A long time ago, he tried countless times to return to his human form and search for villages and towns, but he failed every time, leaving him hungry and exhausted.

He even suspected that there was no human settlement nearby, and no trace of human activity could be found at all.

No footprints could be found, no voices could be heard, no smoke could be seen, and no roads could be seen.

In the end, he had no choice but to give up.

After all, Liu Ji is just an ordinary college student who has studied all his life and has almost no knowledge about survival in the wild.

In fact, he regretted it a little. Maybe he should have watched a few episodes of Wilderness Survival before, but it was too late to say anything now.

I have no knowledge of wilderness survival, I don’t know where I am, and I am in a different world. I don’t know if some common sense of pathfinding will be useful.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know how to find edible food, and he doesn't know whether the otherworldly food he finds is edible.

Unable to find anything to eat, he was forced to frequently turn into potatoes and rely on photosynthesis to provide energy for his body.

Over time, he simply stopped being a human being.

Just feel at ease and be his potato.

Are you bored?

A little bit at first.

But when potatoes have been kept for a long time, the mentality and time concept have changed. I don’t want to move, I don’t want to do anything, I have no pressure, and I have no motivation.

When Liu Ji accepted that he was a potato, everything became natural.

As a potato, as long as it is not dug out and eaten, it is considered a success.

Other pursuits...

Well, pray for good weather tomorrow or something?

When the weather is good, photosynthesis is really a very comfortable thing.

And it seems that because he has been in a different world and absorbed the nutrients of the earth for a long time, Liu Ji feels that some kind of power from the earth is constantly gathering in his body.

The speed was very slow, but it couldn't stop Liu Ji from being a potato for so long. After so many years, he felt that the energy accumulated in his body had reached a certain level...

Well, he doesn’t know what state he is in.

And he didn't know if this feeling of being in the middle was really that, or if it was just an illusion brought to him when his roots were expanding.

He also transformed back into a human in his early years, but he didn't feel much change in his body.

But then again, after all these years, if he, as a potato, keeps growing...


How big should it be?



In the dense forest that no one has penetrated for thousands of years, an ancient tree that is thousands of years old stands tall.

A large human-shaped tiger with striking eyes and a white forehead, wearing thick leather and light armor, was hanging on the treetop. He looked around, then jumped down from the tree with a slight jump.

There were two people standing under the tree. On one side was a small girl wearing a shabby robe, and on the other side was a young man wearing black coarse cloth with a long knife on his waist.

"The environment around here is not bad. There is no trace of tribal activities, and there is no smell of powerful monsters." The tiger man stood up, patted the leaves stuck to his body, and faced the two people waiting under the tree. Said, "I think if we find a water source, we should be able to start building our new home."

"I'm not worried about the Warcraft, but I'm afraid that the Empire's minions will reach here soon." The young man with the long sword shook his head slightly, "It would be good to build a temporary shelter. As for the new home, don't have too much expectations. Bar……"

"Ah? That's not it..." Tiger Man scratched his head, "We have already crossed the Bone Burial Desert. No matter how lingering those bastards are, they can't chase us here, right?"

"Yes, we have crossed the Bone Burial Desert. Do you think those monsters can't cross it?" The young man with the sword shrugged.

"Yes, they can come, but they have no reason to come," the tiger man spread his hands, "According to those guys in the fields, there are no civilized settlements here at all. They can't come here just to open up wasteland for farming. ?”

"Who knows, before their entire underground city-state was bombed and sunk, the dwarves thought that the tyrant's brain circuits could be guessed in a normal way," the young man with the sword sighed, "but in the end, they were just waiting for the tyrant. Negotiate with them and wait until the entire ethnic group is buried in the ground. What do you think the bastards are trying to do by burying these dwarfs and all their wealth and creations accumulated over tens of thousands of years?"

"Uh..." The tiger man was speechless for a moment, thought for a while, and asked, "Perhaps which dwarf has offended him?"

"That's great. I guess someone from the tiger tribe and the dragon blood tribe have offended him," the young man with the sword said with a bitter smile, "It sounds like we will all be finished sooner or later."

