animals or start a fucking vegetative revolution. Since someone brought them out to cause trouble, don't ask others to understand their fragile bodies that can break at the touch of a touch.

Walking all the way to the depths of the underground cavity, what finally appeared in front of Liu Ji was a huge magma lake.

Standing by the lake, Liu Ji looked at the endless red lake in front of him and took a deep breath.

Feel the ignited air flowing into your sand-made trachea, and then slowly spit it out...

This kind of energy, let alone tobacco, may be the same as smoking a gun barrel.

"So...is it down here?" Liu Ji looked at the magma lake.


Although the incarnation of sand is not afraid of high temperatures, it still makes me a little scared to think about sneaking into a place like this.

"I never expected that one day in my life I would be able to try swimming in magma..."

Muttering like this, Liu Ji jumped into the rolling lava lake.

215. Organic life is unbearable

The resistance of the Incarnation of Sand is indeed quite abnormal.

It is naturally full of poison resistance, extremely high fire resistance, extremely high ice resistance, extremely high corrosion resistance, almost immune to physics, and is not afraid of radiation.

It can only be said that it is an inorganic substance after all.

Inorganic things are awesome, and organic life is terrible.

However, although the resistance is full, it does not mean that you cannot feel the high temperature.

Especially when you are soaked in lava, and all you can see is scalding magma. Every inch of your body can feel the terrifying high temperature. Even the elemental vision will be completely blinded by the extremely rich fire element. That feeling. Still pretty bad...

The high temperature, high pressure, and perception are all blinded, which perfectly meets all the triggering conditions of deep sea phobia. The only difference is probably that the surrounding area is not pitch black, but blazing red.

In a way, it's scarier than total darkness.

With his perception almost completely blinded, Liu Ji could only come out of the lava lake first, fly to the center of the entire lake, then plunge into the lake, and then rely on his feelings to go all the way down, trying to touch the bottom of the lava lake. .

But the lake seemed to be much deeper than he imagined. He felt that he had dived a very deep distance, but he still could not reach the bottom of the lake.

Moreover, magma is different from water. The deeper it goes, the more pressure coming from all directions makes it difficult for people to move. It feels like swimming in the mud of a swamp. That is, Liu Ji's strength is strong enough. I don't think I'll be able to move for a long time.

Although he also tried to move forward with the earth element, the effect was still not good. The earth element in the magma was almost completely suppressed by the fire element. If he wanted to move smoothly in it, Liu Ji might need the control ability of the fire element.

But he didn't.

He didn't know how.

The pure fire element was just a lump of fire, and he really didn't know how to eat that thing.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Ji finally turned into a drill bit and spiraled forward in the magma, drilling all the way to the deepest point.

After half an hour, he finally reached the bottom of the center of the entire lake.

However, there is nothing here.

According to Liu Ji's speculation, the target he was looking for should be at the bottom of the magma, but this place seemed to be just the bottom of the lake, without anything special at all.

Even if he continued down, drilled directly out of the magma lake, drilled into the thick rock formation, and then searched deeper, he still found nothing.

"Damn it, isn't it in the center?" Liu Ji couldn't help but feel his head grow bigger.

If it was really not in the center but somewhere at the bottom of the entire lake, then it would be a big headache for him to find it. He was almost like a blind man in the magma. With such a large lake, he had to find a time to go there...

Having said that, Liu Ji still gritted his teeth and wandered at the bottom of the lake for a while.

It took a lot of effort to get down, but it was really hard to accept that we were going back empty-handed.

But a few hours later, the more Liu Ji wandered at the bottom of the lake, the more powerless Liu Ji felt. He didn't even know where he had been or not. He just wandered around at the bottom of the lake like a headless fly. After wandering for a long time, he gained nothing. nothing.

In the end, although he was deeply unwilling to give in, Liu Ji still got out of the magma lake and was ready to find another way.

But floating in the air and looking at this huge magma lake, I said I was looking for another way, but what else could I do?

Besides having a big head, he still has a big head.

At this moment, several monsters without eyes rushed over. I don't know whether they regarded Liu Ji as prey, or thought Liu Ji was trying to invade their territory. They sprayed venom and fireballs at Liu Ji in the air. .

Liu Ji was too lazy to pay attention to them at first, but seeing Liu Ji's lack of reaction, these things intensified their attacks. The frequency of their attacks continued to increase, and they even began to try to take advantage of them.

Liu Ji was already upset, but he got angry at that time. He caught some of the most aggressive ones and beat one of them to death, but he was frightened by these guys.

After throwing the blind monster into the lava lake, Liu Ji suddenly noticed that a ball of flowing lava had stained his shoulder.

Looking up, it turned out that some places on the zenith here were oozing lava downwards, and some would drip from time to time, and it just happened to be stained on Liu Ji.

Liu Ji looked at the lava, and suddenly, a question flashed through his mind.

Where did all this lava come from?

As soon as he entered the cave, there was a lava tributary at the foot of the cave, and he followed the cave all the way to here, but he never thought about where the lava came from.

Yes, there is a huge lava lake here, but it is different from the lava that gushes out from the ground in the inertial thinking. This lava lake is formed because countless lava tributaries converge here.

And the source of the lava is somewhere else...

Looking at the zenith above, Liu Ji felt that he suddenly became clear.

Yes, this lake is just formed by the accumulation of lava.

It is even possible that those underground cavities were formed by the continuous melting and corrosion of lava. What he should really look for is the source of these lava.

Liu Ji was immediately delighted, and with a flap of his wings behind him, he went straight into the rock layer on the top of the sky.

In this rock layer, although Liu Ji's elemental vision was still greatly disturbed by the fire element, if the thing to be paid attention to was the fire element itself, then it would not matter.

Following the magma flowing in the rock layer all the way up, soon, in Liu Ji's elemental vision, a network of fire element diversions gathered towards a certain point appeared.

And at the focus where they gathered, Liu Ji felt some extremely strange energy source, and some familiar feeling.

The feeling of being a brave man.

Liu Ji sped up.

About a few dozen seconds later, he jumped out of the rock wall and landed in the hole in the center of the entire mountain.

Looking up, the outer wall of the entire hole was covered with orange-red translucent crystals, and it was these crystals that were constantly emitting terrifying heat. Gurgling magma was slowly flowing down from the bottom of these crystals, accumulating and surging at the bottom of the space, and finally flowing slowly into the rock layer below along the cracks of the crystals.

In the center of the entire space, a huge transparent crystal floated, shining brightly under the illumination of lava and crystal stones.

In the middle of this crystal, a figure was sealed in it.

He looked very young, so young that it even made people doubt whether he was an adult. His light yellow hair was scattered on both sides of his cheeks, and his appearance was extremely handsome. If he hadn't even had a pair of pants on at this time, Liu Ji might not have been able to tell whether he was a man or a woman for a while.

His eyes were wide open, staring at a fist-sized black egg in his hand.

Although it was sealed in the crystal, Liu Ji could still sense the strong ominous breath in the black egg.

It was written in Kaga's notebook that this tiny egg was the source of a disaster thousands of years ago.

The person holding it and sealed in this crystal for thousands of years was the weakest hero in the legend.

His name was Lim.

He was only fifteen years old at the time.

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