Because once this kind of bird appears, a terrible disaster will definitely happen afterwards.

It may be a landslide, an earthquake, a beast tide, or a surprise attack by bandits.

But in the circle of nobles, this kind of bird is the favorite of most people.

It is not that the nobles have a unique aesthetic, but their favorable education conditions make them understand that this kind of bird is just because of its extremely sensitive perception of magic power, so before many things happen, it can sense the restless magic power, and then escape from the nest and find shelter.

The bird that can foresee bad omens is regarded as an ominous symbol. There are countless versions of this story in various parts of the continent.

And the child in front of him may be one of them.

So, the prince squatted in front of Lim, reached out and touched his head, and said: "I understand, thank you for telling me this in advance, leave the next thing to me."

After that, the prince called his subordinates in front of Lim and conveyed the warning about the disaster in his own name.

The subordinates were startled and hurriedly asked where the news came from.

After all, if this is true, it would be a big deal for the two kingdoms.

The prince's answer was - "Brave man, I have received a warning from God."

The subordinates looked at the prince and Lim in astonishment, stood there for a long time, and finally agreed, turned around and ran out of the house.

The prince also turned back and touched Lim's head, and followed him out of the room.

The order just now was for Lim and his subordinates, but he had to do it himself.

Only in this way can there be a glimmer of hope for the neighboring country to survive this disaster...

Yes, a glimmer of hope.

Although the prince married the other party's princess, he only married the other party's little princess.

But in contrast, their country married two princesses, one of whom was the eldest princess of the kingdom.

The reason was that the marriage was a political consideration for their country to seek peace and marriage after losing the territorial dispute and making a series of concessions.

Moreover, the other party had no prior knowledge of the hero, and it was very likely that they would not give him this face.

And the final result was exactly as the prince had guessed.

The neighboring country did not believe his words at all, and only thought that he came here to spread alarmist words and confuse the public because his wife had been away from home for many years and was embarrassed, and made a farce, humiliated him, and wanted to drive him away.

The prince argued with reason and used all the oaths he could, but in the end he only succeeded in bringing his two sisters back to the country temporarily.

But the funny thing is that his struggle for the lives of his family was regarded by the neighboring country as a signal that he wanted to tear up the covenant, so that not only did he fail to take his lover away, but he also received a declaration of war from the other party before leaving. It seemed that they were going to send someone to negotiate further. If there was no explanation for today's matter, they would launch a war against the kingdom again.

To be honest, the prince was under a lot of pressure.

All because of Lim's words, he pushed the peace that he had maintained with great difficulty to the brink of collapse. If he told outsiders, they would think he was crazy.

But even if the prophecy came true, it didn't mean it was a good thing.

He would lose his lover, and his son would lose his mother forever.

But what else could he do?

He had done everything he could, and was labeled as a deadly bird, pushing the kingdom to the brink of war...

Wasn't he doing enough?

So, when he stood on the star-top platform, watching the meteorite streaking across the sky and finally crashing into the neighboring country, he knelt on one knee in that direction very calmly, just like when he married his wife, and solemnly bowed to the air.

Behind him, his two sisters covered their mouths at the same time, as if they couldn't believe what they saw.

They had been married to the neighboring country for so many years, how could they not have feelings for the neighboring country? Their families, children, and friends were all in that country, but now, they could only watch with their own eyes the meteorite that exploded there turned into a sea of ​​fire.

At first, they actually thought that their brother brought them back to the country for some political considerations, and they also discussed asking their father for the result, and then discussing how to protect the people they knew there.

Who knew that the prince had no so-called considerations at all, and everything he said was true, but no one believed him...

No one believed...

Even if the disaster had already happened, no one believed it.

When the king of the neighboring country fled to their country alone and broke into the prince's bedroom, the first thing he said after seeing the prince was to ask him why he used such vicious magic to summon evil meteorites to destroy his country.

The prince said nothing, he just looked at Lim.

At that moment, they suddenly understood that they had become the same kind.

Became two dead birds.

The prince ignored the king of the neighboring country, just waved his hand, and asked the guards to drive him away.

But unexpectedly, not long after, a great mystic came back with his body.

"You shouldn't let him ruin the reputation of a hero."

The Great Mystic said, and in front of the prince, he burned the king's body to ashes.

"And you..."

The Great Mystic looked at Lim.

"You are a hero, understand?"

He said.

"Your mission is to save the world, and now, because of your incompetence, millions of people have died in the disaster."

He announced coldly.

"You killed them."

Then he left.

Lim looked at the prince blankly, his face confused.

The prince turned his head, grinned, and said, "You listen to his farts, they don't listen, blame us."

As he said, he picked up Lim, hummed a little song, and went to eat.

219. Who cried wolf?

The prince knew very well that the first meteorite that fell could never be the end, on the contrary, it should be the beginning of everything.

The Mysterious Sanctuary was not an exaggeration, the disaster had already come.

In the following years, the prince and Lim's life continued.

Going to school normally, failing the exams normally.

However, every few months, Lim would always predict a disaster, sometimes in a country known to the prince, and sometimes even in a distant place that the prince had never heard of.

