But precisely because this magic is not designed as a combat magic, during the design process, more consideration was given to reducing the difficulty of learning and using it. A large number of low-difficulty spells were used, which actually lengthened the length of its own construction, and its use speed is even faster than most Median magic is even slower.


Now, it was released with just one syllable.

Yayin looked at the paper in front of her and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Sure enough, just as she thought, the logic of this kind of text has unlimited potential.

Maybe, if it is this kind of writing, it can create the writing that the Demon Spirit Tribe envisions, enough to communicate with the world...



With the cold night wind blowing across his face, Liu Ji flapped his wings and quickly moved forward in the direction pointed by Lim.

In the distance, he could already see the towers stretching thousands of miles beyond the edge of the desert.

Liu Ji hesitated for a moment whether to go underground, but after thinking about it, he raised the flying height again, flapped his wings suddenly, and then his body turned into a burst of sand and dust, drifting into the distance.

During the flight, he moved the airflow in the air as much as possible, letting the airflow carry his body farther away.

Although the speed will be much slower, no matter how cautious the enemy is, they will probably not cause trouble with a wisp of dust.

Floating slowly, until dawn, Liu Ji finally passed through the area lined with towers.

"The day passed so quickly," Liu Ji looked at the ray of morning sun on the horizon and let out a sigh of relief.

But it's not safe here, and Yayin always gets up very late in the morning recently, so he can stay in bed for a while.

With his wings spread out behind him again, Liu Ji kicked off the ground fiercely and soared into the air in the direction of his target.

The city we are going to this time is also a large settlement of Earth Walkers, called Mark City.

Due to the special nature of living underground, although the Earthwalkers nominally have Kaga Holy Capital as their capital, except for some Earthwalkers, most of the people hate going out. In fact, there are not many connections between the various giant cities. , instead of doing business with other cities of the same ethnic group, it is more common for them to do business with foreign merchants who come to them.

This resulted in an almost complete separation between the Earthwalker cities. Although Kaga Sheng was gone, Marki City was not affected at all because it was located further away from the desert.

But when it comes to the location of Mark City, Liu Ji is also quite confused. It is clearly very far away from the Samoteles Fortress. How did the woman get here?

And she just came, why did the Secret Sanctuary target her, and how did they know that this place would become a dead city?


I hope they didn't know this in advance. If they didn't let a whole city die before getting out, they would be really bad.

No, they seem to have always been this bad.

On the way to Markji City, Liu Ji observed the situation along the way.

Outside the tyrant's territory, you can still see some villages and cities, but most of these villages and cities are very deserted. At first glance, it seems that you can only see some old, weak, sick and disabled people on the streets.

It's normal. This place is so close to the tyrant's territory. It is estimated that the strong people who can run will have fled long ago, so naturally there will only be a bunch of people who can't run.

Liu Ji sighed softly.

If they stay here, they are basically waiting to die in their hometown.



Under the general trend of the world, ordinary people can do nothing but let the environment destroy themselves.

Just like the creatures in the mass extinction, they can only watch helplessly as the environment that gave birth to them kills them bit by bit.

The so-called individual life has never been something that the "world" cares about.

Whether it is this world or "Earth".

For example, some species, even if they are destined to become someone else's food, can survive as long as they are fertile enough.

The world doesn't care about the lives of any of their individuals, and even they themselves don't care, or if they care, they can't do anything.

The world is like this, it is not a person, and you cannot use human standards to demand it.

However, all this is based on the fact that the "world" does not have its own consciousness.

If the "world" had consciousness, its nature would be completely different.

It was a struggle between the enslaved race and the enslavers.

Liu Ji took a deep breath, retracted his gaze, and accelerated his flight speed again.

The road ahead is long, so let’s just move forward step by step.



The sun was high in the sky. Callidora stirred the broth, then closed the lid of the pot, turned to Wente and said, "Wente, it's almost time. Go and ask them to come for dinner."

"Ah, we don't have to," Lim said with a smile and led a group of potato boys into the restaurant. "You don't have to worry about him during Mass. He will come at any time if he wants, and he doesn't eat anyway."

Since there is no language barrier between the hero and anyone else, Lim seems to be having a lot of fun with the Potato Boys recently.

"Then we just need to call Ya Yin and Liu Ji, right?" Mo Went stood up and shook his sore calves, "Speaking of which, do they live together now?"

He had an intense sparring session with Yuan Gao early in the morning, and his body was still sore.

"How could they live together? With Yain's personality, it would be impossible for them to move so quickly," said Kalidora. "Liu Ji seemed to have seen him go to the study room before. Yain is still in the guest room."

"Oh, I'll go call them," said Mo Wente as he went out.

As soon as he went out, he saw Liu Ji coming over.

"Huh? You're here?" Mo Wente was stunned.

"Ah? Well," Liu Ji nodded. Although Mo Wente used the common language, he could still understand the simplest conversation. "You, what's wrong?"

"Ah... uh," Mo Wente scratched his head and said tentatively, "It's time to eat. I was just going to call you."

Liu Ji blinked, touched his chin and thought about it. Combining the time, he probably understood what Mo Wente meant.

"Yin hasn't come yet?" Liu Ji asked.

Mo Wente nodded.

"Huh," Liu Ji scratched his head, "Then I'll go find her."

He turned and walked towards Yain's room.

At this time, his other body was hiding underground somewhere in the wild, and he would come out and continue to move forward at night.

Mo Wente scratched his head, thought about it, and followed him.

Seeing Liu Ji like this should be a bit unexpected. Of course, he was also surprised. Although Yayin was one of those people who loved to sleep in, it was very rare for her to sleep until noon.

