144. Two-in-one. In principle, you can’t eat it, but you can still try it.

With a muffled clang, the hemispherical piece of soil fell to the ground, and the tent above it fell into a pile of debris.

"Bah, bah..." Liu Ji spit out the mud in his mouth and got out of the soil.

Behind him, Yuan He and six potato cubs also popped up.

The brothers were used to living in the soil, but they were not as embarrassed as Liu Ji.

Yayin stood in a magic bubble, slowly floating down from the air, looked at the sky, took out the map and looked at it, nodded and said: "Well... at least the direction is correct, but the distance is not sure..."

"Ah? Where are we going?" Liu Ji patted the dirt on his body and looked around.

At first glance, it seemed that there were ordinary mountain gardens nearby. I didn’t know where they were exactly, and there didn’t seem to be many people there.

This is quite normal. In a world like this, the area of ​​human settlements is not even one percent of the wilderness. If there is no precise location or some kind of guidance, most of the information will eventually reach the wasteland.

“Of course we’re going to Kaga Holy Capital,” Yayin said. “After all, we agreed to gather there. Although I don’t know where the phase storm sent them, I still have to go and take a look first. "

"Oh, that's right," Liu Ji let out a sigh, "I can finally go to a big city. Living in the open air, I really miss the hotel rooms and guild food in Mill City."

"Well, how should I put it? It's better not to have high hopes," Yayin sighed, "When we were still in Mir City, many cities were attacked by the tyrant's troops. The situation there now How, it’s really hard to say.”

"Really..." Liu Ji scratched his head, "But after all, it is the largest city nearby, so it shouldn't be defeated so easily, right?"

"Well, I think so, but we don't rule out unexpected situations," Yayin said. "For example, if the tyrant himself takes action, basically no city can stop it."

"Ah, that's true," Liu Ji scratched his hair.

If an atomic bomb was dropped directly, no one would be able to withstand it.

In addition, the tyrant didn't come to find them, so it's not impossible that he was killing them somewhere.

The two people here were chatting when suddenly, Yuan poked Liu Ji's shoulder.

"Grandpa, brothers are all hungry," Yuan asked in a low voice, "When will we have dinner?"

"Eh? Ah, it seems it's time for dinner..." Liu Ji said, turning to Yayin and asking, "Shall we have a meal first and then leave?"

"Well, you arrange it, I just want to confirm our location," Yain said casually, waved his hand gently, put out the kitchen utensils and stored ingredients in the magic space, and then took the map and magic Stick, go fiddle with your own.

Although they had all had ready-made food in the village before, they had not replenished supplies during this period. These brats ate too much, and there really wasn't much food left.

This meal was good enough, but the next meal may not be so good.

"Yuan, take your brothers out to get some prey and come back," Liu Ji said, "otherwise you won't be able to eat your next meal."

When the Potato Boys heard this, didn’t they have enough to eat? That’s okay!

One by one, they immediately jumped up from the ground, agreed, and rushed towards the forest with knives, axes and sticks.

Looking at their backs, Liu Ji touched the corners of his mouth.

Sure enough, these guys are more active than anyone else in eating.

It's good to be there. A life that is easy to satisfy will always lead a happier life.

"Okay, now let me take a look, these ingredients are enough to prepare several dishes..." Liu Ji muttered, and also started to empty the pots and pans.



In the forest, a middle-aged man was walking hard with a young girl on his back.

The man looked to be in his thirties or forties, with a strong build, short hair, and was dressed in commoner clothes. A broad sword about one meter long hung on his waist.

The girl looked to be about ten years old. She was thin and had chestnut-brown shoulder-length hair. She was wearing a coarse robe.

The two men looked very embarrassed, with dark red stains on their trousers. It was unclear whether they were blood stains.

As the man walked, he raised his eyes and glanced at the sky.

The sun has already reached the west side, and it will probably be dark in two hours.

If it were normal times, it would already be dinner time.

The man turned his head and glanced at the girl on his back, then glanced at the road behind him. After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and continued to move forward.

It's still not safe enough here to stop.

He has to move on...


No, in short, just keep going.

Every extra step you take gives you a little more hope of survival.

However, as soon as the man took two steps, he heard the girl's weak voice coming from behind him.

"Dad, I'm a little hungry..."

The man paused, and he instinctively wanted to answer "just hold on a little longer" as before.

But when the words reached his mouth, they got stuck in his throat.

Although the girl said she was a little hungry, but...

In the past two days, they had only eaten two meals of wild fruits picked from the roadside.

Even the man himself was already dizzy from hunger, let alone his young daughter...

The man hesitated again and again, but stopped.

No, they have to find something to eat first. If they continue like this, they may starve to death before they find a safe place.

