"Sacrifice?" Liu Ji frowned, "For whom?"

"No one, they just need to refine some things, but the scope of sacrifice is a little wide," Tulin said with a smile.

"How wide?" Liu Ji frowned.

"Probably, a country will disappear from the world directly," Tulin said with a smile, "As for the population, about a million people?"

"Oh," Liu Ji nodded, "So how many people died in the world in this round of tyrant's attack?"

"Eh?" Tulin was stunned, "This... maybe, about the same?"

Liu Ji shrugged, turned around, turned into a gust of dust, and went back to the house.

Looking at Liu Ji's back as he left, Tulin frowned slightly.

He thought the news he brought was shocking enough, but he didn't expect that Liu Ji would not buy his tricks at all...

"Can't you regard him as a 'brave man' anymore?" Tulin turned his head and glanced at the high pavilion.

At this time, there was no one on it.

"Tsk..." Tulin was shocked, and took a last look at the room where Liu Ji was. He turned the crystal in his hand gently, and with a flash of light, his figure disappeared on the spot.



A few minutes later.

Liu Ji carried Ya Yin to the bed and covered her with a quilt. Then he left half of the dust to guard on one side, and the other half of the dust floated out of the door, following the perception all the way, and found Lim.

At this time, he was with "Miss", and both of them looked serious, as if they had expected Liu Ji to come and had been waiting for him in advance.

"It seems that I don't need to start the topic?" Liu Ji sat on a chair beside him and said casually.

"Who is he?" Lim asked.

"The 12th King Knight, calling himself Turin," Liu Ji answered subconsciously, and suddenly felt something was wrong, frowned, and asked, "Wait, you don't know who he is?"

"Well, there is no such person in my prediction," Lim said in a deep voice, "For thousands of years, I have seen countless predictions of the future, but he has never appeared in them."

"Huh? This..." Liu Ji blinked and cast a confused look at the "Mass" on the side.

"Don't look at me, I know nothing," "Mass" spread his hands.

"You make me understand something," Liu Ji rubbed his temple, "What is this? Beyond the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements?"

"I don't know, I've never encountered this situation," Lim said, "When I saw him just now, I tried to use him as a starting point to spy on his future, but I only saw a blur, nothing was clear."

"Could it be some kind of arcane magic?" Liu Ji asked, "something that can counter prophecy? After all, he has been in the tyrant's army as a traitor without being discovered, so he should be good at these things, right?"

"It's not impossible, but, tsk," Lim rubbed his eyebrows, "but, if there is such a person who has been outside my prediction, then is the future I see all wrong, or is only his existence erased?"

"This, even if you ask me, I..." Liu Ji scratched his head.

"Well... by the way, what has happened to you and him so far, can you tell us?" Lim asked.

"Oh, this may provide some ideas," Liu Ji nodded, "Well, he did do a lot of things, for example, he provided me with information about the Seventh King Rider, trying to get me to attack that guy, but unfortunately he was intercepted by the Secret Sanctuary halfway,

Later he gave me information about the Third King Rider, which allowed me to successfully kill the Third King Rider,

After that, he took me to find the mirror I showed you before, and during that time he gave me information about the Eighth King Rider, which allowed me to successfully kill the Eighth King Rider..."

"But in my prediction, you did all these things by yourself," Lim frowned, "That is to say, he really escaped my prediction..."

"He hid himself, probably, I It's not surprising that he can do it," Liu Ji said, "Like I said, being a traitor under that kind of person requires some special abilities."

"Well, that's all I can think of for now," Lim touched his chin, "Then why did he come to you this time?"

"This time..." Liu Ji was about to speak, but changed his mind and asked, "No, you tell me first, what do you think it's for? Let me see if it's right."

"I think," Lim frowned slightly, "I'm not sure, in my foresight you won't do anything..."

"That's right," Liu Ji said, "but you can't know what he said to me, right?"

"Well, after all, there's no such person in the picture I foresaw," Lim nodded.

"He told me that the Secret Sanctuary has made some moves recently," Liu Ji said, "As for what moves, they seem to be planning to sacrifice some people and refine something..."

"Hmm?" Lim blinked, thought for a moment, and asked, "Damn, are you talking about the time when they were going to sacrifice millions of people?"

"Is this one in your foresight?" Liu Ji raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, the Mystic Sanctuary intends to sacrifice millions of people, but," Lim said with a frown, "the people they sacrificed were actually already dead..."

"What?" Liu Ji was shocked.

He actually suspected that Turin's statement was a lie. He almost thought he was overthinking after hearing Lim's first sentence, but the second sentence directly pulled his thoughts back.

Sure enough, that guy said half and hid the other half.

"Strange, dead people are used for sacrifice? Corpses?" "Miss" touched his chin, "It's not easy to find millions of corpses. Are they going to enclose land in the tyrant's territory?"

"No, those corpses, how to say," Lim frowned, "They are infected with a certain plague... a certain plague that will turn into plants."

"What?" Liu Ji's eyes widened instantly, "Wait, no, this, how... Wait a minute! Is the city you are talking about the city of the earth walker?"

"Yes, do you have a clue?" Lim looked over.

"Damn..." Liu Ji rubbed his eyebrows.

This is trouble.

That bastard is not dead...

No, she should not die. Wang Qi is not dead. Even if the dark monster will keep her burning in the sun, she can still recover her ability to move at night.

If Liu Ji wants to kill them, he currently only knows the method of decomposing and absorbing them by relying on the desert incarnation.

Although he defeated the third king at that time, he was attacked by the tyrant before he could slowly decompose her, leaving this disaster behind.

Originally, I thought that the plague was limited by daylight during the day, so it should not spread, but I forgot that there are creatures like earth walkers in this ghost place.

In this case, he might...

