216. It's hard to say anything else, but we definitely can't get involved

Thousands of years ago, the Mysterious Sanctuary, which foresaw the coming of disaster, sent a great mystic to deliver an oracle to a chosen country.

They needed to complete the ritual of summoning the brave with the whole country's strength to save the world.

As a reward, the Mysterious Sanctuary promised that after the world was saved, they would become the richest country in the world.

No king of any country could refuse such an offer, especially when the Mysterious Sanctuary showed their bottomless arcane attainments that were like a miracle, any king would be moved by the beautiful future they portrayed.

The king who longed for conquest would gain supreme military force.

The king who longed for development would gain the most advanced arcane secrets.

The king who longed for peace would gain enough power to protect the kingdom for hundreds and thousands of years.

So, they accepted the offer without hesitation.

However, when they exhausted most of the resources in the treasury and finally completed the extremely complicated summoning ritual, what they summoned was a child from another world.

At first, they thought it was just some kind of immortal race that looked young, but no matter what means they used to verify the age of the child, the conclusion they got was exactly the same - this child was clearly only eight years old.

For a time, the high-level officials of the entire kingdom were dumbfounded. Their first reaction was whether there was something wrong with the summoning ceremony, and this conjecture once made them all panic.

You know, one ceremony emptied half of the national treasury. If it were to happen again, the king would inevitably find some fat sheep to confiscate their property.

Although these dignitaries were not very clear about others, they all understood whether they were really fat sheep.

Eager to pass on the blame, they immediately put the blame on the Secret Sanctuary.

After all, they didn't care whether the country would be rich in the future, they only cared whether their own small treasury could still be safe.

That day, the kingdom saw a grand occasion that was rare in a century.

The dignitaries who usually quarreled over which side a group of migrating bison should belong to, formed a united front at the first time, pointing their spearheads directly at the Secret Sanctuary, accusing them of deceiving the kingdom and squandering the treasury.

However, in the face of their clamor, the Secret Sanctuary simply responded lightly: "There is no problem with the summoning ceremony, and the disaster will not come immediately. It is your job to let the heroes grow up..."

After saying this, the great secret master left.

Originally, the king was worried that he would not be able to convince his "ministers who are concerned about the country and the people" with such an unclear response. As a result, when he announced that there was no problem with the summoning ceremony, the dignitaries immediately changed their statements and couldn't wait to discuss the training of heroes. The atmosphere was so good and the progress was so smooth that the king was a little confused for a while.

He clearly felt that his subordinates were all smart people, but today, why were they like naive people, believing whatever others said?

I couldn't figure it out, but it didn't matter. After all, this was what the king had expected.

When they talked for a whole day, when night fell, they found that the hero they summoned was still alone in the center of the summoning circle, and he had not eaten or drunk water for a day and a night. He was just shivering in the dark secret room.

And he was just an eight-year-old child.

The princes and nobles who came to their senses hurriedly found him, picked him up without saying anything, and sent him to the magnificent restaurant. They asked the servants to set a table full of dishes for him, and chattered around him, talking about all their imaginations of the hero, and threw all these imaginary expectations on the child.

But the child didn't want to hear anything. He just wanted to hide, curl up, and gnaw on the soft bread that looked the cheapest and was carefully taken from the table.

But even if it was just this small piece of bread, he only ate half of it and couldn't swallow it anymore.

This noisy environment frightened him, and the accumulated pressure almost made him vomit...

Finally, a loud shout interrupted the noisy crowd.

The one who made this loud shout was none other than the prince of the kingdom.

Of course, he was not a handsome young man in his twenties like in fairy tales. In this country where the king was over sixty years old, this prince was already over forty years old.

He was at the end of his prime and had been in an important position for many years. His prestige and achievements in the kingdom had also reached a considerable height. At this time, he suddenly spoke. Although the nobles were a little unhappy because the "good atmosphere" was suddenly broken, they did not dare to say anything.

"You all go, the brave man has just arrived and needs to rest," the prince said indifferently in an unquestionable tone.

The nobles looked at each other, and immediately showed joy on their faces, as if they had been pardoned. After saluting, they rushed to leave.