But it was a remote place, and it was getting dark. Where could they find food?

But seeing his daughter's expectant eyes, the man swallowed his saliva, forced a smile, and said, "Okay, then, Dad will take you to find food..."

After that, he continued to walk into the forest with the girl on his back.

This time he slowed down and focused his attention on the ground nearby.

At this moment, the food sources he could find were very limited.

It was nothing more than mushrooms, fruit and berries.

But in this season, even collecting these most common foods was not easy.

The man opened his front pocket and searched for these things on the ground as much as possible while walking.

If they were lucky, they should be able to find something to fill their stomachs before dark.

At least, they shouldn't be so hungry that they couldn't sleep at night...

However, just after walking a few steps, the man suddenly heard a faint noise of laughter in the distance.

"Someone!?" The man was immediately scared and turned around and wanted to run.

But just as he turned and took a step, he stopped again.

Something was wrong...

This cheerful noise was obviously wrong.

How could those machines that only knew how to kill make such cheerful laughter?

"Is it other fugitives? Or nearby residents?" The man couldn't help but think so.

If that's the case, then maybe they can be saved?

No, that's not right, it could also be bandits in the wild.

If they encounter bandits and robbers in this state, then everything will be over...


Looking at his pale daughter behind him, the man couldn't help but think that if, if it was really a nearby resident, maybe they could have a hot meal right away and have a place to sleep peacefully.

This is better than picking a bunch of half-ripe wild fruits in the wild, filling their stomachs with dry food, and then sleeping on palm leaves in the wild in the cold wind all night.

The man himself didn't care, but his daughter...

"No, I have to go and take a look..." He swallowed.

At least I have to take a sneak peek.

Even if the probability of meeting a good guy or a bad guy is 50-50, it is worth trying his luck.

"Xiaojia, don't make a sound next time," the man whispered.

The girl was confused, but she nodded slowly.

Or maybe she didn't have the strength to speak.

The man gritted his teeth, forced a breath, controlled his body, and walked towards the direction of the sound.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters...

The man moved forward quietly, and heard the sound getting closer.

Gradually, he heard some other sounds coming from the laughter.

It was like the roar of a wild beast, like the cry of the prey before death.

"Are they hunting?" The man thought to himself.

But under normal circumstances, would there be hunters who make such loud laughter while hunting?

Wouldn't this scare the prey away in advance?

Hearing the sound getting closer, the man found a low shrub, quietly hid behind it, and looked forward through the gap between the branches and leaves.

Then, he saw a scene that he couldn't understand.

Six potatoes with hands and feet were seen holding up their fists and beating up an ankylosaur that looked like it weighed several tons.

Next to them, there was a sturdy man with a height of two meters and short green hair cheering for them.

The strangest thing was that none of the potatoes had weapons, but no one drew their weapons, just punched and kicked the ankylosaur's head.

The man had never seen such a strange hunting scene in his life.

Just when he was curious about what these potatoes were doing, suddenly, accompanied by a heavy punch from one of the potatoes, the ankylosaur rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

The ankylosaur, which was known for its hard skull and back shell, and even dared to hit the mountain with its head, was knocked unconscious by them.

After knocking the ankylosaur unconscious, the potatoes cheered together, as if celebrating their successful hunting.

Then, they all turned their heads and looked directly in the direction of the man.

In an instant, the man felt his hair stand on end, and he jumped up in fear, ready to run.

However, as soon as he stood up, he ran head-on into a starchy chest muscle.

In just a moment, the strong man who was nearly two meters tall actually blocked him!

The man was about to turn around and run in other directions, but found that he was surrounded by the other six potatoes.

"That, that! I'm just passing by! Don't..." The man was about to explain, and the nearly two-meter-tall green-haired man in front of him spoke.

"Hey, we're lucky, there are two more prey here."

He said so.

But the man didn't understand what he was saying at all, he had never heard such a language.

"You, don't you speak the common language?" the man asked.

At this time, a potato on the side said: "That's not right, didn't grandpa say that human-shaped prey can't be eaten in principle?"

It was still a language that the man couldn't understand.

Then, another potato said, "But it's just a principle, right? Since we've already met him, why don't we catch him and ask him?"

"Should we knock him out?" Another potato waved his fist, eager to try, "Even if it's in human form, it should be like grandpa said, the fresher the better, right?"

The man was startled when he saw the potato suddenly raise his fist, and he begged for mercy.

However, the other party obviously didn't understand what he was saying, and continued to chat with himself.

"Don't do it, he's too weak, I'm afraid you will blow his head off," the two-meter-tall man spoke again, "Anyway, they are so weak, just take them back."

"Oh!" The potatoes raised their hands together and made a full-of-energy response.

Then one of the potatoes took the girl that the man was carrying into his arms.

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