Ten years later, one day, when the Duke got up at night and wanted to go to the bathroom, he subconsciously looked out the window.

Then, he saw a scene he had never seen before.

A blood moon was rising slowly from the horizon.

41. No matter how good you are at fighting, you can kill the nuclear radiation.

Tick, tick.

The last drop of blood rain fell to the ground, and the sky, which was once like a sea of ​​blood, gradually returned to its usual state.

The blood moon was still hanging high in the sky, but the red color was much dimmer.


The man crushed the skull of the last skull, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Mass clapped his hands one by one and walked slowly out of the desert.

"I have to admit that you are probably the strongest person I have ever seen in my life," Misa said slowly, "You won, I really can't kill you."

"Haha, interesting," the man looked at Misa, "Until now, you still don't seem to worry about what I can do to you?"

"Then..." Misa raised his eyebrows, "What can you do to me?"

The man raised his eyebrows, swung the heavy sword in his hand, and the golden flames directly turned Misa's body into ashes.

But the next second, he walked out from another direction.

"Are you losing your temper?" Misa tilted his head and looked at him, "Why? Didn't you have fun just now?"

"Hehe," the man sneered, "It's just your attitude that makes people unhappy."

After that, he slashed out with another sword.

This time, before the sword slashed, Misa's figure turned into ashes by himself.

Then the next moment, he walked over from behind the man again.

"Don't waste your energy. Getting angry at a handful of sand in the desert won't hurt the desert itself," Misa shook his head and said, "You can't kill me... No, if it were you, maybe there would be a way to kill me, but unfortunately, you don't dare."

"Huh? I don't dare?" The man raised his head and stared at Misa with a 45-degree angle, "Why? Just because of this lantern in the sky that has lost all its power?"

"Haha, yes," Misa smiled, "Because you are a 'human' who wants to rule the world after all, then you will definitely not like a disaster that has been released."

The man frowned slightly, he looked at the blood moon in the sky, invisible power brewing around him, the next moment, the air wave exploded, he soared into the sky, and flew towards the direction of the blood moon.

Misa stared at him, first surprised, and then for some reason there was some expectation in his eyes.

The holy light shone, a sword slashed out, golden flames burned the sky, and the golden crescent that seemed to split the sky in half slowly flew towards the blood moon in the sky.

However, when the golden flames passed by, the red moon was like a mirage, and only caused a wave of ripples.

Seeing this expected scene, Misa sighed softly.

Soon, the man came back and fell to the ground with an unhappy look on his face.

"You'd better not let me find out how to deal with your lantern," the man said coldly, "or you'll die then."

"Oh, then you check it out. Do you want me to give you some tips?" Mass shrugged, "Have you heard of arcane pollution?"

"Pollution caused by some destructive forbidden spells?" The man frowned, "Could it be..."

"Yes, it seems you have thought of it," Mass smiled, "That kind of pollution can even corrode elemental elves. There is basically no better solution except to let it dissolve naturally over time. This moon is an arcane woven with pollution itself as the main body. After I created this monster myself, I didn't know how to deal with it. If you can do it, please try it."

"Madman," the man's eyebrows jumped, "Do you want to turn the world into a wasteland completely?"

"I did think so before," Mass smiled, "As for now... whether to release this monster depends on you."

The man looked at Mass for a few minutes, and finally raised his right hand and pointed at Mass with his index finger. He pointed for a long time but couldn't say a word.

Finally, he sheathed his sword and almost squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "Okay, in all these years, you are still the first person who can make me suffer. Be proud and hide here for the rest of your life."

After that, he looked at the blood moon in the sky angrily again, and then lifted his cloak and broke through the air.

Looking at his figure going away, Misa sighed.

"Alas, after all, I still didn't die..."




Ya Yin was holding the flower pot with Liu Ji in a daze.

Looking at the green leaves, for some reason, she was a little envious.

If she could also turn into a potato, could she forget her sorrow, live without worries, and live heartlessly?

If it really could be possible...

