"I don't know what the world was like before, but here..." Miss smiled, "I probably haven't told you yet, but I was once a disaster.

And the army, no matter how powerful it is, is worthless in front of me. "

43. Fortunately, I am laid off. Whoever wants to do this job can do it.

"Look, this bag is the bones left over from the roasted whole lamb you had before," Mass picked up the bag in his left hand.

"Yeah," Liu Ji nodded.

"Then this jar is the blood from the slaughtered sheep before," Mass picked up the jar in his right hand.

"Yeah," Liu Ji nodded, thinking that this thing could probably be made into a blood booster.

"Then, there is a sand pit here, we just need to be like this..." Mass said, throwing the jar and bag into the sand pit, and then covering it with sand.

Not long after, a sheep bone skeleton crawled out of the ground.

But compared to before, it became more like a monster, with sharp teeth in its mouth, its horns became ferocious, and its body was covered with barbs.

"Oh..." Liu Ji shrank back involuntarily.

"Then, if you break this thing..." Mass casually punched the bone sheep in the face.

With a bang, the bone sheep shattered into pieces, and then slowly sank into the sand.

Then, not long after, the Bone Sheep emerged from the sand again.

"Then, if you want to kill it completely," Mass said, raising the crystal staff in his hand, and slapped it randomly at the bone sheep, until every bone of it was broken into slag.

"This, does it have to be so detailed?" Liu Ji's mouth twitched, "Thankfully this is a desert. If there was a city nearby..."

"I think back then, there was an archduke who destroyed my hometown and killed my family for a mine, and then..." Mass smiled, "I created this moon in his territory."

"Here," Liu Ji blinked, "well...I won't ask anything else, but this, did he leave peacefully?"

"It's quite peaceful," Mass smiled. "A maid he played to death crawled out of the backyard of his castle, and then bit several of his servants to death. The servants bit a guard to death, and the guard bit him to death. After killing the flying dragon he raised, all the people and animals in the castle turned into skeletons, including the Duke himself. Later, he was burned to ashes by his son who came after hearing the news. Oh, of course, his son also turned into a skeleton in the end. Became a skeleton."

"Good guy, classic zombie crisis," Liu Ji shuddered, "What happened next? What happened after you took revenge?"

"Later...haha, later, things were out of my control," Miss smiled and walked to the sand beside him to sit down.

There, neatly placed were two rows of tombstones he dug out of the ground.

"At the beginning, I actually just wanted to take revenge on the nobleman who killed my family, the Grand Duke behind him, and the mystic master in the Mystic Sanctuary who colluded with them," Mass said with a wry smile, "But I seem to It was a bit too strong. After the moon lost control, it almost turned the whole world into a dead place with only skeletons left. "

"Then, what happens next?" Liu Ji asked, "Have you found a way to trap it?"

"No, I didn't think so at the time," Mass looked at the sky. "I had nothing left at that time. The compatriots who followed me and left my hometown also died one after another due to the root causes of diseases caused by long-term consumption of seafood in polluted seawater. , for me, even if the world really turns into that mess, I don’t care at all.”

"Then later..." Liu Ji thought for a while, "Which brave man came at that time?"

"Well, yes, she's here," Mass said, gently touching the tombstone next to her. "A person, a sword, fighting with blood all over her body, exhausted, all with a strand of faith, she came to me."

"Ah?" Liu Ji was stunned, "Here, you lost?"

"Ha, I'm sorry, I can't lose," Mass smiled slightly, "Although saying this may be a bit boastful, I am perhaps the most difficult one to deal with among the 'disasters' faced by this world..."

As he said this, Mass raised his head, pointed at the blood moon in the sky and said, "Because even if you kill me, it won't disappear."

"Then the brave man can't deal with you at all?" Liu Ji said in astonishment.

"Yes, the brave can't deal with me in the first place. Rather than letting the brave deal with me, they might as well let the Secret Sanctuary find a way on its own." Mass smiled, "I told you before, the so-called brave is just using To put it bluntly, the individual combat power to fight against disasters is just a 'plan' that people have concluded based on history.

In order to make this plan safe enough, high-level officials from various countries and secret sanctuaries will provide just the right support, such as companions, equipment, and reinforcements. In short, these external forces will ensure that the brave can just defeat his enemies. At the same time, he can also Avoid having to let the brave grow to the point of being invincible in order to save the world. "

"I heard what you said..." Liu Ji frowned slightly, "How do I feel...that a brave man will be cooked by a rabbit to death?"

"Why do you think it is necessary to summon a hero from another world instead of choosing a suitable candidate from the local area?" Mass asked.

"Well, can you choose from local people?" Liu Ji was stunned, "Then why is this? It feels like there is no difference, right?"

"Because the ritual of summoning the brave is essentially a spell. However, the cost of this spell is extremely high, and it is also extremely difficult and complicated. It is even so complicated that no one has ever been able to decipher or edit it.

