Blood splashed out like a squashed magma bug, and then suddenly turned into a burst of blood and gathered in the tent.

The sudden change made all the "rebels" present dumbfounded.

Until just now, they only thought that Liu Ji was a weakling with a weird way of punching and was extremely resistant to punching.

However, the power of Liu Ji's punch was completely beyond their understanding.

Don't look at their leader's short stature, he is a real elite knight-level warrior of the principality, just, just got hit in one second?

The gap is too big, it is completely beyond their understanding.

How to describe this feeling, it's like you go to an ordinary noodle restaurant on the side of the road and order a bowl of noodles, but when you pay the bill, you find that the total is 180,000.

The only difference is that if you eat noodles, you can call the police.

But now, they can't do anything.

Moreover, they are stunned, and the potato kids don't intend to be stunned with them.

While they were stunned, the potatoes had already rushed into the crowd with their weapons raised. In just a few seconds, a large number of heads of the rebels had already flown out.

At this time, one of the rebels saw his friend turned into a headless fountain in front of him, and he screamed heartbreakingly.

This scream finally woke up these stunned rebels.

But, what can they do after waking up?

Nowadays, any potato kid is enough to chop them up, not to mention that there is Yuan, whose combat power is obviously beyond their understanding, leading the team, and Liu Ji, a hidden monster standing in front of them. Even if they wake up, what can they do?

At this moment, Liu Ji and "his seven men in black robes" are like the devil in the eyes of these villagers and rebels.

They wanted to fight back, but found that they were so powerless when waking up.

They wanted to escape, but found that their escape speed was so slow.

They screamed loudly, but the heaven and earth did not respond.

They desperately begged for mercy, but the gods and ghosts did not answer.

The seven potato boys, like seven death gods harvesting lives, were killing in the whole village like phantoms.

Wherever they passed, corpses were everywhere.

And Liu Ji himself was like a disaster that crushed everything while strolling in the garden. With a casual punch, one person was blasted to pieces.

All those who were about to run out of the village gate would be blown into blood flowers all over the sky by his punch.

Even those who wanted to escape over the wall would be directly hammered in the sky.

The low houses in this village could not provide them with cover at all, and the figures of all those who wanted to escape were exposed.

They looked at the dilapidated gate with despair in their eyes.

Over there, there was hope of life.

Here, there was a dead end.

But, at this moment, in their eyes, Liu Ji was like a wall of despair, blocking the two.

They looked at the exit that was only a few dozen meters away from them, but they felt that the distance was as far as from the earth to the top of the sky.

At this time, the commotion in the village also attracted the attention of other volunteers who were waiting outside the village. They gathered at the entrance of the village and looked inside curiously.

Seeing them, the volunteers and villagers who had lost their minds suddenly seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw. They didn't care whether these people came in just to increase the number of heads sent, and immediately shouted for help.

However, looking at the purgatory-like scenery in the village, how could this group of people have the courage to come in? They were frightened and turned around and ran away.

And their departing backs became the last straw that crushed the spirits of the people in the village.

For a while, the cries of collapse sounded one after another in the village, and the splashing blood and steaming blood mist made this place look like a purgatory on earth.

Hearing their cries, some fleeing volunteers seemed to soften their hearts and couldn't help but look back at the village.

However, their sight was taken away by another thing.

A sturdy figure wearing a black robe and holding a black heavy sword, nearly two meters tall, rushed out of the village and rushed straight towards them.

The knife flashed, and the dark lines cut through the sky.

With one knife, dozens of people were cut in half.

Blood splattered, and after a brief moment of shock, the rebels screamed heartbreakingly and fled around at the speed of light.

However, in Yuan's view, this was just a meaningless struggle.

Grandpa said, don't leave anyone alive.

Then, don't run away.



Underground, the old man with a beard raised his head and felt the flow of magic from the surface.

"Oh, really, a sly kid..." The old man muttered to himself.

He naturally understood what the flow of magic meant. The forbidden spell magic array had begun to start, and it was operating at a very fast speed. It was estimated that it would be completed soon.

Obviously, Liu Ji had pigeoned him.

Liu Ji had no intention of coming down since he went up.

It was still in time to catch up now, but he couldn't leave.