Every time, they would do their best to send the disaster forecast to the corresponding place.

In the first few times, people still didn't believe them, but after several countries or regions were destroyed by the meteorite that brought endless disasters, people gradually dared not to believe them, and would always evacuate as soon as they received the news.

It sounds like people have learned their lesson, right?


As long as the base is large enough, human nature will always produce bad individuals who exhaust other people's imagination.

In this era of closed information exchange, when this information spread all over the world, it became a condition for many people to have evil thoughts.

The warring countries spread false prophecies to each other, causing the other party to flee their homeland and take advantage of the opportunity.

The nobles who tried to seize power passed false information to the king, causing the other party to flee the capital and occupy the magpie's nest.

The bandits spread false panic to the town, disrupting the town and fishing in troubled waters.

For a time, rumors about disasters were flying all over the world, and the world was already in chaos under the turbulence of information.

That's fine, after all, intrigues happen every day in this world.

But the worst thing is that the shepherd boy did nothing, and no one believed the prophecy of the wolf.

When the death bird was regarded as a carrier pigeon painted with ink, the cry of the death bird would no longer attract people's attention.

When Lim was twelve years old, he and the prince went to a distant country to predict the disaster, but what led them was the angry pursuit of the enemy army. Fortunately, they were very lucky. They avoided the pursuit of the enemy several times in the mountains and finally escaped successfully.

Later, they stood on a distant hillside and watched the meteor fall, turning the whole country into a sea of ​​fire.

That night, the two did not sleep all night.

After that, such things happened many times.

But even so, the two still did not give up hope and were still running for disasters.

Later, perhaps because the Mystic Sanctuary could no longer bear it, they began to intervene in various parts of the world through various channels and barely stopped the chaos everywhere.

After that, the situation was slightly better. At least for several consecutive times, the two successfully made the local residents believe them.

However, when one problem ended, a new problem appeared again.

As more and more people in countries had their homes destroyed, coupled with the people who left their homes during the previous chaos, a large number of refugees appeared in the world.

Their own lives were not easy, and other countries either regarded them as slave reserves or as floods and beasts. Their suffering people saw it in their eyes, but they only saw it in their eyes.

This series of problems became more and more serious, and the conflicts between refugees and local citizens became more and more acute, and their lives became more and more difficult...

Later, one day, when the two came to a country again to warn of disasters, the people of that country believed them, but most of them were unwilling to leave.

They said that rather than wandering in a foreign land like those people, living a half-human life, and eventually dying in a foreign land, they would rather stay here, at least their bones can be buried in their own land.

Later, they stood on a distant hillside again, watching the falling stars, and stayed awake all night...

That night, Lim asked the prince a question.

If, their country will also be hit by a disaster, will he run away?

At first, the prince almost subconsciously wanted to answer, of course.

But when the words came to his lips, he thought of the place where he had lived all his life, and he couldn't say this answer all night.

Then, they left.

That night, Lim was twelve years old.

Since then, for some reason, Lim has become less and less talkative. Although the prince has told him several times that he only foresaw the disaster and the disaster itself has nothing to do with him, he is still less and less willing to talk. Sometimes, even when there is information about the falling of a meteor from a certain place, Lim still keeps silent.

For this reason, the prince does not know how much psychological work he has done with Lim, but it has been ineffective.

Until one day, in the dark midnight, Lim suddenly dragged the prince out of bed, pulled him all the way to the window, pointed at the meteorite with a long tail in the sky and shouted: "Quick! Go! That thing is coming!"

The prince's heart immediately skipped a beat.

Looking at the death star with a long tail in the sky, he was stunned for a while before asking: "Is the prediction invalid?"

"No, I, I can't explain it, but we have to leave! Quick!" Lim anxiously pulled the prince's clothes.

But the prince hugged him.

"No, there's no need. We don't have time to run. You know how powerful that thing is," the prince rubbed his head and said slowly, "but at least, tell me what happened in the end? Okay..."

Lim was stunned in the place, he held the prince's hand, and tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Then, he told the reason that had been in his heart.

Yes, he can foresee disasters.

But the disasters he foresaw may not necessarily happen. There is a 50% chance that the disaster will appear as predicted, but there is another 50% chance that nothing will happen.

But, as long as he speaks out the prophecy, then, the scene he foresaw will definitely appear.

So, Lim has always believed that at least half of the disasters that have occurred were caused by his predictions.

This is not some imaginary pretense, but the real answer that his experience has told him.

In the past world, he was the reincarnation of the supreme living Buddha, who could predict the coming of all disasters.

But, he also encountered a dilemma at that time...

When his advice could not save even half of the people in the disaster, should he still predict the disaster?

The young him chose to tell all this to his family, naively thinking that the adults could give him an answer.

But what he got was not an answer, but malice from the whole world.

From then on, he fell from a high place, was regarded as a disaster star and was eventually summoned to another world when he was on the street.

But in another world, the same dilemma once again loomed over his head.

When they traveled all over the country and could save less than half of the people affected by the disaster, Lim hesitated.

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