Recently, Liu Ji had been staying with Yayin. Liu Ji had no clue, and Mo Wente's curiosity was also aroused.

The two walked to Yayin's room one after the other.

Liu Ji was about to knock on the door when he suddenly saw a dazzling light shining out of the room.

"Glow magic? Damn it!" Mo Wente raised his eyebrows and rushed in with a knife.

However, Liu Ji waved his hand to stop him.

"Relax," Liu Ji said, "It's okay."

"Ah?" Mo Wente was stunned for a moment, and then a golden light flashed in his eyes and he looked into the house.

He clearly saw that Yayin was the only one in the room, and she was standing in the center of the room, touching her chin and thinking with her head down.

On the floor of the house, there were dense circles of white paper, with complex characters written on them that he had never seen before.

Liu Ji knocked on the door gently.

No response.

Liu Ji knocked on the door again, but still no response.

Liu Ji thought about it, turned into a gust of dust, poked his head in through the crack of the door, and said softly: "Yayin, it's time to eat."

"Yeah," Yayin hummed, but still stared at the ground, with no intention of moving a step.

Liu Ji frowned, thought about it, and went out of the room first.

"You go eat," Liu Ji said to Mo Wente, "I, wait here."

"Uh..." Mo Wente looked at Yayin in the room, then looked at Liu Ji, thought about it, and agreed.

If Yayin was dragged to eat in this state, she might get angry. Mo Wente estimated that Liu Ji would not be able to eat for a while, so he thought that he could just bring some food back to him.

Liu Ji slowly entered Yayin's room, floated on the ceiling, and stared at the white papers with strange characters on the ground.

He could see that these were all spells.

But they were completely different spells from the past, more like some kind of spells imitating the Chinese model.

Although Liu Ji had not learned these spells, the magic of spells was that if you could understand them, you could even read the pronunciation of them just by looking at the words.

Liu Ji read these spells one by one, and then slowly understood them one by one. Unknowingly, two hours had passed. During this period, Mo Wente came again, pushed a food cart to the door, looked into the house, and saw the situation of the two people, and left again.

During this period, Ya Yin adjusted these spells back and forth several times, but she seemed to be dissatisfied all the time.

Liu Ji looked at it for a long time, thought about it, and finally floated down slowly. According to his own understanding, he changed the positions of several spells and left a few spaces empty.

Ya Yin immediately raised her eyebrows, grabbed the paper on the table, looked at the ground, pondered for a moment, and wrote a few relatively simple characters on the paper.

Then, she gently scattered the characters down.

The characters slowly floated down, just right, and just embedded in the gaps.

Ya Yin glanced at the circle on the ground and gently recited a spell.

The spell was extremely short, but it was like an ancient poem, with ups and downs.

After a paragraph was finished, in an instant, a bright light lit up from the magic array, and a huge magic power spread instantly.

The whole house was instantly covered with green flowers and vines, and this wave not only affected the house, but also the buildings outside the house were instantly wrapped in green. The surging impact even rushed out of the building, rushed out of the ancient city, and swept across the entire desert within a radius of several miles.

"Missa" was basking in the sun on the city wall, and before he could react, he was covered with green vines.

He sat up immediately, pulled off the vines on his face, shook his head, and was about to shout for life, but when he looked closely, the original words were stuck in his throat, stuck for a long time, and turned into a word of shit.

The desert in front of him, which had not changed for thousands of years, turned into a green field for several miles in an instant, with flowers, shrubs and shrubs everywhere, and even saplings could be seen growing slowly.

"Shit, this..." "Missa" opened his mouth.

He turned his head and looked at the ancient city behind him.

The ancient city in front of him now has become a green castle covered with green vines. The ground is full of them. No, not to mention the ground, even the walls, the roof, and even his puppets are covered with green vines, densely packed, circling around and around.

"Damn..." The corner of his mouth twitched, "How long will it take to clean up this..."

The fact is just as he thought, the whole castle is in chaos.

Mo Wente was originally practicing with the potatoes, and halfway through the training ground was suddenly covered with vines, making them look at each other in bewilderment.

In the house, Kalidora was cleaning up the kitchen, but in the blink of an eye, a huge amount of vines suddenly sprang out from under the stove, crawling all over the kitchen, and tightly wrapped up the cabinets, shelves, and tableware.

The only one who survived was probably Lim, who was standing outside the city at this time, with his hands on his hips, nodding and looking at the whole city, and sighed: "Ah, it's different to see it with your own eyes, it's really spectacular."

"Don't be spectacular, what's going on?" "Miss" appeared beside him and asked unhappily.

"That girl just developed a new arcane, nothing serious," Lim spread his hands, "It's just that cleaning may be a little troublesome."

"Miss" twitched his mouth, looked towards the direction of the town, and said helplessly: "These two people are really good at making trouble for me..."



In fact, the culprit of the trouble was also in trouble at this moment.

Yayin stood in front of the bed, looking at the bed covered with vines, rubbed her eyebrows, and muttered: "This, can I sleep after using fireballs to blast it?"

"Hey! What are you talking about!" Liu Ji hurried over to stop her, "Are you sleepy?"

Yayin looked up at Liu Ji, then leaned into his arms very naturally, rubbing her forehead against his chest, and actually muttered in a somewhat coquettish tone: "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep..."

"Okay, okay, hey, I see you didn't sleep last night, really, no matter what, you can't do this," Liu Ji said, waving the dust skillfully, sweeping away all the vines on the bed.

"You don't know, this is very important..." Yayin muttered.

"No matter how important it is, it's not as important as your body, you know? You have to sleep when you need to sleep in the future," Liu Ji said.

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