It’s not that I don’t want to change back, it’s mainly, how should I put it…

Sleeping in bed, understand?

It’s just that when I became a potato, without a mobile phone, the boundary between “sleeping for five more minutes” and “sleeping for five more hours” was really a bit blurred, and I slept for more than ten hours without realizing it.

Yeah, that’s right, it was unconscious, it was definitely not because photosynthesis was too good to forget.

“Forget it, I won’t die anyway, it doesn’t matter if I stay one more day…” Thinking of this, Liu Ji stretched out the branches and leaves with peace of mind.

Then on the third day, it rained.

Rainy days are not suitable for traveling, and the moisture of rain is very comfortable, so Liu Ji decided to stay one more day.

On the fourth day, the sun was shining, and it had just rained, so the comfort level during the day was much higher than the previous few days. If I don’t enjoy this good weather as a potato, it would be a bit of a waste, so Liu Ji decided to stay one more day.

On the fifth day, it was still very comfortable today, so I stayed one more day.

On the sixth day, the moisture in the soil was just right, so I stayed one more day.

On the seventh day, it rained a little. It was great to have both rain and sunshine...

The eighth day...



"King, it's been a month," the old arcanist leaned over and said, "The boys' spirits have reached their limit..."

"Well, I know..." the old king replied slowly, reluctantly withdrawing his gaze from the star map.

A month has passed, and no matter how many times it is restarted, the image presented on the star map is always that wild field full of weeds, without a single change.

Even if it is unacceptable, the king understands that it is time to declare the summoning ceremony a failure.

With a long sigh, the old king slowly walked towards his throne.

He sat on it and was silent for a long time.

Then, he said: "Go down and rest, and hold the summoning again in a month."

"But the money in the treasury is not enough for the second summoning..." The old arcanist looked bitter.

"Yes, I know," the old king said in a deep voice, "but it's just that the treasury has no money. It's time for my extravagant brothers and nephews to live a hard life."

3. Who told you that a hero must save the world?

Today is probably the sixtieth day since Liu Ji became a potato.

Well, probably.

If a person does not have a calendar, it is easy to forget the date, let alone become a potato, the perception of time is naturally more vague. It is said to be sixty days, or it may be more than sixty days, or seventy days or something like that.

It's not that he doesn't want to leave, the main thing is, how to say it, being a potato is unexpectedly quite comfortable.

No need to eat, no need to drink, just bask in the sun every day, photosynthesis, and a day will pass.

Thinking of Liu Ji's previous life, he was bald in three years of high school, and he had to take a driver's license test after graduation. He thought he could relax when he went to college, but he found that he was deceived for a full eighteen years. College is not easy at all. Just advanced mathematics and English made Liu Ji stunned, not to mention tons of professional courses.

After living for half of his life, the only feeling he has is tiredness.

Especially when chatting with various senior graduates, hearing them complain about the hardships of office life, Liu Ji feels even more exhausted physically and mentally, as if people have to be so busy all their lives and can never stop to rest.

In comparison, being a wild potato may really be easier.

No danger, no pressure, nothing to do, nothing to think about, no worries, no efforts, just basking in the sun comfortably, just watching time pass day by day.

Sometimes, Liu Ji even thinks about being a potato for life...

Well, that's still not good.

Human life is still much more exciting after all.

But if it's just a short vacation, he doesn't mind being lazy for another month or two.



In the royal court, the old king looked at the slowly moving star map, waiting for the oracle to appear.

After the last summoning failed, he spent a month, at the cost of several nobles' heads, and finally saved up enough resources for the second summoning.

Now, the summoning has ended, and the astrological secrets are dispelling the fog of fate and revealing the location of the summoned.

He waited quietly.

One minute, ten minutes, one hour, several hours...

This time, the star map changed very slowly. After a whole day and night, the picture finally gradually emerged.

However, when the drowsy king saw the scene in the picture, he suddenly opened his eyes wide.

The place presented in the picture was not somewhere else, but in the royal court, under the star map.

There, a strong man wearing a red cloak, carrying a long sword and shield, wearing light armor, with short brown hair, a righteous face and a firm expression was standing proudly on the spot.

If there is a template for the image of a "hero", it is definitely like this.

Wang Yi lowered his head and cast his eyes to the center of the magic circle. Sure enough, just like in the star map, the brave man was standing there.

"Are you looking for me?" The man asked in a deep and deep voice.

"Yes, yes," the old king stood up excitedly, "Brave warrior from another world! We are the ones who summoned you here! Please save this world and the people!"

"Well, is that the case again? I understand," the man nodded.

"Ah? Again?" The old king was a little stunned.

"Yes, again..." The man in the red cloak smiled, and the smile on his righteous face was as bright as the sun. "You are not the first person to summon me. You are right. I am a hero from another world. Before this, I have saved three worlds on the verge of destruction."