"Tsk," Liu Ji frowned and fell into deep thought.

Now, this matter is not completely unrelated to him.

Of course, he can ignore it, but he promised Mazu that he would not let the plague spread outside...

And, a certain guy believes that Yayin will also hope that she can die thoroughly.

"Do you want to go?" Lim asked.

"I... well," Liu Ji rubbed his brows, then suddenly turned his head to look at "Missa" and asked, "Is it possible for me to go and stay here at the same time?"

"If you want to ask if there is, then of course there is," "Missa" said with a smile, "but it depends on whether you can learn it or not."

225. Staying up late is harmful to health, so she stayed up all night

Is it possible to control two bodies at the same time?

It is definitely possible, but it is definitely not something that can be learned overnight.

Even if you suddenly give a person two bodies and force him to adapt, it will take at least a few years to be possible.

But if you change your mindset, this matter will be very simple.

Just move here during the day and move there at night, isn't it?

However, if you want both bodies to exert 100% of their power, at least you have to learn how to transfer your power in different bodies first.

It is not difficult to use the sand here to create two bodies of sufficient size, but it sounds a bit incredible to want all your power to be reflected in one of the bodies instantly.

After all, the two bodies are so far apart and have already separated, how can they transmit power instantly?

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that your consciousness and all the information you know can be transmitted instantly between the two, so why can't power be transmitted?

After all, even if it is a clone, the two are still a whole.

Just like a gust of dust, even if it is divided into countless parts, it is still a whole.

Liu Ji doesn't want to take half of himself to travel around the world. Now everyone in the world who can be called his enemy is a monster. He doesn't want to go out without ensuring that he is in his prime at all times, so he must learn this skill.

In addition, he is also going to continue to learn other skills about desert incarnation.

The best conclusion is that now they will start practicing in two people, one will accompany Yain to learn languages ​​and spells, and the other will follow the "Mass" and practice the skills and power control of desert incarnation at night.

According to Lim, Liu Ji only has one month to train, so every day is very important to him.

By the way, during this period, Mo Wente has also been sparring with Yuan Hekui. Although Yuan Hekui's physical fitness is almost far superior to Mo Wente, the two's fighting skills are actually quite subtle.

On the one hand, they are very good at using their own advantages and various tricks, but in fact their fighting experience and skills are quite limited. When fighting with Mo Wente, as long as they don't rely on their own strong physical fitness, they are actually at a disadvantage most of the time, and they can learn a lot.

Other potatoes watched them fight, and through the practice of blood, they seemed to have learned some fighting skills, and even some of them returned to Liu Ji.

As for Ya Yin, she was studying Chinese wholeheartedly. In addition to the part that Liu Ji taught her, she seemed to be studying some strange symbols.

Liu Ji asked and found out that she was trying to reorganize the spell with the logic of Chinese text. It was said that she had never seen the ability of Chinese to condense information before, and the way of expressing spells was not unique. In fact, all kinds of ways to express spells in the world have their own language blueprints. Perhaps if Chinese is used as a blueprint language, she can create a completely new type of spell that is completely different from the past.

To be honest, Liu Ji was overwhelmed just by hearing this idea.

He was dying from learning languages, so how could he create new languages?

All I can say is that Yayin is Yayin after all.

And this was also reflected in the whole month of getting along with her.

Originally, in Liu Ji's imagination, after the first step in their relationship, there should be a sweet and sour first love period.


Don’t think that he is an old bitch who has lived for a thousand years. This is his first experience in this regard. It is impossible to say that he is not looking forward to it.

As a result, Yayin is Yayin after all.

The distance between the two has indeed narrowed a lot, and there will be some intimate little actions, but the classes and homework that should be attended every day are not reduced at all, and 95% of the time every day is still what should be done.

How to say...

It’s pretty good, but I feel a little itchy in my heart.

But I can’t say anything. He knows better than anyone how urgent their time is. Maybe on the contrary, if Yayin really pesters him all day long to kill time, he will really have a headache.

This little trouble is purely a luxury of nitpicking.

Time passed quickly, and when Lim told Liu Ji that it was time for him to leave, he suddenly realized that this month had passed.

However, since it’s time, let’s go.

There is no need to explain anything, and there is no need to say goodbye to anyone. After all, he still stays here during the day, and only he who belongs to the night leaves.

However, there are also restrictions on Liu Ji's going out this time.

That is, he must always maintain contact with the desert incarnation. If he loses contact with it once, his clone will disappear.

It's not a big problem. Anyway, he usually won't lose contact with the desert incarnation. If he insists, it's when he is about to execute Wang Qi. If he really encounters this situation, the clone will be dispersed.

After the sun sets, Liu Ji in the room closes his eyes, while Liu Ji sitting on the city wall opens his eyes.

Then, it's time to go out and clean up the things that were not handled last time.



Ya Yin stood by the bed, watching Liu Ji flying into the sky, and gently clenched her fist.

Really, I still regarded myself as his master at the beginning, but now I can't even help him a little.

Although I understand how special the origin of Liu Ji's ability is, I will still feel a little unwilling in my heart.


Yin looked at the table beside her. On the table was a large white paper with a word that looked like Chinese characters but had an unusual structure.

Yin picked up the word and stared at it for a long time.

Then, she slowly opened her mouth and read out a unique syllable that was completely unlike any language.

In an instant, green magic energy condensed in the air, and a green seed fell to the ground. In a blink of an eye, the floor of the whole room turned into a field of flowers and plants.

Flower Fairy Kiss, an ordinary lower-level magic, is often used in gardening and land transformation. The effect is also very direct, giving birth to a field of flowers and plants that will not reproduce themselves and have extremely low nutrient requirements.

Because the principle is simple, and there is almost no combat pressure in the casting process, and the effect itself is too marginal, it is classified as a lower-level magic.

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