If it really could be possible, when she got her revenge, she would turn into a potato and find a place in the wilderness, like Liu Ji once did in a trance for a thousand years.

Just daydreaming, suddenly, Ya Yin felt the flower pot in her hand suddenly vibrate.

Before she could react, she heard a snap and the flower pot cracked, revealing a large piece of white flesh.

Liu Ji had suddenly returned to his original form!

And because Ya Yin was holding the flower pot, Liu Ji, who had suddenly returned to his original form, appeared in her hands in a princess-like position.

For a moment, the scene was completely silent, and everyone was stunned, looking at this strange scene.

Ya Yin was also stunned, and stared at Liu Ji, both of them looking at each other in confusion.

Then, what everyone didn't expect was that at the next moment, Liu Ji hugged Ya Yin.


This is Ossa's voice.

Jilunini and Mowente's eyes widened.

Callidora covered her mouth.

Yayin froze in place.

After this seemingly frozen scene lasted for several seconds, Liu Ji suddenly reacted, saying "Ah" and hurriedly letting go of his hand, trying to explain in a hurry, but suffering from limited expression ability, he didn't know what to say for a long time. What.

Then, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and he paused again.

Then, he slowly looked at himself...


Liu Ji showed a horrified expression at that time.

Yayin was still in a state of brain failure at this time, so she subconsciously followed Liu Ji's gaze.

Then she immediately let out a scream, stretched out her hands, and threw Liu Ji to the ground.

As a result, Ao Sa reacted the fastest at this time. He picked up Liu Ji's previous clothes from the side and quickly walked up to cover him.

Of course, it would be better if there was no cover.

Liu Ji didn't care whether his clothes were backwards or not, so he put them on first anyway. Even though his face was red now, and with the hood hanging in front of his neck, he looked a little funny.

At this moment, Mass opened the door and walked in.

He looked left and right, then touched his chin.

"Well, what, I'm here to tell you the good news that the tyrant has left..." Mass said, "But looking at this situation, did I miss some exciting scenes?"

"Ah! Mr. Mass, can you explain it to them for me?" Liu Ji grabbed a life-saving straw when he saw Mass. "I was just excited because I couldn't change back, and suddenly changed back... uh, just now …”

"You should worry first," Miss smiled, "come with me later, I just have something I want to talk to you about."

42. Is it possible to just attack soldiers without recruiting heroes?

On the ground, among the ruins of the desert city.

The stone golems returned to the ground, rummaging through the gravel for the remains of the old city, and trying to rebuild the city.

Liu Ji followed Mass to the ground, looked at the rather desolate scene, and asked: "Mr. Mass, what is going on..."

"At the moment when you turned into a potato, there was a person here," Mass said as he led Liu Ji towards the ruins. "Although you may not feel anything, in fact you have turned into a potato. It’s been more than a month.”

"Ah? Has it been so long?" Liu Ji was stunned.

"Well, your sense of time is indeed vague after you turned into a potato," Mass said. "By the way, you said you had been a potato in the wild for decades, but according to my guess, you have been a potato for more than a thousand years. Potatoes."

"More than a thousand years?" Liu Ji was stunned.

Although he did feel that he might have been a potato for a long time, in his concept, no matter how long it took one or two hundred years to hit the sky, he did not expect that it would reach four figures.

"But...even if I work as a potato for a month," Liu Ji looked at the ruins, "someone must have come to turn this place into this."

"Who is this person...how do I put it," Mass walked to a piece of sand and stopped, squatted down, and started digging up the sand. "I should have told you before that you are a retired warrior, right?"

"Well, yes," Liu Ji nodded.

"So, do you know what the duty of a hero is?" Mass asked.

"Uh...save the world?" Liu Ji replied.

"Yes, everyone says that," Mass said, continuing to dig sand, "but why? Have you ever thought about why the world has to be left to a person from another world to save it? And this comes from The unlucky guy from another world, who has no preparations and hasn’t done anything yet, so he has to hang his head on his belt and work for the whole world?”