"Ha, you are still as good at talking as ever," the tiger man sighed, looked at the little girl who had remained silent, and asked, "Ayin, what about you, what do you think?"

"Hmm... I'm thinking about a question." The little girl named Yayin took two steps forward and stretched out her staff behind the two of them. "Tell me, what is that thing?"

"Ah? What the hell?" The tiger man looked back, then turned back with a blank look on his face, "Is there anything strange behind us?"

"Well, it's right there," Yayin pointed forward again.

"Huh?" The young man with a long sword looked in the direction Ya Yin pointed and asked in a very uncertain tone, "Stumped, are you referring to this huge three-meter-high bush?"

"This is not a shrub. I don't know how to say it, but I think..." Yayin scratched her face, "I feel like this is a potato plant that has been magnified countless times."



Liu Ji felt a little strange.

He felt like he was losing something, but he also felt like he wasn't losing anything.

After so many years, this was the first time he had this feeling, which was similar to someone cutting his hair, or cutting his nails.

The feeling was not painful or itchy, and it only lasted for a while and stopped quickly, so he didn't take it seriously.

But the problem is that this feeling appeared once after a while, and then again after a while, and appeared about five or six times in a very short period of time.

The feeling was a bit subtle. Although it was like having your nails cut without any pain or itching, it felt like if you left it alone, maybe one day you would get your fingertips cut.

"Am I sick?" Liu Ji couldn't help but think.

Although he didn't know much about agriculture, he subconsciously felt that maybe he was affected by some pests and diseases?

For example, is there some kind of bug chewing on his leaves?

Come to think of it, it seems that he has not turned back into human form for a long, long time.

Maybe... it's time for him to turn back into a human and go out for some fresh air.

5. Tears in my eyes, how many years have I not seen a living person

"I didn't expect this to be a potato," the big tiger sat by the fire, chewing on the roasted potato, and said vaguely, "It's worthy of being the world on the other side of the burial desert, there are such strange things."

Next to him was a half-person-high earth pit, and the long-knife young man was standing in the pit, holding a small piece of root and looking back and forth.

Next to him were several potatoes of different sizes piled up. Judging from the freshness of the soil on them, they should have been dug out of the ground just now.

"Ah, you two are eating it now?" Yayin came over, looked at the big tiger, and frowned, "Although this thing looks like a potato, it is indeed a potato when dug out, and it tastes like a potato when roasted, but..."

"But it tastes like a potato, so it is a potato," the big tiger waved his hand, "Yayin, you are too cautious. Although this is behind the desert, we don't have to be afraid of a potato, right?"

"Well... okay, I hope you don't die of poisoning," Yayin put her hands on her waist, speechless, "Otherwise we will lose a coolie to repair the house."

"Huh? Have you decided to build a house here?" The big tiger was stunned for a moment.

"Well, I have investigated nearby and can build a temporary residence," Yayin nodded, "Whether to live here for a long time is another matter, but at least when other people arrive here, they can have a place to sleep well."

"Others..." The young man with a long sword looked up into the distance and sighed leisurely.

"Hey, brother, stop sighing," the big tiger slapped the young man with the long sword on his butt, "Calidora is the strongest descendant of the Holy Dragon in your tribe, they will be fine."

"Well, you are right," the young man with the long sword nodded, "I should believe her, and I can only believe her. If something happens to her, I really don't know what I will do..."

While speaking, suddenly, the young man with the long sword felt the ground under his feet began to tremble, and the pit he was in seemed to be collapsing.

"What's going on? Earthquake?" He was startled and jumped out of the pit, but found that the land nearby was all collapsing and sinking, and something seemed to be moving in the soil.

"Hey, hey, hey, what the hell is going on!?" The big tiger next to him was also startled. He was sitting on the ground eating potatoes. This sudden change made his butt sink into the soil. The fire in front of him fell towards his crotch along the collapsed and tilted soil. His dry grass pants suddenly emitted a burnt smell, which scared him to deal with the crotch fire crisis in a panic.

Beside him, Yayin was floating in the air, looking at the scene in front of him with doubts, muttering to himself: "What the hell, I told you not to eat anything randomly, what the hell is this..."