In fact, if they had not shown their strong support for this matter, who would want to waste time here?

Going back to your own nest of fine wine, delicious food and beautiful women is much more interesting than taking care of a brat who can't even fart.

Watching them rushing out of the room, the prince cast his eyes on his old father sitting at the table on the other side and said softly, "Father, you should also go and have a rest. Leave the child's affairs to me."

"Well, I'll leave it to you. If you need anything, just ask," the old king nodded with a smile, and then he slowly stood up and left with his guards.

With the sound of the door closing gently, the noisy hall became completely quiet, leaving only the child, the prince, and the prince's personal knight.

The prince took a bowl of thick soup, sat next to the child, scooped a spoonful of soup with a spoon, blew it gently, and sent it to the child's mouth.

The child looked up blankly, glanced at the strange uncle in front of him, hesitated for a long time, and still opened his mouth slowly driven by hunger and drank the thick soup.

The prince smiled slightly, said nothing, just scooped another spoonful of thick soup, blew it cool, and then slowly handed it to the child's mouth.

The two of them were silent, one feeding, the other drinking, and before they knew it, a bowl of thick soup was drunk by the child unconsciously.

And the child's eyes looking at the prince were not as frightened and panicked as at the beginning.

The prince glanced at the table, pulled over the roasted poultry not far away, tore off a thigh, and handed it to the child.

"Come, eat it, boys need to eat more meat to grow taller and stronger," the prince said with a smile.

The child looked at the prince's eyes, then looked at the poultry in front of him, swallowed his saliva, and reached out to take it.

Before he put the meat to his mouth, he carefully looked up at the prince, and then gently bit off the poultry in his hand.

"Hey, what's your name?" The prince asked softly.

The child looked up at the prince, then lowered his head again, and was silent for a long time before answering in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "I... don't have a name..."

217. What you think is just what you think

The prince has many questions about the boy's past.

The people in the Secret Sanctuary said that he was summoned from another world, so what kind of world was he originally in?

In the original world, would he have his own family? Would he have his own friends? Would he be sad and upset when he was suddenly summoned?

The other royal nobles didn't seem to care about these things. They only knew that they summoned a brave man, but they didn't seem to regard this "brave man" as a human being from the bottom of their hearts.

It's not surprising. In their eyes, except for themselves, no one else seemed to be a human being. Even their own children were often used as tools to exchange for benefits.

However, the child kept silent about these things.

No, to be precise, the child didn't seem to like or was unwilling to talk.

Ninety-nine percent of the time every day, he kept silent. Only when he had to say something, he would use the shortest words to whisper his demands.

This gave the prince a headache, but facing such a child who was forced to come by them, he didn't have a good way, and finally he could only let it go.

However, he at least gave the child a name.

Or rather, he gave the child many names and let him choose one he liked.

In the end, the child chose "Lim", the shortest name among the choices.

At first, the prince was worried that he had chosen a random name because he was afraid of trouble, but when he called out the name for the first time, he saw the light in the child's eyes, and he knew that the name should not be wrong.

After that, the prince took care of Lim and spent a month of peace.

The prince had a spouse, the other party was a princess from a neighboring country, and their marriage was not pure. Although they had been accustomed to each other for many years, their long-term respect for each other due to their status made their relationship not as close as that of ordinary couples.

Twenty years ago, when the princess gave birth to a son for him, as the prince devoted more and more energy to the cultivation of his son, the princess, as a married mother, and the prince, as the crown prince of the kingdom, began to have various contradictions in education due to their different status and expectations, and their relationship began to drift apart.

Today, the princess has returned to her hometown and lived there for several years.

And the prince's son, who was in his prime, was sent to the front line of the kingdom to hone his talents.

During this period, the prince's life was actually a bit lonely. The sudden appearance of this child made his lifeless home more lively.

However, he understood that this kind of life could not continue.

After all, this child was the hero in the oracle, and the person who was said to save the whole world.

During this period, he had been trying to teach him something, but what should he teach an eight-year-old child?

He said that he wanted to make the hero grow up, but what should he do specifically?