"Perhaps, the people who were summoned were originally dissatisfied with their previous lives... No, at least they are yearning for a different life, right?" Liu Ji scratched his cheek, "Well, that's probably the case, at least. That’s the story.”

"Haha, you're right. In fact, it's the same in reality," Mass said, having already dug a sand pit half a person deep. "You write down this question first, and I'll ask you another question. Why summon the brave?"

"Because there is some kind of crisis?" Liu Ji asked doubtfully.

"A crisis has arisen..." Mass looked at Liu Ji, looked him up and down, and said in a half-joking tone, "Well, do you think, if a crisis has arisen, and then summoned a person like you from a peaceful world? Can ordinary people solve any problems?”

"Ah..." Liu Ji was stunned, "Maybe, they are not very lucky? So I retired?"

"No, that's not right," Mass smiled and shook his head, "Every brave man who is summoned is like you at the beginning, with no combat experience, no strength, and an ordinary person, but... maybe it's because of the brave man They have always been extremely powerful when they left an impression on others or were recorded in history. Even the people who presided over the summons mostly didn't notice this. "

"Eh..." Liu Ji was a little confused, "But, why is this? Wouldn't it be better to just summon someone awesome?"

"No, how can it be good?" Misa smiled and shook his head, "It is difficult to show favor to a person who is strong enough at the beginning, but if a person is powerless at the beginning, as long as he starves in the wilderness for a day when teleported, and then you send someone to pick him up, it will be enough for him to be grateful to you."

"Huh? I have to thank him for calling me here to starve?" Liu Ji was stunned, "Why?"

"Hey, smart man, in fact, there are many heroes who don't know how to use this trick," Misa laughed, "but they have many ways,

For example, match you with a princess or a prince, don't be surprised, the children of those high-ranking nobles are originally It is also a diplomatic resource.

In this way, the old king becomes your father-in-law.

Then, they will provide you with good food and drink, and give you some hints during the period, so that you will not be willing to be a flower in the greenhouse and take the initiative to go out for experience.

Then, they will make you lose face and send someone to save you. While hitting your self-confidence, they will let the princess or prince warm your heart and make you inseparable.

When you are loyal to them, you will grow up smoothly in the future with the blessing of the world, and you will have a sense of belonging to this world in the pleasure of good luck, and then you will be willing to save the world..."

Liu Ji looked at the mass in astonishment.

For some reason, a word popped up in his mind at that time-"PUA".

The case was solved. No wonder most heroes are licking dogs, and their feelings are all PUA?

"So, there is never any luck, it's all planned," said the mass, digging out a cross tombstone from the soil and placing it on the ground, and then continued to dig sand.

His friends were all buried here. Although the earth under the blood moon had already absorbed their flesh and blood, at least he had to dig out the evidence that they had existed.

"So, that means that heroes are often summoned before a disaster occurs?" Liu Ji said while thinking, "After all, from what you said, heroes always need time to grow..."

"Yes, that's right, because there is an 'oracle'," said Mass, "The Mysterious Sanctuary will tell everyone that 'God' has issued a decree that there will be disasters in the future, so heroes need to be summoned..."

"Uh... Although this question may be a bit redundant," Liu Ji said with a subtle expression, "but since there is a god... why doesn't he handle the problem himself?"

"Because God cannot interfere with the lower world! Because God is supreme! Because humans have to save themselves!" Mass shouted three times in a continuous high-pitched voice, and then sneered, "It's all bullshit, because the roots There is no such thing as God. "Oracle" sounds nice, but it is just a high-level prophecy. "

"Is that so..." Liu Ji felt as if he had heard something shocking. "Since they have predicted it, can't they think of a way to solve it themselves? Why do they have to invite an unlucky person to come?"

"Because they can't solve it," Misa said, "The effect of prophecy is limited, and they don't know what kind of disaster will happen, so the so-called advance prevention is impossible. History has proved that the best choice is to concentrate resources to cultivate a super individual combat force on standby at any time."

"It has to be an individual? Can't we prepare a powerful army or something like that?" Liu Ji still didn't understand, "Can one person fight against the steel torrent of the entire country?"

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