The person who compiled this spell, the founder of the Mystical Sanctuary, and the greatest arcane master in history, deliberately designed this spell like this. "

Mass said.

"Furthermore, this spell is nominally a spell to summon heroes, but in fact the reason why its consumption is so huge is that 90% of the resources are used on the effect named 'World Blessing', which is pulled from another world. A suitable candidate to receive this blessing is just a designed condition.”

"As for why he designed it like this," Mass shrugged, "No one knows what he was thinking at the time, but if you want an answer, I think you can think about it the other way around. If anyone in this world If a brave man emerges from a race or force, what will happen?"

"Then...which force will rule the world?" Liu Ji suddenly understood, "In other words, the brave man is destined to be killed from the beginning?"

"Guess what," Mass said with a smile, "The brave men who sacrifice heroically while resolving the crisis are the good brave men that everyone likes."

"Ah this..." Liu Ji's mouth twitched, "I never thought that one day I would feel so lucky that I was laid off before I took office."

"Haha, at that time, the brave man who came to kill me had a similar reaction to yours," Mass smiled. "After knowing that killing me would not save the world, and listening to me tell everything about the brave man, she I still remember what I did at that time..."

"Just like this," Mass said, raising the staff in his hand, clearing his throat, then slamming the staff to the ground, shouting in a high voice, "What the hell! I quit. ! Just kill me!"

"Eh?" Liu Ji was stunned, "She's actually a female warrior?"

"Yes, she is a female warrior, which is quite rare," Miss smiled, "By the way, she later became my wife..."

44. Some things, even if thousands of years have passed, are still fresh in our memories.

Liu Ji didn't expect that he had just casually mentioned the plot of the Demon King and the Hero falling in love, but here he met someone who had experienced it.

The Mass attracted several stone statues, and the cemetery is being renovated.

"Speaking of which, how will you deal with the moon later?" Liu Ji looked at the red moon in the sky, "It seems to be very quiet now..."

"Well... it actually just calmed down not long ago. What you want to ask is probably why I changed my mind about destroying the world in the future, right?" Mass said, "Actually, I don't know the specific reason. My lover is a A very unlucky hero. Before she was summoned, she seemed to have just been admitted to the school of her dreams and was about to go to the life she wanted..."

"That's not necessarily true," Liu Ji muttered. "She may have to defeat advanced mathematics... Oh, no, maybe she and I are not from the same world."

"Haha, every school in the world has some difficult subjects," Miss laughed, "but I think she will be fine, because she is really smart..."

"Yes... But, as a smart brave man, will she believe what you say?" Liu Ji asked doubtfully, "Although you are retired like me now, there is no reason to lie to me, a laid-off young man who is also retired, but You were the current Great Demon King at that time, and she was the current Hero?"

"She didn't believe in me, but believed in herself," Mass shrugged. "What did she call herself? She had a scumbag radar. She said she felt something was wrong when she came to this world. The king introduced her to a prince, and it turned out that She can smell the scum when he opens his mouth."

"Ah this..." Liu Ji's mouth twitched.

"Later, she secretly investigated the prince in secret, and found that the prince indeed had a bunch of mistresses outside," Mass said, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and for some reason there was a little pride on his face. "Then in her words, 'These shameless bitches are the worst at hiding things.' She secretly contacted the mistresses of these princes and deliberately had a quarrel with all of them. She successfully listened How the prince introduced her to these mistresses..."

"Ah, I've probably guessed what it's about," Liu Ji said with a subtle expression, countless scenes of bloody soap operas flashing through his mind.

"Haha, yes, they are all disgusting contents," Mass breathed out, "Which of the prince's mistresses doesn't dream of becoming a queen? How could she, the 'official wife' who suddenly appeared, not To make them unhappy, the prince went to find them. Naturally, he was in a hurry to do something and wanted to coax them as quickly as possible. This guy dared to say anything, such as, 'She is going to die anyway' and so on..."

"Okay," Liu Ji's mouth twitched, "The king must hate his rebellious son to death."

"No, he probably didn't have this chance," Mass smiled, "because I later took the time to go to the royal city for a tour, and then they no longer had to think about such complicated things."

"Huh?" Liu Ji blinked, and for some reason he smelled a sense of revenge...


It seems like private revenge.

That's okay.

"So, what happened to you later?" Liu Ji asked, "The brave men have rebelled, so why is the world not over yet?"

"Because...she is still a kind and brave person after all," said Mass. "She asked me to kill her at that time, but I didn't do it because I felt that I had no reason to kill her at all, and she noticed this..."

"Huh?" Liu Ji tilted his head, "Which point?"

"She realized that I actually just wanted revenge, but destroying the world became a convenient thing to do," said Mass. "Just like I didn't kill her, she felt that maybe there were many people that I shouldn't kill either. "

Miss breathed out slowly and continued: "Before she came to me, as a brave man, she also traveled half of the world to train herself.

Along the way, she met many people, some bad people, some good people, some interesting people, some annoying people, some happy people, some poor people,

We sat on the top of the royal city and watched the nobles flee in despair. She told me long, long stories about her travels...