"What the hell? Help me! I'm about to catch fire!" The big tiger screamed and pulled the dry firewood burning in front of his crotch.

The next moment, a large ball of liquid appeared out of thin air and poured directly into his crotch, and then a lot of soil floated up, holding his armpits and lifting him up like a cat.

The big tiger looked at his soaked crotch and was about to say something, but when he looked up, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

In front of him, the land with a radius of hundreds of meters was collapsing. In the center of the collapse, the giant potato plant that was more than three meters high was slowly shrinking.

"This, is this caused by that potato? What is this? Magic? Or is there something underground?" The big tiger looked at the scene in front of him in doubt.

With such a big movement, if there is really something hidden underground...

He swallowed his saliva.

"No, no, none of them," the young man with a long sword not far away suddenly spoke, his eyes sparkling, and his golden dragon pupils scanned the ground, "This is just, this thing, it is shrinking... My God, what a huge root system it must be..."

"Shrinking? What shrinking? You said the root system of this potato is shrinking?" The big tiger was amazed, "How is this possible? Wood fiber is not octopus tentacles, how can it be so elastic?"

"How do I know, but it's shrinking!" The young man with the long sword said, and the big tree beside him suddenly fell down, scaring him to dodge.

Yain waved his staff, and another pile of soil floated up, lifting the young man with the long sword into the sky.

At this time, not only the tree just now, but also the nearby trees began to tilt and fall due to the large-scale collapse of the land. A terrifying huge pit was formed in the land with a radius of hundreds of meters.

In the center of the huge pit, the huge plant that was more than three meters high had shrunk by more than half, and the speed of shrinkage was getting faster and faster. There was even a human-shaped shadow in the distance.

"This, potatoes have become spirits? Potato people?" Big Tiger asked in confusion, "Or is there any race that can turn into plants? Wood elves?"

"I have never heard of wood elves that can turn into potatoes," Yain frowned slightly, "Don't guess blindly, this is the other side of the desert, no one knows what will happen here, be prepared, but don't act rashly, don't take the initiative to attack."

"Ah, well, although I say that, I really can't muster the strength to hang in the sky," Big Tiger was hung up long, his face full of helplessness.

Although it is a humanoid cat, it is still a cat after all.

The young man with a long sword on the side did not say a word, but silently put his left hand on the scabbard.

The three looked at the shrinking potato plant in front of them as if they were facing a great enemy, watching it drop from three meters to two meters, and finally gradually dropped to one meter, or even less than one meter.

The green branches and leaves gradually disappeared, showing a healthy wheat-colored skin.

The three saw clearly that it was a person.

A person with half of his body buried in the soil.

The man had the face of an ordinary human, naked, strong, and long, soft, bright green hair.


Yes, bright green hair.

It was so bright that it felt like there was chlorophyll in it.

"Hey, Yain, have you ever heard of any race with green hair?" Big Tiger asked in a low voice, "I remember that even the wood elves have green hair on their heads from the leaves on their hair, not the hair itself, right?"

"So I've said it so many times, this is the world on the other side of the desert," Yain rolled her eyes at him, "Maybe this is what the indigenous people here look like."

"Hiss... Then, do you think he can understand our common language?" Big Tiger hesitated.

Yain ignored him.

She was too lazy to answer questions that just wanted to hear others answer "I don't know".

Under the nervous gaze of the three people, the strange man opened his eyes.

Then he screamed, covered his eyes again, and shouted loudly: "Woc! It's so dazzling!"

The words were clear and loud, but... the three people couldn't understand them at all.

"Ha, I guess you know the answer now," Yain shrugged at the tiger.

"Well... maybe he can speak multiple languages?" The tiger still didn't give up.

As the two talked, the strange man with green hair finally opened his eyes slowly, shielding the sun with his hands.

He first looked under himself, then around, and finally cast his eyes on the three people floating in the air.

Then, he opened his mouth wide.

The three people were immediately startled, thinking that he was going to spit out some magic light killing cannon from his mouth, and they all took a defensive posture out of fear.

Of course, the attack they imagined did not come, they only saw the strange man's mouth trembling, and two crystal tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

6. Great, applaud you

Liu Ji didn't know how long he hadn't seen a living human.

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