And even if he was willing to teach, the child didn't say a word throughout the whole process. He didn't even know whether he listened to his words. Even if the prince wanted to teach, he was really powerless.

In the end, he still considered the king's advice on cultivating heroes from the Secret Sanctuary...

"Give him enough space and opportunities, and then leave him alone."

According to them, all the heroes of the past generations were like this.

But the problem is, for an eight-year-old child, if you say you want to give him enough space and opportunities, you can't really give him a sword and send him out to adventure, right?

After much deliberation, the prince decided to send his child to the kingdom's aristocratic school.

This institution of higher learning, which is responsible for training the children of nobles and wealthy businessmen from childhood to adulthood, should also provide enough space and opportunities, right?

Moreover, since he is a hero, he should have some outstanding qualities. Maybe he can grow at the speed of light, create some kind of record of skipping grades, and become a legend of the academy like the geniuses in the stories of the bards...

At least the prince really expected so.

Even the top leaders of the whole country thought so.

Unfortunately, reality slapped everyone in the face. After joining the school, Lim not only did not show any extraordinary talent, but on the contrary, even in the entrance class with an average age of only six years old, his grades can only be said to be mediocre.

This is based on his language ability that comes with the hero summoning ceremony. If the Chinese class is not counted, his grades are enough to be the bottom of the class.

He knows nothing about arithmetic, his body is very weak, and his physical training scores are the last in the school.

As for subjects like history and arcane, since he came from a different world, he seemed to lack the common sense of being exposed to the world, and his learning speed was so slow that he was still confused after listening to it countless times, which was a matter of course for others. In addition, he refused to speak, and he was a relative sent by the prince himself, so he could not be beaten or scolded, which made many teachers anxious.

As a result, several months passed, and when the final exam came, Lim did not pass any subject except Chinese.

Now, let alone skipping a grade, the school even planned to let him repeat a grade.

This made people who knew his identity very anxious, after all, he was a hero, and they were counting on him to save the world.

What was the result?

If this continued, let alone saving the world, the world might be destroyed before he graduated from elementary school.

In anxiety, all kinds of speculations and rumors began to spread wildly, some said that the education method was wrong, some said that they were deceived by the secret saint, and some said that the summoning ceremony actually failed, and the secret saint said that it did not fail, but actually went to other countries to summon heroes secretly.

The rumors spread so much that even the king panicked and went to find the prince to ask him about Lim's situation.

But the prince himself didn't know what had happened. The only response he could give was to promise to talk to Lim...

As for what to talk about.

To be honest, he hadn't thought about it at all.

But when he really came to Lim's room, the prince suddenly found that Lim's expression was a little bit wrong.

He had been up and down in the power field for many years, and he thought he had some vision of people. At least he could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with the expression of this child.

Obviously, Lim had something to say, but he didn't know why he didn't dare to say it.

The prince was puzzled, sat next to him, and had a long talk with him. It took him several hours to finally pry out the words that Lim wanted to say.

He said that in their neighboring country, the country where the prince's lover was, a meteorite would fall in their territory in a month.

By then, the whole country will suffer a catastrophe, and the terrible plague will sweep across the country. In the end, there will be no one left on that land...

218. People always believe what they want to believe

The prince listened to Lim's prophecy in a daze.

He has handled countless disaster relief and assistance matters at home and abroad over the years. In this world with magic and monsters, disasters of all sizes are staged around the world every month.

But, even with his experience of more than 40 years, he has never heard of such a terrible disaster as Lim's.

It is a disaster that human power cannot fight against. If it comes from someone else, the prince will even regard it as a demonic rumor.

But, this sentence came from Lim's mouth...

It has nothing to do with whether Lim is a brave man. The prince has full confidence to judge whether this child who lives with him day and night is lying.

He knows that Lim is telling the truth, and he is extremely unwilling to tell the truth that he pried out of his mouth.

After Lim finished his prophecy, he was still looking at the prince. From his eyes, Lim saw a lot of anxiety.

He was afraid...

And looking at him, the prince understood why Lim had always been so afraid to speak.

In his country, there was a bird called the death bird.

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