But in fact, to be honest, I couldn't listen to these stories at all at the time. The more beautiful her stories were, the more I only recalled the people in my hometown, as well as my parents and sisters.

I don't understand why they have to have such an experience, why these beautiful stories can't belong to them. "

"So, what happened next?" Liu Ji asked, "Did you change your mind?"

"Later, the people from the Mysterious Sanctuary came," Mass smiled. "They came to me with the sinners who had colluded with the Duke to kill my family. They wanted to make a deal with me. The content of the deal was,' If he lives, I will stop my evil ways."

"Then you agreed?" Liu Ji raised his eyebrows.

"Haha, of course, I agreed," Mass said, with a smile on his face. "Guess what, that bastard turned out to be the son of the former director of the sanctuary.

That old bastard who thought he was responsible for the whole world sent his son into my hands in order to fulfill his damn responsibility, and made a good-looking appearance of making a great sacrifice for the world...

Then, I killed him, killed his son in front of him, and killed my last enemy in this world. "

"But, you can't actually solve this moon, can you?" Liu Ji swallowed.

"Yeah, hahahahaha, I can still think of that old bastard's livid face when he heard me weaving the magic theory of the moon," Mass said with a laugh, "At that moment, I really realized that I really Standing at the pinnacle of arcana in the entire world,

I fulfilled my dream and killed all my enemies,

Then, I smiled crazily, watching that old bastard tear off the last bit of his face, trying to kill me with his own hands in order to avenge his own evil, destroying my only shackles, and letting the blood moon hover freely from now on. Above this world, let the whole world be buried with it. "

"But, what I didn't expect was," Mass said, "At a time when the top managers of this world are trying to destroy the world, the brave man from another world has become the last person present who hopes to save the world.

She helped me block that attack, and then carried me all the way to this land, which was turned into a desert due to another catastrophe earlier in the year. "

"You have stayed here since then?" Liu Ji asked.

"Well, yes," Miss smiled, "After all, I had finished my revenge at that time. I had no pursuits and no worries. I just wanted to lie down and wait for death. She brought it here for me, so I just Just lying here,

In fact, I thought she just wanted to leave me here temporarily, because as long as I don't die, the red moon will only hover above my head, leaving me here, at least before I die, as long as I don't step into this desert, Then no one will be threatened by the red moon,

Then, I think she will probably leave on her own. After all, this is not her world. By doing this, she has done her best.

Next, she should take advantage of this time to enjoy her life...

But I didn't expect that she would always stay with me in this boring place with only endless yellow sand.

I asked her why she stayed here. The world would be destroyed sooner or later anyway, so she might as well go out and have fun and enjoy the rest of her good life.

As for what the world is like, after she dies, there will be no need to worry about the floods.

However, she said that she still likes this world. Although those kings and nobles are more annoying than the other, she believes that these self-righteous bastards cannot represent the entire world.

So, she wants me to find a way to save the world, because I'm the only one who can possibly do it, and she's going to be here with me until I change my mind. "

"Isn't it ironic?" Mass looked at Liu Ji, "The last hope to save the world turned out to be the culprit who is about to destroy the world.

It's a pity that I had no motivation to do such a thing at the time, but she, I'm serious, she, well, I don't know what to say,

She is from another world, and her species has a lifespan of only a hundred years, but I have nearly twice her lifespan.

She is really as she said, always here with me,

After getting along for a long time, we gradually fell in love. I made some magic dolls and held a wedding just for the two of us.

She said, just right, she is a person who is going to die anyway, and I am a person who thinks about dying all the time.

I accompanied her through her most beautiful years, and then watched her grow old. Unfortunately, probably because of racial barriers, just like the brave men in history, we have never been able to have a child.

In the end, she spent her whole life here..."

Having said this, Mass once again touched the tombstone at hand.

Liu Ji looked at him and swallowed, not knowing what to say.

"At the end of her life, I asked her again why she stayed here all the time...she, who was already as white as frost, said that she had forgotten it a long time ago," Miss said, raising her head slightly and looking at the distant place. Sky, "It's just that she said she still remembered that she had traveled half of the continent, and she wanted to tell me those beautiful stories at that time...

It's just that she is such an old fool...

She is so old that she has forgotten those stories. I don’t know how many times I have heard her tell them..."

45. Survive or fight?

"After years of research, I finally found just one way to control the blood moon."

As he said this, he raised his right hand flatly.

Then, under Liu Ji's shocked eyes, his right hand turned into fine gravel and fell to the ground.

Then, he moved his shoulders slightly, and a wisp of dust floated up from the ground and turned into his arm, which Liu Ji stared at for a moment.

"As long as I don't die, the Blood Moon will not leave. As long as I stay in the desert, the Blood Moon won't harm many people," Mass said with a bitter smile on his face, "So, I might as well put myself and this person together. The desert is connected together, and I become a part of this desert. If the desert is immortal, I will live forever.

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