"This... Then, you will save our world too, right?" The old king's tone was somewhat uncontrollably excited.

He could actually summon a hero with such legendary experience. He suddenly felt that this second summoning that emptied the entire country did not seem so difficult to accept.

"Save 'your' world? Oh, of course, I am a hero. Saving the world is my mission," the man who called himself a hero smiled, and exaggeratedly emphasized the word "you".

Then, he walked towards the old king, stretched out his hands, and held up his cheeks.

"Hey, you, what are you doing?" The old king was still immersed in surprise, but the hero's sudden move made him a little overwhelmed.

Ordinarily, this should be an action for the princess?

Why did he do this to him?

Could it be that this hero has that kind of interest?

He... Could it be that he wants to, to sacrifice his... chastity for the world?

Just as the king was thinking about it, the hero spoke.

"What a beautiful crown," the hero smiled brightly, holding both sides of the king's head with both hands, and gently supporting the crown on his head with his middle finger, "beautiful rubies, exquisite patterns, intricately carved hollow patterns, exquisite craftsmanship..."

"Hey, your hands are a bit heavy, can you let me go?" The elderly king felt that the man's hands were gradually exerting force, clamping his head tighter and tighter.

However, the hero ignored the king.

"Stop! Although you are a hero! But you can't disrespect the king!" The royal knight in golden armor seemed to be unable to bear it, and shouted at the man.

Similarly, the hero ignored him.

Instead, he kept staring at the crown, as if he was obsessed with it, constantly muttering words like "so beautiful" and "so beautiful", holding the king's head with both hands and constantly lifting it up.

"No, please stop, no, it hurts, uh, ah ah..." The king's head was pulled by him, and the whole person was lifted up, forced to tiptoe, and constantly struggling.

"Asshole! I told you to stop!" The knight in golden armor roared and punched the man.

The fist blew, and a golden shadow appeared around him, and the golden emblem symbolizing the royal knight shone brightly at the end of the fist.

Obviously, this royal knight with the top strength of the kingdom was really angry, and his move was thunderous.

Finally, the brave man looked at him.

Just a glance, then his right foot kicked towards the knight in golden armor at a speed that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

The next moment, the entire upper body of the golden knight exploded into blood. The fragments of his internal organs and the fragments of his metal armor hit the entire wall. With a clang, the lower body of the golden knight fell to the ground, and blood and intestines were all over the ground.

"Uh, no, Liu Jins! Ah! Ah!" Wang looked at the remains of the knight, his eyes wide open, full of horror.

He could hear his skull wailing, and the creaking sound was like the last countdown of his life.


A huge fire dragon appeared out of thin air and blasted the man's back.

The arcane master looked solemn, as if facing a great enemy.

Then, all the arcane masters off the field also launched an attack, and countless arcane missiles and magic attacks were concentrated on the brave.

However, when these powerful magic attacks met the scarlet cloak of the man, they were absorbed by the abyss black hole, without causing any damage to the man.

The only impact was that the cloak became brighter, redder, and more dazzling.

Then, it seemed to have reached a critical point.

The cloak bloomed with a dazzling brilliance like a solar flare.

The blazing heat swept across the entire royal court, and hundreds of arcane mages were burned into black charcoal before they could even scream. The life-saving shield held up by the arcane master melted quickly like lard thrown into a hot pot, leaving the strongest arcane master in the kingdom to watch in despair as the magic energy far beyond his understanding took his life.

And the man who called himself a brave man did not even look back at them.

He was concentrating on gently pushing the crown with his middle finger, pushing it out from the top of the king's head little by little.

Crunch, crunch.

The king felt that his ear bones had been crushed into pieces, and his eyeballs kept protruding, as if they were about to jump out of his eye sockets.

Crunch, crunch.

The king's eyes were blood red, and the excruciating pain made him want to scream loudly, but the shattered jaws made him only whimper like a mosquito.




The brain exploded and blood splattered.

The headless body suddenly collapsed, and the red gem on the blood-stained crown became more dazzling.

Blood and filth flowed down the hands of the hero, but the hero didn't care at all. He gently turned the crown and put it on his head.

Then, he kicked the king's body away, lifted his cloak, and sat on the blood-stained throne.

"Now, this is 'our' world."

As he said that, he threw a blood-stained heart from his pocket, threw it on the ground, and crushed it with one foot.



At the same time, somewhere in the world, several vultures were pecking at a corpse.

It was the corpse of a Japanese high school student in modern clothes.

He opened his eyes wide, stretched his arms and legs, and his face was full of fear.

And in his chest, there was a terrifying hole.

And there, his heart seemed to have disappeared long ago.

4. Buried in the ground, covered in the soil, no matter how many generations

Liu Ji no longer knew how long he had been a potato.

A few years... Oh no, it couldn't be that short.

Maybe decades? Well, maybe hundreds or thousands of years?

Ah... I don't know.

In short, this vacation was much longer than he imagined.

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