As he said, he couldn't let these blood bees continue to exist. This kind of evil was once the wild creature that humans were most afraid of encountering. In history, the Mysterious Sanctuary spent hundreds of years to successfully eliminate these creatures and only left a few samples for research and breeding.

Now, if these things are left alone, there is no guarantee that they will come back.

As for Liu Ji and others, he has his own way to find them.

After all, there is no one in this world who can escape the pursuit of the Mysterious Sanctuary.

"Then we'll see you next time, cunning boy," the old man said, and walked forward.

He approached the cliff step by step, and then stepped out directly when he was at the edge.

However, he did not fall.

As if walking on some invisible road, he slowly walked towards the center of the entire underground space.

As he walked, he chanted the spell.

Circles of runes from ancient times appeared behind him, and a huge door with vicissitudes slowly opened above his head.

The ancient breath and chanting came out of the door, and the roar across the long river of time resounded throughout the underground.

The phantom of the giant dragon with a length of hundreds of meters descended here.

If Liu Ji was here, he would be very surprised.

Because this dragon, from the appearance alone, is very similar to the dragon that died outside the city of Mir, the dragon that the old man called his son.



The massacre is over.

In just a few minutes, all the villagers and the rebels were wiped out.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Ji felt his hands trembling.

Although he thought he had adapted to this world.

Although he believed from the bottom of his heart that these people deserved to die.

But after a one-sided massacre, he could not feel any joy in his heart.

At this moment, he understood why many villains in stories disdain to deal with weak enemies.

This feeling is really not good.

It is far from the passion when defeating a strong enemy. There is only instinctive discomfort and temporary guilt.

If it is not necessary, he thought, he would not want to have a similar experience next time.

Walking through the streets of the village, his eyes drifted over the houses on the side.

There was a wife slave hiding there.

Through the leaky window, Liu Ji met her eyes.

He clearly saw the endless fear and pleading for survival in the other's eyes.

Did he save them?

Liu Ji didn't know.

But at least, he did give them the possibility to survive.

Can this be considered a brave act?

Killing the persecutor in order to save a slave, it seems that many novels write this way.

But, for some reason, he always felt that the way she looked at him was like looking at a demon king.


Liu Ji looked at the village.

Because the blood and energy were sucked away by the magic array, the whole village was full of shriveled corpses or broken human tissues. It looked dead, like a demon village, as if a group of zombies might drill out of the ground at any time.

And beside Liu Ji, seven potato boys holding various weapons stood around, and the murderous aura overflowed in silence, especially the big sword from Wangqi in Yuan's hand, which exuded a chaotic and ominous atmosphere.

Sure enough... it looked like a demon king no matter how you looked at it.

As a brave man who retired before taking up his post, Liu Ji felt that he was probably really a talent.

At this time, Yayin's voice came from the tent.

"Come in, we should go."

"Oh, OK," Liu Ji agreed, took one last look at the village, then turned around and led the Potato Boys into the tent.

As red streams of light flashed, a hemispherical stream of light eggs gradually formed, slowly wrapping the entire tent.

Then, the flowing light condensed into a dazzling light gate in the upper room of the hemisphere.

The light gate slowly rotated, drifted, and kept falling downward.

Dazzling light spots filled the entire hemisphere.

Then, suddenly, accompanied by a sharp and unstable fluctuation, the entire tent and the ground below it disappeared instantly, leaving only an extremely neat semicircular pit.



After a while.

At the entrance of the village, a team of hunters brought by three Shangxiang women came here.

They originally planned to come here to inquire about the intelligence of the rebels and slave trade here, but when they came here, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Hundreds of mutilated mummies were scattered all over the fields. The village not far away was dead, and only the cries of women could be heard from inside.

The hunters walked to the door carefully, looked inside, and immediately gasped.

This village seemed to have become a dead place. There were mummies and shrunken limbs everywhere.

After setting up the formation, the hunters entered here carefully.

They thought that some terrifying group of monsters attacked here, but the magic to detect monsters did not respond at all.

They followed the sound of crying and finally found several disabled wife slaves in a small house.

Seeing them, the wife slaves seemed very scared. The hunters took a lot of effort to calm them down.

Then, the hunters asked them what happened here.

But, it seemed that because of excessive fear, these women could not even say a complete sentence.

Their final harvest was only one keyword that they kept muttering...

"Green-haired demon king".

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